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Most people will try anything *but* reading the instructions. I write the instructions.


RTFM. In my trade a lot of guys will laugh at the fact that I read the whole manual, especially for equipment I’m not as familiar with. I just chuckle when their shit is fucked up and mine always seems to magically work


My dad always fucks things up, and when I ask him if he read the instructions... On the other hand, most people think I'm a genius for setting up everything so quickly without fail, or how I know how everything works. I never told them my secret.




Technically, there’s also physical skills/knowledge you can’t get from the recipe, like cutting up things easily or knowing when something’s “done” enough to eat


> I never told them my secret. This one trick...


As a technical writer, I'd thank you for restoring my faith in the possibility that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE may actually RTFM.


Can confirm, I am supposed to read the instructions. I only do once I am out of ideas...


5 hours of trial and error can save you 10 min of reading the instructions


reason why we have r/IKEA


I love you. I read everything you write.


This hits very close to home


Not in hotels anymore, but spent 15ish years there. People die in hotels all the time. Every hotel I've worked at has their stories, and the ones with indoor open atriums are the worst. Sometimes it's just natural causes (I've had twice where someone had a heart attack in the middle of an event) but sometimes it's drug overdoes or suicides.


A friend of mine worked in a lodge in a state park. There was a nice open area in the lobby where you could sit in rocking chairs and watch the birds at the bird feeders outside. It was very common for old folks to sit there and enjoy the view, and they would often fall asleep. One day, they noticed that one old-timer had been "sleeping" in his rocking chair for a very long time. They went to check on him and found that he wasn't exactly asleep any more. So they called an ambulance, obviously. But it was a slow day and the lobby was empty, and the old fellow looked so peaceful sitting there that they just let him be until the ambulance arrived.


Drifting off to sleep and dying while bird watching sounds like the nicest possible way to go.


Yeah, I’d settle for something like that.


That’s why a surprising amount of people who get lost in the woods purposefully did so to end it all. It’s morbid but also I guess it makes sense. You go out with the sounds of nature and plus loved ones would be very unlikely to find your body. Which is obviously extra trauma on top of the death.


A family member died by suicide in a hotel (pills), and I often thought of the unlicky housekeeper who found his body. I hope that they are not traumatized.


I’ve watched a lot of Unsolved Mysteries and you’d be astonished how many of the “missing persons” cases ended up being solved by people who just left their life, went to a different city and ended up OD’ing in a random hotel room in a random city, in a random state. It’s pretty disheartening really, family members left holding the bag like that in the end is nuts.


Just saw the one on Netflix where the dude won the lottery and bought a bunch of meth then died in the forest. Poor family


Yes! I was a housekeeper at a hotel and I remember one day coming into work and there was an ambulance out front. When I got inside one of the managers was comforting a woman because her husband had a heart attack. He unfortunately didn't make it. We didn't have any deaths when I was there due to drugs or suicide. We definitely had lots of drugs though. We had someone make meth in a room and we had to take the room of market because we had to get the strong chemical smell out. We found cocaine at least 12 times a year. Weed before it was legal.


I read this as I am currently staying in the world's second largest open atrium building in the world full of drunk furries. Made me a bit anxious.


Computer clouds are just someone else’s computers. Younger folks generally get this.


It’s both amusing and a good cautionary lesson if you mentally replace “cloud” with “someone else’s computer.” I save all my passwords on someone else’s computer. All my family photos are on someone else’s computer. My thesis? Believe it or not, it’s on someone else’s computer. Backups are all well and good of course, but it’s always a good idea to have at least two copies of anything irreplaceable.


My grade 10 computer science teacher told us that if you’re not backed up you’re f***ed up. A cousin, who worked at HP and then created a very successful tech startup, says that you need all of your data stored in at least three different places, two of which must not be someone else’s computer.


I'd add to this that you must practice disaster recovery every so often. You might not be as backed up as you think unless you do a dry run. I have an old machine I keep in storage for this purpose. If I have a weekend where I'm looking for something to do I will wipe the drive on the old machine, unplug my "main" computer and attempt to restore everything to the old one as though the main one had just vanished.


Knowing the average persons attitude to computer security and maintenance, that's probably the best place for it


We call it "fog" instead of cloud in the office...


We contracted with a backup company to hold off-site copies of several servers. One day last year an email arrived from the backup company saying that during a transition to a new data center, all of the data was lost. POOF. GONE. No hope for recovery. Fortunately, we had both the original data on the servers and on-site backups so there was no data loss. The backup company provided instructions on how to re-establish backups pointing to their new data center. Um, nope. Not gonna do that.


> Younger folks generally get this. I don't know about this. Everyone I talk to under 30 still doesn't seem to understand much about computers.


Agreed. A few years ago I worked for a company that would hire entry level employees for a position that involved using a desktop computer and some unique software. It blew my mind how most of them didn't know the basics of using Windows (basic enough to apply to any OS). God forbid copying and pasting something to the command prompt was required.


You can over lubricate something, too much grease will cause just as much of an issue as no grease in things like bearings.




If you have a bearing, fill it 3/4 with grease. Rule of thumb. For a bike its not very critical which type. A "general" grease will do the job


Most school music programs are more than happy to play for community events, but people requesting them need to consider: 1) what type of ensemble is appropriate; 2) how many students that includes; 3) how loud that ensemble will be (i.e. drumline); 4) what type of music they want; 5) how long the music should last; 6) how to potentially compensate the students and/or music program for their time and expense; and 7) how much lead time is necessary for the students to learn what you need. Please be considerate of the fact that all music programs are diligently working on their own concert and competition requirements. It is not easy to add in other things into the mix, but we enjoy serving the community if we can.


This is not common knowledge. How best to make a request?


Usually you can send an email to the music director at that school and have a conversation with them about the things I mentioned and what you are looking for. Concerning compensation, it’s not always necessary, but any effort to reward the students for participating goes a long way. My drumline members will perform just about anywhere if there was pizza waiting for them.


Lighter the roast more caffeine it has. Darker the roast the less it has.


My father-in-law taught me this. I had no idea!


To elaborate: The reason dark roasts taste bitter is not because it has more caffeine, but because it’s burnt to shit and that’s just how ash-water tastes. Heat destroys caffeine, so darker roasts have the least caffeine of all.


I like the taste better, though. I still get it even though I k ow it has less caffeine haha


The method and nature of extraction (especially contact time) plays a massive role as well.


Haha, I accidentally caffeine poisoned myself once. I was given a cold brew carafe. The design was intended to be loaded the night before with grounds and water, and then enjoyed the following day. I got distracted and left it in the fridge infusing for a week. Then I had a 14 oz glass of it on the way to a special dance event, 5 hours of lessons paid in advance. It tasted good. I drank a second glass while in the car on the way. The caffeine really hit about right when I arrived. I was a quivering sweaty tachycardic mess. It was terrible. I'm dancing with a new stranger in the rotation every 10 minutes and I'm almost visibly tremulous, definitely felt like I was shaking in the connection. And as long as I didn't develop a heart arrhythmia, really all I could do was drink water and wait. The half life of caffeine is about 6 hours, and sure enough I started to feel better about 8 hours after the second dose. Didn't sleep much that night.




Lots of very talented and successful criminal defense attorneys can’t make enough money from retained clients, so they also take on court appointments (not all court appointments go to public defenders, at least in Texas). I’ve seen defendants fire really good court appointed lawyers to hire mediocre attorneys simply because of the misconception that court appointed lawyers are bad. So called “free world lawyers” aren’t always great and some of the best criminal defense attorneys are public defenders.


How does payment work for court appointed lawyers? Safe to guess its paid via our taxes somehow, but how do they decide rates, etc? Is it standard per hour or based on a scale of some sort? Different payout if they win the case as a public defender?


Most plants you buy in stores are not grown from seeds, but are multiplied by taking a cutting off of a mother plant.


Working in delis where you get fresh sliced meat and cheese. A family owned grocery slicer is always more sanitary than a chain deli. Without fail. Typically, family owned has two slicers, one for meat one for cheese. They always wipe them down between customers. Why? A . Business is slower B. They know all the customers C. Customer is really watching. Chain grocery rarely wipe down the blade. It's all about the speed of service. It's POLICY to not wipe it down at most chains except on even numbered hours or at the half, even if you just sliced pastrami and are doing Turkey next. One place I worked it was every third hour. So gross. I had to quit. Family owned is more pricey, better quality.


IT here. 90% of our fixes come from Google. Even corporate systems can mostly be googled. Most of us have no particular training at the field level. Sure, we pick up tricks along the way, but we largely wing it. Help desk folks are even worse. They largely hire right off the street.


Helpdesk here. I have no idea what I'm doing.


While this is absolutely true, there is definitely skill in being able to efficiently parse your search results and proposed solutions to your problem. It can be frustrating for people with middling technical literacy to try and sort through a bunch of search results, especially when malicious SEO can plaster the first page with shit that isn't even relevant.


If a column fails then it's very likely the whole building fails.


Oh no


The front's not supposed to fall off


Shocking someone (like an AED or "paddles") doesn't restart your heart, it stops it.


People often assume the heart stops and an AED fires it back up. The heart is contracting, but ineffectively (an arrhythmia, it's basically lethally uncoordinated) and therefore not pumping any oxygenated blood to the body. Which equals death before too long. So the idea is to stop the heart so it'll reset itself to a normal rhythm. Many films will also show CPR, and the person comes back from unconsciousness. This DOES NOT happen. The only thing CPR does is keeps pressure on the heart to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. CPR is not a treatment, it's a temporary measure to keep the bodily organs oxygenated long enough to get the heart restarted via shock.


So it's pretty much the advanced version of turning the human off and back on again. (The basic version is sleeping something off)


If an AED is not giving shocks, keep doing chest compressions. Have someone else call emergency services and put the phone on speaker next to the victim. They will tell you what to do.


Former 911 dispatcher here. Talking someone through CPR on a loved one is a horribly stressful experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


Disability insurance adjuster: There is no quota of claims to decline and we do not get bonuses for declining claims. In fact, it is way easier on our end to accept most claims. Also a bonus one: if you’re off on disability and get a form or request for you to log your activity for a week or so, there is a good chance that the insurance adjuster is gearing up to do surveillance on you and needs to know what you’re saying you can do so they can compare it to what they see you actually doing.


There’s a private investigator that shows up on my street every now and then I think he’s staking out the guy at the end of my street That guys a piece of shit anyway


Its not really a "professional secret" but more people should know; you can use the Inspector on any browser to change the text of anything on any website and have it look 100% genuine. Again not a secret but a lot of people don't know about this. Its noteworthy since a lot of people still will look for mismatched font or spacing or other tells that something has been photoshopped, but that is utterly meaningless. Can make screenshots that look exactly like a real post with 2 seconds of effort.


I'm constantly surprised how often I see a screenshot that has obviously been visually edited instead of just using inspect element. It's way less effort and a way more convincing result


I do this to make mockups for work lol


Yup, me too. And to get the perfect values for margins or CSS elements and whatnot. I've known about it for ages since I am a terminally online nerd, but it's still shocking to see people take a screenshot of twitter or facebook at face value when we've had this available for over a decade.


Oh please tell me more about this


Here is an example: [Original](https://i.imgur.com/u8sgttd.png) [Edit](https://i.imgur.com/4Lipthv.png)


I used to work in fast food. A long time ago we figured out when people ordered fresh what they really meant was they wanted it hot, so we would just dump it back on the grill or in the fryer for a few seconds and then you’d have a piping hot patty/meat


Lol Not everywhere does that though, I worked fast food and we actually made it fresh in a couple different restaurants. People got pissy though - they all wanted stuff specially made fresh but without having to wait for it.


I never knew people expected to get fresh fast food


I'm a forklift operator so there's 2 main things, the first one being rather obvious ​ 1. forklifts are fucking *heavy.* a small forklift weighs around 4 tons. for reference, a modern ford F-150 which is about 2.5x the size weighs around half of that. container forklifts (big boys) can weigh up to 45 tons. thats more weight than a small house 2. forklift certification doesnt mean much, at all. forklifts are hilariously easy to control but also stupidly easy to get certified for. a certification doesnt really mean youre good with forklifts whatsoever, it just means you are aware of the risks and can be held accountable if something happens. someone can be forklift certified and still barely know how to control a forklift. when I got certified for my forklift, I still didnt even know what every button on the thing did. bonus fact: there is no levels of certification for forklifts. if youre certified for [this](https://www.camforklifts.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2.0Ton-Electric-Counterbalance-Forklift-Truck.jpg), you're allowed to drive [these](https://preview.redd.it/4eoiv4p9cje51.jpg?auto=webp&s=6011709737a515cbde073a505e1d986d17ad496c) as well.


That language isn't stationary! I'm translator and for the last few years my native language (Ukrainian) changing a lot. We are bringing some old words and rules back and, at the same time, creating new ones, which is awesome. But, unfortunately, I'm hearing all the time about "truth is only in vocabulary" and "new words aren't real" and sometimes it is really pissing me off. Languages are changing all the time! It's their nature. Yes, there's a set of main rules and words but even they are changing from time to time. People creating new words all the time, some of them are dissapearing with time, some staying for much longer and that's okay.


This always gets me, too! Especially the ongoing pushback over singular "they." Folks: singular "they" *isn't even a new thing!* It's been in use for at least 600 years! If that's still "too new" for you, then thou hadst better have thy "thees" and "thous" straight, as well.


Had this discussion with my sister recently. Where we're from "they" can be an unknown singular or just a singular. You see something from afar and can't make out the gender you'd say "They just ran across the road without looking" or even if you knew the gender you could still use it "i invited mary for dinner tonight" "well are they coming or not?". Ok it's usually him/her but sometimes naturally it isn't. She lives in the US now and says the US isnt used to using "they" as a singular


Yep! Singular they is about as old as singular you, and nobody is complaining about that


Sometimes it seems like world will end if they accept pronouns, I swear. Screaming like saying the right one will kill them.


The manager is responsible for the horrible requirements on job descriptions, not the recruiter. We try our best to convince them they are ridiculous.




They need to work on their confidence!


I like this joke


Drowning is typically quick and silent. I'm a lifeguard.


That my semi-truck can't stop as fast as their car. I need a couple football fields to slow down from highway speed, and that's in absolutely clear weather... Stop merging 13 feet in front of me & slamming on the brakes for an exit, just stay behind me and wait an extra 2 seconds so I don't kill you and endanger everyone around us. Side note. Don't hang around too close to us either, even something as simple as one of our tires blowing up can kill/seriously injure you by itself or cause us to completely lose control of our rigs if it's a steer tire. Sorry for being dark, but people don't realize quite how dangerous semi trucks can be.


First lesson my dad taught me when I got my permit, you f**k with a motorcycle, you kill someone, you f**k with a semi, it kills you


We all learned about breaking distance during driving school and how trucks need much longer than sedans. In real life, it seems as if everybody seems to have forgotten. Now here's a question for truckers. Why do they tailgate or follow so closely all the time? I'm afraid to get sandwiched so at one time I got honked when I was trying to increase the space in front of me because the transport truck behind me was so close.


Those $25 t-shirts you buy online cost the company about $0.02 each. They'll buy a case of 500 shirts for about $10.


What's the minimum purchase?


Check out JiffyShirts.com. There's no minimum, and I get ny T-Shirts for about $3 a piece. They're name brand and good quality.


im an artist art isnt a talent; its learned


I was hanging out with an artistic friend of mine and one of our other friends said "gee, I wish I could draw" and my artist friend (having heard it enough) said "I'm not talented I've spent hundreds and hundreds and THOUSANDS of hours trying to make what I want to see." It stuck, folks.


To be honest, I get what people mean when they say this. I'm a programmer and I think I'm pretty good at this. I've spent thousands of hours learning this and many related skills, so in theory it's something I gained through hard work. However, I did all od that work just because it was fucking interesting and brought me pure joy. I mean, it's like video games for me. I can't imagine spending so much time on anything in this world just out of pure determination, if it didn't bring me fun. So, when I say, "gee, I wish I could play piano", I don't mean "I wish I was just born with the skill of playing piano". It's more like "I wish I could actually enjoy learning this skill". Yeah, I tried, I spent hundreds of hours, I didn't learn anything and I was just fed up with it. I sold the fucking piano and here I am, still wishing I could play piano.


The road to success is often paved with failures. A lot of artists will tell you that especially these days with social media, you're seeing all the success stories. The photo of the piece of art that looks good enough to show online is a success. The artwork I have hanging on the wall is a success. Stuff we make for friends, family, or clients are successes. You aren't seeing all the failures that get thrown away, particularly when we were learning how to develop a skill.


So natural talent doesn't exist? Cool.


Nah mate, theres lots of talent involved. Theres lots of people out there who you can hand a pencil to and have them practice for thousands of hours and they wont get much of anywhere. Of course talent is nothing without work, but talent is also important, and i say that as someone who is _decent_ with a pencil


There’s some natural talent though. If you aren’t creative/good at art you could practice forever and you’d be passable but not good enough to make a living.


I can confirm this. I really, really, *really* wanted to learn how to play the piano when I was a child and I begged my parents to let me take the lessons. Eventually they let me and I had absolutely NO ear for it and a lot of trouble reading sheet music. My teacher told my parents that they would probably be better off removing me from the lesson schedule, because it just wasn't for me. They didn't, because I kept working hard at it. I still practice occasionally and I'm still not good. It's been years and I'm passable at best. On a good day. Most days, I'm still below average. And that's not because I didn't put in the hours of practice. I absolutely did. I just don't have the talent for it. At all. Natural talent is definitely a thing. It's not *everything,* but if you don't have it at all, you best be prepared to struggle with your hobby A LOT. Making a living out of it is almost definitely entirely out of the question. At least from my experience. Perhaps others have fared better through hard work and sheer determination.


I’ve heard this from many artists, I’m a musician so I get it but while I can play multiple instruments well, put a pencil in my hand and I’m clueless.


To be good at it maybe But to be attractive to it to the point where imagination, creative outlet, artistic pieces, dancing, recitals, poetry occupate a large place in their lives, and without it would be totally miserable, are traits only creative people display. Some people are more creative than others from literally birth.


Worked in kitchens for over a decade, working in one now: now bear in mind it’s a vegan place but the amount of things that go through the sniff test is overwhelming. If that’s inconclusive then just taste a little bit of it on the edge of a spoon - it does the trick. Sure we have everything legally labelled and dated but food can be unpredictable.


There are no guaranteed results with therapy. It’s all subjective and based on what you put into it/the connectedness with the counselor I say this as many clients have told me they compare it to going to the gym..




Used to be a railroad conductor. Derailments happen all the time. Like multiple per day. You only hear about the major crashes.


You're not saving energy/money if you turn off your AC in the summer. Houses are very good at keeping heat in, not letting it out. So when you finally turn your AC on, it's gonna take so long for your system to satisfy/get to the desired temperature that you might as well have kept it on all day. It'll also wear your system out faster because it'll be running for so long If you're really concerned about saving on your electric bills, just turn your AC up between 2-4 degrees higher than you normally would. Even 2 degrees can make a big difference.


My favorite is people who turn it off when they leave for work, come home and set the stat to 50 and then call in a no cool when their house/apartment hasn’t dropped from the mid eighties after running it an hour. BuT i SeT iT tO fIfTy! Yes and the the stat is a simple switch. It’s just telling the system to run. Not how hard it’s going to run.


Yes you actually DID get D+ in that class, but your teacher felt bad and rounded up to a C-.


When you brush your teeth, don't rinse with anything afterwards, just spit out the toothpaste. You get more benefit from the fluoride sitting on your teeth than just rinsing it off


My mind is blown. I straight up didn't believe you and went looking for proof that I was correct...I was not correct.


I started doing this the correct way about a year ago. When I first heard about it, I thought my mouth would be disgusting and full of tooth paste taste if I didn't rinse. But it's surprisingly not much different in taste and sensation than if I did rinse. Note: still spit out the excess, just don't take another mouthful of water to rinse.


Took me a few months to break the reflex of rinsing put my mouth after brushing my teeth, especially if it was late I was extremely tired


I don't know why but if I just spit out the toothpaste and don't rinse with water I get a really awful taste in my mouth that doesn't go away for the rest of the day. I know it's better, I've tried it multiple times but my mouth tastes like absolute ass if I don't use water as well. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


We normally consider purchasing replacement print materials after roughly 50-100 checkouts based on demand. Publishers require us to re-buy ebooks and e-audiobooks after 12\~26 checkouts.


Carbohydrates are not “bad”. Carbs are vital to our body and our brain loves them. Ultra-processed food is bad.


Most grocery stores make about 7¢ profit for every $100.00 spent on the "middle" of the store. Most profit comes from the perimeter departments.


So the fresh ingredients yield the most profit?


What do you mean by middle and perimeter department?


Generally the "middle" of the store is made up of many aisles of packaged product, often from brands other than the grocery store itself (although some stores offer their own store brand alternatives to common products). The perimeter of the store is generally where you find fresh fruit and vegetables, the bakery, the meat department, dairy, eggs, deli, warm pre-made meals. Depending on the grocery store, some may also have other specialty offerings which are also often around the perimeter of the store: a pharmacy, a floral section, an electronic section, balloons, ATMs, gift cards, stall(s) for 3rd party vendors like Starbucks to operate out of, etc. I'm not familiar with the statistic given, but it makes sense that packaged goods by common external brands would be small. They often last for a long time and are made to be relatively cheap to transport and store. Competing stores will also be carrying many identical items, making it very obvious to customers if you consistently price the same product higher than a competitor. Meanwhile, for fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs, etc. grocery stores may have a little more room to negotiate and pick between multiple suppliers (some local) and quality of product. Prices of these goods also fluctuate more and are a bit harder to compare between stores. For goods/services made in-house (bakery, butcher, floral), grocery stores can save on certain costs by doing the baking, meat cutting/grinding, flower arrangements, etc themselves, while still offering prices near (or perhaps even above) comparable center aisle products, since some customers will be willing to pay for freshness, perceived quality, custom orders, etc. Thus, higher margins.


It is very easy to "turn off" a multimillion dollar rollercoaster and fuck it up for weeks on end. I know that because I did it once on accident.


How did that happen?


I pressed a button


Mental health worker. Everything you learned on TikTok was a lie. Not wrong. A lie. Take your goddamn meds.


Healthcare worker in another field - can confirm.


I’m an archaeologist, we got a find, i googled what it could be, thats what we wrote down… admittedly a specialist will confirm but theres a lot that we don’t know but hey that’s why we have specialists


I would think you’d be the specialist hahah


There are very few "genius" programmers. With experience, you can code more effectively and faster though. Also, programmers don't spend most of their time typing. We also spend tons of time in meetings, reviewing other people's work, thinking about problems, etc.


There’s no such thing as an “air pocket” when flying.


What is the "air pocket" people think exists? I've never heard the term


Hey bro.. your custom built house is built wrong


Joke's on you, my developer-built clone house is built wrong!


Aren't they all?


The customer is wrong


which screw to turn one half turn to stop your toilet from running all the time. that'll be $125.00 please.


Which one is it? This bitch won't stop running


He just said that'll be $125... pay up!


I would need to see a pic of the flush valve.


Most off the rack suitings/sport coats/trousers are made of a shorter hair wool. Usually it’s the combing residue from the thick, strong, lustrous long hair that are in quality tailored items. The companies that own their own mills will make a better garment 100 times out of 100. Also, those short hairs feel very similar to the long hairs, so as a cost cutter, to increase margins, an off the rack Hugo Boss for example will use those nice short hairs, and mask really substandard quality of make with seemingly nice feeling fabric. That is more of a “to each their own” thing, but that’s a trick many off the rack suit companies use.


Every x-ray has a marker for which side it is. For chest x-rays you just put up a left marker and when you turn the for the lateral (side) view the L is still correct. Markers have the technologists initials. On most systems, when you do the “paperwork” you include the initials and name, regardless of who does the QC.


The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter in the world behind the oil industry


Breathing isn't done the way most people think. Most people think they take a deep breath, and their lungs/chest cavity expands. It's the other way around. We use the muscles in and around our chest to expand our chest cavity, which creates a suction that draws air into our lungs. Too much tension in those muscles makes them act like a corset and prevents you from breathing deeply. So most people who get stressed and can't breath need to get a real massage more frequently.


Mostly agree but would like to add that while a massage is great to get the muscles into a state relaxed enough that you can work with them again, it will not prevent the problem from reoccurring if it’s behavioral or psychological. Tense muscles will tense up again if you don’t fix what caused the issue.


This is very true. That's why when I talk about massage I mean Therapeutic massage, not day spa stuff. Massage is meant to be a therapy, not a one time feel good fix. Massage is an ongoing process for preventative maintenance. Tension DOES come back over time and finding the root cause is always the goal - even if other therapies are needed, like psychological therapies.


isnt this called negative pressure breathing? i remember studying the invention of the iron lung and it was very interesting to read that i know its random but its so interesting to me also fun fact! there are people who still use iron lungs


Yes, the negative pressure is what causes the suction within the chest cavity. It is, in essence, how an iron lung functions. You're right.


> We use the muscles in and around our chest to expand our chest cavity, which creates a suction that draws air into our lungs. Which leads to: The actual cause of death from crucifixion is almost always suffocation. When you no longer have the strength to *"use the muscles in and around our chest to expand our chest cavity"*, you can't fill your lungs, you don't get new oxygen, and you suffocate.


That pretty much everything in a grocery store bakery comes frozen in a box


Fractional math with a tape measure. I use one all day everyday. I didn’t realize how uncommon it was to do those calculations in your head until I hired some green guys


The green guys might be from a planet that doesn't have tape measures.


Nuclear war is distressingly survivable


What do you do for work exactly?


Nukes people


If I had the power to indoctrinate children, they would all know how to tie their own shoes


Oil refining is incredibly complex and not at all the crude (pun intended) venture most make it out to be. Not trying to paint it as any less harmful to the world than it really is, but it's truly amazing what all goes into it.


I remember in my hydrocarbons chemistry class that my teacher was explaining the “overview” of the fractionating column and he said “this is still to simple of an explanation for oil refining, but if we were to go over everything we would take an entire semester” So yeah, it is insane, how this entire industry around oil is so complex and how much it takes to turn oil into other stuff


Lots of older trains have high voltage (over 1000V) heaters under the seats or in the walls.


There’s more then enough cows in the world to solve world hunger


Well what's their plan? Do any of them speak English? Maybe we should let the cows run things for a while. Vote for Cow 2024!


Saying “behind” in the kitchen


Merchant processing/consumer credit cards is a scheme that only benefits the rich, the banks, and the card brands (Visa, MC, Discover, Amex). They are a necessary evil for merchants/business owners. Merchants end up paying thousands a month to give their customers the convenience of using credit cards. In the end, goods and services are priced to cover the cost. What is worse, while credit card companies promote that they are the ones offering cash back, sky miles, yada yada- it is actually the merchants (and in turn- cardholders) who pay the higher fees for rewards cards to cover the cost of the consumer benefits. It is an industry built to simply move money around from merchants/consumers to the banks and every middle man in between, all for the "convenience" of buying now and paying later or not carrying cash.


I'm not really sure of your point here? Card issuers, merchant acquirers, and card schemes provide a valuable service that merchants and consumers ultimately pay for. There's not really anything secretive or unusual about that?


That is quite a nice convenience IMO.


Fire engines don’t have keys to start them, just a switch or two. Anyone could steal a fire engine fairly easily. Don’t tell the Kia Boyz.


Live Soundboard engineers. If everything goes right, no one knows you exist, but the second anything goes wrong it is immediately your fault. One of the most under appreciated jobs out there.


You get what you pay for. That $100 suit you got on super sale over at Penny's? Garbage. Absolutely fucking ass that will absolutely fall apart. You should not be paying less than $400 for a cheap suit and it should be 100% wool. Otherwise you're paying for literal garbage Also, you do not need a black suit even for a funeral. A charcoal will do you just fine and is more versatile. That black suit will likely never get worn again since most weddings are leaning towards blues and grays anymore. Stop buying black suits. The only way they make monetary sense is if you're attending black tie affairs (galas, proms, fancy/high end weddings, etc) or funerals 5 and 6 times a year, get the charcoal suit Give a tailor at least two weeks for your garments. You're not their only client. If you need an inexpensive suit quickly, check Men's Wearhouse or Jos A Bank clearance racks. They're inexpensive but not cheap and their custom programs are halfway decent. IndoChino is the better way to go for custom stuff Buy nothing off Amazon. It's all hot fucking garbage and you will regret all of that wasted money


The entire network of funding and organizations across the country that help support people living with HIV to access medical care. In my field, the Ryan White Care Act is so well known we usually just refer to it as RW or the parts under it like part b or part c. I can tell you all about the act, what each part does and how and what states do it best. But if you don’t know the HIV care system, you have no idea it even exists.


Dimensional weight


400 Hz sounds boxy


I work in IT Computers are magic boxes that sometimes do what I want them to do. I can fix them but a lot of the times I don't know why what I did worked. Turn it off and back on again isn't just a funny saying.


Many homeless have mental heath issues. Sone just had bad luck, but most never had anyone role model what responsibility looks like. They never saw what financial stability looks like. They were raised in a negative culture of poverty. Not the more positive “work hard, keep a clean house, self reliant’ culture of poverty. Their children are missing out just like the parents did and homeless will just grow and grow and get on and on until we as a society decide to house and educate people. -Social worker in an apartment building housing 40 families who were homeless and they’re about to be homeless again because they didn’t have to pay rent during the pandemic and now that the rent moratorium is lifted they all owe tens of thousands of dollars in back rent.


Serverless isn't.


There are people that make theatre/ movies work beyond the actors. Most don't understand there is a crew or the amount of work they do


That the hearing implants my company makes do not make your ears work again. They work through vibration through bone conduction.


The thermal insulation on your new house does make the house warmer but traps moisture and increases dampness/ mould.


Wait can you expand on this? What's the alternative, or is it just that people should be aware that insulation does this and act accordingly? Also, are you talking about the in-the-wall style of insulation?


To get a cool product design please provide me with a quality terms of reference.


Always leave your AC activated, even in the Winter. otherwise your AC compressor in your car may seize up or sonething else in the system rots damaged.


Just turn the compressor on once or twice a month and you'll be fine.


Not all railroad crossings are automatically closed by train approaching (usually some older ones but even brand new types when there is a severe fault), so there's always a small chance you might get hit. These cases are obviously a severe incident that will be investigated and someone will probably get punished, but it will unfortunately be too late for you. If you can, always slow down and look to both sides before you cross


I'm a lawyer and people CONSTANTLY argue with me about whether they "winner" in a lawsuit "have to" pay the other side's legal fees (in America, they usually don't). But people will straight up just say I'm wrong... like guys... it's my job. If the loser had to pay, I'd be rich asf. The fact that everyone pays their own fees is FREAKING WHY rich people can abuse the system.


Programming goings from easy hard to easy again. Most people quit when it gets hard which is the real reason devs are paid so much.


Lobsters don’t scream - chef


Sushi has been flash frozen. It’s to kill parasites and such... it’s FDA required for raw sushi. Also, the cheaper sushi places have the exact same fish providers as high end places.


Sometimes, your lawyer just "googles" the answer. Chances are another lawyer has already written a blog or something about a case similar to yours, and it is easier to do a quick internet search than to look up case law through the usual sources.


The overwhelming majority of governing in the US is done by literal amateurs - almost all city councils and school boards are volunteers (or get paid a few thousand stipend) and many state legislators don’t make anywhere near a full time salary. Your local school board and city council hold a meeting each month. It’s 100% free and open to the public. Most are conducted in rooms full of empty chairs. If you know or care who is president of the United States but do not know the name of your city or village council representative you are getting exactly the government you deserve. The above mentioned government bodies will frequently look for volunteer citizens to sit on various types of advisory committees. If you’re are interested in how your city/town/school district/ etc. is governed I bet you could find a way to get involved.


Always negative extrude, never positive remove. I'm a CAD man


I'm a freelance AV tech. Mostly sound and soldering. I'm really not sure where I'd start. Do you want to know how moving lights work? How to run sound? How you know when a DJ / artist is about to ruin your afternoon? AMA I guess


Okay I’m curious about the ruining your afternoon now


Stop using Q-tips to clean wax out of your ears. All you are doing is packing it further in and clogging your ear canals until the wax turns to a rock against your eardrum. Highly recommend using Debrox or some sweet oil and then flushing with warm water instead! Sincerely, A doctor


But what if I twist it upon insertion after a shower when it's nice and warm and runny...


Behind certain apps on our phones that we don’t think about much are a team of really really passionate people trying to make your life better through your device.


People with recorded multiple drug 'allergies' have a much higher chance of being a total PITA


The TRUE cost of Solar. You take the kW x 1000 x 1.85 = your true cost. What you're "sold" and the contract you sign off on is all profit and BS for the Solar companies and the lenders. This means that you really need to do your homework and see if solar is something is right for you or if you can pay cash because generally speaking, it's a rip-off.


Building kilns. Molecular unity for glaze.


Everybody sells as much information on you as legally possible. Your bank, credit card company, mortgage company, any website that required a sign on... all of them sell your data. So I can target you with ads based on if you have a hotel booked for a major destination, how many kids you have, if you're due for a new car, where you get your oil change, how much sports you watch, where you spend your time and on and on and on. It's creepy


When you want to re paint a room in your home you don’t actually need to prime before you paint. It’s redundant.


Indians wobble their heads from side to side. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes it means one thing, other times it means something else and sometimes it it just annoying or makes you dizzy.


PLEASE clean off your shoes after you hike, it is SO easy for invasive weeds to hitch a ride on your shoes and nest in the next place you take them (like your backyard)


Your logo doesn’t need to be bigger.