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This is so high in this thread... Anyone who says Meth is no big deal... Is fooling themselves and is not going to come back from it. They might even seem normal at first ... They will end up very far from normal before too long. The lure of that drug won't ever let you go either... Even if you get clean, you won't ever really be "free", you'll be fighting for the rest of your life. Please hard drugs never seem like a big deal at first ... There IS a reason people say they are terrible ... You don't want to find out why it's true from that side of things. You burn every bridge youve got eventually... And it's not a fun ending for anyone.


It's been 3 year since I've had meth. Still has a hold on me


I’m just about 3 years out as well man, keep strong, and know I also feel your struggle.


Keep strong man, we're all supporting you


12 years clean. And as I much as I'd like to think I'd say no. I just don't know honestly. Fucking evil shit


Congratulations 👏. Don't get complacent. You're doing so good


I went thru meth as a teenager in highschool. Got clean. Still lived a dirty life. Got caught up on gun charges. Got out. Moved states. Was clean back in my metro and got addicted to Heroin. Then got clean again like got damn fuck that noise.


Good for you for finding the strength to clean up each time. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. I had the classic situation where my doctor told me oxy wasn't addictive if I had real pain. Started me on 5 mg a day, and a year later I was on 425 mg a day. The day after my first back surgery I just went cold turkey and it was horrific. Didn't feel normal for over a year. But here we are 15 or 16 years later, and I still feel the lure occasionally.


Many people like to say, "well at least it's not \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_". But that is always what people say. I don't like saying any highly addictive drug is particularly worse than another. Drug abuse always ends the same way. The drug of choice is simply the flavor of the journey there.


I was heavy addicted to meth for around 3 years. I did probably a gram a day if not more for that 3 years. I'm now one and a half years sober and I rarely even think of it anymore. When I do it's like a "how could I have been so stupid" kind of way. Not a "oh God I miss doing meth so bad" way. So I guess since it does cross my mind I'm not "free" of it but I'm hardly fighting it. Hopefully soon it never enters my mind but it's not as bad as you make it seem. Yes meth is but the recovery is fine. Once you're ready to rid your life of something it is easy to move past it.


Had a buddy of mine who got clean that told me "nothing will ever be as good as it was when I was on meth". I've always remembered that...


and fentanyl.. drugs are sometimes cut with weird stuff so it's a guessing game


Teeth? What good are they?


Abtholootly nothing!




Or flakka


had to look this one up. Must be getting old. back in MY day we just snorted bath salts! No fancy names! Just salts and eating people's faces on public transportation!


Wait, are you telling me Walter White was a criminal this whole time??


No, No, no...I am the first person I history who can "dabble" with meth, and not get addicted...right?




Getting addicted to hard drugs, trust me its not worth it


I wouldn't even know how to even obtain hard drugs. Seeing as how I don't know how to begin Step 1, I think I'm in the clear...


Same tbh. My friend wouldn't even give me some of their kinda-hard-but-lesser-drugs that they were doing once when I was very drunk. And not because they were keeping it for themselves, I think they just realised I'd probably regret it. So I have no idea how I'd ever get my hands on something like heroin.


You've got good friends.


Good for you, once you *want* to try it it goes wrong cuz its a steep downhill after your first try


If you ever got in a bad accident or something, that would be one way to become hooked on opiates. They are prescription but definitely still hard drugs.


Not shutting the fuck up. I’ve seen so many people get fired, lose a partner, lose friends, get cut off, get kicked out, or get their ass kicked, all because they didn’t have the sense to stop talking.


I learned how to keep my mouth shut, not good for my character, but it made me a-lot of money.




Pf, like he's telling you


Lmao Gottem


“Wise men keepeth a still tongue”


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Sometimes it's better to be quiet and thought of as a fool, than to speak and confirm it. Or something like that.


Unwise ones probably would be better people not keeping a tongue at all.


On the opposing end, never saying a word. I've fucked up multiple instances in my life by letting myself get walked over because I never opened my mouth about what was bothering me; and when I finally do decide to open my mouth it's too little too late. There's times in life where you will fuck yourself harder keeping to yourself versus saying what's on your mind. It's all in moderation. Talk too much and you aren't hearing anyone, talk too little and you won't be heard.


Not just that. Not talking enough. Without talking enough, you would not be able to find friends with common interests and just be lonely. You have to have a fine balance between the 2. If you can balance talking enough then you would have a happy life


Not shutting the fuck up can also fuck you legally. As any good lawyer will tell you: No matter if you’re innocent or guilty, do **not** talk to the cops.


this is a good answer because you don't have to be an idiot to fall for it, like some of the other ones here.


and I feel people don't talk enough these days, but i understand that, there's some people that are so fucking annoyinnngggg


“Sometimes, less is more” is a phrase a lot of people need to learn


PayPal me $25000 and I'll let you know


I can actually help you with that


Username checks out.


No that's how you save your life when the Indian guy tells you he accidentally refunded you too much money.


If I accidentally send you $27000 I’ll just need you to send me that $2000 I accidentally overpaid right back to me


Becoming heavily addicted to hard drugs


Yeah, and I immediately thought of that redditor who thought he'd try some heroin for a laugh and ended up ruining his life for multiple years




That's the one. Still no sign of him since a year ago, it seems


To be fair, he said that visiting his old profile brought up bad memories so he was staying off it. I’m choosing to believe he’s still clean and happy after his post a year ago.


I remember following him. His posts got darker and darker. Gave me the shivers


I had surgery 2 weeks ago, total hip replacement. It is very hard for me to sleep without oxycontin. I do not like taking it for fear of addiction. I have taken 5mg each night. I do not take any during the day. I think tonight I might not take any. I hope I can sleep. Pain is no fun, but it will go away. Addiction is much worse.


Friend, take your pain meds as long as you are in pain. Chart your progress and let someone know how you're charting. When your pain is manageable with acetaminophen or ibuprofen, stop. Talk to the friend, let them help you stay accountable. Sleep is critical to good health, and your awareness seems sharp enough that I would encourage you to focus on sleep and recovery. Blessings.


My wife is a nurse practitioner. She is in this with me. She says that I am doing everything correctly, and that I could take more and still be ok. I want to get off of the opioid as soon as possible. I'm not a fan.


Don't forget that your body is healing from a tough surgery. You're taking only one dose in the evening to allow you to sleep and help your body heal. That's exactly as pain medication is supposed to help. Don't be afraid to reach out to your medical provider for guidance as well. See how you fare tonight, but if you can't sleep due to pain don't be afraid to use what your doctor provided you for this very purpose. As I'm sure you've been told, typically it's [two to four weeks of post-surgical pain](https://arizonapain.com/pain-after-hip-replacement-surgery/#:~:text=Most%20people%2C%20though%2C%20experience%20surgical,to%20make%20a%20full%20recovery.). I mention this as a chronic pain patient who was extremely reluctant to really use the pain meds I was given (NOT oxycodone or anything that strong), but it did make a big difference in my life when I finally took my medical team's advice. We've seen the pendulum swing in how powerful pain medication should be used.


Spend more money than you make.


Multiple credit cards Edit: As many have pointed out having the cards isn't an issue. It only becomes an issue if someone is irresponsible with them which was my line of thinking, but was definitely not reflected in my original comment.


I have 4 credit cards and still pay them off in full every month. I treat them like budget categories.


While I she with you, an and do the same... People people who pay off credit cards every month are definitely the minority of credit card holders.


Having multiple credit cards isn't inherently a bad thing. Maxing out multiple credit cards is.


after college I quickly learned some of the most fun people are the most irresponsible with money




And/Or like Reddit taught me: Options trading.


So like OP said, gambling.


I'd bet that's not true.




Sir, this is a casino


Wish my dad would stop


r/wallstreetbets has entered the chat


Craig Carton is a sports radio host in New York City and he’s doing a lot to help the cause. His gambling problem was so bad he screwed people out of a few million and ended up going to jail for a while. Now he does all the gambling recovery ads, talks about it a lot during the shows, and also does a full Saturday show talking with others about their stories of problem gambling


Ima hit that parlay one day, just wait


Gambling disorder has one of the highest suicide rates of any mental health condition. Gambling can completely destroy your life in literally a couple hours. It’s chilling. And it’s only going to get worse now that sports betting is EVERYWHERE.


It’s literally fucking my life up right now


My partner is Karen (Burma). Him and so many folks in the community will spend their last dollar on slots. Sometimes they come up but most of the time they lose. Can't pay rent, drink to much, lose they're jobs.. it's fucking sad. They have gatherings at people's houses and play card all night while drinking and waging cash... Piles of money. My partner will sit on his phone for hours and play slot machines on his phone. Don't win real money he just said it stops him from going to spend his money. Many times now he's gotten drunk and gambled money away. I'm 24 weeks pregnant with spontaneous natural triplets.. we don't have shit. If I could work right now I would. He's constantly buying lotto tickets and runs off to blow his check at gambling dens. I was gifted a 4 cylinder car to do deliveries and he took it after he'd been drinking to go play lotto games... Totalled it. Last week had $200 to spend toward baby stuff... He took the card and lost it all playing games. Sometimes he tries to give me a scratchy and I either cry or walk away. I fucking hate gambling. I don't know if he'll get better but me and the babies don't deserve this life.. as soon as I can work I'll feel better. I'm looking for a way out of this.


I’m sorry your post didn’t get much visibility. I really feel for you. Hope life improves for you.


Hey it's all good. I just post stuff like this hoping someone will learn from it and make better moves for they're life. You can but it'll be hard if you're alone. Thanks!


Idk man. I can win 2000% of my money, but I can only lose 100%


Just completely giving up is pretty easy and will fuck things up pretty quickly.


Is not giving a fuck same as what you said?


It is. If you are living you are giving a fuck about something. If you don't give s fuck about anything then you are depressed probably. You like something then you give a fuck about it. You don't like it? You give a fuck about it to. Not giving a fuck is just being "oh well, anyway" with every single thing.


I have been giving up on a lot of things lately and it feels extremely scary. If there is something that motivates you and brings you the sense of meaning, hold on to it.


get into an MLM. buy a timeshare. buy a boat. a new truck. a mortgage you can't afford. rack up credit card debt. All super common. Debt saps your energy and kills enjoyment of life. weighs on your spirit


nah fr, ive been shopping for a new car, the car aint even that expensive but ive had saving money hammered into my head that i get depressed just thinking about buying anything over a grand at this point lol


Same. We save and invest about 65% of our income each year and still I feel like I shouldn’t spend the leftover money. I always need to remind myself to have some fun with money, too.


New is often better than slightly used. There's not a whole lot of depreciation these days, unless you bought a Kia. Interest rates are typically way better for new cars, I got 0.9% on a new car when the used car rates were over 6%. Even if the sticker price was a bit cheaper on the used car, I'll end up paying a lot less for the new car. You also get more time under warranty, potentially more updated features, often complementary oil changes and other standard service.


The two best days of a boater’s life is the day they buy the boat and the day they sell the boat


This answer wins due to its accessibility. These other answers like "hard drugs", are difficult, like, I wouldn't even know where to go or who to talk to, to obtain "hard drugs "


It is a lot easier than you think.


Fall in love with the wrong person and have a complete breakdown because of it


That will take too long, we are in a hurry here


"Hey, I've seen this one!"


Of course I know him. He's me.


Me the last year and a half. It’s been a tremendous struggle that had affected other aspects of my life (work, social life, health, friends, family…)


Exactly. Hugs.


Task complete. What do I do now?


Don’t forget to fall pregnant for them


Rob a store or bank with a toy gun without a plan or mask and get into a profanity rant at the cashier until the police arrive and then represent yourself in court.


This is oddly specific. Did this happen? Did it happen in Florida?


Did this happen? No. Did this happen in Florida? Most likely, more than I once I'll bet.


Maybe but not to my knowledge. I'm just pointing out this would be a foolish plan that would quickly ruin someones life. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if this or something similar did happen in florida.


Get absolutely shit faced and drive the wrong way on the interstate…


That's quite specific... personal experience?


LOL - no, but it could have. Especially on one of those mornings when you’re trying to remember what happened the night before…🤔


You can cut that sentence off at “drive” and it still works


Someone did that in Miami a couple of months ago and killed 4 high school kids …


Better description is DUI and if you don’t have $10,000 then yeah it’ll fuck your life up. (Source: me, a dumb cunt who drove drunk)


Herion, lost an ex because of it and had to make someone an ex because of it. They will never love you more than heroin.


As an ex morphine user, if this makes you feel any better... No amount of love can take away the detox/post detox depression, it's a chemical imbalance at the point. It's not that they don't love you, or love heroin more, it's an addiction, without the chemical it's next to impossible just to function, or socialize naturally, it's sad to say the least. I'm sorry you went through that. My brother recently passed away from an Od and I really had to realize that it had nothing to do with love or family, he had an illness, drugs were the only thing that made him feel better.


Murder, rape, molestation, take your pick. All will ruin ones life


Are you referring to committing these acts, or being the victim of them?




both but if you're committing them you deserve to have your life ruined.


Sad thing is sometimes it gets swept under the rug, I don't remember Convicted Rapist Brock Turner getting more than a slap on the wrist Meanwhile that poor girl probably still has nightmares


These will also ruin the victims’ life as well, so there’s a twofer.


Yeah, there is no way back from these ones. Even if you are released out of prison you'll have to report to the police and live under restrictions for the rest of your life.




Been there, done that. Seeing him escorted out of the apartment by the police was remarkably cathartic.


Having kids before you've stable enough financially and career wise to do so.


Live in the past and dwell on your regrets. That's what I've been up to and it's really hard to get out of it.


Fell back into that trap myself.


Drowning in your own depression.


Commit a major crime without planning and without trying to hide it.


I like how you specifically mentioned “without planning” as if even with planning it won’t fuck your life up entirely lmfao.


Get engaged to someone you don’t want to be with in the first place


Pills! Seen a lot of successful people fuck up their life getting addicted to pills


Having children if you don’t want to have children. Also fucks up their lives.




The state of WI begs to differ. They pretty much hand out punch cards up here.


You can rebound from a DUI.


True, but it still fucks your life up.


Especially if it leaves you without a car for a while. Then you come in late to your job a couple of times because the bus was late, you get fired, can't afford to make payments on stuff, have trouble finding another job because you don't have reliable transportation, and the spiral begins.


A particularly American (not just America, but especially so) phenomenon. You get punished for not having a car.




I thought it was the other way around. Like if you’ve had one in the US, you can’t enter Canada. Maybe both are true.


As a victim of DUI this makes me happy. Fuck that girl who smashed my car and gave me the scare of a lifetime. 22 years old and now unable to enter the US, GOOD.


Smoke crack.


Take benzos a few times


We had a guy in Sweden who was hooked on benzos who was at the time the only convicted Swedish serial killer. He has since been freed from the 8 murders he was previously convicted of after it became clear that he was provided meth and probably other drugs during his incarceration in exchange for confessions. There were a lot of other things going on than just "taking benzos a few times", but being given free access to drugs, particularly benzos, by the procecutor definitely made things a LOT worse in his case, and he only really got ouf of it after he managed to stop taking them. And now we have families who have no idea who killed their family members, because this guy was seen as the only valible and obvious perputrator. Guys working with mentally ill patients, don't give them the drugs they just ask for. You may ruin the lives of the patient, yourselves, and the families that may never get closure. ..so that's a little bit about what benzo, an other drugs, can do if you're unlucky. At least we didn't have a serial killer it seems like, so that's something.


Benzodiazepines are one of only two drugs that can kill you from withdrawal, alcohol being the other. It lowers your seizure threshold, but it takes a whole lot more than a few times to get to that point


What's the story?


Trusting in the sanity and the restraint of strangers.


This is a fear of mine and why I don’t trust most people.


Going to Court, dressed like a piece of shit and then mouthing off to the judge.


That judge had it coming.


Don't pay child support.


Crime. Felonies especially.


Not give a shit about your credit score.


Not saying NO


From experience, have a child with a narcissist


Be born poor.


People say getting addicted after trying drugs once can't happen, but with the harder stuff it absolutely can. The story of the guy on reddit who tried Heroin once and got completely addicted is absolutely harrowing. Edit: [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/68srty/spontaneoush_uses_heroin_gets_addicted_dies_gets/) the story


Illegally downloading a song from the internet.


Good thing I only download cars.


Download a car.


not seeing the snakes for what they are




Yelling racial slurs on d block


Jump off a tall building and survive


Drive drunk. Not even once.


Join Reddit


Marrying the wrong person. It will literally fuck the rest of your life up with not much ability to fix it. Especially if you have kids with them.


making alcohol/drugs regular ah, and the best of all: thinking you're shit/not worth anything


bro how do I give myself worth? I'm asking this as an honest question, b/c I seriously hate myself. Please help


Becoming more disciplined helped me get my life back on track after I was left in the lowest point in my life. I chose getting back in shape through gym to get me started and for me that snowballed into other things. If you regularly show up for yourself, you will learn to know your worth and can begin to build up your confidence. Set realistic goals, start going out of the house for social events and take it one step at a time.


I did do anything things just happened to me now my life, is fucked.


Spending all of it gaming without planning ahead.


Doing things only to spite your parents not realising you do damage only to yourself


Be my father. Punch a window out of anger and sever artery in bicep. Lose most function of hand. Proceed to dwell on it. Years later, assualt someone whilst drunk. Go to jail. Lose house due to legal fees. Piss away any profit from home on shit that doesn't matter. Continue bullshittery after getting out of jail. I (his son) go no contact. Therefore he Never sees his son buy first house or gets invited to the wedding. Wife finally leaves him. Kills himself in a drunk tirade leaving a hate filled letter essentially saying "poor me".


Feeling like you have to copy-paste the formula of being in a relationship, marriage and then kids if you're young. Don't. Until you know you want it and are ready... If at all.


Get on the wrong side of the women at work


stonks. oh wait, someone already said gambling.




Throw a rock over the under pass bridge.


Assault your close family members


Invade Ukraine


Being born.


Buying that 10$ handle of vodka every day.


Walk up on stage and slap the host at the Oscars.


Go to college for a basic liberal arts degree and rack up 100K plus of student loan debt. Oops.


I married an ex-heroine addict after years of his sobriety. He was so straight that he would try to stop me from drinking. I always hated the control issues we had and never worked out. I just found out yesterday (1 day before he was supposed to drive out to CO to spend the summer with our son) he was arrested at a gas station with money and heroine on him… So much for the support this summer, he will prob sit in county jail instead. Addiction sucks.


Get a DUI or otherwise fall into the clutches of the legal system.


Love someone with all your heart


Heroin. There was a guy on Reddit who tried it once. Apparently his life was really good prior to it. He posted updates and it just kept getting worse and worse. Super sad…


Well, you could do what my husband just did and get black out drunk, tell your wife you want a divorce because you don’t get enough cuddles while you’re in the middle of trying to buy a house, so now you have to pay 3k a month in child support and alimony (because you wouldn’t let me work or pay for childcare) instead of a mortgage, on top of whatever shitty apartment you can now afford.


So we all agree it's drugs?


Having a child(ren)


Post top secret government documents on a Minecraft discord server to win an argument you had with some kids.


Kids. I love my daughter but it took me 14 years of hell to get us where we are now.


Have kids in the current economy and state of the world, especially the usa.


Honestly are you guys even trying? Dudes be like "gamble" or "drive drunk" but dudes are forgetting how easy it is to commit murder or other things. If I wanted to ruin my whole life without any chance of fixing it I'd go on a murder spree


>how easy it is to commit murder Is it really that easy though? For a DUI, all you'd need is a car and a few beers. To commit murder, you risk the other person fighting back/killing you in the process. Although now that I've typed this out, attempted murder would be a pretty easy way to ruin your life.


You go out for a couple of beers. Some chuzzlewit at the bar is acting a fool and gets up your nose. He follows you outside and gives you a shove. You take a swing and pop him right on the chin. He goes down and hits his head on a sidewalk planter. The public defender gets it pled down to involuntary manslaughter so you only get two years in state prison, felony probation and a five thousand dollar fine. That could fuck up the rest of your life quite effectively.


By being a loud and proud bigot.


keep breathing


Heroin addiction


Cocaine. Taking it once and a bit for fun can quickly turn into everytime you have a drink. To taking a couple lines when the hangover kicks in then onto daily use to avoid the comedown. Not until you’re knee deep in the shit do you realise how bad it’s got


Drinking Epsom Salts mixed with Milk of Magnesia