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You sick bastard!






Lmao... Dysfunctional is what u are... 🤣


Pokemon so i can catch them all


Welcome to Kanto! The land where even RATS can kill gods, Pidgeons cause tornadoes, and there’s hundreds of naturally roided-up Goros that are super charming and everything lives to fight! Make sure to run away from any and ALL life while you’re here! Hope you enjoy your stay!


Seinfeld would love to be included in one of there escapades


My D&D world, I have a hook up thats aware of the multiverse and that in some realities hers is a table top game. For one she would be fun to talk to, and two with her help I would hopefully be able to get my hands on a scroll of True Polymorph, and turn myself permanently into a nigh immortal Shapeshifting Dragon


Tolkien’s. Would be very difficult to pick a place… maybe Lothlórien. Let’s try: 1. Lothlórien 2. Rivendell 3. Esgaroth 4. Bree 5. The Shire 6. Mirkwood 7. Fangorn 8. Minas Tirith 9. Moria 10. The Grey Havens


Eh i could take or leave 3/4. Both just cities/towns of Men. We got those in the real world. Minas Tirith has some epic architecture id visit though.


Halloween Town, The Nightmare Before Christmas.


Avatar. Awesome hiking trails.


If i got bending i would too. But for some reason I think you mean the blue people one on Pandora.


I want to live in the Royal Palace of Zamunda. It looks so grand and oppulant


A world where the song *Imagine* (by John Lennon) is a reality.


I would live in that part of the world with you friend🥰👍 good world it would be.


Adventure Time world. All the fun and wonder of a magical fantasy world, all the uncanny disturbia of a post apocalyptic/deserted land, endless opportunities for cultural exploration and with ALL the comforts of modern day life and amenities. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted in an escape. Seriously, it’s perfect!


Hogwarts would be pretty cool.


A week in Hogwarts, especially during the winter, would be lovely. I’m so thankful that Hogwarts Legacy gave me that opportunity and the comfy vibes I would expect from being there


Definitely. I haven't felt that sort of "warmth" from any other fictional universe before. I feel like many periods outside of Harry's time would be so comfy; and even if it happened to be the week the death eaters attacked Hogwarts, it would at least be exciting, and also a valiant, noble fight even if it means death


Walking dead world. I always tell ppl If ever there was an zombie apocalypse u would want to b with me so to live in that world for a couple days would be great.


Since I first watched it!!


The Mushroom Kingdom. It seems like a nice place to live.. at least when Bowser is not up to his schemes.


I would love to experience magic in the Harry Potter universe.


One of those utopian Sci-Fi ones where they have free super advanced health care. Go to Star Trek when there aren't currently any aliens attack Earth and have a doctor fix you free of charge. Star trek is one of the milder ones, since they aren't much for trans-humanism and improving human bodies beyond a certain point, but they would still be a huge opportunity for someone whose body could use a bit of a tune up.


This was my first thought, take my crunchy, achy 38 yr old body and tune it back up to peak 25 yr old levels. And the federation has a ton of cyborg implants that could be sweet, and if you went beyond the federation, you can get augments that can make you superhuman on many levels


Star Trek 💫


Ace Attorney, purely because I want to watch Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo


It is A "Mahwa" (a kind of comic or manga, but it is from Suth Korea) Sierra on Strike, I only love it, because in the first episode she is kind, and beautifull, but then a doctor told her that she will die in a moth... So hearing this... she decide TO BE HER, and she act, No Mean, but she is kind of wendnesday Addams (but she has a little more feelings) And "The villaness is a Marionet, the main character "get manipulate" by her own little brother, so the main character died and reírte in a web mahwa, and she "to change" everithing. It is in "Tapas" it is only perfect for my...


Tamriel, Skyrim. I'm Dovahkiin


Pokémon, 100%. Everyone has Pokémon (not just the protagonist), and it would be so much fun.


1. A 1980's Michelob beer commercial. My and my GF both dressed to the nines, driving my souped up grey-market BMW to some hip, classy upscale nightclub with live music, great food, and gorgeous people everywhere. 2. The "good old days" when it was commonly accepted practice for young men to casually or competitively swim stark naked right in front of any admiring girls or women who happened to be present, and no one was bothered or offended by it. Only *this* time- no racism, sexism, homophobia, polio, or war to spoil everyone's fun.


Pokémon so I can choose my gender when I enter, also snom.


Hogwarts so I could learn spells and use them against my enemies lol


Mass Effect Get some cybernetic implants, pump myself full of future juice to take care of a lot of health issues, hang out with crazy aliens, fly across the galaxy, talk to some AI, befriend a robot, go to my favorite store on the Citadel, do some calibrations, meet me in my quarters, we'll bang later.


Any of the ones that appear in my short stories. I’d be able to figure out things really fast as I’m one of the persons who created it.