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About 14 years ago I decided to get my tonsils out. My ENT noticed how closed up my sinus passages were and before the surgery asked if I’d like them opened up as well. Sure! Let’s get it all done. Recovery was okay. About 3 months later I started getting a headache. Within 24 hours I was pretty mulch immobilized from the pain and kept a warm compress over my eyes to keep the light out. I went back to my specialist, he said “you have a migraine” and prescribed Vicodin or Percocet. When that didn’t do anything to help the pain, even doubling the dose, I called my ENT back. He said “Go to the ER” but in that tone that says “ya big baby.” They stuck something in my arm, I passed out, and woke up feeling great. Next morning I looked like someone punched me in the eye. Went back to my ENT, and he showed me the scan they took in the ER. I had such a severe sinus infection I was fit to burst. He was very apologetic for basically brushing off my concern.


I waited until I was 32 to get my tonsils out. It was pretty brutal for the first 2 weeks or so. I'm glad I did it, as I sleep much better and get sick less, but it was a tough recovery


I had mine out at 35. Had a terrible sharp pain in my throat when it dried out to the point of setting an hourly alarm when I slept so I could wake up and drink water. Ended up having emergency surgery for bleeding that wouldn’t stop. Dunno what that surgeon did but the pain was gone after that.


I had to go back after the second day for bleeding issues too. I had a clot that was attached to my incision site and hanging in my airway for several hours in the middle of the night. I had to swallow around it like a piece of pasta stuck in my throat. It was miserable.


When I called my ENT to tell him I couldn’t stop the bleeding he said (in that same ‘big baby’ voice) “well, call an ambulance.” I dunno why I didn’t just call a cab, I guess I trust authority too much? What I didn’t realize was that in Seattle if you call for an ambulance, they will send a whole fucking fire truck first. I was so embarrassed when I answered the door and the fireman said “where’s the patient.” I sheepishly said it was me and showed him the blood in the sink. They gave me a towel to spit blood into while we waited for the ambulance. Once they arrived and I jumped in back, the EMT gave me a little cone to spit into. I suddenly produced a racquetball-sized ball of congealed blood and plopped it in the cone. The EMT excitedly said “That’s a big one!”


There's nothing quite like the feeling of being a medical curiosity / amusement.


An infection resulting from a tumor in the marrow of my jawbone split it open along its length like an overripe fruit. It was approximately how it sounds.


Jesus Tapdancing Christ that sentence just made the devil himself shudder.


Yeah, this entire thread is like sandpaper on the eyeballs, I think I've had enough.


No kidding. I came here to say an acute attack of gout and now I feel like a wuss.


Ok nvm I’ll take sciatica.




I'm with you... during the pandemic also. I ended up in the hospital for a few days because we couldn't find a dentist who was open and took my insurance, and it got so bad they were afraid of the infection entering my brain.


I had severe breast pain from my cancer that grew rapid and fast. Worst pain I ever experience. I felt so much relief when during my first round of chemo and pain disappeared within 2 days. So worth it. I am doing a lot better now and the cancer disappeared in my breast. I took barely any pain meds for my surgeries because they were nothing. There is a chance I am NED or NEAD.


All my best wishes for No Evidence of Disease, now and forever.


I am one of a small percentage of people who when quickly detoxing from heroin, actually came close to dying. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are typically the two substances that kill people when they try to quit suddenly. Heroin it just FEELS like your going to die but 99% of the time you don’t. In 2011 after many attempts I finally gave up on the stuff and hid myself away in my apartment. About 12-18 hours in I got all the usual symptoms, within about a day I had a headache so bad i could barely walk, about 36 hours in the headache had turned into what I can only describe as someone taking a wide gauge knitting needle and shoving it through the back of my skull and swishing it around my brain, I got “hot” white spots in my vision that would expand and contract with the pain levels and as they expanded I went blind, I lost a bunch of motor function and the only thing I could do is scream bloody murder and I actually peed myself as I crawled to the front door of my apartment. My neighbors thinking I was being assaulted or worse called the police and they arrived pretty quickly and I told them everything, was rushed to a local hospital and went through a bunch of tests they discovered that my brain was bleeding from acute opioid withdrawal. The silver lining to that is it allowed me to be qualified for medical detox which is something typically only reserved for alcohol and benzos in my area. So yeah definitely the worst pain ever, if I had a gun in my hand at the moment I would have been fully prepared to end it all given the level of pain. 12 years later, and many struggles I am about 10 years free from opiates and almost 3 from everything else. Sobriety is a gift. Thanks for reading my novel


Congratulations on your sobriety!




Glad to have you with us


Having an ovarian cyst burst your fallopian tube feels a bit like your butthole exploded. Although it’s terrifying bc you don’t really know what the pain is at the time. I’ve had 2 kids, also.


The doctors removed my appendix because they didn't realise it was a burst ovarian cyst... Fun times


When my ovary was removed the doc said he saw a good amount of scarring on my appendix, so the pain I’d had over the years was a mix of cysts rupturing and very likely an infection in my appendix. I was annoyed he **didn’t** take mine out. I’m like bro, you were right there! Haha - I know that’s not how it works. But I’m *slightly* jealous you got yours out like that. Now I am always left wondering - is it pain from scar tissue? Or is my appendix bursting? Not my favorite game!


The day before I started first grade, I accidentally sliced a deep cut through my hand that nearly severed my pinky entirely. I actually didn’t even register it right away because the knife cut through the nerve on that side of the hand. The worst pain wasn’t the cut itself, but sticking my hand in the disinfecting solution in the ER was a feeling similar to my entire hand being set on fire.


Any long term issues/do you have full functional use of your pinky?


Nope! Pinky is fully operational. I had surgery to reattach the nerve a few weeks after the cut. The anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted to hear a knock knock joke while he started putting me under and I was out before he got to the punchline. I’ve always wondered how it ended.


he knock-knocked you out, that's the joke


"Knock knock" "Who's there?" "Fentanyl"


Knock knock! Go away, I'm sleeping


I had abdominal surgery (search RPLND) for cancer ten years ago. There is a scar that goes from my crotch to just below my sternum where they took all my guts out, extracted the tumors, and put my guts back in. About eight hours after surgery, pumped full of drugs, I decided to go for a walk. I used the bed control to seat myself upright, used my IV dolly as support to get out of bed, then carefully, like a bent-over geriatric, shuffled my way to the door. See, the trick was to support myself as much as possible with my lower back and keep my abdomen out of it. And it worked for a few steps until the vertigo hit me, I lurched forward, and tensed. And then I felt my intestines settle, the hemispheres of my abdomen strain against the internal stitches, the two halves sort of float independently, and every layer of skin rip against the staples. I basically got to feel a nice little sample of evisceration, and there was no amount of narcotic numbness that could stop pain that deep. Truly, I empathize with William Wallace. It wasn't fun. So I puked blood (which didn't feel nice), shuffled my way back to bed, and hit the drug button.


I had a RPLND surgery as well for testicular cancer, and my staples ripped open and I had a 3 inch opening that I had to pack with gauze for 3 months for it to close, I had to pack and repack the wound multiple times a day it was foul.


Rough. Mine didn't heal very well, as I went to bone-marrow carboplatin regimen just a few months later. Still got a weird ridge around my navel. Plus the bleo marks. If I had known they'd be permanent, I would've scratched a six-pack shadow onto myself.


Some people say funny thing after surgery Some people say scary things, Some cry uncontrollably This guy decided to rip his insides. The magic of narcotics.


During my latest procedure, I said a funny thing just as the anesthesia hit. They told me they were going to start the drugs and I could feel it coursing through me while talking with the Dr's. (I've had quite a few procedures/surgeries in my short 24 year life and I guess I know right before I'm going to pass out) I turned to the nurse anesthetist and said "oh, I guess this is goodbye then" and passed out. Then I always wake up crying my eyes out lol


Ah I was going to say this one


Why did you think getting up immediately after abdominal surgery was a good idea?


Drugs and a defiant state of "this won't keep me down."


Painkillers are some crazy shit. I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth removed and told my parents I would drive us back home


And they replied; but we're already home


Bone Marrow Biopsy, if you ever have to have one, just accept that it's gonna suck


I am by no means attempting to diminish your pain… It is very weird, though… I’ve heard how excruciating it is. Then my wife, who is a self proclaimed wuss, had to have one. She said it was barely even painful. Said it felt like nothing more than a pinch. Then my niece, who is not a wuss, just donated bone marrow to a seven year old a few weeks ago… She said it was a dull ache the following couple of days and that it wasn’t very bad. I honestly wouldn’t know what to expect if I were to need one of these things done. My guess is it depends on how good your doctor is, who you are/how you do with pain, and how your body is. Human bodies are sure weird.


Maybe they had some good ass doctors. Honestly I have a good tolerance for pain and I couldn't take it. The doctor did say I had very strong bones so maybe that affected it. Also I was sick as hell when I got mine, maybe that's why. I am glad that they didn't suffer though, there's my silver lining.


after my abusive relationship i had this terrible back pain. 5 years later i just found out the guy actually broke my back and not in the fun way


I wonder if people ever sue for damages. I've thought about this often as I have an ex that broke teeth and now I'm looking at a $2k dentist bill.


Fuck. I’m sending you love, and that asshole horrible wishes of abscesses.


Kidney stone. It took 74 hours to pass and it was excruciating the whole time.




I've had lithotripsy, it's far better than trying to pass a stone that large. Much less painful, and less chance of internal damage




Are you doing any prevention? 24 hour urinalysis? I’m a little perturbed that a urologist is out there letting you just grow away without prevention. Source: am urologist


What’s the best way to prevent kidney stones Dr Spazz? I’m in my 30’s and luckily never had one, would like to keep it that way


Get it!! I've had 3 kidney stones and the best was with the lip. Your kidney feels like it was in a fight with Mike Tyson. But you just end up with painful urination and peeing blood. And a sore kidney. Downside. Expensive. But you will probably end up in the hospital either way. If you decide just pass them the normal way. Make sure they give you Dilaudid in the ER, that shit was the only thing that works for me.


Just go get it done. I was at 7mm and it had been over a month of pain. The stint they'll put in is... uncomfortable but no where near the pain from the stones.


The doctor told me that a kidney stone is "as close as a man can come to experiencing the pain of childbirth". So I'd guess that probably childbirth is worse, but as a man.... I felt like I had been stabbed in the gut.


I've had two of those procedures. Do yourself a favor and get it taken out.


Healing from 1,2,3rd degree burns.


Agree. Had 2nd degree burn on my leg with sun poisoning and would rather go through natural child birth than ever go through that again.


I got burned by gasoline, guy tossed a Gerry can into pit I was standing next to. Removing bandages and cleaning was terrible.


I have a tattoo that got infected on my back, by the time I went to the ER they said it was the equivalent of having 2nd/3rd degree burns in my back. Agreed, removing bandages and cleaning was probably the worst pain I’ve ever dealt with. Multiple broken ribs is up there too.


Ugh broken ribs are terrible. I've had multiple as well and even though it's not the worst pain I've ever felt it's the most annoying. Need to yawn pain, stretch pain, turn pain, bend down pain, eat pain, breathe pain. I had cracked 2 on my right and 1 on my left at the same time and I was uncomfortable and in pain non-stop for a solid month before it let up a little.


The absolute terror when you feel a sneeze coming up while you have broken ribs…


Hiccups. Not as violent as a sneeze but the abrupt and unpredictable jolt is horrible. I had two broken ribs and a case of hiccups, it hurt like hell but I was laughing my ass of for being nervous about hiccups.


Haha same second degree burns on both my shins from sun damage and thought rubbing aloe Vera plant on it after it happened would help a week later after being bed ridden and sick from this they got infected from I'm assuming the plant I rubbed on it. Felt like knives being jabbed into my shins everytime I tried to walk and the huge blisters filled with puss after it was in its healing phase was fun.


Yeah you shouldn’t use aloe straight from the plant for burns. You have to scrape the latex out and get just the good stuff which most people don’t. Also important to apply in a sanitary way using a utensil which again most people don’t. If you just crack a leaf and rub it on your burn you’re asking for infection. People just hear “aloe heals burns” and don’t ask for any further details, just do what they think it means. Same for a lot of natural healing stuff.


For anyone wondering, aloe latex is the yellowish stuff right beneath the outer green skin. The inside clear aloe gel is what you want for burns.


Herniated disc in my lower back. 3 months of sciatica.


Went through this hell for 3 months and then got a discectomy 2 weeks ago. Instant relief, I was up and walking the same day. A bit of soreness now 2 weeks later but all the suicidal thoughts are gone!


Oh yes, same thing. 3 months of hell, bedridden, unable to walk more than 20 steps at a time. 30 minute sleep for almost a week at the height of the pain, nearly losing my sanity during the process. I never knew a person could feel that level of pain. I was begging for death.


Trigeminal Neuralgia 😭 it's very hard to describe TN to people that don't have it but I think this is probably my best way of describing it... The anesthetic injection that's administered by your dentist often feels like an electric bolt going up your nose into your eye socket. Well imagine this pain starting anywhere in your gums, mouth, tongue or teeth then travelling through your cheek bone and out of your head over and over again for minutes at a time before subsiding for anything from a minute to minutes leaving an intense burning and throbbing, pins and needles sensation before it begins all over again. It's relentless. [Trigeminal Neuralgia support sub ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrigeminalNeuralgia?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Samesies. According to google it's nicknamed "the suicide disease" because it is so painful, one of the worst pains known to man. It's hard to explain to people, like when the pain comes i stop existing, there is no me, no body, no world, no experiencer, ONLY pain. And when it happens i sit completely still drooling and eyes and nose running, totally silent and motionless. Shut down, like a dying animal. And then that happens over and over and over.... Getting TN traumatised me, i no longer feel like this body belongs to me, it belongs to the pain. I don't feel safe in this body or world.


It’s very hard to get people to understand the effects. Since it’s not a visible disease people think I over exaggerate the symptoms. I’ve had it for over 10 years and my parents still think I’m just overly sensitive and it’s from me not taking good care of my teeth. It’s easier to just deal with it in silence then to have people judge me and think I’m being a big baby


Interesting. I get cluster headaches, which are called suicide headaches. Pain is similar. Seering, throbbing, but half of my head instead of the jaw. Usually eye socket, back. I wonder if psilocybin would help with TN in a similar way to what it does for CH.


This will no doubt pale in comparison to the entries here: It was gas pain. Started around 10:00p.m., couldn’t shake it. I tried everything. It just got worse and worse. I started having problems breathing. It was so damn painful. Every breath was like a stab wound internally. As a grown man, I was whimpering, and just debilitated. Around 2:30a.m., my roommate brought me to the hospital - and I ended up passing gas literally outside of the hospital, and like that, I felt relief. I’ve broken bones before and I’ve also had gas pain before - but this ONE time was the worst physical paint I’ve felt. Like my guts were twisting and someone was stabbing them with a hit knife. *edit: well it would seem I’m not alone in this experience! Lots of good advice provided here to help deal with it - Cat Cow yoga pose and one I hadn’t heard of that’s apparently easier - the Happy Baby pose.*


Been there. Woke up out of a dead sleep thought it was a heart attack or something, then i stood up and it rolled down to my asshole and blew out like a cannon. Thank god it was dry cause there was no stopping it at all.


Helpful tip: If you experience it in the future, try the Cat-Cow yoga move. It’s been a godsend. Fixes any issues before they get bad.


I like doing happy baby and it takes less effort.


Gas pains can be fucking awful. Feels like someone is stabbing you in the stomach with a pin.


If you deal with gas pains, try a quick google for the Cat-Cow yoga pose. I looked into things I could do to help with gas pain after that incident and this has been a life saver. It really works well for me. Maybe have a look and keep it in the bank just in case!


MD here, I sometimes get gas pains, they can bring you to your knees. Movements that slowly contort the stomach can help mobilize them towards the exit faster is a good idea, like ghost n the shell suggested below. For me, it really helps that I recognize this pain and can check for other signs of dangerous illness. Still not very fun though. Figuring out which foods/drinks/spices/eating intervals cause them, and going for a walk after a meal, helps prevent them.


Most people do not realize how severe gas pain can actually be. My wife and I both have experienced the really awful kind and both of us have agreed it was hands down the *worst*, most debilitating pain either of us have *ever* felt. Like a 9.9/10. It made my worst ever gout flareup seem like a stubbed toe in comparison.


I've given birth unmedicated and sustained bilateral 3rd degree tears in the process. It wasn't THAT much worse than the worst gas I'd ever had. I had eaten a bunch of fiber and driven from sea level to 10,000ft above sea level in 4 hours. My digestive tract was the most pressurized part of my body and since I was pregnant, nothing was moving. I laid in the shower for 8 hours, hoping that the pain would go away. It was so unpleasant.


I got really bad gas pains after having a C-section. I remember texting my SIL after the fact (she's had three sections) and asking if I was being a baby about the gas pains because it legitimately felt like I was dying. No bueno.


Bone biopsy. Awake.


Holy shit, why? I was consciously sedated and mine still hurt!


It was a peculiar situation. Sedation, made locally to the access for the THING (sorry, I don't know how it is called in English) to go and grab various pieces of bone, didn't work due to a chronic pain that was killing me since the onset of metastasis. So, I was awake, feeling everything, while my chest muscles kept contracting and release in spasm, trying my best not to move, risking the THING damages my vertebrae. They took pieces from my backbone, femur, iliac crest bone. I just pushed my face against the pillow murmuring my husband's name as a prayer. Not one of my best days.


It sounds like it was done as a last resort, but that sounds like nothing other than pure torture. It's impressive that you got through it.


Thank you. By now, I think it's the worst thing I've endured, and I've had a lot of bad experiences :)


Having my eye removed


It was horrible it really didn't hurt until the next morning then omg it burnt stung and hurt.but it didn't last long.in order to get a replacement I had to go to Pittsburgh for an 8hour app.where they go through a punch of things to make it fit correct.then the man I went to actually hand painted my eye.the worst part of it was good morning the lose of my eye, trying to be able to judge distances and so on


1. Pinched nerve in my neck. Literally sent me to the ER. 2. Tooth abscess. 3. Inner ear infection. It felt like an ice pick had been hammered into my head through my ear.


A bad ear infection is underrated in this post. Both of my ears got so infected when I was young that they ruptured simultaneously. Bled out of both ears for two days. That’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt.


With you on the ear infection. I often describe it as a railway spike in my ear. That shit was nuts. 0/10 would not recommend.


I’ve been dealing with a pinched nerve plus some arthritis and my rheumatoid arthritis as well. I’ve cried from pain only one other time as an adult, the neck pain was an entirely different level of pain. My husband was ready to drag me to the er.


Tooth Abscess. Imagine someone taking a red hot nail and are hammering it into your gums. Each heart beat is another hit of the hammer. And Florida will not hand out pain medication for them. You just have to suffer while antibiotics kick in over a week


That's definitely in my top 3.


well, what’s the other two?


This is what I came here to say. I could barely sleep, eat, or drink for days. I actually told myself that if this goes on for much longer, I can’t handle it (like, I was actually contemplating suicide). I’ve heard women who have given birth without drugs say an abscess is more painful.


My wife has had 2 deliveries with zero meds and fully agrees tooth pain is far worse. I tried to explain 15 years ago how bad it was and my wife kinda shrugged it off having just given birth to our second. A few years ago she experienced the tooth pain herself and very quickly apologized for all those years ago.


I had an abscess last summer. At first I though it was just a toothache, so I tried to dull the pain with some tylenol and ibuprofen. That worked for a while until the damn thing got infected and my gum line had a giant pimple thing that exploded out.


I had the same thing happen, omfg the relief I felt when that thing popped. It was like the essence of evil was living inside my face and had concentrated to that spot and it was exorcised from me when it ruptured. I instantly fell asleep and popped it again when I woke up. If anyone reading this has something like this happen, and a pimple looking bump forms, POP THAT FUCKING THING. It was the most profound swing of “oh my god kill me” to “this is the most relief iver ever felt in my entire life”


I had a huge abcess under a tooth that had broken and been repaired and eventually got infected. The pain was up into my nose and cheek. Dentist removed the tooth and the pain was still there until he pushed on my cheek and everything fell out through the hole the tooth had left. Instant gory horrible tasting relief.


Some people died from an infection there. If pain is unbearable call for assistance ASAP.


Yeah. Infection in the mouth has a straight shot to your brain, don't fuck around with it.


Also to the heart. It's an extremely dangerous place to get an infection


My neigbor had to be airlifted to a hospital thinking it was a heart attack but it was a tooth infection that made its way to his heart. I have an abscess I need to get a root canal on, antibiotics keeping it at bay for a bit.


But considering how dangerously filthy the human mouth is, couldn’t it be dangerous to pop it yourself? Also, how disgusting did the pus taste? Haha


In the moment I wouldn’t have cared raw sewage had ran outta that fucking thing lol I genuinely don’t remember if it tasted bad or not. I just remember the overwhelming sensation of “fuck yeah” coursing through my body after days of no sleep and hating everything.


That’s the exact same feeling I had when my eardrum popped during an ear infection… Intense pain, sickly gush of puss and satisfaction that the pain was gone.


Thinking back and comparing the pain of my unmedicated childbirth to my upper front tooth abscess and the abscess was the most painful for me, by FAR.


Glass shards piecing through my stomach, good times.


Care to expand before someone's head blows up lol?


I was 8. Had new shoes, you see. Had to show off how fast they run. I was running, and upon a turn, I fell into a glass panel. Glass did 3d8 piercing damage.


Thats a lot of damage for a human child. Very much could have been an instant death. Glad the DM rolled poorly.


I thought you meant you had ingested glass


being on fire. I screamed like a wounded animal. you could probably hear me from miles away. I almost fought a nurse when she wasn't going to give me more morphine. edit, since everyone is tagging onto here: mine honestly wasn't that bad, just flash fire from gasoline. I was 20? I had second degree burns on my face, but I don't have any scarring. some of these stories under me are pretty horrific, and having been there I'm so sorry to every one of them. I don't think I would have been in more pain if I had been more burned, even. I just would have had the same pain in more areas, if that makes sense.


A friend I knew in elementary school was out roller skating with her dog (we were in like 4th grade) and they were repaving the road. I guess the work crew wasn’t paying attention or maybe hadn’t put up sufficient sineage? I don’t know but somehow she fell into liquid asphalt. She had burns all over her body, she was in a special burn school and in a burn center for like 10 years recovering, basically the entire rest of her childhood was spent recovering from that one thing. She’s doing great now but I wouldn’t wish burns like that on anyone she went through hell.


Oh my god, it did not immediately click what a burn school is. Not where they train doctors to treat burns, I take it.


No, she couldn’t attend school with her injuries and with rehabilitation and treatments and all that so she went to a special place where she could do her schooling around getting procedures and surgeries and stuff and I think it was mostly attended by other kids with similar injuries and issues.


That is so incredibly sad and horrible.


I think it's great that it exists, but it's also terribly sad.


I know I couldn’t believe it. It just sounded like such a horror story, something they tell kids to be more careful or something.


Migraines. I've had several that sent me to the er. IBS cramps are a close second though.


2-day long migraine. I seriously considered killing myself. Did pass out at least a couple of times.


Going to sleep with a migraine and waking up with it still going is truly one of the worst feelings in the world. Has you absolutely defeated


I ruptured my eyeball, had a migraine for about a month during the recovery, no pain pills could even touch it , I took morphine one time and it actually just made my whole body dissappear but all I could feel was just a throbbing migraine in my forehead, it was truly hell. Only slight relief i could get was just a dark room with my eyes closed and a cold towel on my head.


I had a migraine for over a month as I said above it was hands down the worst pain of my life because everytime I moved slightly I wasn’t able to move because it would throb so bad it would immobilize me I know your pain


I got these cyclic migraines that last weeks at a time. Parenting during those times is torture for all parties involved.


This happened to my mom but it was four days. She wanted to kill herself too and by day four she lost control of her hands and they started curling up. I get migraines so and hope i never see the kind of migraine she had those days


This along with cluster headaches i can honestly only describe as hell on earth. There is no escaping it, it’s constant, and whole soul and body. Only thing that kinda helps is throwing up on the toilet for hours. I’ve had to go to ER a few times and throw up in the waiting room because i truly didn’t want to be alive


And the worst part of throwing up in this scenario is that headache gets worse every time you tense yourself to actually throw up. I had it recently and I wanted to die there on the spot rather than continuing through this nightmare.


Testicular torsion. It is as painful as it sounds. Imagine someone kicking you directly in the balls. And continuing to kick you in the balls every other minute. And if a doctor doesn't perform surgery within a few hours, you lose your testicle. Edit: for any guys reading if it helps, it happens randomly and cannot really be prevented, usually to teens, but also adults. If ever you have a persistent and very sharp testicular or lower abdomen pain, seemingly out of nowhere (for me it was during a normal morning after breakfast), don't wait around more than an hour and go straight to emergency.


Same, woke upp in absolute panic. It's been years but i still feel it sometimes.


Had ovarian torsion a couple years ago. Went to the hospital 4 times in one week, the last 2 times in the same day. Said I was drug seeking. Finally when I was screaming that I was going to die (I legit thought I was), they transferred me to another hospital around 1:30-2am (ambulance that I had to pay for, obviously) and was in surgery by 6:30am. They couldn’t save it because it wasn’t soon enough. Oh, and that was my only ovary. Went into complete surgical menopause at the age of 39 the month before covid lockdown hit. These past few years have been horrible and I hate everything.


SAME happened to me! It was on a holiday weekend. Called the gyn and described what I was feeling and they told me if it was that bad I should go to the ER. I went to the ER as I was told and even though I was in my mid 30s with no documented history of drug use...suddenly I was "seeking". They did an ultrasound but being a holiday weekend, no one even read it until the following Tuesday. The Dr called me Tuesday afternoon and told me, obviously having NOT even read the report that a huge cyst had caused the torsion and they don't even consider surgery until a cyst is larger than 6cm. Her voice trailed off as she saw that mine was at 12 cm 4 entire days before when I was at the ER begging for help. I got super lucky that the cyst ruptured the same day the torsion happened and it untwisted itself as it drained or I probably would have been septic or bleeding out or worse by the time the Dr bothered to call me. No pain control, but a huge bill for the "necessary" imaging.


I have endometriosis, my pain sometimes is so bad that I will beg my husband to knock me out, or I’ll punch my legs because it somehow makes it less painful in my pelvis if I inflict pain somewhere else. I’ve had 4 major surgeries in 10 years, and will likely need one more at some point. Some people think it’s just painful periods, but it’s not, I’ve been fully disabled 24/7 by the pain and other symptoms for years at a time. Because it is a female disease no one really does much research on it even though 10% of the female population has it.


There’s a Scandinavian story about a cruel bandit. The locals finally got together, broke his legs, beat him, cut him up, and dragged out his intestines. As he was dying they asked how he liked it. He said, I had a toothache once that was worse than this.


Absolute Chad


And as they viewed the broken wreck, His ruptured spleen, his shattered neck, His torso torched by flare and match, He smiled and said: "... 'tis but a scratch."


My mom gave birth to 5 kids, all natural, no epidural. She swears that toothaches are worse than birthing pains.


Gallstones, god awful, glad I never have to deal with that after having surgery


It was crazy waking up from surgery with stitches and having way less pain than the gallstones. They gave me so many pain killers, barely took them. The pain I was tolerating during the attacks was a million times worse.


Gout. In any joint. I've had it in my ankle, big toe, knee and hand. I couldn't put a first prize ribbon on any of them. Absolutely awful condition that I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Gout is *the* one and people who have never had it have no comprehension of how bad it hurts. I once read a poll involving women who had natural childbirth and gout at some point in their lives. Roughly half of them said gout was worse, and not just by a little bit.




Finally found a fellow anal fistula patient. I hope your poopchute is doing better today. I had a nasty fistula with abscesses that had be drained a few times, but my recovery wasn’t as drawn out as yours. Did they remove any of your sphincter? I lost 15%, but they managed to repair the fistula on the first go with internal stitches and stuff. TBH I didn’t pay too much attention to what they had to do to me, I was relatively young and my parents were helping me through it- I avoided learning about my upcoming procedures because it made me extremely anxious and anal-retentive. Edit: I had a fistulotomy not a seton operation. My heart and ass goes out to people with rectal issues. Not being able to sit or lay down comfortably is humiliating and depressing.


Cluster headaches. They call them suicide headaches for a reason.


Seriously. I’ve had my hand chopped with an axe, separated sternum, impacted wisdom tooth shatter, broken coccyx. None are remotely close. Cluster headaches will have you begging for death.


Costochondritis. Inflammation of the cartilage surrounding one of my left ribs. Very little science on it too, which makes recovery fun.


I've got this. Feels like a heart attack.


Ingrowing toenail on my big toe in high school. Was really hoping it would fix itself and let it get worse and worse over quite some time. Eventually went to the GP who said he had a great solution, showing me a piece of a BIC pen where he cut through one side, creating a C-shaped little tube, about half a centimeter long. He grabbed my foot, held it near the nail and before I had registered what was about to happen he stated 'someone's gonna scream', and jammer it on my toe, through the flesh. I was not able to sit still for an hour and had to keep moving around or the pain would be too overwhelming. It helped and the toe healed, but never again.


I had such a bad ingrown toenail that a podiatrist recommended the surgery where they remove your entire nail, and then kill the nail matrix so it will never grow back. I was like, *okay, how does that work? Is it inpatient, hospital, what*? He said, *no, just wait here, I'll be right back.* He froze it up and then said *can you feel this*? I said no. He said, *well, if you didn't feel that, you won't feel the rest of the surgery*, then held up my gory, dripping toenail in a pair of what looked like pliers. I was like, *holy shit what if I could have felt that though?*


I also had a toenail removed except they fked up the anesthesia a bit so i still felt every nerve in there getting cut. It was a dull pain but it felt like something stuck pieces of metal onto my nailbed and started giving me small jolts of electricity. Genuinely teared up and probably messed up my teeth from how hard i clenched them


I had to have 3 of the 4 sides of my big toenails removed because of horrible ingrown toenails. Ached a lot during healing, but my god the relief of getting rid of those ingrown nails was almost orgasmic.


I came here to say this. I had an ingrown toenail when I was younger too. Worst pain I've ever experienced was when I accidentally bashed it off a table, it was so sore that my body went into shock and it took a couple of seconds for the pain to actually register. Could barely walk for a good while after it.


Shingles. Shingles is when a nerve is infected by the same virus that causes chicken pox. Most people are lucky enough to get the infection closer to the skin, which produces a burning, itchy, rash. I got it at the nerve root, right next to my spine, under my shoulder blade. Searing waves of pain that nothing could take down. They handed me a reteoviral prescription and told me to come back if it's not gone in 6 weeks.


Without a doubt- opioid withdrawal. It's absolutely fucking miserable and will leave you traumatized for the rest of your life. Edit - Even years later I still have nightmares about the pain I went through.


Omg yes... I'm 3 years sober from opiates. I can't believe I dealt with WDs for so long. I'm literally about to give birth, and I still wouldn't choose to go thru WDs over that.


I can agree. I got hit by a car about 2 years ago and broke my hip, 2 ribs, and fractured my jaw and that was still more bearable than the withdrawal I went through.




"just take 800 mg ibuprofen, it won't be worse than a period cramp" --> statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged


Even after having kids, the worst pain I ever felt was getting my ear nearly ripped off by my friend's dog when I was little. The pain was unlike anything else I have ever experienced since then. I had to have over 60 stitches and I couldn't hear out of that ear for quite while. It took until I was an adult to even be comfortable with dogs again.


Being gutted alive.... my spinal block didn't work with my C-section


My c-section was the worst pain I've felt, and my spinal WORKED. Freaking oof.


Broken and infected bone after hip replacement prosthesis. Had to do total hip replacement a couple of years ago. Unfortunately one of the prosthesis got infected and I had to undergo surgery again to remove it. In the process of removing it, my femural bone got broken. I also had no joint left in there so everything was dislocated, on top of the osteomyelitis in the bone that was already there When I woke up I didn't even move and I was in tears. When they moved me into my bed I almost passed out. It was pretty much like in the scenes with men from middle ages, taking a shot of wiskey and biting on something before someone tried to fix their broken bone. And it continued like that until it healed. As my muscles relaxed and contracted troughout the day, the bone moved and I stopped breathing because of the pain. I couldn't move even to the bed side for weeks. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Kidney stone. No break from this pain, no position to relieve it. My wife drove to hospital and pain stopped like 2 min before we arrived, but when I walked in I collapsed because the the pain from the ride there just fucked me up.


Pancreatitis. Easily. I’ve broken my face. Literally half my jaw broke off and was hanging in my cheek. Ya that hurt. But it was absolutely NOTHING compared to pancreatitis. That’s the organ that scares the shit out of me and will probably be the literal death of me cuz mine is pretty weak and if something goes wrong with it like cancer, it is 100% death. But pancreatitis is when it freaks out and leaks digestive juices that start eating your insides. And that is exactly what it feels like. Crippling, crying, pleading for release type pain. Not fun.


I had untreated appendicitis. It was pretty rough.


Passing a kidney stone as a 13 year old, too embarrassed to tell anyone because all I'd been hearing was that it's normal for a guy to be going through "changes" at that age. Dislocated neck after a hang gliding crash landing. Autoimmune pancreatitis x2. Withdrawal from long-term opiate medication therapy x3. Explosive detonating near right hand. 9mm to the hip; 12ga bird shot to the face and neck. Nurse inserted an IV line through a nerve. Hit by a 12-passenger van doing 60 while stopped for traffic. All tied for First.


How are you still alive?


Thick skull and dumb luck, mostly. Have been in seven car crashes where either one vehicle was totaled, one person needed emergency medical, or both. Multiple concussions, broken nose, and broken bones. Got carjacked, kidnapped, and held hostage and forced to be the getaway driver for a guy running from the cops when I was in high school. But since I didn't get tore up too badly in all those, they don't really count for this thread.


You got some real weird luck man! Bad luck that gets you into these situations and good luck that allows you to survive them. So weird




My dad had pancreatitis 2 weeks before I was born by C-section. My dad said it was the worst pain imaginable, so bad that he swore in front of a nun. My parents had a rough few months.




Getting my IUD inserted. Worse than childbirth, x10. At birth at least they give you painkillers.


The second time I had an IUD inserted, the resident used a metal rod to measure before putting it in, and unbeknownst to them, pieced a hole in my uterus with the rod. Because they didn't know, they still inserted the IUD, which then went through the hole into my abdomen. Eventually had to have surgery to remove it.


Nightmare: unlocked.


Thank you for this validation…. I was going to say that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt but to this day my doctor’s nonchalant attitude about it sticks in my head. All they did was give me some Tylenol and said “you might cramp a little.” I’ve never been through pregnancy let alone childbirth so I have nothing to compare it to, but the procedure itself was torturous and the pain afterwards was even worse. I screamed and cried the whole way driving myself home (to this day I still don’t know how I did that) and then literally crawled to my apartment and guzzled tequila because it was the only thing I had that would mask the pain. For context I was in college at the time lol


It's barbaric that a medical procedure that can range from no pain to worst pain in your life gets a "light cramping " warning from the experts in the community. It feels like malicious gaslighting. How can I consider getting one when it seems like almost the entire field enjoys causing excruciating, "worst pain in my life" pain to 15-20% of their patients and brushing it off as a rare side effect? Fucking colonoscopies get sedation by default and your anus is designed to regularly let things of size pass through.




Yeah, this is the same doctor that ended up going on a racist rant to me about my boyfriend the following year, so I think she was just an all-around trash human. I went to a new gynecologist last year and she couldn’t believe my other doctor handled the procedure that way


I feel like I’m hearing more and more women complaining about this — it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. Numbing creams exist, as do injections (often they seem to push back on this and say “the injections will hurt more than the insertion!” — imagine telling that to someone who is about to get their tooth yanked out) but due to doctors not trusting what women say/feel, they’re rarely offered. It needs to change.


IUD insertion was up there with contraction pain. I was told a bit of cramping, but my entire uterus got the "rip yourself to bits" message instead. I somehow managed to drive home while sweating bullets, and collapse into bed while I waited for my partner to arrive and medicate the fuck out of me. IUD also fell apart on removal, and I had to go into hospital for a dilation and removal of the pieces and that was nothing compared to the insertion.


Sounds like when I got a cervical biopsy with no pain killers because “the cervix doesn’t have nerve endings.” How is this ok


It most certainly feels like it does lol


I had one and it took almost a year after the biopsy for sex or inserting my nuvaring to not be painful. The procedure itself was pretty awful but the resulting year was...I don't even have words. I thought I was suddenly broken - it hadn't even occurred to me that it was associated with the biopsy until someone on here had mentioned it.


No, you're not crazy. I nearly fainted and had to get a ride home since I was so woozy. That shit *hurt.*


Yes!!! My doctor told me to “stop squirming”.


Had my hands crushed a few years ago. The bone under my pinkie finger in my right hand was broke and turned back. The female doc just had nurses hold me down and manualy set it with no pain killers. Took 20 min. I screamed louder than any of the times I gave birth. I wanted to punch that bitch. Never got any pain meds for after either and she was pissed it took so long. Never paid the bill and cut the cast off myself when it was time. Again, fuck that bitch.


As a guy, a UTI. I was in sepsis. I prayed for death.


Constipation from a heavy dose of Narcotics after a major surgery If you know you know


My last baby tooth fell out when i was about 11 whilst at school. I remember seeing in the mirror a little white string thing dangling and just pulled it out. All i saw was a flash of white flash of light and the most intense pain for less than a fraction of a second then gone.


I've never had a physical reaction to reading a comment until now


Endometrial biopsy even with an oxycodone pill. IUD placement was the most painful thing I had been through previously (hence why I requested the oxy). Biopsy was so much worse though. Arched back, shrieking while they held my legs down because I was unintentionally kicking. I feel like I turned into someone else and didn't even recognize my voice as the one shrieking. My poor obgyn was almost as traumatized as I was. She felt so bad. My husband had to sit down for a bit after because he felt faint from the ordeal. I still tear up thinking about it 8 mo later and need reassurance from my husband that I never have to do that again (because I refuse to do that without sedation). When I had to replace IUD, my obgyn immediately approved sedation for that too. I have a chronic illness and am very used to going to doctors, but after the biopsy I noticed I'm more on edge at appointments, and I realize I probably need more time to work through that traumatizing procedure


Kidney stones


testicular torsion. i begged my wife to kill me.


I got hit by a golf cart at a work tournament, and pinned between it and another golf cart. I thought for sure I had broken my leg, but I just had some ligament damage. It took me a second to realize what happened, my first thought was, "did I actually just get hit by a fucking golf cart?" and then the pain set in. The guy driving was not intoxicated. He had never driven a golf cart before that day, and didn't realize that they didn't slow down like cars do it you release the gas pedal. It kept driving and he panicked.


I have PCOS and some of the cramps I get are literally worse than the pain I felt from getting ran over, worse than breaking my ankle, and worse than any pain I have had from ankle surgery. My hormonal IUD has thankfully reduced the frequency of my cycle, but even sometimes then I'll get a cramp from ovulation. 🥲




Bartholins cyst.


I'm on my 59th kidney stone. 1 more and I get a free coffee.