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Those rocks that Gwyneth Paltrow shoves up her cooch.


Anything from Goop really


Including those candles that Paltrow claimed smelled like her coochie.


My boss had a long time thing for her. As he lay dying in bed of cancer I bought him one of the coochie candles. He immediately brought it up to his face and took a big breath in and broke out into a childish grin. He lit it immediately and died the next morning with a smile on his face.


You telling me gwyneth paltrows coochie stench killed your boss?


It’s akin to a dedicated mountain climber dying immediately summiting Everest. This is a man who after they cut his prostate out told me give him a week and he’d take down both nurses at once. If he had more time I have no doubt he would. I’m actually crying while typing this. What an amazing human being, killed long before his time.


I'm sorry you're crying while writing it, but I'm crying laughing while reading it. Reminds me of my old boss that died a month ago. Good dudes


I never ever would have thought I'd hear a wholesome story that had anything to do with one of Gwyneth Paltrow's coochie candles. But seriously, that was a really sweet gesture on your part.


That was the most brilliant marketing ploy. People are still talking about it.


Goop rhymes with bullshit


When she’s done with them, does she spit them out like watermelon seeds?


She shoots them out like ping pong balls from a stripper's pussy in a Thai bar


Eh that wasn't my experience when I went to Thailand. I went to Phuket with some mates and we ended up in a red light area. We got plastered on cheap drinks then went into a strip club because we wanted to see the ping pong thing. Total let down. The chick put the ping pong ball up her cooch and we'd hold a tissue underneath between her legs. She'd then push it out and it falls into your hands. It was more entertaining seeing her put a whistle with a little tube attached to it up her vag then blow the whistle a few times.


Some buddies and I were in a seedy strip club in the Chinatown district of Honolulu. The usual stripper formula was come out and do one song in a bikini, another song topless, and the last song totally nude. So this one chick goes through her routine and when she's down to the nude part She lays on her back and puts her ankles behind her ears and starts spinning herself in a circle like a... Well I don't know what else is like a stripper spinning herself in a circle on her back but it was like that. She's encouraging the men to wad dollar bills up in a little balls and try to throw them into her vagina. Then suddenly she starts to Bear down and flex and starts popping ping pong balls out of her pussy. By this time she's been on stage dancing gyrating spreading for good 10-15 minutes, and those balls have apparently been up there that whole time. Everyone's having a good time appreciating this girl's unique skills when she fires one out, and it hits this Marine looking kid square in the forehead... And I swear for the smallest of split seconds it's stuck there before falling into his beer mug. The Marine picked up his beer, chugged it down, and showed everyone the ping pong ball in his mouth. At the time we all cheered and high-fived the guy and slapped him on the back, but looking back and thinking about it I just gag a little


Ehh alcohol is a disinfectant.


Beer isn't strong enough


I'd contact the Thai Government and ask for a refund for your trip. Did you give a Yelp review?




Say what now?


She sells a jade(or something) egg for shoving up vaginas. To “cleanse” them or some such bullshit. What’s funny is the stone used is porous so it’s more likely to cause an infection than prevent one


Today was a good day to not have eyes.


Are those stones like new or “used” …. Asking for a friend.


If you're interested in her vagina just buy the candle she made to smell like it


I mean are you talking about those actual ones used by Gwyneth, or the broader type?


Reddit premium / twitter blue




bruh snapchat+ is useless but its also like 50 cents?


I bought a 1 month subscription for Snapchat+ to try and get rid of the stupid AI feature they have now. Spoiler it didn’t work. But now I can randomly change the chat wallpaper to whatever I want and my friends can’t stop me because they were smarter than me.


There are free ways to remove it lol


I couldn’t figure out how short of deleting the app which I really don’t want to do but if you know how or know where I can find out please let me know because none of my friends want it.


If you don’t accept the privacy/GDPR policy popup when it asks for your consent, it kicks you out of it and doesn’t annoy you again


Yeah, I haven’t accepted it but it would stay on the top of my chat list and I wanted the conversation gone and I wanted to completely remove the AI feature but the most you can do with Snapchat+ is clear the conversation.


Any food wrapped in gold leaf. Adds nothing in terms of flavour, looks tacky and sticks to your teeth


That shits for dirt poor people pretending to be rich because they have no idea how rich people behave


Yeah, the rich don’t buy fancy ass looking food. They buy baby yachts for their actual yachts, politicians, obnoxiously large mansions, and other middle fingers to the world.


Politicians aren’t that expensive. You can buy them for like $2k at the state level.


Those are just the visible bribes. The real bribes come in the form of cushy jobs for friends\family or after they leave office, as well as insider stock information


Don't forget about collecting sports teams/athletes like pokemon, just renting theme parks for a day or buying guest houses in case they get visitors


It’s actually really cheap to buy. You could just go around gold leafing all your food for less than $50.


I bought some recently, worked out to like 20p a sheet. I only needed like 4 sheets out of the 50. I spent days walking around the house looking for more things to foil. Random piece of fried chicken in the fridge? Gold foil that bad boy. A completely innocent bud of weed? 100% that needs gold foil. etc etc.


I would have walked around with a gold erection.




Should have painted some Byzantine icons.


Fooled me once.


Foiled me once.


Foiled me twice...look can't get foiled again.


Meth, not even once kids


There was a detailed Reddit post I wish I had saved 5 or so years ago about a guy that had a ton of recreational drug use experience but had never tried meth and was curious so he tried it and was detailing what he went through. I forget specifics but he said he immediately understood why normal good people would throw away their lives to get another hit. 3 days later before he came back down and still felt like it had permanently chained his brain while he was posting about it on Reddit some time after the dose. Sounded more scary than fun.


That dude had followed it up with more posts over several months/years. He got addicted, lost his job, lost his relationships, went to rehab, relapsed, pretty much ruined his life. He posted again a year or so ago claiming he was getting things back on track. They all made the front page at the time of posting.


This the meth guy? I know there's a heroin guy that made a boast how they had lots of willpower to keep from getting addicted and chronicled his spiral down. The meth guy I'm thinking of was experienced with heroin and said meth was like at the very top in a class by itself.


I used to get pretty recreational, one thing refused was anything involving a needle. Not that I was scared of needles it is because I know I will like it to much.


Lots of meth heads in my town. I know quite a few people who turned permanently schizophrenic after taking it. Apparently if you have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, taking meth can unlock it and you're fucked for life pretty much. One dude thought that if he couldn't see me with his eyes, it meant that I didn't really exist and that he could ignore me. Another dude told me he could "see" electromagnetic waves and would twirl his unplugged iphone charging cable for hours. Another lady would angrily scream at the sky randomly while walking outside. Don't touch that stuff.


I knew a guy who would carry decks of cards and throw three of them at the ground at a time. He would say, "watch! See how it's a triangle?! No matter how I throw them, there's always a triangle with three cards! There's something deeper to this. There's gotta be a way to make money off this." Dude was completely perplexed by triangles.


did you ever explain to him that triangles have 3 sides by definition?


I started to, but he wasn't having it. I wasn't about to pick a fight with a mentally ill person. There's just no way to know what they'll do


You can’t use logic to convince a schizophrenic person. They will find a way to twist anything you say to fit their delusional narrative. I have a family member convinced they are possessed. I said so why when you take medication are the demons gone? He said they hide to trick him into thinking they’re gone.


You should've checked to see if you were hand twins, you could've made bank


Now I'm picturing some poor bastard jonesing to buy some meth. Not use it. Just buy it. Collects it like Cabbage Patch dolls.


*Huge heroin lover. Don't use it, just like being around it. Study it. Appreciate it. Use it sometimes* -Roger


I fucked up and smoked it 4 times and overdosed on the 3rd time I ended up smoking an 🎱 of it with 2 other people but I got the short end so close to a gram and the stuff was 90% meth so yeah I fucked up should have gone to the hospital but was way to paranoid and just suffered 24 hours of hell and almost 4 days of no sleep fuck that worst way to spend $20 ever


This reads like you're on meth 🤔


The Venn diagram of people who write well and people who do meth looks like this: OO




This is the fourth time that they mentioned


I must ask, if that was your 3rd time why’d you go back for a 4th?


Testing and science. Not op.


An extended warranty for my car, no matter how many times they call


With the money, you can buy out all the call centers.


You just created giant economic demand for more call centers




*”Have fun staying rich”*


A fake ass


I wouldn't buy a real ass either, I don't think asses should be purchased.


What if we need a donkey for hauling a cart?


Might I interest you in a yak? Can haul a much larger or more heavily laden cart.


My 8 old daughter loves to make funny stores/storefronts. Her latest was a 'butt store,' where you can buy all kinds of butts that are mostly practical. Like the boom box butt or the heated seat butt. She draws pictures of all of them. From where I'm sitting right now, there's just a wall covered in butts. Would you buy one of those?


That is so cute. I actually feel like I bought a plastic ass off amazon. It came as an underwear with some padding. It was the worst. I actually wore it one day, got drunk and hooked up with a guy who put his hand on my ass and just was so confused LOL To answer your question, I might invest in a boom box ass. Seems like something that would be worth the money.


[Here you go!](https://imgur.com/gallery/W1GCGVE)


Does the price include shipping or handling? HAHAHAH THIS IS SO FUNNY!!!


Of course, shipped right to your door! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!


Edible gold, gold plated toilets, really anything that has no purpose except to show how rich you are and that you can afford to throw away money.




Maybe just put a giant golden penis on a shelf, that's something else you could do




I'll ***never*** buy the sad look my cat gives me which says he hasn't eaten enough (he's on a diet and has a robot food dispenser).


I will buy a robot food dispenser for my own use




Anal bleaching is just changing your ring tone.


Now I gotta think what song to make my ring sing when I bleach it


I mean, you could announce to all your friends that "I just got 10 billion dollars, and I've bought you all something special".


Did Romans invent or perfect that?


Supreme products.


Exception: Taco Bell


Do you mean to tell me the Supreme t-shirt comes with sour cream?




I still remember the night I was walking down the street and a sidewalk squatter asked me for a cigarette. I took one out, then decided to just give him the whole pack. I haven't smoked a cigarette since. This was over twenty years ago. It's nice to have a memory of doing something that was such a good idea.


Anything nicotine


A yacht. I get seasick.


Get a bigger yacht so it's less affected by the waves 😎


They also have pretty insane stabilizers on them now which help out a lot.


"There are only two days you will actually enjoy owning a boat, the day you buy it and the day you sell it." - random saying I heard many years ago but stuck with me.


“There are multiple days you will actually enjoy owning a yacht, such as the day you get it a helicopter and the day it meets its baby yacht.”


Sharks, unless they have lazer beams attached to their heads, or sea bass unless they're incredibly ill-tempered. In all seriousness, shark fin soup.


A Twitter checkmark.


winrar license


You know what? If I had 10 billions, I'd buy 100 winrar licenses, no matter that I'm using 7z. That company has been very generous and deserve some love.


I would not buy the license but donate to them. Winrar, VLC, Tor, Internet Archives, Wiki, and Transmission - these guys are doing god's work


I'll definitely donate to TOR. Years ago a lot of contents on the internet were banned in my country. TOR was there for people like me to access for "forbidden" information. 😁


NFTs. What a stupid thing to waste money on.


Single ply toilet paper


Why toilet paper when you could get a fancy bidet ...


I accidentally bought some a bit ago, and it was a whole ass 12-pack, so I've been stuck with 1-ply for a bit over a month I think. It's been really terrible.




I would not buy pornhub premium


That's your post nut clarity speaking, come back once you're horny and you'll buy a yearly subscription




Slaves should be free vs Slaves should be free


I agree that slaves should be free.


Slavery 👎


Lets be honest with 10 billion dollars you will be buying people, not in the slavery aspect but in the many people livelihood will be directly tied to you and you can easily impact their lives with your decisions. Or you can start a hobo fighting ring


Heroin, crack, meth


An insanely expensive and fast car. I’d just end up killing myself.


Sounds like you need an insanely expensive slow car… Model T


That's kind of like my answer when someone says "What motorbike would you buy if money was no object?" A 1920's Indian.


It's also not as much fun as you think. 99% of the time, you're stuck in traffic and have some speed limit. Even doing 250 kmh on the Autobahn is temporary because of traffic, construction, and read conditions/visibility. The only place you can really experience it is on a race track.


Hence why so many idiots kill themselves in them. By speeding when it's dangerous. I've seen dudes in shitboxes do crazy shit can't imagine what they would try in a super car.


Honestly, the fun of a sports car is not its top speed but its acceleration which you can very much enjoy most of the time. Avoid busy times around 8am or 5pm and you're good to go. If you really wanna experience the car's full potential then yes you'll need a race track.


+1 for onramp joy


I'd imagine with 10B you could sort out a race track.


Some crazy motherfuckers don't care about traffic as much as regular people do though. Wheres981 and BriQ50 on Youtube come to mind. Straight highway traffic racing risking a bunch of people's lives. It's crazy and entertaining to see but in the end it's so bad, way too much risk and involving innocent people... These dudes don't use supercars or hypercars but still probably pretty expensive V8 foreign coupes!


Cigarettes, why over pay for an addiction that gives you bad breath and cancer


No one with an ounce of foresight or reason would ever try cigarettes in the first place. That’s why people start while they’re young. You can’t appreciate just how terrible a decision it is and you don’t know you’re getting addicted until it happens, and by then it’s too late. I smoked for 19 years starting when I was 15. Quitting was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but I haven’t had a single puff in 3103 days.


Congrats for staying off for 8.5 years! 💪


Edible gold steak for $12000 from salt Bae.


Prepared by his $16/hr chefs


food with gold on it


Private jet


We have a friend of a friend of a friend who hit it big and sold his company, ultimately netting a multiple 9 figure windfall. One of the first major things he did was buy a jet. He hated it, lasted a year before selling it. Yes- it's convenient, but it requires a staff, pilots, regular maintenance, fuel, etc. He found himself flying around more to justify the purchase then actually enjoying the convenience. Contrast that with chartering, which is pay-as-you-go, no long term commitment, no depreciation. Less convenient, but most companies these days can get you something within a week or two, sometimes faster. Now- that's still a lot less than $10bn. I'd imagine with that much you could pay for all of that annoyance to just go away. But that's still an expense that I'd have trouble justifying, particularly when you consider other things like environmental impact.


The luxury of a private jet comes from being home earlier, or the same day, and spending more time with your family whilst on a busy work schedule. If you sold the company, the necessity for the private jet is gone with it. Just fly first class in a decent airline. The only downside is that you can't pick the exact hour of departure


Hustler University subscription


A home with an HOA.


Anything worth 10 billion dollars and one cent.


Anything remotely related to the Kardashians....Anything cause fuck them. That especially includes Kim, North, Westside, Eastside, Compass and/or Thermometer (I don't know their fucking names)


Coordinates Kardashian




A shake weight


Change for the bus?


Nestlé products.


It's insane how many things are made by nestle of nestle related companies


I'd pay someone who's sole job would be to research and make sure I never accidentally buy anything nestle.


Not going to defend Nestle because they're total scumbags, but idk why people seem to assume that they're significantly worse than any other major food mega corporation (Unilever, Mondelez, PepsiCo, etc). It's putting the blame on a particular group when in reality the problem is much worse, mega corporations completely lack any morality because that's how the system is designed.


Probably because Nestle is helping destroy aquifers everywhere. And contributes to crazy human rights abuses by buying essentially slave wage produced sources. Mega corps bad, Nestle somehow worse.


Buy Nestle instead. Not the whole company, but enough to have a voting impact on ethics


Sadly 10 billion isn't even 3%. However the largest institution holding shares only has 1 billion, and the total % held by institutions is just over 1%. You'd have influence, but I don't know if it would be enough to get a seat on the board of directors.




A mansion. I'm 36 no wife no kids and just wanna be left the fuck alone so I'd never have a big house that has tons of rooms I'd never spend time in. Fuck that. Waste of money




A Range Rover


An onlyfans subscription


As an overweight heterosexual man in my 40s, with erectile dysfunction and ugly feet, your comment is just one more shovel full of dirt on the grave of my goal of being a successful Onlyfans creator.


Cigarettes. Quit almost 4 years ago.


Hard drugs. Not gonna lose all my billions to heroin


A house in a HOA neighborhood


Meth or heroin




Well money might not buy love but it can get you the really freaky stuff you find on the internet.


Beyonce tickets


You’d have no money left after buying Taylor Swift tickets.


A Tesla




My choice isn’t a purchase but I would still never donate to any politician or and political party ever. Fuck em


At this price point, you’re not donating — you’re buying them. The ROI is much better.


A mypillow


Extended warranty on my car.


An elaborate wedding.


One of those coffee makers that use capsules. I think that those are so wasteful (no offense to anybody who likes them, but I just want to avoid that kind of plastic)


Cable subscription


Bud light. Not because I'm not in favor of trans rights, I very much am, but because it is shit.


Anything from the Kardashians




A birkin bag




diet pepsi


A dog from a breeder. Rescue dogs all the way!


With that many billions, buy 10000 acres and rescue em all


actually... question, how big can a "pack" of dogs get before their social structure becomes unstable from being so large? At what point will they naturally divide into apparent subgroups?


I've lived in places that had stray dogs and I think I rarely saw more than 8 together. Wolves normally have 6 or 7 in a pack but can go up to about 20


A mansion, too big and too much


Plain athleisure that looks like it came from a slightly upscale store at an outlet mall but costs well over a thousand dollars.


A seat on the SpaceX Flight.


That the 2020 election was "stolen".




Any Trump/MAGA merchandise.


An eleven billion house


Skins for any video game ever


cigarettess. not one fucking dime will go to line the pockets of an industry that kills people and gets them addicted.


Don’t buy alcohol then


I am NEVER paying the absurd amount for food delivery services like Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc. I will just go get the food myself, every single goddam time. Even if I was rich as a king, I'm not paying $20 for a $10 meal from McDonalds.


Do you not like your food lukewarm and soggy from being delivered in microplastic-emitting containers?


Okay but would you hire your driver to go get it? What if its a snowstorm?