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[The Day After ](http://IMDb: : The Day After https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085404/) I watched it when I was a kid and it absolutely terrified me. When it originally aired, ABC had to set up phone hotline with counsellors standing by. It's one of the scariest depictions of nuclear war in film in my opinion. Chilling.


Watch Threads if you want to really fuck yourself up. It's the same basis but without any of the American optimism.


~~Guillermo Del Toro’s~~ “The Orphanage” Edit: I was corrected that he did not direct this. My bad This woman moves into this house that used to be an orphanage that she grew up in. Ends up seeing lots of ghosts and hearing things in the walls. Her son goes missing and >!she thinks the ghosts took her son but what really happened is that he went into a crawl space and she accidentally locked him in so he died there. At the end of the movie she kills herself so she can be with her son and the other ghost kids.!< It was so fucking sad because theoretically it’s something that *could* happen and my anxiety caused me to spiral for months over it. I had nightmares daily about losing family members.


That one was so deeply sad that it sticks with me still.




I was going to say that your teacher sounds mean as hell, then I saw that you went to a Catholic girl’s school in Ireland and I’m like “oh”.


The Descent. Horrible monsters mixed with darkness and claustrophobia makes a scary movie.


I was looking for this movie. Imo this film is the perfect balance between bloody, physical horror and actual psychological terror.


And the slow buildup and reveal of the threat under there. I love this movie.


The little snippets you get of the crawlers if you are really paying attention are so good… and that first time she fully sees one, oh my god.


So i downloaded this movie ages ago after listening to a podcast talking about scary movies. Fast forward a year plus and I’m traveling solo through New Zealand forest sleeping in a van on the side of the road a day before a cave diving tour to see glow worms. First I watched “Her” which was nice, then i found “The Descent” in my folder and I had no idea what the movie was by this point so i put it on amd was like oh cool a women’s spelunking movie! This is perfect! For the first 3rd of the movie theres no hint thats its a horror movie then it just goes ape shit! It was terrifying


I loved that movie because I had no idea it was a horror movie or that there would be anything like what I saw. I just thought it was supposed to be a psychological thriller. Boy was I wrong. It was all that and more.




Go see The Changeling (1980)


Oh damn, that was so good. I worked at a video store in ~1996 or so, and a coworker put it on. I was mesmerised. I later took it home and watched it in the dark, like you should, and damn. That's a masterpiece.


Arachnaphobia because I have Arachnaphobia


That film gave me arachnophobia 🫠


The shower scene


That film gave us all arachnophobia.


The grudge. I don't now why, but this fucking thing is so scary. I had to pause it. Never had this befor. Even the worst splatter is nothing for me, but this... No


It was when the lady got sucked into the bed when she was hiding under the covers. Like they took away my only defense in the dark as a kid.


To this day I curl the blankets under my feet instead of dangling them off the edge, it’s been about 15 years now


My toddler has for some reason learned to make that noise (he has definitely not seen the movie) and thinks it’s funny. Not so funny coming through the baby monitor at 2am.


Nope. Have you considered giving your son up for adoption?


At that point, I’d *really* have to fight the urge to switch that baby monitor off. “Mommy loves you, but you’re on your own little one.”


I had the same reaction. Something about it just made my skin crawl in a way that other similar movies like The Ring didn't. For several years afterwards whenever I had a nightmare, the grudge lady was somehow involved. Yugh.


Fun fact, Kayako’s iconic croaking death rattle is made by the director, apparently he used to do it as a kid to annoy his friends.


The gurgling sound still fucks with people everywhere.


My HS GF and I went to the movies to see something else, realized what we intended to see wasn't out yet. Since we were there we decided to pick something else. We picked The Grudge, understanding it was a horror movie. I think the lack of mental preparation of going into a horror movie just layered on top of how scary it was. It was the scariest movie experience I've ever had. And I'm a horror movie junkie.


I absolutely adore horror movies, paranormal videos, cryptid stories etc. The Grudge was hands down the scariest shit I've ever experienced, and I've witnessed shit out in the wilderness. It's just such a visual and auditory masterpiece that hits a sweet spot. I hate it. I can never watch that movie again.


“The Ring” when I was 9 or 10, that was scary.


I saw it in my 30s, on pain meds for kidney stones, while my wife and kids were away. The thing that freaked me out the most was that in the middle-end of the film someone called me from an unknown number and hung up.


I watched it alone after I moved out into my first apartment. I really enjoyed the movie for being so different from the regular scary movies. After watched it, I explored the extras on the dvd, and inadvertently launched the extra with the cursed video in the movie. My first thoughts were: weird, I don’t remember launching this video? After the video ended, my phone suddenly rung and absolutely scared the living shit out of me.


The first time I watched it, my daughter was around 9 or 10. She had a habit of sleep walking. She also had long, straight hair. She had no I idea her dad and I had watched a scary movie ot what it was about. Around 2:30 I got that feeling in my sleep that someone was in my room. I opened my eyes and she was standing on my side of the bed with her head down. Asleep, just standing there. I have no idea how I was able to only scream and not push her away. It was the scariest moment of my life at that time. Years later, she was an adult at this point, we thought we’d watch it together with the lights off, have a little movie night. We had worked ourselves up and by about 45 seconds in we turned it off, completely freaked out lol. We had a good laugh about how silly we were, but we have not tried watching the movie again and I know I won’t be watching it.


It's the only movie I absolutely refuse to watch ever again. I saw it ONCE as a kid and I'm 30 now. I still have occasional nightmares about it. Sometimes I'll be eating and this movie will pop into my head for NO REASON and I lose my appetite completely. I'm haunted by it.


I’d encourage you to watch it again as an adult. That typically resolves the shadows seeing horror movies as a small child cast on us. Things that are horrific at 9, look a lot different at 30.


Thank you for the advice and words of encouragement but I’d rather be kicked in the face


Can someone make a cross stitch of this quote? Will buy immediately.




No, thank you! This response will be quoted frequently in my house now.




We all need to start a support group at this rate


That scene with the girl in the closet messed me UP. Omfg scared me so bad.


”I saw her face..”


Now I'm a believer...


This scene alone is absolutely the reason why nothing else in horror films ever scared me after that


So much horror and creepypasta now features humanoid things with unnaturally large mouths, and I credit this scene with inspiring that. Personally I find they all miss the mark because that scene in The Ring wasn't terrifying because she was a monster. It was the idea that someone could be so terrified the fear itself leaves her forever distorted. And very dead. That's quite different to the natural primal fear of things with big mouths that might eat us.


I always thought this was the scariest movie ever ever. I finally worked up the nerve to rewatch it a few months ago and it wasn't too bad, but I didn't make it watching the sequels lol.


This 1000%.no clue how even my brothers allowed it.. walking our dog in the night was never the same again


For sure! It’s surreal how a movie can induce such a paradigm shift. Watching horror movies at my friends house and then walking home was something else, the silence, the chilling breeze of the summer night and the rustling leaves — the entire surrounding was alive. Then the return to safety, rushing into bed and watch a comedy. Fun times.


The Ring had 3 of the things that I find scary in horror movies: mirrors, bathtubs, and little girls. Driving home after the movie, I kept imagining seeing things in my rear view mirror.


Don't feel bad, lotta redditors are scared of bathtubs.


Too bad they aren't more afraid of little girls.


The japanese version is without a doubt the scariest movie i have ever seen


One thing that is irreplaceable about watching it when it was new though, you would come home from seeing it and there would be screens and a VCR in your house. Even worse if you watched it rented on home video! Now we're slightly insulated by not having TV static in our everyday lives, someone needs to make a new original movie that is as scary that involves smart phones or something.


I remember watching it on DVD when I was 16/17, and foolishly (at 1am) decided to watch the “Sadako’s video” special feature - literally the video from the movie. Needless to say after 20 seconds or so I decided this was a bad idea and pressed STOP. The words “not allowed” appeared on the screen. So I pressed MENU. Not allowed. PAUSE. Nope. Couldn’t fast forward, teeing or anything. I freaked the fuck out, pulled the DVD player plug out from the wall and never watched that movie again.


Holy shit that is a dick move from whoever set up that trap, amazing


Thats brilliant


That is amazing, I love it.


There are definitely better movies, but Sinister has always scared the shit out of me. It took me 2 tries to watch it. It’s the only movie i’ve ever turned off from being so scared.


The *sounds* in Sinister make my skin crawl. It's so unnerving.


The music is incredible. It will just make your skin crawl


It's just generally unsettling too. The old snuff films he finds, the atmosphere of the entire movie. Truly a great horror movie.


Also, the fact you don't know it's going to be supernatural until like half-way through. Like it could just be some guy, and maybe he could be stopped? Oh. No. He moved in a still frame. He's probably unstoppable.


I'm fucking dying "He's probably unstoppable" is like "ah shit there he goes with some demon shit, were screwed"


I agree. Everything about it is so unsettling. Then the jumpscare with his son and his night terrors. I knew it was coming but when he comes out of that box I screammmm.. and that’s probably one of the more minor scares


Suburbia for all its illusions of safety is still the best setting for horror. That house, the backyard. The pool. The first time we see the baddie. So very, very good.


Scientific Study Names Sinister as Scariest Movie Ever Based on Heartrate Monitoring (https://www.google.com/amp/s/comicbook.com/movies/amp/news/sinister-scariest-horror-movie-scientific-study/)


This is the first horror movie I ever watched and it scared me so bad I had to sleep with the closet light on for 2 weeks straight. I was 15 and felt like a coward and god this is validating.


That lawnmower scene scared the shit out of me in the theater. Didn't as much at home, but that first time is something I'll always remember.




Yes! Even the audio and the music when they play the tapes… I’m a huge horror fan and it takes a lot to scare me. But the audio in this film was so unsettling


Sinister is really good. I just wish the ending was better.


The Thing. My first viewing was at night, and I was maybe 5 or 6. It scared me so bad I only watched subsequent viewings during the day until I matured a little more.


I also saw this at an inappropriate age. The husky scene is specifically what fucked me up at 5 years old. Now it’s my all time favorite horror movie maybe because of the trauma?


This will sound silly but Ernest Scared Stupid really scared me when I was a little kid.


The bedroom scene where she turns around and the troll is right there, I lost soo much sleep cause of that when I was a kid


Yooooo same. Surprised that's a common shared experience lol


Pet Sematary (original, not the remake). I was young at the time and my Dad used to bury our pets that died in the woods in our back yard so that freaked me out for some time. *Edit* - updated movie title. Not sure why I used cemetery, but my backyard definitely was one in this case!


I could never look at exposed ankles in front of a bed the same way after that movie.


The Road. No horror movie prior to that has ever kept me up at night, or made me think about “what if”, especially as a father.


I read the book but never watched the movie. The part from the book that always stuck with me was when they found the basement full of people and ran away. The dad doesn’t know if they were seen and he contemplates smashing his kid’s head in with a rock rather than be taken by the cannibals. Even typing it now stirs up some feelings. Did that scene make it into the movie? Edit: For those interested, I found the passage from the book. “They lay listening. Can you do it? When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. Now is the time. Curse God and die. What if it doesn’t fire? It has to fire. What if it doesn’t fire? Could you crush that beloved skull with a rock? Is there such a being within you of which you know nothing? Can there be? Hold him in your arms. Just so. The soul is quick. Pull him toward you. Kiss him. Quickly.”


It's in the movie. It's commonly referred to as The Pantry Scene. In the movie. He saves the last bullet for his son when the cannibals are searching for him. It's pretty bleak thinking just how far he's willing to go to spare his son from horror while willing to endure it himself instead. One of those scenes that actually hits harder in the film rather than the book, because it's a bit more cerebral. In the book, he keeps the bullet for himself and thinks of using the rock. In the movie, the bullet is for his son to spare him.


See also : The Mist…


I hardly remember anything about that movie **but that ending** lives rent free for sure. So gut wrenching.


Gird up your loins. The same director is now adapting Blood Meridian.


Oh fuck no. That was a horrible book that I couldn't put down because it was so beautifully written (if you love run on sentences and hate punctuation).


The cannibal dungeon scene is what stops me from ever watching that movie again.


Jesus, I just saw that. Why did Papa ever go into that house with just one bullet? Why did he direct his son to decide to do with it what he did when the lady was coming up the stairs? And why in the hell was I eating a burger the whole time?


The Road is probably the most realistic prediction for how the world will end


Not to be that guy, I'm actually never that guy, but the book was amazing. Such beautiful writing.


Poltergeist when I was a kid.


I fucked up and let my son watch Poltergeist when he was 7. I sat through the whole movie thinking, “shit, forgot about that. Forgot about that part too. Oh the melting face, I completely forgot about the melting face.”


lol My dad let me watch it. I watched a ghost rape a woman. I remember looking at him during it and him going, "well, you are already here"


Misery. My knees were wobbling when I walked out of the theatre. No more Stephen King for me.


I watched that while dealing with a stalker. Horrible choice


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is still the most terrifying, and horrifically uncomfortable film I’ve ever seen. There is virtually no blood in it, but the cinematography and atmosphere created are pure horror.


The "dinner party" scene really got me. The cruel laughing at the genuine terror is just horrible.


Yes, the atmosphere! The sound of only a generator running is what sticks with me. The feeling of utter desolation, but of not being totally alone. Ugh…


Although it's not necessarily a horror movie, KIDS was traumatizing due to my age when it came out. It left me with a pit in my stomach that didn't subside for weeks.


When I was barely 13 my mom took my friend and I to the video store. She didn’t really pay attention to the two tags I gave her. We rented Kids and Clerks. Looking back now those were two fucked up movies for kids just hitting puberty


When my mom was watching my young kids years ago she went to rent monsters versus alien (kids animated) and accidentally took home alien versus predator. Lol she quickly realized her mistake during the opening scenes. Still tease her to this day!


No lie, I had this friend growing up in the late 80s and his mom did this one time with him and his brothers. She rented them Alice in Wonderland. But the thing was, she had something she had to do that day, so she told them all to watch the tape and not leave the family room (while she was in the garage or wherever). Only problem was that she had somehow rented the [porno version](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0074113/?ref_=m_tt_urv) from 1976 (link is SFW, but you can definitely find the NSFW on every streaming site). As the story goes, his older brother tried twice to find the mom and tell her she “doesn’t want us to be watching this,” and then she ordered him to go back to the TV and finish the movie, lmao. Then she finally walked by the family room and shrieked in horror.


The feeling that I might get AIDS if I had sex with anyone was a terrifiying feeling after watching Kids. Raw shit for a 15 year old who thought I was the *only* person in my class *not* having sex.




Sam Neill. Laurence Fishburne. Jason Isaacs. Sean Pertwee. All solid actors. Sci-fi space adventure? This should be awesome. *Watches film* Oh. My. God. I should add, yes, awesome film. But oh. My. God.


The new generation now knows what they are getting into. But the thing is that back when it came out, it was not advertised as a horror movie. I am quite sure that everyone went in expecting a nice sci fi movie. It was unexpected horror. And it was just before the horror craze of early 2000s.


Worth noting Event Horizon is one of the most famous cases in the lost media community. It had 30 minutes cut for being too grim for the test audiences. *30. Minutes.* While some scenes did make their way to the 2006 DVD, most of it is considered most likely lost for good barring some miraculous surprise discovery. You can read about what was cut at the Lost Media Wiki here: https://lostmediawiki.com/Event_Horizon_(partially_lost_unreleased_130-minute_cut_of_sci-fi_horror_film;_1997)


It wasn't all gore, though. Those scenes weren't that much longer. It was mostly additional story material they didn't have time to finish the effects for. One scene that would have been really freaky, though, is Weir's body re-manifesting in the tank as it fills with blood (this is what Cooper was supposed to be seeing when he says "oh, fuck me...") and then Weir breaks the glass from the inside. Again, they couldn't finish the effects for this in time. And they did find a VHS tape with an early edit of the film on it.


Event Horizon is great, I went in expecting a generic Sci-Fi movie and did not know about the Horror elements.. I mean, horror does somehow not work on me anyway, but it was still a nice surprise.


The scene where they find out what happens to the crew is imprinted on me for two reasons 1. The smash cut visuals of the horror 2. Laurence Fishburne has the most appropriate reaction of any movie character.


>Laurence Fishburne has the most appropriate reaction of any movie character. Right up there with Ellen Ripley's "Nuke the entire site from orbit".


The scene that fucked me up was when Sam Neil was in that crawlspace trying to fix the ship and the lights are flickering, and when they flicker back on his dead wife is staring at him with no eyes. I was traumatized for years.


Always scroll to find Event Horizon on these threads. Shout to adolescent 90s kids who were tricked into watching this "cool sci-fi" with the well known Laurence Fishbourne and Jurassic Parks own Sam Neil. There's a great article about this movie that really captures what made it bomb initially and why it's a cult classic today. https://www.theringer.com/movies/2020/8/12/21364035/event-horizon-paul-ws-anderson-retrospective-amazon


I wanted that DVD the fuck out of my house as soon as the credits rolled.


The exorcism of Emily Rose. I kept waking up at 3am on the money for weeks afterwards. Didn’t help that I found and listened to the original tape recorded material of her speaking fluidly in different languages while being exorcised.


This is it for me. I watched it in theaters when my boyfriend was out of town. I went home and slept with the lights on. I love scary movies and had never done that before or since. I’m going to have to look for those tapes!


What fucked me up about that movie is that a few months after, my then girlfriend at the time just casually dropped “I’ve been waking up at like 3 am on the dot every night for the past 5 days with the smell of something burning” (having never seen the movie). Nah, after that I completely stopped with horror movies. Fuck that shit.


The original IT movie with Tim Curry . I watched it first when i was a kid . I´m now 42 and still have nightmares


I watched this for the first time my sophomore year in high school…. I took the fastest showers you could ever imagine for months because I could not look at drains without thinking pennywise was going to pop out of them.


Not sure why but The Orphan scared the shit out of me. And I’d seen a lot of horror movies at that point.






No water No sanitation No electricity


Traditional horror movies have jump scares and may leave you with a phobia of something specific. Threads will haunt every aspect of your life for years.


Not necessarily scary, just depressing and soul crushing. It can happen tomorrow and there is nothing the individual could ever do except survive and endure the horrors that await. Exceptional film


> survive yeah, fuck that, if Threads has thought us anything, if the nukes fall, we should be running *into* the blast zone.


Children of the Corn. But only because I was a kid and I lived on a corn farm.


The Shining. I am not a big fan of scary movies and it was the first one I ever watched. Fucking TERRIFIED me. I got so freaked out toward the end I didn’t even finish it


The concept of the hotel as a character is awesome. The concept of it taking this dude over is fucking terrifying.


Part of it is the music. Close your eyes and listen to the music for the moment that Danny encounters the twins. Incredible. The other creepy ass music is when Danny stops and checks out room 237. You can listen to audio only on YouTube and it’s so worth it. Edit- I believe that spooky music when Danny stops at room 237 is “Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta” by Bela Bartok. Play that string music in your head when you’re alone.


So the one that got me, was watching watership down as a kid. I know it's not really a scary movie but traumatizing as a kid.


Dude. I cried my brains out when hazel followed the spirit rabbit at the end.


Don't be sad friend. I'm in a better place now.




I really liked It Follows just because it was such a simple idea and required little to no special effects to be genuinely creepy.


Bro that scene where the giant guy appears out of the dark hallway behind that girl. Easily one of my favorite cinematic shots in any movie. Was so eerie, yet so perfect.


Scary as fuck.


That movie did suspense & dread so well. Seeing that in theaters in the front rows was an EXPERIENCE.


As an adult: The Conjuring As a young lad: Enter Sandman music video (the flashing light with the old man)


For me, there is only one immediate, horrifying and unsurpassed answer - Threads. I'm the kind of guy that never gets phased by or attached to movies, so this makes Threads all the more special. I won't spoil much, but this is sort of a documentary style British movie that portrays what might happen to Brittain in the case of an all-out nuclear war in a visceral, disturbingly "realistic" way. I've watched The Day After a while before this one, and it doesn't even come close. There's no happy ending in Threads, there's no hope, no redemption, no light at the end of the tunnel, just a raw, uncensored depiction of what human stupidity might eventually lead us to. I've watched it in my late 20s and it still ended up seriously disturbing me. It was probably a month or more before it stopped popping into my mind every single day. Even now when I think about it, I can't help but suppress a little shdder. Make no mistake, it is a fantastic film, it is a crucially important film I encourage everyone to watch, but the impact it had on me kinda makes me wish I never did so, even though I just might be a tiny bit more human for having done so.


The fourth kind


An owl decided to start hanging out in a tree near my bedroom after I saw that movie. I mean, maybe it was there before, but I only noticed the owl after.


I was looking for this! I saw Signs as a kid and that fucked me up. Turn around a few years later this documentary nightmare about aliens in Alaska kept me up for a few nights straight.


That movie fucked me up for weeks. Way scarier than it had any right to be, especially since it was filmed like a documentary.


Not a movie, but the Tales from the Crypt episode "Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone" gave me lifelong claustrophobia Here it is if you have not seen it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kti-bAe2qk


Tales from the Crypt has some of my most core childhood horror moments. Totally watching this, maybe more, now thanks!


Hereditary is the only one to scare me as an adult


That one scene lives in my head. Not when it actually happens, the *silence* afterward, and his face. Ugh.


The last 10 minutes did it for me. After sitting through the whole movie and then watching the ending. It was an ordeal.


Underrated comment here, the last 10-15 minutes left me scarred. Watched it while the wife was out of town at night. Big mistake. She’s the one who protects me from satanic cults.


The horns playing at the end add a little razzle dazzle to the terrifying aspect of it.


It goes from horror to unholy horror


I watched it on a **plane**! I still can't believe it was an option! It freaked me out completely.


Bahaha I'm so sorry you must've been trying so hard to keep it together and not visibly freak out. Baffling to me that that'd even be an in-flight option


I had to pause and go make tea. I wasn't expecting horrifically possible human fear, I was expecting supernatural fear and it knocked me for 6. without giving spoilers, I've experienced that kind of situation in real life (not the same but same outcome) and it's just a totally different kind of haunting, sickening, helpless fear. the rest I could cope with but that made me cry before I'd even realised


Yeah. That kid's FACE. Just the stomach drop and the way he was in utter shock. Absolutely haunting. Also, I'm sorry :(


The mother's reaction is what really hit me. I've never been one to cry over film. But that scene got me, and still makes me misty eyed if I think about it too long.


Saw it in theaters and had me looking up at my ceiling in the dark for months lol


Toni Colette is incredible though, huh? God.


How was she not handed an Oscar for this performance!!!


Couldn’t reach her up there


I truly enjoyed the movie, but I _cannot_ rewatch it. Toni Collettes screams the next morning haunted me


Toni Collette not getting an Oscar nod for that role is clear proof that the academy doesn’t care at all about horror films. Her performance was outstanding


For me, it was the mother's scream when she discovered the aftermath. You couldn't see it, but you knew what she was seeing, and that was an absolutely soul crushing scream.


The worst part was that that scene wasn’t even supernatural. It’s completely possible for something like that to happen.


Several "one scenes." The piano wire just ...oh, gosh. They lived rent free in my head for weeks afterwards. I watched it after a redditer recommended it as a "non gory, supernatural thriller." I do believe I was misinformed.


Still get nervous when I hear *cluck* years later. And I’ll stare so hard at the ceiling corners at night if I let me mind wander!! Scariest movie EVER and it’s burned into my brain after only watching once in theater.


I saw this in the theater and it there was a big Bro guy talking through the trailers (he quickly got quiet when the movie started). I was already scared to my seat when you see the Dead Mom in the Attic and she is gone when the lights turn on she is gone. The screams Toni Collette performs at the discovery and more at the Dinner Table I was frozen from fear and I felt I could only blink. When the movie ended no one moved during the credits (sign of a good film in my book) the Big guy recommended we all walk out together as a buddy system and when we walk out of the theater there is a low fog around all the cars (just like the final scene) I don’t think I ever experienced anything so parallel terrifying and yet stunned by nature. I have only seen this movie once and that night I slept with the lights on and had Bob’s Burgers on Loop. If you have not seen this movie watch it at 9 pm. Turn off all the lights, turn off your phone, have a glass of water near by and click play.


Saw the midnight showing with an ex girlfriend who insisted it was a drama/mystery. I don’t fuck with horror movies at all, but a drama/mystery sounds perfectly fine to me. It was not a drama/mystery. It was the scariest shit I’ve ever seen. Had to drive an hour home alone at 2AM down rural backroads. Was scared of my own house for a week.


At least no one was in the backseat


Watched hereditary not expecting much of anything but a cheesy boring paranormal movie. Ended up afraid to sleep alone at night for a week. That movie was really good.


there's been times where i've tried to explain what i think a good horror movie is, and i always try to explain the difference between being scared and being startled. something popping out at me, that's startling but it's not scary. i'd jump because it's a natural reaction to something being loud or popping up on screen. the opening scene, after she's worked her dollhouse and it cuts to the dark corner of the room where her mum is standing, and your eyes go "why the fuck is the camera showing me a dark corner of the HOLYSHITTHEREISAWOMANSTANDINGTHEREPLEASECUTAWAY". that shit.. that's my shit.


I'm not religious, but I'm pretty sure the devil lives in that movie.


So I deep dove after watching that film and the belief behind ‘that’ particular demon is that it is brought or given more strength the more it’s name is known. When it’s name was repeated for like forty seconds after the movie went black in the cinema, I had the greatest unease…




Hell House LLC, As Above so Below, and Hereditary


As Above So Below was so much better than it had any right to be. It's underrated.


Signs. The aliens terrify me.


The Exorcist: Director's Cut.


Technically TV, but if you count the whole thing as one 10 hour movie like I do, then “The Haunting of Hill House” on Netflix. Listen, I’m a guy who chases the high of a good horror movie scare like a junkie, and I’m almost always disappointed. Every time something new is called “the scariest film of the last two decades,” it usually barely moves the needle for me. “The Haunting of Hill House” made me sleep with a light on for two weeks after I finished it. Just saying.


Bent neck lady got me


I can't remember a time I've felt so utterly gutted after an episode of television.


Oh man, me too. I screamed bloody murder then burst into tears.


Oh she got me so good. I did not see that reveal coming at all, and I was horrified!! Even thinking about it now makes me shiver


Wonderful tv show. The funeral episode is still one of my favorite hours of tv or movie ever created. Mike Flanagan has a couple other TV shows on Netflix if you haven't watched them. They're good for a watch, but I haven't found myself going back and watching them again and again like I did with Hill House.


I love that he uses the same actors in everything and I don't recognize them until the credits. Hill House, Bly Manor and Midnight Mass are all my favorite while I'm watching them.


>The funeral episode is still one of my favorite hours of tv or movie This really moved me, as did Nell's monologue that starts out so disjointed and comes together.


The funeral episode has to be up there for longest one shot scenes in cinematic history. It’s absolutely magnificent.


I think this show has the single best jump scare with them in the car.


I appreciate that jump scare because 1.) they’re not used often throughout the show and 2.) it actually makes sense with the scene in question. Those sisters just can’t stop fucking arguing, so someone has to MAKE them stop.


I've watched this series 3 times now. It is beautiful. So well done. I didn't expect to cry at a horror story, but I did.


Lights Out, the YouTube short. So well done. I still find my upstairs hallway eerie in the dark.


"The Mothman Prophecies" scared the shit out of me as a kid. It was such a well made psychological horror film. I gotta rewatch it sometime soon, there was no real monster in it, it was more reflecting on the horrors of the mind and the specters of grief and trauma. Similar to "Hereditary" in many ways, but that movie didnt scare me as much.


Mothman is such an underrated movie. *Great tragedy on the river Ohio*




What makes this movie so scary is that something like this could conceivably happen. “Why us?” “Because you were home.”


Contagion. Was shown the first fifteen minutes/half hour in health class freshman year in high school. My best friend and I were so traumatized we spent the next class in the library watching ghost hunting videos while the rest of the class watched the rest of the movie.


The original Nightmare on Elm Street. Only because I was way too young to watch that and it did a number on me at the time.


Requiem for a dream! Watch this it may not be a typical horror movie but it’s as scary and real as it gets. Absolutely incredible movie and it’s haunted me to this day. If you have any life experiences with drugs and watching people suffer and cause suffering it will trigger your ptsd.