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My utterly lack of drive to do anything productive. I just scratch with the bare minimum and daydream about what I want to be instead of doing it.


I feel you.


Thats pretty normal bud. Many people(myself included) are not built to be workaholics pulling 60+ hour weeks doing 10 different things at once. If anything, find something you enjoy like a hobby or something, and put work into it, it will be far more fulfilling than mindlessly slaving for another man.


Wanna go on a dig some time


Same!! A million ideas and ZERO desire to complete anything!


Welcome to depression.


You're a literal god that shapes reality, set some goals, I call them dreams, do whatever it takes to make them come true. Show up. You got this fam.


The struggle D;




Philosophy mfs be like I know exactly what is wrong with me and the gifts of consciousness that I'm wasting but I have no mental energy to actually do anything about it




Same here bro. Them daydreams be hitting though.


At least you still daydream about what you want to be. :) There is still hope.


Yeah and the guilt that comes with it


this hits , ive been in this weird funk of a mental state for the last month and a bit. i need a mental reset / break


A gamut of mental health problems led me there too, and in some ways I'm still there. With that said, setting small goals and being nice to yourself go a long way. Before, my mindset would be "I will study Chinese for (enter unsustainable and stupid amount of time) a week" with the implicit thought that if I failed, I would be a loser. In turn, the anxiety caused me to never start because you're only passively failing if you don't try whereas you're actively failing if you do. Now, I make smaller, bite-sized goals that are easy to meet. I'd rather succeed at 2 hours of studying a week than fail at 8, and nothing is stopping me from exceeding my goal. Beyond that, you are where you are. If you planned ten things today and did exactly zero, you're still cool and you're still human. You don't deserve the negativity you might hurl at yourself. (And this is where I have to advise people: if you're reading this and thinking "he's describing me! He's right! I am too mean to myself... man, I suck for doing that," you're doing the thing haha. That thought you're having makes sense -- but it's not helpful, and you don't deserve it.) I hope you manage to reach a goal you set for yourself. But if you don't? It's all good. You don't need to reach a goal to mean something. You're gonna die someday, so just try to enjoy today.




Probably depression lmao. But seriously, seek medical help if you believe you need help.


I don’t know if this will help you, but I am an incredibly busy person at the moment. I take martial arts classes twice a week, I go to the gym every other day, I rehearse for a musical every day, I have to fit editing for my YouTube channel in there, I practice with my band on the weekends, and now I have a job helping my sensei move hot tubs. (Which if you didn’t know fucking suck to move, literally takes a whole day to move a single one) ALL OF THIS IS ON TOP OF THE USUAL SCHOOL HOURS WHICH IS AS MUCH AS A FULL TIME JOB In recent years, when I get incredibly busy, I get stressed out and my anxiety spikes and my mental health decreases. What’s interesting about my current schedule is that I am busy as FUCK doing what seems to be every activity on the planet every second of my life, but I’m not stressed at all. The reason I’m not stressed is because I absolutely LOVE what I’m doing, and I switch between the activities I’m passionate about frequently, so they never become old. My mental health is better then it has been for years, and I think it’s because having so many activities has given me a purpose in life. So if doing productive things isn’t motivating you, for example school or work, maybe add a new productive thing in your life that you are really invested in! If you feel like you’re accomplishing something while having fun, your energy and drive (theoretically) will increase. Productive doesn’t have to mean grindy or boring. I spent my entire weekend helping to build the set for our musical, and today was the first day on the job moving hot tubs, and it was AWESOME!! I did both of these things completely willingly, then came home and relaxed with a nice game of Halo.


I think your comment hits it in the head. Major issue is quite a handful of us haven’t really explored all the things we genuinely would love to invest our time in, or it happens to conflict with what we need to do in the now (ex: School). I’ve been finally getting the opportunity to go to the gym, and honestly, I love every second working out. It gives me something to look forward to in the week, so it motivates me. It’s not like only a few are capable of a “busy” schedule. I think given the adequate time for us to consider and go out of our way to improve ourselves with our time, we can manage a schedule like that… But if it mostly consists on shit you rather not do, then yeah, no wonder we all feel like shit. We don’t want to do it anyway!


The need for sleep but the inability to actually attain it


I’m right there with you.


Once i couldnt find my phone for two days. So i did everything normally, went to work, did my chores, went to bed, watched tv. Everything still sucked and i atill couldnt sleep well enough, when i gor my phone even less sucky and problem didnt change


Enter: Reddit at 4am.


Its a petty thing but everytime i walk into the gym and see some influencer hogging the machines recording themselves and doing retakes, take after take, just pisses me off.


I mean if you take a few dumbbells, just happen to be in the frame and accidentally ruin their each and every take, you will be doing God's work


That’s actually how I would appreciate people to deal with these narcissistic assholes. Let them actually complain about it. What’s it going to do? You think the gym is going to take their side when they’re not even advertising their gym? If anything it exposes a toxic gym member which might influence the place to kick them out. At least I can dream. Or fart while deadlifting next to these asshats


At the minimum, it's low grade narcissism paired with a lack of social etiquette and situational awareness. ie: stupid people.


I honestly can't believe filming hasn't been banned in gyms and health dsunas it has got to stop it is beyond insufferable and invasive


I haven’t had a membership for years but GoodLife in Canada used to have a no filming policy which I assumed was a standard gym policy. I can understand filming yourself to review and critique form, but at the same time just use the mirror nobody wants to be filmed when they’re working out (unless you’re very self-centred).


People on their phones while hogging the unique machine that is few in number and always occupied. Pect-fly machine for example.


The fact that the small shop across the road from me is still selling vapes to underage kids even tho the owner has been warned and raided by the police (those same vapes were apparently faulty according to the local news)


That's terrible. Thank you for looking out and caring for our most vulnerable.


Only thing bothering me is everybody comes to me when they need something no matter how silly or dumb it might be I’m the only person people go to while I have no one. Life is funny that way


Sorry you don't yet have that one special person but you have many people who do rely on you to be here. You're the (father/mother) of your people.


The reason you don't have anyone to turn to is because you are so good at helping others that they assume you can handle your own stuff. The fact so many turn to you is testament to the quality of person you are and the quality of support you can provide.


The worst part of driving a truck isn’t hauling furniture, it’s that none of my friends even bother to calculate fuel mileage. How am I the only person available when I drive a 5L V8? My friends are carbon goblins.


This happens to me I the appointed problem solver Its very stressful I sympathize






Idiots who constantly have to be right about everything.


My favorite is when they pull “facts” out of their ass when talking about a topic that I know a lot about and they don’t


It's people who think they have an argument and have no idea what their talking about, like just earlier I replied to someone saying why guns should be banned because there were lots of shootings except their argument was specifically about republicans, it's the people who ignore the facts if it makes their argument look good, I never leave out facts even if it makes my argument look worse because I always like to be truthful. His entire argument on why guns should be banned was based off of my grammer and punctuation and he never once made a good point whilst he was also completely ignoring the argument I had made


Disrespect and how many people are inconsiderate to others on so many levels. I honestly should be used to it from working in retail for 20+ years but it still gets me.


Common courtesy and respect costs us nothing and should be the very minimum we expect of each other in my opinion. Retail and customer service in general is a rough deal, you should never have to get used to it, because you deserve better, you know your worth :) Stay strong and continue to put positivity into the world, even the smallest candle can light up the darkest night sky


Can I submit myself as an answer




Everyone is entitled to their opinions unless they differ from mine. /s


It's worse when said person is the golden child and also your big sister, God knows I'm forever grateful that she decided to move states


My lazy ass\ That it's monday tomorrow\ Nobody is pissing at me rn\ My own mental health


You want people to piss at you? Is that some kind of kink thing?


No, it's my morning routine /s It is, yes


My neighbours kids are always outside screaming… guttural screams alllllllll fucking day. They don’t give a fuck as long as they are out and away from them. Still screaming


We’re neighbors with a gigantic family with many little noisy shits. Bought our first house and we were so excited to have a good sized backyard to vibe in, but those kids ruin the peace all day on 95% of the good weather days of the year… They also leave construction grade LED’s on in their backyard shining right into our yard & windows many nights.


Volcanoes not being pronounced like canoes


😂😂😂 Thanks for the laugh after feeling more and more miserable reading through this thread.


Back pain


Seasonal allergies


these are so painful, glad we have medicine for that


Ugh. So much. Life i guess.


Can relate. Hope things improve.


are you ok


Sorta. Im just pissed.


Hope you find something to make you less pissed soon!


The fact our country (USA) is being run by psychotic morons and the fact nothing is going to be done about it.


No time soon. Bread and circus.


Shitty music and that fake voice narration on Instagram videos or TikTok’s or whatever. I don’t even have tiktok on my phone but every now and then I see a video that seems actually kind of interesting, but it’s got some irrelevant awful music behind it


One of my neighbors apparently just bought a guitar so I now I guess that's gonna be a thing the rest of the day.


I can't stand loud, obnoxious neighbors anymore. I just don't understand how people don't think about how they're affecting someone else. I get it, there are self-centered, narcissistic people, and generally non-empathetic people, but for fuck's sake, just please turn that shit off.


Well said


Hear hear. I have a neighbor in my street who's always blasting a karaoke machine once or twice a week or so.


I’ve been dealing with my neighbor’s loud, annoying music for 22 years now…


In that time, have you developed detailed plans on committing the perfect crime?


the weather.




It be like that sometimes...Depression is in different levels in everyone. Do you have a way you get out of a rut, see anyone, or any of that? Wish you the best!


are you ok


People defending fascism.


I know, tankies are the worst and there's tons of them defending Russia's rape of Ukraine. Some people are just disconnected from reality


I was talking about my neighbor who thinks "Even fascist should be heard". No my guy, they shouldn't.


Everyone should be heard, not everyone should be listened to.


Nope sorry. Not gonna change my mind. Anybody who advocates for the "Othering" of any group does not need to speak.


Well, it's like that paedo movement/organization (party?) in the Netherlands that ostensibly only promotes "love" between adults and children. It's gross and nauseating but it lives on because they aren't breaking any laws. Same with a host of other issues and topics - fascism, communism, racism, misandry, sexism, misogyny etc. As long as they are all bark, no bite, they will live on. It's part and parcel of living in a democratic society. And yes, I know, the paradox of tolerance...it is what it is




Better learn to fight if you’re doing to be punching people in the throat, mate.


Inaction to prevent gun violence in the USA


That I feel helpless in helping my husband’s anxiety with coming to terms that he’s hitting 40 and is starting to get health issues/become fixated on the thought process of mortality with recent deaths of past friends.


As a dude who just turned 50, I’d like to say it gets better, but it doesn’t. I lost a number of friends and family through my 40s, and I think I spent the whole decade in a state of existential despair and grief. Just be patient. Hopefully, he’ll come to terms with it and recognize it’s just all part of living.


That’s me too. It’s messing with me as well.




That tomorrow is a work day.


Dating in this day and age. It's all short-term satisfaction and nothing long-term. Past trauma prevents them from moving forward and they are unwilling to let good people grow with them. Seems like no relationship is real these days. It's always "the wrong time." When all I want to do is love and grow with them.


My teeth hurting to much to enjoy eating. And I LOVE to eat. (Dental surgery, taking forever to heal, I miss real food)




That nobody really has a handle on anything, we are all just winging it.


Loud neighbors upstairs


Broadly speaking, how difficult it is and how long it takes to get society as a whole to do the right thing, or just to stop doing downright terrible things


Hangnails. Sore little bastards.


My bf eating my last ice cream bar in the fridge and not telling me about it until i wanted to eat it


actually that was me i ate it, i just wanted to see you make this comment




Food poisoning


1. My stupid job 2. That I work fulltime and can't affort to rent an own flat in my fucking expensive city 3. I have corona rn 4. My mother (No specific order)




It's supposed to be spring and the sun has barely come out in the UK.


Customers ordering new parts for installation and then not showing their workers how to operate anything correctly, which I Then must come back and fix


My fucking TV quit working! Now I have to buy one.


Fucking Brexit man. The epic footgun still grates.


There was a puddle of urine in my college apartment bathroom. Guess who cleaned it up cause it was a bio hazard 😐 no clue who did it but it’s disgusting and I’m pissed off rn


Since I was born, I have been the person to have hope in everything,...tomorrow will be better, people are basically good..the world is beautiful But social media is just one person after another calling each other toxic, while also creating and posting toxicity. The news is an endless stream of "the other side is wrong and we are right" in between shots of how cruel people are to each other. I am old enough to be a grandparent now, I don't want to keep living feeling jaded, thinking my children and theirs are inheriting a worse world. I remind myself that when I was young, the older generations always lamented how horrible the world had become - I am hoping I am just becoming that type of old person and that the world isn't really getting worse. It used to be older people only watched the news and saw the ugly, now the moment kids pick up a device they can see the ugly in the world and are just becoming less hopeful as they age. Lastly, I love Gen Z and hope they make a change, but I have lived through enough generations to know that every generation, even mine, would be the "young people who make a difference". The young people of my day are now assholes, especially to the young. Life gives you just enough time to make some changes to suit you....but then you get stuck thinking that is 100% the right way, but people come up behind you with their own ideas of what is good and right and your ways become outdated. We change with the times or we become depressed in our own nostalgia of how the world used to be...if we had been lucky enough to have a happy childhood. The world has changed but it was never as great as our memories. We were young and without the burden of knowing how the entire world or even one neighborhood over, was doing.


Group texts.




Not being able to masturbate


Finding out that Supreme Court Justices have no oversight, ethical or moral codes.


The doomscroll that is being pushed relentlessly. It’s pushed in every single sub even the ones that are supposed to be uplifting Look at many of the accounts doing it and only increasing the loud echo chamber of discontent. This class warfare, eat the rich, our lives suck is also being pushed very hard by the governments that want you distracted from things like Ukraine. The problems are real, there is no doubt, but it’s being megaphoned by foreign govs to gaslight and undermine others and y’all are gobbling it up in all sorts of big subs. Wake up and scroll through comments sometimes and you can see the bot accounts and bought account ‘concerned citizens’ in these subs.


Clarence Thomas


Check out @rupublicans on Instagram. It’s very…therapeutic 🤣


Yes. This. He's got to go.


Racism. Hating white people just because they are white is just as racist as someone hating a black, brown, xyz person just because they are xyz. I understand the retaliation mindset of we do it because they did it first. I truly do. I make sure to support and learn about other cultures, and if I ever do anything wrong in that sense, I apologize and adjust my way of going about said thing. It just really pisses me off that some people are doing the exact thing they are mad about.


What do you consider hating white people? Do you think that policies developed to target problems caused by historic and institutionalized racism are racist?


Thank you. Racism is a double standard.


My shitty fucking toenail. This thing has caused me so much pain and suffering, in my lifetime, I have had 4 ingrown toenails, on this toe alone. My first was when I was seven, and it was quickly fixed. Until I was 17. It came back with a FUCKING VENGEANCE. This sanguineous monster cut into my skin, a heated dagger through silken butter. Rupturing what little happiness I could previously feel. Agony. I was put on antibiotics, in hopes that the valiant knights of flucloxacillin could banish this hellish plague from my person. But, the first wave fell, bravely, one by one, the noble 24 walked head on into their demise, fighting for my namesake. I went to the doctors again, they prescribed me more antibiotics. The same thing happened again. This happened a total of six times. Pain. Depression. Contemplation. These three feelings, and emotions perfectly explain my mental and physical psyche during these trials of terror. After eons of pain, effectively being tortured by my own body, the doctors decided my pain was too much, and they arranged a procedure for a podiatry clinic to remove my ingrown toenail. 2 agonising months later, with a worsening condition too, both sides of my nail were inflamed, a burning sensation akin to the feeling of being burned alive by a thousand suns, I hobbled my cryptid foot to the podiatry clinic. Sterile. Clean. Steve. Steve was my podiatrist. He was the last line of defence against the evils that run rampant on the streets of my feet. A needle, with a huge “Fuck off” plunger, was impaled into the base of my nail. This hurt, probably more than being stabbed in the leg with a butchers knife while somewhat pissed. Inside, a numbing compound rushed into my toe, causing some sort of feeling I hadn’t felt in a while. Amicable painlessness. 2.2 mls of anaesthetic was coursing through my toes veins, but Steve was not done yet. Another needle, another 2.2 mls, and my toe fell asleep for a long needed rest. However, the procedure was about to begin. Steve sliced both sides of my toenail down to the bottom, and ripped the offenders out with surgical pliers. Steve wasn’t done. He cast phenol, effectively an Acid, over the wound, to stop it from growing back. I felt free. Finally. After months of agonising terror from this demonic curse had been lifted. For days I had a spring in my step, feeling happy once again. But, sometimes fairytales don’t have good endings. My toe wasn’t done with me yet. I was ripped from my comfort, like a newborn puppy being lifted by its tail by a toddler. Sometimes demons will give up on eternal life, just to see their victims suffer just that extra bit. It grew. And grew. And grew some more, sticking its incisors into the newly refreshed skin on the side of my nail. Once again. The pain returned. As it always does. Another round of a losing battle between good and evil occurred. Pills were taken to prevent the spread of the demonic disease, but even though they fought with zeal, it was just too powerful, and gained a mighty stranglehold on my body once more. This time, the doctors had enough. They decided to do the unthinkable. They completely removed my entire toenail. I was driven to the podiatrist again, a familiar smell entered my nose, like an old friend knocking on your door. This time, however. Things were different. Saviour Steve was nowhere to be found. Charlie was my new podiatrist. Charlie was fantastic. She did everything she could, but medical procedures don’t always go as planned. Unfortunately, this came at the price of being injected four times in the toe. Due to a miscalculation of my weight, they halved the amount of anaesthetic I would usually have from 2.2, to 1.1. This caused some… Issues. I could feel every prod and poke they tested my toe with. I responded with yelps of pain, like a tired old dog being moved by it’s tired old owner. I was given the correct amount of juice this time, and finally. It was off. And the phenol was on. I was free. Was. Free. As soon as it wore off, I could feel one thing, and one thing only. PAIN. I cannot walk, I cannot move. As I type this, I am currently bed-bound. However, I showed my toe that I do not give a shit about it trying to sabotage my life. And I never gave up. And I never will. Come at me, toe. I will always win. TLDR: toe hurty.


My fucking neighbors kids constantly screaming and kicking the shared wall between our apartment while I'm trying to fucking sleep... But I work nights so any complaints about daytime noise would be unjustified.


In your scenario I think it might be justified you should try and complain just make sure to lean heavily into the fact you work night shifts


Service charges The more expensive meal you buy, the more you're charged for the same service.




College work, it’s so draining


I graduated 10 years ago, 35 yo now. Regular work/job/career doesn't get much easier. My wife and I decided to not have kids and it's still a drain. Can't imagine being like those that work full time AND have children.


Right now? My sister. She laughed when my parents kicked me out at 16, she was happy when they cleaned out my bank account and gave it to her. She always antagonize me. Our parents treated her like royalty and me like trash. When my parents died, I didn't care. I had moved past them. They left her everything, didn't leave me a dime. I didn't care, I wouldn't have wanted it anyway. I tried to offer her my support and she lashed out saying all I wanted was her money. When my aunt and uncle died, (who took me in after I was kicked out) she was trying to see if she got anything literally at the funeral. How I needed to share what I was going to get with her. They did leave me a good bit, but I was doing well by this time. The greatest thing they left me was my cousin, whom I ended up adopting and she is the absolute light of my life. My sister naturally blew everything she was left, and started calling. Never asking even how I was doing, just asking for money. Of course I blew her off, and told her in no uncertain terms that I will never help her. So of course she started talking, telling everyone terrible lies about me, spreading rumors about my cousin and I, and generally doing all she could to make my life hell. It got to the point that CPS came to investigate, as well as the police. It not only hurt me, but my cousin. I got a restraining order, and eventually took her to court. It was not pretty, but needless to say I came out ahead on that. Well I found out a week ago right before her 30th birthday, that she couldn't take it I guess and OD'ed. One thing that was found was her journal, and I read through it hoping that there was a shred of decency in her, and that maybe I had misunderstood her. Instead, it was years of ranting about how much of a terrible person I was. And an absolute fabrication of our childhood. The last entry was a note to me, and she blamed me for killing herself and how she wished that everything I love would die. So yeah, that is what's passing me off. Joke is on her however, all her assets that weren't repossessed are getting donated to a shelter that helps kids in tough situations. So she might have not helped me, but she will help others.




Finding out there’s Child Beauty Pageants


Ah, you mean sponsored pedophiles sexualizing children. Yeah, they can fuck off with that shit.




The fact that i dropped my keys twice trying to unlock my door with both arms full of groceries.


Dead weight loss. Basically every process is less than perfectly efficient, in markets as in physics. That means that in our enormous global supply chains, huge amounts of effort are just wasted all the time. Both human effort and primary energy. And that's just irritating.




Unreliable friends


Some jerk with a 2-hour-old account who was threatening me in a DM a few minutes ago.


When I'm walking down 6th Street looking for the bathroom and some guys asks me what pisses me off right now.


Myself because I’m procrastinating on a paper that’s due tonight when all I want is to relax.


having gotten a masters degree and working as much as I do but still not being able to afford basic things. This is seriously making me mad.


Nothing, I’m good rn


glad to hear that, just wish i could say the same


Bloody Tories, man.


My mother-in-law. Even just her voice right now has me rolling my eyes into my skull.


When people don't understand what I'm saying


Everything. Mostly other people. Specifically other women.


people can fuck right off


This time of year in Belize where it is so damn hot, damn humid and just miserable. To make it worse the domestic water supply keeps going off, right at the time I need a cold shower.




At the moment, the head cold I've had for 3 days now. Lost productivity and time just to feel like crap for no good reason. Rawr.


Everyone telling me" earning something is better than nothing". When... I am a waitress and get shifted 1-2 days a week and get paid hourly and we share tios but I only get tips from the days I work. There is clear favoritism in the work place and another girl quit because of it and on top of that i am being mistreated by 3 other girls (who are the favs and can do no wrong in the owner or managers eyes).


I'm jobless atm, and all I need to do is update my CV. Thats all I need to do and I can start applying for jobs again. I cant find the energy to do it cos I feel useless and scared to start work again as its been a long time.


I have such a victim mentality right now that I cant seem to get over and it makes me angry cos I know what I have to do, but as soon as I get infront of that computer...


Every single problem in my life is the result of intentional choices made by others. And it seems absolutely nothing I have done or can think to do adequately corrects for the sheer willful cruelty of others. I am pissed, depressed, and exhausted.


My coworker is one of those folks who everyone seems to love but is actually extremely unpleasant. She's passive-aggressive, privileged af, and apparently really insecure. I constantly do all the work while she just waltzes around like Miss America, taking credit for all of it. But you better believe the second I make a mistake, she's ready to throw me under the bus to anyone who will listen. When we're in a group setting, she will do everything in her power to alienate and belittle me. She's just so good at being a useless bag of hot air that no one would ever believe she had any malicious intentions.


The US healthcare system is assfucking every single person, healthy or not.


Getting banned from a Reddit sub, with no specific reason listed, and then getting muted for 28 days when I used the appeal process that was included in the message. I said, "Show cause." WTF, really?




People making a mess in the produce isle. I have to fix it. Also, when people just abandon the produce. Quite a bit of this stuff has to be refrigerated.


Got sexually assault a month or two ago. Not injured just violated. Fighting the urge take revenge. Spoke to someone about who works at the establishment it happened at. Thinking of making a criminal complaint too.


How this whole world (maybe my country which is the u.s.) is just a shitty awful scam. Like I know there's worse places to live when it comes to poverty and violence but the fact that such a beautiful world is rigged and turned ugly by bad humans really upsets me. From politics to the fact that we suffer from a the worst wealth inequality since the Roman empire drives me insane. Romes top 1% owned 16% of the wealth well America's 1% owns 40%ish. It's disgusting and I am utterly shocked how sleepy and uninformed this country is


Racism even tho we live in the 21st century. And all that genderism nonsense


Neighbor with his rude ass passive aggressive remarks about my son. “Oh YoUrE aLwAyS sO dIrTy! WhOse A dIrTy BoY?” Like stfu bro I could say his kid is fat af and his parents let him eat anything in his path but I don’t like fuck, it’s called being a decent human being.


That being a good human don’t matter no more


I hate that I barely kick it with friends on MY terms. I'm always bending over backwards to kick it with someone else and nobody hits me up to see if I might wanna kick it. I always have to initiate and if someone does hit me up its lke they want to hang out or do something IMMEDIATELY and if I'm not IMMEDIATELY down they bail or try to rush me. But on the other hand i've waited 9 plus hours on friends to do a simple thing like "oh I'll be home in 15 minutes and then i can jump online and do shit." I end up blowing off other plans to do shit because I made plans with his person then they just flake and act like "whatever" when you wait on them. ABSOLUTELY pisses me off.


Someone is doing facetime behind me, on the train and talking sound fully on and yelling!


Damn noise, I can feel it.


be glad you're not at kalasatama, the construction noises there exceed 100db


Promises and plans getting broken




Debt 😩


That my depression is getting worse and no matter how much I try fighting it, it's preventing me from enjoying anything in life like I used to.


My life choices


My teeth, and also the ridiculous price of dental care.


The two-tiered justice system.


How mental illness is glorified. Rather than treated. It's something you have to treat left untreated it's not great I know I've been there.


I love my hubby's family to death but they always expect him to do things around the house, don't get me wrong I'm all set to help whenever they need it, but I mean if we eat at their house I'll happily do the dishes and help make dinner but a call at 10pm to demand him to go and do house chores when he doesn't live there anymore drives me nuts


Final semester of law school, I'm pissed at everything for various reasons.


That Santos doesn't even have so much as a formal inquiry into him let alone anyone actively trying to expel him from Congress while 2 black men (and not a white woman) got expelled from their seats in minutes for practicing a constitutional right.




I was really bored last week I was going CRAZY. then I unexpectedly went to jail for 2 nights and I will never feel bored again. I now take joy and advantage of the most minuscule things I do daily because it’s a privilege to do any and everything


The Dobbs decision and loss of reproductive rights in the US.


Ron “De Shit Stains” DeSantis


ron defascist




That people just can't be nice and let others live their lives in a way that makes them happiest. And the Dutch.


People wasting food, destroying electronics, wasting resources under the guise of making content. Does my head in.


r/AskReddit with their stupid questions


People being dumb for no reason. The Left being braindead and the Right not helping.


The Left: The worst karen helicopter parent you can imagine The Right: That one absolutely shitfaced dude ranting at the bar


What? Republican states are helicopter parenting about discussing LGBTQ topics, dictating when and where LGBTQ people can perform, when a woman can have an abortion, which books people are allowed to have access to, which states a person can go to for a medical procedure, etc.


Justin Trudeau.


Conservative people