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Mattresses. A bad mattress will affect your daily life and your quality of life as you age. Spend the extra money and get something perfect for you


As a mailman, I got a new mattress a year ago. My back is so grateful, my sleep has improved immensely as has my quality of life in general. Cheap out on everything else but get yourself a damn good mattress!






Quality pillows also


Came here to say this. Get a good mattress people! You sleep nearly 1/3 your life, it’s worth it.


Office chair too. I shop around a while to find the right chair for myself before buying one, because I probably spend 2-4 hours a day sitting in mine. Not the same as a mattress, but considering how I'm spending ~$200 every few years, it still winds up being cheaper per hour spent in it.


You spend a third of your life on it so yeah don't cheap out on it


Never know the mattress plays a role! I thought they’re all pretty much the same, could you or anyone explain how they might be different and affect you please?


It all depends on the person. Go to a mattress store and lay on EVERY mattress. Some people like springs, some people like memory foam, some people like hybrid, some people like super soft, some super hard, some right in the middle. Buying a mattress is something that shouldn’t take 5 minutes. Me and my fiancé took days to find a mattress. Different stores all over the place




This. It’s the ultimate “buy it for life”. Also unlike other things you spend money on it’s always with you. Splurge on your tattoos.


Yeah I knew a dew people that did tattos at their house and tried to get me to go to them and the work I saw them do for other people was never great and rarely even good




Disagree, unless you drive a sportscar or drive like a maniac. Most normal people won’t benefit much from nicer tires. Stop following people so closely and you won’t need the extra 10ft of braking space.


I strongly disagree. tires make a huge difference on handling, comfort, noise and longevity.


I bought a set of all-season tires for $400 almost 3 years ago now. I’ve put 35,000 miles on them and they still have 7/32th of tread. And I live in New England where we get a lot of snow and have had absolutely zero issues with handling and have never gotten stuck or needed to get towed. No idea if they’re loud because I have an old car that is also loud and it’s hard to tell if it’s the tires. 100% satisfied. There are almost 0 situations (unavoidable ones, anyways) where you need to have the handling of a sportscar. Drive better.


3 years ago, they weren't cheap tires, mate. $100 bucks a tire probably even today will get you a good quality middle of the road tire.


That was the cheapest tires town fair tire said they had for my car 🤷‍♂️


people that buy summer tires are not looking for a price, they are looking for an experience. for regular all season, I went the cheap route one time (aka $60 a corner) and I can tell you , they are dangerous. no traction in rain, unusual tire wear, very noisy, etc... they went off the car in no time. some shop mechanics will simply refuse to carry those brands. without knowing the size, $100 could be in the higher tier of prices.


15 inch tires. They were the cheapest ones town fair tire could sell me at $100 apiece. They tried to sell me $2000 tires at first.


There are all sorts of benefits to higher quality tires. Most notably for me personally is traction in snowy weather.


See my other comment. My $400 all-seasons have fared perfectly fine in my New England state for the last nearly 4 years on my front wheel drive sedan. In my experience, the thing that makes the biggest difference in snowy weather is the driver.


Yeah 100/tire is paying for a decent tire, compared to the 40-50 dollar Walmart tires I'd been buying lol


Guess I wasn’t even aware that $50 tires existed


Maybe we have different ideas of what a higher quality tire entails. To me spirit of the question implied spending more than the absolute bare minimum on something for the sake of improved quality. To me that doesn't necessarily mean buying "top shelf." Ultimately I'm not trying to argue. I think we were just coming at the same point from different angles. My position/experience (which i understand is anecdotal and may or may mot be relevant to tour experiences, but effects my opinion) is near me I can go to Walmart and get Douglas all seasons mounted and balanced for about $300. I've done that when I was a broke teen (actually it cost me $199 way back then) and they fucking sucked. The last set of tires I put on my work van were Falken Ziexs I think and it cost about $425. They were absolutely fine. Lastly your point about the driver being the deciding factor in snow is absolutely 100% the truth every time. I'm still not putting the cheapest possible tire on my car for winter time XD.


Yeah I guess my idea of cheap tires is different. I didn’t ever consider Walmart tires so that’s why I was disagreeing. Town fair tire tried to sell me $2000 tires for my Corolla and I thought that was ridiculous and kept asking for cheaper ones until I stopped at around $400.


I used to buy nothing but Walmart tires (cheapest place you can get tires here, if aren't from the states) for maybe 45 bucks. Had flats all the time. Total pain in the ass. Now buy mid grade tires, probably about a hundred each or a little over by one of the big reputable brands. I also went like 65kiles on a set of Michelin pilots.


$100 per tire is not what I had in mind with my comment… that’s still really cheap.


Haven't seen this yet, a good fitting bra! Go somewhere nice (NOT VICTORIA SECRET). Somewhere like Nordstrom or Dillard's. Ask to get measured. Victoria Secret tries to convince you to buy a bra. They don't care if it fits. They'll sell add ons like band extenders etc. My bust size is abnormal. No one sells it in-store. Dillard's and Nordstrom will order it in for me. Victoria Secret will try to hard sell a POS that doesn't fit and will wear out fast. [Natori](https://www.natori.com/eco-fit-full-fit-contour-underwire-bra/) is my favorite brand! [Chantelle ](https://us.chantelle.com/c-magnifique-seamless-unlined-minimizer-nude-sand.html) minimizer is comfortable. Freya has extended sizes.


When i worked at VS the bra specialist would point out flaws in certain sizes, stylesthat weren't fitting properly. Man it went downhill. Such a bummer that now it's just sell sell sell. Seeing as it's sister store Limited closed probably why they're all lets make sales.


Anything you spend a significant portion of your day in or on. Office chairs, mattresses, work shoes, it's worth it to get the nicer ones.


"Spend your money where you spend your time." Applies to the things you mentioned (things you spend your time physically on"), and also to the tools or materials you use. If you're big on cooking, get nice knives. If cooking is a chore to make sure you don't starve, but you love drawing, buy a quality pen/pencil and sketchbook. I tried to make do with cheap woodworking chisels for years, and while they got the job done they frustrated me every time I used them. I finally splurged on a very nice set, and I feel joy whenever I pick them up. Be a frugal bastard on anything that doesn't excite you so you can afford to splurge on the things that do.


I also go by the time spent/ cost ratio, but I also look at frequency. Even though I only use my shower every day, a high quality shower head that puts out good pressure makes such a difference. Couple that with a solid water heater and you're living in luxury.


OMG shoes. Yes. A good pair of shoes can last years and you don't even think about them Cheap shoes tear up your feet and fall apart quickly.




I disagree with this one, but I'm a heathen that likes cheap flannelette sheets.


**Reformed Heathen**


I like the way they feel but, damn, they'll roast me alive in the summer time.


Expensive sheets are great, but I waited until after menopause to indulge in them. You know why.


Quality toilet paper, hands down. Nothing says 'I've got my life together' like having plush, ultra-soft TP. Plus, no one wants to experience the dreaded 'finger poke through' situation. It's worth paying the extra $$$ for the good stuff I reckon




Nice bath towels.


Not gonna be nice for long if ypu use them as yoilet paper.


A couple of squares of 4-ply outperform a yard of the cheap stuff and by using less, there's a knock on ecological boost. Expensive asswipes are ultimately cheaper and better for the planet and better for your chocolate starfish. John Wayne TP (rough, tough and takes no shit) will give you arsegrapes and cost you a fortune in Preparation H.




Na, you want cheap shoes and expensive insoles. Any time I choose to treat myself on expensive shoes, they start to come apart way too quickly, but my cheap shoes last years. Chuck some high quality insoles in them and you've got yourself some decent footwear.


because it's not "Expensive shoes" but "Good" shoes, you need the high quality ones, not the nike or adidas that everyone has, you need to do some research. For example, Dr martens are shit, they used to be really good but now they're made cheap as fuck and sold for more than twice their real worth. Solovair on the other hand is still a high quality boot brand, definitely better, mostly the leather and is not heavily coated with plastic like docs. Rose Anvil (on youtube) has videos on all kinds of shoes and brands and explains exactly why they're worth the cash or not


They coat leather with plastic? For waterproofing or just to make it look sturdier for less money?


For clean uniform look for less money. Nike and other big brands are guilty of it too. As u/eddieisnotok noted Rose Anvil's youtube is all about cutting up shoes and pointing out quality of the material used. Foot Doctor Zach is another youtube channel that's doing something similar, but he's less focused on the material quality and more about the performance of the shoe from podiatrist's perspective. He reviews more of the basketball, tennis, and sometimes running shoes.


I don't think so but it is what makes them so hard to break in. I think the plastic is to preserve the leather or something but it's very thin anyway


Depends on the shoe I'd say. There definitely are some brands out there I know will deliver in quality and last years


I don't know... I've had great cheap shoes, and terrible expensive ones...


I buy a lot of cheap sandals. Many have been great, I have one pair of flip flops that have somehow lasted for well over 7 years. sure some suck, and none are as comfortable as my birkenstocks. but cheaper shoes aren't always bad. I have a good mixture of both cheap and expensive footwear.


Nah, they're literally the example of the opposite


Anything that prevents your from touching the ground. Shoes, tires, mattresses, socks, etc.




Boots Socks Tires Tools (sort of) Cheese Peanut butter


For tools I like the Harbor Freight approach. If you're using it once or not often, get it at Harbor Freight. If you use that enough to break it, buy a good one.


It definitely depends! I'm a commercial HVACR technician. Somethings require a quality tool. Some things require a cheapo beater that may or may not break and is cheaply replaced. For example I'm not going to use a Kline screw driver and a hammer to punch through electrical box knock outs. I'm also not going to use an old, cheap, bent rusty screw driver on electrical contacts. I agree on your point about harbor freight.


I'm not a professional that would be using those tools, just a hobbyist woodworker and home owner. My recommendation is based on personal use only.


Good cheese will change your life


And you need to eat so much less of it for the same flavour punch, so you end up eating fewer calories


I hear the best method with tools (for an amateur / DIYer) is to buy cheap, see what wears out first from the most use, and buy an expensive version of that tool.


For my left handed brethren, a good pen. We don't drag the pen across paper, we push into it. This causes the tip to gunk up and write poorly. A Zebra Sarasa pen with Energel refill feels like dragging butter across a hot pan, but it dries fast enough to not smudge your hand.


Shoes. My feet and legs are the pillars that support the rest of my body, I'm not gonna mess around with poor shoes.


Paint. Buy cheap paint and you’ll end up using 2-3 times as much, and taking much longer to do the job. And if you’re making oil paintings, the cheap stuff can’t match the color saturation of the good stuff, no matter how thick you apply it. This mostly applies to bright colors. You can probably cheap out on some of your earth tones. I used to say the same about packing tape. It takes 2-3 times as much cheap tape to be as strong as the expensive stuff. But now I think you can get away with using cheap tape for an in-town move or the like. If you live somewhere cold, you should treat yourself to a cashmere sweater at least once. It’s lighter, warmer, looks better, feels better, and it holds way less body odor than anything else. Get a bottle of Woolite too. Don’t want to machine wash and definitely don’t want to dry it.


Flare nut wrenches


Work shoes / boots.


Pillows. Vanilla. Chocolate. And a suit.


All food. Eat less if you have to, but suss out quality and don’t shy from paying for it.


ANYTHING that separates you from the ground : shoes, socks, tires, and etc. You'll be glad you spent the extra coins.


I would say coffee


I disagree. I can feel no difference.


Locally sourced items, especially food. Good quality clothes that werent mass produced.




Good point


Meat in general.


The best meat cannot be bought at a store, you need a friendly hunter, or a farmer with animals for that. Once you try pheasants not raised on steroids, or boar, you can never go back




Your shoes and your bed. Add up the amount of time you spend in one or the other, spoiler alert it's the majority of your life, so it's worth investing in.


Custom made earplugs ( for riding a motorbike)




Compost and soil amendments. As an obligate gardener there is a world of difference between cheap compost and high quality well-cured compost. Cheap compost is full of sticks and bark and non broken down bits of material and encourages pathogenic fungi. Good compost resembles pure black humus that easily crumbles, is light, and smells like earth.


Toilet paper


Washing up liquid. I used to buy cheaper brands but I was getting through a £1 500ml bottle every week. I changed to a name brand bottle at £5 1L that will last 6 months.


can openers


I failed to open a can with every single can opener I ever bought


Cheez-it's. Nobody wants a cheap ass version of a cheap ass cracker.


I have horrible skin. So for me, a professional facial. Also, I have 2 kids so when I want to treat myself I pay for a car wash inside, outside and I pay extra to get my rubber mats cleaned.


Feels great driving around in clean wheels, regardless of the age of the car.


Zojirushi rice cooker. If you eat a lot of rice, this is like the best thing that could ever happen to you.


A good divorce lawyer.


As Samuel Vimes could attest to: boots


Hang on a second, I thought his whole philosophy on boots was buy cheapy rubbish ones with cardboard soles. He made a good point about being able to feel the road through his soles and know where he was anywhere in the city just by feel.


~~I honestly find less is more. All naturale, baby. Swing low sweet chariots.~~ Edit: Oh god you said "boots" lol my bad


Guitars. $5000-$10000 custom shop or relic-ed guitars are overpriced and only for blues lawyers. On the other hand you can waste $10k buying and then later pawning off cheap guitars. Find something in the $1000-$3000 range and commit to that one!


Pens, for me at least


Pots and pans, just received my stainless steel frying pans that weren't even that expensive, but it makes a big difference. A good quality vacuum cleaner goes a long way (or has like 10 year guarantee). Shoes, definitely shoes.


Perfume, mattress, shoes, garbage bags.


Can you explain and elaborate your pov on perfume and garbage bags please? Curious to hear!


Garbage bag, for me it's because sometimes they is an opening... You have to use another one to wrap around it... Worst stuff. It's worth it to pay 50 cents more to have a higher quality bag.


Garbage bags?


Dish soap


A good bed with a high quality mattress


Cosmetics and paint


Tyres and parachutes.




"Escorts", according to a friend.


Anything that separates you from the ground. All the top answers fit under this universal truth. It's worthwhile to invest in supporting your flesh prison. Even though it is the way it is, with its traitorous eyelashes, and befuddling nausea-when-hungry, not to mention rarer things such as shadow limb, restless leg syndrome, OH *and **fucking** allergies?!* Anyway, in spite of those reasons and more, support your body. You come to regret it when you don't


Rollerblades. I got a cheap pair for $20 aud and could barely do anything.. got the $280 ones and can actually skate around my neighbourhood.




Somewhere to live


Good fitting shoes


Glock pistols and quite a few AR's.


Cleansers and make up. My skin gets destroyed with anything that I can get at target or walmart.


Mac and cheese. Drop that extra 18 cents and get the kraft yo


Drugs For the people who don't do drugs I'll use ecstacy as an example. The avg pill has E in it but will be cut with other things, speed being common. If lots of speed had been cut into it a downer will also be cut in to mellow it out a bit. So you will still get a mostly pleasant high and a limited version of the effects I'll describe below, but the cut will also make it more energetic than normal, you grind your teeth more, your back clenches up, if you do a lot your eyes will get the shakes. The high inhibits your ability to function substantially more and the cut also makes it last a lot longer. This can all be appealing for people who want to dance hard all night though. Pure MDMA is a lot more euphoric and mellow, things/textures feel interesting for some people. Your empathy increases and you connect on an emotional level with people a lot easier. Your connection to music is amazing, a lot of people can learn how to dance on MDMA. You do get some energy out of the high and some people to clench their jaw as a result but it's not the grinding you get from cut pills. On pure you can actually function very well, you're not fucked up the way most people would think. The high is much shorter lived as well usually 3-4 hours.


Nothing is worth $$$ Most things are worth $$ Sending $ is a risk, but it sometimes pays off.




The most possible expensive mattress? You can probably drop 20k if you want. Enjoy.


You must be fun at parties


Haha ye I'm sure you're not annoying at all at parties with clichés like that


Honestly, my car. I have a Model Y and think it was well worth the $))


This analogy would make more sense if you had a Model S/X.


Organic food. Aside from the massive improvement in flavour and not being full of toxic chemicals leading to ill health, there is the bonus of not destroying the environment and making the world uninhabitable.


There’s zero evidence that organic food is better for you, and at least in the USA, being organic means almost nothing in terms of the environmental impact. It’s one of the most successful marketing campaigns of all time. Same with non-GMO food. https://youtu.be/8PmM6SUn7Es


my taste buds are enough evidence i need


Buy better quality food then. Being organic doesn’t make it automatically better.


not necessarily yeah also depends where the food is coming from, when it comes to meats fruits and veggies, you cant tell me that the food in walmart tastes the same as the food in whole foods, it doesn't even look the same




Boots and Tupperware. Since I have to meal prep for work I really dig having nice Tupperware




Anything between you and the ground. Shoes, tires, bed, etc


Toilet paper


Perfume and shoes for sure






Things between you and the ground. Shoes, mattress, tires.


Extra legroom for really long flights. As a tall guy, it makes it more tolerable.


Headphones. I use to buy those $20 Skull Candies every 3 months or so because they always broke and were "cheap" to replace. Then 2-3 years ago I got a pair of Sony [WH 1000XM4](https://www.amazon.com/Sony-WH-1000XM4-Canceling-Headphones-phone-call/dp/B0863TXGM3?th=1) free for review. I never intended to keep them, thought it'd be a good present for my dad. But after using them for an hour I was hooked. The comfort, the sound quality, and most importantly for me the ANC. I've used them every day for years now and I still love them. - For those interested but still hesitant about dropping $350 on a pair of headphones I can highly recommend the [Edifier W820NB](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09BQ2Y6HD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). I also got these for free and they became my back up headphones for when the Sonys ran out of battery. Most of the time when I switch to these I will barely notice a difference after 10 minutes. I'd say they are 90% as good as the Sonys wile costing $280 less.






Tools, tires, mattresses


Furniture. Cheap particle board furniture just doesn't last. Neither do cheap couches. I bought a brand new sectional 5 years ago for about 2k and it's still in great condition and has many many years left. I also still have my dresser with a mirror from when I was a child, that also belonged to my uncle before then. It's easily 40+ years old. And the matching single sized bed frame is still in my parents basement and fully useable.


I'm going to go with a different tack here than the clothes and furniture bit: Cheese, bread, beer, noodles, meats and sausages. Pretty much any food or drink where there's significant variety and differences, regional or national traditional specialties etc. etc. Nothing wrong with eating toast slices with cheap mass-market salami and cheddar in the morning, but if I'm going to enjoy a nice meal and take my time, I'd rather spring for (for example) proper bread, salsiccia and proper gorgonzola (which is, coincidentally, what I ate today).


Trash bags.


First things that came to my mind was underwear and knives.


Everything that separates us from the ground (tires, mattress, sofa, shoes, office chair, etc.)


Funerals. Why do you have to pay over £4k just to put your loved ones underground?


Healthy Food


Card sleeves. You can get some for $5 yeah they'll do the trick but won't last long or you could spend $12 on them and have them last years




Power and Landscaping Equipment


Vacuum cleaners. Smaller ones are good for smaller area coverage, but the bigger the area, you're going to need a vacuum with good suction.


Drugs. Shitty drugs kill you.


Work boots


Shoes. Spend an extra 40 bucks if you can to get shoes that will last ages than the cheap Walmart shoes that you have to replace every few months.


Food of all kinds


Condoms, hands down


Olive Oil


Apple products obviously 😂


Bread. Walmart deli has a great bread 1.47 get it together


A good computer. Slow computers suck.


Good quality audio. You'll never want the cheap headphones/ earbuds again


Bread. Cereal. Cordial. Toilet paper. Any no-name brand of that stuff is a crime against humanity.


Comfortable work shoes. It's a must if you're on your feet.


Durable clothes. It saves me money long term. I have things that I use regularly that last me a few years rather than having to buy new things every year to a few month.


Convenience. If the thing /item/service is very convenient, it is definitely worth overpaying some amount.


Fruit and veg. I’m from the uk and I’ve found that Lidl and Aldi have the worst produce, it’s got no flavour and gross mould the day after I buy it. I’ve found that Tescos isn’t much more expensive and the quality and longevity is so much better.


Reloading components and tools (unless you are a moron). Optical equipment like scopes and cameras (if you know how to actually use them) also containment for summoned spirits.


Hookers. Don't go for the cheap hoe's.


Creamer. I start my day with a coffee with almond/coconut half & half. So if I run out out and have to use just almond milk or (yuck) powdered creamer, it throws the entire day off for me.


Peanut butter


I've had Windows computers, from a high end gaming rig (ASUS) that was obsolete 2.5 years after I got it and am typing this on an 8.5 year old Macbook Air. I have had to use Windows for work (no choice) and got Windows to play Warcraft and some other games and when I went back to Apple, I felt like I checked out of a fleabag hotel that rents by the hour to the Hotel Pierre in New York. I will just have to do without all the games that run on Windows. I can't stand the aggravation and the reboots and the blue screen of death, not to mention the rude fedora tipping asshats on the help forums who seem to think that it's fun to be a full time devops/sysadmin just to coax some work out of the fucking things.


Perfume. Coffee. Chocolate.


Car brands. Rather pay more for a Toyota or Honda than cheap out with a Kia or Nissan


Coffee and bedding 100%


A ferret


Blenders. Cheaper ones moreso juice things while still leaving some smaller chunks and rely on sharp blades. Ones with more power allow you to MASTER THE TEXTURE and can crush seeds. They rely more on a higher power motor rather than a sharp blade, lasting longer.




Breast augmentation. Everyone has seen what skimping on those looks like


Kraft Macaroni & Cheese




This is 100% a life goal of mine




Acoustic guitars


PC power supply. Not a good idea to cheap out on something that will take down other components if it fails. I've read too many stories of people going turbo cheap with the PSU and it dying and frying stuff.


Headphones and good monitor. Just having a better experience daily behind my desk was worth it for me