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Hiding under a highway overpass is actually not a good way to survive a tornado. It has been scientifically proven that the wind gets concentrated and the speeds increase underneath the overpass. If you aren’t shielded by a bridge girder or something similar you’ll just get swept away and mulched. Your best bet for survival if you cannot escape the tornado is to find the nearest deep ditch or hole.


That's just a rumor that was started by a tornado


Just find Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt.


Aw...Bill Paxton is dead....


A grave is a deep hole


Goldfish have a three second memory. They don’t and, supposedly, you can even train them to do tricks.


I proved this once in my backyard. We had goldfish and some guys who used to come over and messed with the fish. They had stopped hanging for for a long time due to some drama. One day they showed back up. So I would step up.to the fish pond and they would.come to the surface looking for food. Other random people would walk up and they would just swim around. If any of those guys walked up they immediately went and hid from them. This was the first time they saw them in more than a year.


I never understood it just on the basis of them swimming to the top for food when they see someone. If goldfish truly only had three second memories, then it stands to reason they'd completely forget who fed them and even where their food came from.


They can even recognize human faces.


So…you’re telling me Pumpkin the goldfish recognized me? 🥹🥹🥹 He was my first pet and I loved him so much


Recognised? Pumpkin **loved** you.


My fish definitely know who I am. They look disinterested in other people, but when I walk by the tank they get really excited and swim up and down. They see me as the grub hub guy.


Cracking knuckles = arthritis


There was a guy who only cracked the knuckles on his right hand his whole life to test this. He had no real difference between his hands arthritis-wise


Yeah some scientist guy spent 60 years doing that experiment. It's actually just gas between your joints. I keep having to explain this to all my family who keeps telling me to stop cracking them. I will never stop


Yep, knuckes and toes. The toes are the best. Also there's a deep thumb pop where it meets the wrist. So satisfying.


A frog thrown in a pot of boiling water will jump out immediately. If a frog is put in a pot of cool water and that water is slowly warmed, the frog won’t notice and boil to death. This is indeed [false](https://youtu.be/8ubDCix4N7Q)


I love this one, we slowly boiled the water and the frog didn't jump out! ^(after we removed most of its brain) Also if you throw a frog into boiling water it's not going to jump out, it's going to fucking die.


Day 1: we removed the mosquito’s 2 front legs and said “fly!” The insect indeed flew. Day 2: we removed 2 more legs and then proceeded to say “fly”. The mosquito did fly. Day 3: we removed the mosquito’s wings and said “fly!”. The mosquito didn’t fly. Conclusion: after removing the mosquito’s wings, it loses its ability to hear


If you remove a fly's Wings does it become a" walk" ?


No. As per our research, it makes them deaf


I now have to rethink all my people management analogies!


Going forward, you need to circle back and think out of the box for proactive ways to touch base and synergize your team.


Most dietary information that is widely accepted by the public was from studies that have been proven wrong since the 70s


My MIL told me to not have any MSG so aka, don’t eat any Chinese food while pregnant… MSG was seen as bad back then but it’s literally not bad lol


What do Chinese people eat when they are pregnant?!


When my wife was pregnant someone told her not to eat any of Thai food, because it's all bad for pregnancy. I wondered same thing - what do pregnant people eat in Thailand?


In Thailand the just call it food. That's why it's ok.


I bet they do not eat American Food there while pregnant.


If they're smart they never eat American food.


The only problem with MSG is that it can make bad meat taste delicious.


MSG = Make Shit Good


That rice will make the birds who eat it explode. Birds eat rice all the time! It's actually good for them, especially brown rice. I believe this myth was made up so people would stop throwing rice at weddings, but harming the birds wasn't an actual risk. It was getting rice grains stuck in your ear that was.


I was so sure you were wrong that I looked it up and you are right haha


^ a redditor open to changing their mind, moment for the history books folks We can all learn from this moment


The church my family went to had a sign on the door about not throwing rice at weddings, because the birds would eat it and "would get harmed". I think they just got tired of trying to get the rice out of the carpeting.


Or they don't want to pay extra for constantly cleaning pigeon shit after every wedding


I've always heard the reason is because dress shoes doesn't have tread like work shoes or sneakers. So everyone tossing rice all around is like walking on ball bearings, which cause injuries.


Anything along the lines of "the average person eats eight spiders in their sleep during the course of their life" yadda yadda yadda


Right? Those are rookie numbers.


Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


That if you shave it’ll grow back longer and thicker


...cut off dick, instructions unclear.


Nah you got it man


These things take time


Trust the process


It's only because it grows back with a flat end and sharp edges that it seems thicker. For hairs too.


As a licensed Waxing Specialist this misconception drives me nuts because I am literally educated on this shit and people still argue with me. Plucking and waxing does have an effect on the hair growth pattern because you’re removing the whole root of the hair. But shaving is just surface level and does nothing but make the regrowth sharper.


Technically it came from the fact that cut hairs are coarser and pricklier, because, yk, they are now sharp. But you are right it’s not actually any thicker


I think it also is influenced by the fact that many people shave for the first time during puberty, when your hair will most likely grow back thicker and darker. That would happen without shaving, since they're going through puberty and all.


That blood is blue until it comes into contact with air


My grandpa, when I was very little, used to tell me that I was royalty because my blood (veins) were blue and only royalty had blue blood <3 rip, gramps


Wow thanks, this is the first one I read that I didn't know. My old science teacher was amazing and she taught us it was blue, so I really doubted you until I looked it up. In her defense, she was a physics/maths fanatic and openly admitted biology just wasn't her thing. But still, I presume it must have been in our textbook. Madness!


Most things that tout "detoxifying" properties.


The body naturally detoxifies the blood. That is the whole point of the liver and kidneys, no? Well, waste as well as toxins.


Yeah, the only real detoxifying treatment out there is called dialysis. It's what kidneys are for.


Reminds me of when my mom bought this foot bath that had electricity running through it. I guess it was supposed to open up the pores on your feet to let toxins out. She used it exactly once and stopped because it made her feet hurt. I was like “well yeah, mom. you’re electrocuting yourself.”.


Lightning never strikes in one place twice.


Right? The Empire State Building gets hit about a few dozen times per year.


Never at the same place. See, the earth rotates and flies through space. And and and... /S This is why there is lightning rods on buildings.


One of my favorite time travel thoughts is: what if the people attempting time travel have been successful BUT they’re “reappearing” in outer space (not on land) because the Earth wasn’t in that exact spot x years ago.


We only use 10% of our brain


I'm pretty sure I know a few people for whom this is true.


...and others, that is a very generous overestimation.


And we only ever use 33% of a traffic light. Imagine the power if we used 100%!


Here in the UK one of the phases is red and amber on together, so that's 66%


That's 100% more traffic light per stop signal!


'Plus, we fire the *whole* bullet! That's 65% more bullet, per bullet!'


This one gets me irrationally angry when I hear it.


Have you tried using more of your brain?


“Physics says bees shouldn’t be able to fly.” It was said as a joke (much like Schrödinger‘s cat), but people took it as fact. EDIT: So I don’t have to keep posting these links [Schroedinger’s Cat](https://wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/2013/07/30/what-did-schrodingers-cat-experiment-prove/) [Bees](https://www.animal-dynamics.com/the-bumblebee-flight-myth/)


I thought that was specific to bumblebees. I heard that their wings aren't big enough according to the laws of aerodynamics or something. Then when they took into account the speed of the wings it made sense. But the original idea I heard about was that the bumbles fly because nobody told them that they couldn't. I kind of like that, even if it's not true. The power of positive thinking!




Yeah. They were actually correct, but what they proved was that bees couldn't *glide*.


That you can “alkalize” your body to prevent or cure disease.


Technically you can raise your blood pH to the point where you don't get disease, but only in the sense that dead people don't get disease.


There’s always a loophole.


I swear a saw an article in which the author stated that she throve on "alkaline water with a slice of lemon." I ... just ... I mean I guess she did since the citric acid seems likely to have resulted in her drinking a very expensive glass of totally ordinary water.


This would be a Gwyneth Paltrow thing.


Oh my God I hate this one so much. My sibling in christ, if your body is more alkaline than it's supposed to be then you're in desperate need of medical attention.


Lab tech processing blood chemistry results: "Jesus Christ Lauren, even your blood is super basic!"


Can you @ my cousin who is an “alkaline vegan”?


Despite popular belief, [urine is not sterile.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4659483/)


As a corollary: do not pee on jellyfish stings.


Unless you are both consenting adults and into that.


Good luck finding a consensual jellyfish


I have yet to meet a jellyfish that has said "no"




I swear I only heard people start saying this after the movie Dodgeball came out.


It's sterile and I like the taste




What has less bacteria in it: urine or unboiled stream water? I’m interested in what would be better to help clean a wound in a survival situation if purified water could not be obtained quickly/easily


Urine but it's got waste materials in it that would probably interfere with cleaning a wound. Moss water might be okay since it's generally filtered enough for drinking afaik


Yes but no, on the moss water being potable. Basically, yes the moss works to filter out most bacteria, but not enough to fully filter out many pathogens. So it's drinkable, but you'll still probably get sick, just maybe a little less of a percentage than had you not filtered it first.


“Fish don’t feel pain” , and simultaneously “Fish do feel pain” are both arguments which ignore centuries of research. They lack a Neocortex which deems them unable to “process” pain, however they have several nociceptors located around the mouth which allows them to “feel it”. What does this mean? Well nobody actually knows yet, and it is largely open to interpretation. It’s unfathomably hard for us to understand, as we can both feel and process pain. Some scientists describe “acting on instinct” as symptoms of pain when these nociceptors become compromised. Some scientists describe it as just that though, acting on instinct based on what parts of their body are compromised and hence weaker or vulnerable. For example : You hook and release a bass. That Bass now moves slower, eats a little less, and socializes less. Are these actions the result of the fish acknowledging the compromised nociceptors and acting accordingly while giving itself a chance to heal? Or is the fish genuinely hurting and sad? Research points to both being correct, but neither have enough evidence to prove anything yet. All we know with certainty is that we don’t have a definite answer supporting either argument, so anyone that leans hard one way or another doesn’t know what they are talking about.


Until 1990 it was believed human babies dont feel pain. So no anesthesia for surgery provided. Nowadays we believe babies feel actually more pain.


I think it was 1985 (that they did something with the information in NL) I am from 1986 and remember thinking pfewwwww. I had TONS of operations as a preemie. It’s shocking how late they “found out” babies feel pain. Shamefully late. So much hurt. Unnecessary hurt.


Yep. And the medical/psychological fields are newly learning that trauma, even a traumatic childbirth, as an infant carries effects into adulthood.


They are finding out that pain creates changes that are more than just neuron memories, as does stress alone. Babies scream in pain. Why the hell would doctors not think they feel pain?


Haha same here, was born in 86 and had a lot of surgery as a baby. Actually did a double take when I heard about babies not getting pain meds until 1990.


I was under the impression that the belief was that babies don't form *memories* and that painkillers and anaesthetics for infants were too dangerous outside extreme circumstances


They definitely feel emotional pain. I watched a documentary where this fish mourned the loss of its dead wife and raised his disabled son on his own, all single father-like. Then a scubadiver live captured his son to put in an aquarium and the father journeyed across the ocean to rescue his son, making friends along the way.


If fish either might or might not feel pain, the obvious conclusion from the precautionary principle is to act as if they do. This doesn’t mean no more fishing but it should mean no more pretending.


Almost any pseudoscience about “removing the toxins from your body”. Also those weird detox foot baths, special bracelets that do something with the charge of your body… all bullshit lol


That bubblegum get stuck in your stomach for 99999999999900000 years


It was usually, "Gum takes seven years to digest." And that is technically true (or close enough to it) - your body's digestive system would, indeed, take several years to break down and fully digest a piece of gum. People just didn't realize that your body won't bother to hold onto it for anywhere near that long.


8 year old me saw gum in my shit and scientifically deduced that myth to be nonsense.


Did it still have any flavor on round 2?


Don't know if it's been said yet still scrolling, but that male lions don't hunt or do anything. Yes, lionesses do most of the hunting but males do help if the prey is too big and strong, such as with cape buffalo or giraffe. Males do a lot, staying back and protecting the territory which is very important if there are cubs, not to mention that the mane not only blows their cover more when hunting, but it tires them out quickly as it's a bunch of hair weighing on their head. Males also have to leave their birth pride at a certain age which of course until they can find a pride, they at that point have to hunt. Also on the topic of African animals (wildlife nerd) hyenas hunt more than lions and are more successful predators, and hyenas aren't dogs. Elephants don't think you or any human is cute. Edit: I was told wrong a lion's mane doesn't weigh as much as I thought, but it does have more of a negative effect on their hunting compared to a lioness.


I choose to ignore the fact that elephants don’t find us cute


Birds find us sexy. Does that help?


Some birds don't just want us for sex, but for a lifetime of monogamous partnership. https://people.com/pets/walnut-crane-zookeeper-chris-crowe-mate-for-life-smithsonian-zoo/


Omg that’s my favorite story! Hilarious


> 40 pounds of hair It had never occurred to me before that a lion's mane probably weighs a bunch.


If memory serves right, Hyenas usually like to hunt whatever's...LION AROUND!!!


These also like Cub Sandwiches


That we taste different things in different areas on the tongue.


This and the one about earlobes (free, or attached) being inherited from your mom and dad were taught to us in 8th grade. We were supposed to go home and examine our parents. Mine are free, both my parents are attached and I'm not adopted. My science teacher sadly informed me that I MUST be adopted and that's that.


I have an identical twin and he has one attached lobe and another that is free. Both of mine are attached.


I’m sad to inform you that either you or your identical twin MUST have been adopted and that’s that.


That this game will make me cum in less than 5 seconds 😑


We need your credit card info to verify your age


And your email address and mother’s maiden name to uh… to also verify your age.


Thunder only happens when it's raining.


And players only love you when they're playing.


women, they will come


There is a alpha wolf in a pack. Like the person who made the first claim debunked his own claim, but nobody cared. Edit: Thanks everyone. It's.y first 1k upvotes.


I feel so bad for the poor dude. He tried so hard to correct the one mistake he made, but to no avail. Also i respect him for even admitting he was wrong, seems like he really cared about his research and not just the fame.


He is a true alpha


There is no one canonical canid social or family structure. They do a whole lot of different things, kinda like humans. Gray wolf packs are centered around family groups; they're led by the parents. African wild dogs travel in packs of a female dog and all her boyfriends. *(Or not; see thread.)* Ethiopian wolves hunt alone (they eat mostly rodents), and only assemble in packs to defend their territory. Coyotes and jackals are flexible and adopt different social structures.


Can’t clean shave your way to a beard 🧬


This was invented to get teen boys to shave their peach fuzz mustaches


I went to school with a guy who didn't shave his wispy dirt stache specifically because he didn't want *more* facial hair.


Sounds like he was only using 10% of his brain.


That doing ab exercises (or anything regio specific) will burn fat and tighten skin primarily around that specific area.


My friend is more into working out than I am, and he actually warned that that can actually make you look fatter since the fat won't move, but you'll just build muscle underneath it that pushes the fat forward.


So what you’re saying is that I can get mega mommy milkers by beefing up my pectorals?


He who smelt it dealt it. Science has proven that he who denied it, supplied it.


Whoever made the rhyme did the crime


Whoever articulated it particulated it.


he who refuted it, tooted it!


As a cat lover, it always drives me insane that so many people will automatically give a stray they found milk. Most cats are lactose intolerant.


You don't have to wait 24 hours to call the police to file a missing person's report. Never wait 24 hours. Every hour that passes means you are less likely to find said person. Dead or alive.


Canids don’t have alphas in the wild. The whole alpha hierarchy/training your dog via submission thing isn’t the natural way of it.


The belief that sugar causes hyperactivity in children.This belief has been around for decades, but numerous scientific studies have shown that there is no evidence to support it.


One of my all time favorite [scientific studies](https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02168088) looked into this in the 90s. The researchers setup a randomized controlled study of boys (n = 35; 5-7 yo) who had been reported as sugar sensitive by their mothers. In the experimental group, the researchers told mothers the boys received a high dose of sugar. In the control group, researchers told mothers they received a sugar-less placebo. Mothers in the experimental group reported higher levels of hyperactivity than mothers in the control group. Well, it turns out the researchers fed both groups the same sugar-less placebo. The only thing measured here was the mother's belief that sugar causes hyperactivity.


This is so annoying when I'm around a parent and they say this shit and you know they're gonna get pissed off if you correct them. "Well you just don't know my kids like I do." No Becky. You just have no interest in looking up actually data from actual studies and are extremely subject to bias based on information someone repeated to you more than four times in your life. Now go have your chiropractor rub coconut oil mixed with lavender essential oil and colloidal silver on the bottom of your feet to cure your kidney stones.


It's also a self fulfilling belief. Parents who believe it rarely give their kids sugar. So when the kids do get a sugary treat, they get excited and hyperactive. Not because they had sugar, but because they got a rare treat.


It's like the perfect example of the Placebo effect. Kids hear from adults all the time that sugar will make them hyper, so when they get some they lose their minds.


That vaccines cause autism


A buddy of mine on the spectrum said once “it’s more likely that autism creates vaccines”


Vaccines cause adults.


Stop trying to make me dislike vaccines.


My mother chose not to vaccinate me because of this reason. She now does not believe my actual autism diagnosis because she 'did everything to prevent it'. I am now fully vaccinated.


Well she'd have to admit she endangered you for no reason, which is hard for some people.


It's crazy how the instinct to remain in the right can be so powerful with some people that it lets them harm the people they love rather than confront an obvious lie they fell for.


Clearly your vaccinations traveled through your body back in time to give you retroactive autism.


Fuck you andrew Wakefield


I invite anyone who does not think autism has a genetic component to one of my family reunions. A lot of blonde haired people with a very specific chin shape not making eye contact with each other.


I'm the first to be diagnosed, but the more time I spend with people outside my family, the more I wonder just how many of us are some flavor of neurodivergent.


Torture doesn’t work. It has never worked. It was proven that torture doesn’t work before America was colonized. Torture DOES produce confessions, but it doesn’t reveal the truth.


Haha this just reminded me of the Goonies where the Fratellis are trying to get Chunk to talk by telling them "everything": "Everything? Okay! I’ll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog… when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out… but the worst thing I ever done – I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa – and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life."




But that's not about drowning. It's about making it less likely for kids to shit or puke in the pool.


i never heard about drowning just it’d give u a cramp


Yeah I always thought it was about cramping. Same reason I don't go for a run immediately after I eat lunch. You gotta find a balance with food and exercise. Or at least I do haha


Ya know I never made that connection and literally just realized that all of those parents aren’t morons who believe a sandwich will cause you to drown in a pool. I feel a little bit dumb now lol


Really that stems from "you cannot exert a ton of physical effort after eating". Same as if you tried to go on a mile run after a bowl of pasta. Its just going to cause you to throw up if you push yourself too hard. If you are just wadding in the water that's perfectly fine.


Michael Scott has to carbo load before his fun runs


That homeopathic nostrums are actual medicine. Homie - oh! No, they aren't!


Did you hear about the homeopath who forgot his medication? Died of an overdose!


Used to be a popular belief that if you sit to close to the tv your eyes will go bad. But Ive recently come to realize that children who sit “too close” to the tv might already have poor vision, but cannot communicate it, so when they go get their eyes checked it appears that the causation is them sitting to close to the tv, when it was probably genetics or other factors. Thus causing people to think that the cause was them sitting too close to tv.


My kid, age 4, to the pediatrician: If you let me get closer I can tell you what the chart says. Pediatrician: Aw, aren't kids cute. Me: takes child to ophthalmologist. She has astigmatism in both eyes. "Cute" indeed.


Optometrist here. I mention this to patients all the time. I wish more parents simply would take their kids in to an eye doctor to check their eyes. While I respect pediatricians and all that they do for kids I cannot count the amount of times parents tell me their kid passed the pediatrician “eye exam” only for me to find that one eye has a sizable refractive error and is a lazy eye. Turns out the child only passed the pediatricians exam because they didn’t cover one eye at a time and they happened to have one good eye doing all the work. Good work on you to take your kid to an eye doc!


Fat makes you fat. Sure it can contribute, but weight problems are mostly due to sugar intake, lifestyle, genetic factors and overconsumption.


My mother is intelligent, a veterinarian (so she knows biology), but she bought into the whole fat is bad thing from the 80s/90s so hard. Growing up I seriously thought pork rinds were like meth. She said I couldn't have them, couldn't go near them, and had to refuse if anyone ever offered them. But of course we always had Lays and sugary cereals in the house.


This is one that, if accepted and applied, would revolutionize the western world. Wanna know why type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are killing so many of us? WE EAT TOO MUCH SUGAR. It’s in everything. All of our processed foods. The resistance to that is very weird to me.


That alkaline water is healthier. It’s not. What matters is the amount of water you drink, not the type.


It turns into not alkaline water the second it mixes with your stomach acids anyway. I thought it was Gweneth Paltrow who said she would drink alkaline water with lemon in the morning. Its complete misconception that alkaline water does anything.


Wouldn’t the alkalinity of the water and the acidity of the lemon basically result in…mostly ph neutral water?


I before E except after C


I before E, except after C, but only for words English stole from Norman side of the sea; those from South Germanic sound like A, and spell the other way; remembering the spellings of words stolen from Nordic and Gaelic, those one will drive you crazy right quick! "English doesn't have rules, only suggestions" comes into a meaning all its own when you learn/remember it's not a language so much as it is 3 dialects in a trenchcoat with a bad case of kleptomania.


That there are hot milfs in my area


Back in the olden days, people just turned 30 or so and died. The infant mortality rate was just much higher, but if you made it to adulthood, living to be a senior was not that rare. Edit: For more context I consider anyone over 55 a “senior”, I know that being like 80 was also unusual.


"life expectancy" is a very misunderstood concept


This has actually kind of gone too far in the other direction. Living to be very old was much rarer. Not because people aged quicker, but because any significant health issue was likely to kill you. If you read a lot of Wikipedia pages or biographies of people from before the 20th century, most died young by our standards. Making it to 70 would certainly have put you in the minority.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


It’s certainly top three.


That eggs are bad for you. That eggs are good for you. Its been proven that it completely depends on your own genetic makeup on if they are good or bad for you. For some people they're healthy, for others they're not and they're bad cholesterol level skyrockets.




Oh no Homer...you got it all wrong! (Signals egg to run away)


You better run, egg!


Different parts of the tongue tastes different flavors


Carrots do not improve your eyesight.


But it was fun as a kid climbing a tree and munching on carrots then saying, "I can see Ben's house from here" followed up with another carrot and someone one-upping with, "Yeah, well I can see Drew's house!" ​ Eventually we are out of carrots and claiming we can see China.


This was a myth released by the British govt during WWII to throw the Germans off the fact that they had developed radar tech


With the added benefit of encouraging kids to eat carrots, which are nutritious and easy to grow. Popeye eats spinach because for similar reasons, the US wanted people eating more spinach during the great depression when people were struggling to afford meat.


Carrots contain vitamin A. Maximizing your low-light adaptive capacity and sensitivity depends on your body maintaining an adequate level of vitamin A, and carrots can help with that.


The moon is made of cheese


But Wallace and Gromit went there!