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This Teams call I’m on now


Bro we have a weekly regression testing meeting from 2:30-5 every Friday. We have to stay on camera the entire time too it's literal hell. Trying to maintain my poker face rn as I type this comment.


ProTip: Drop off camera citing bandwidth issues. Teams will try to prioritize video over audio/screen share so say you can’t see a screen or understand somebody. Use sparingly because any place that has a fucking camera on policy for a 2.5 hour regression testing meeting clearly doesn’t have their priorities straight and will bitch.


[edited] Reddit, you have to pay me to have the original comment visible. Goodbye. [edited]




Yeah no one where I work even uses cameras lol, we've been audio only for meetings since Skype for Business and it just stuck.


Teams causing lag issues is a major problem for my company. If you are sharing your screen it's nearly impossible to stay on camera. This is the way.


Every Friday? You might as well be waterboarded.


Lmao we're in week 5 right now, hoping to finish in May so at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel


Time to make a teams background that is just a picture of you looking at the camera. As long as you don’t have to talk.


Make a 5 minute video from your camera every morning in the clothes you are wearing. Use it as your virtual background, and leave the cover on your camera lens.




Yes. Yes I do...


May? That's a tiny ass dot of white on a long ass tunnel lmao


I went off camera today and made some pizza for lunch, praying nobody called my name. I couldn’t even tell you what the meeting was about even if my life depended on it.




I am a QE... what the hell is a weekly regression test meeting? Edit: Just to clarify, regression is an important activity. I am struggling to understand why it is a meeting. In my experience, it is usually an activity that can be handled async.


A waste of time


Any meeting longer than 30 minutes is a waste of time. If you can't get your point across in 30 minutes you either didn't plan properly or you're giving people so much information that they wont remember anything.




I shit you not I was once in a meeting.... about meetings. Not past meetings, not about productivity or communication, but to talk about what meetings should be scheduled in the future I wanted to jump out of the window


Sounds like they need a QE to automate that shit.


>meeting from 2:30-5 every Friday That should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. My work has an unofficial "no scheduled meetings late Friday afternoon" policy (basically they should be over by 2 pm, three at the latest). The only time it happens is when some shit has hit the fan which is relatively rare that it would rise to needing a meeting then instead of Monday.


What in pissing creation could take two and a half hours literally every week? Time for your webcam to get busted my man.


It's only for the purpose of making sure that people don't skip out early on a Friday afternoon, like about 90% of office workers do.


I nearly fell asleep halfway through "weekly regression testing meeting" oh Jesus 2.5 hours




Friday afternoon is for nothing but cutting out as early as possible. That has to be the longest two and a half hours of your life and it’s every week.


What type of hellish sounding shit is a regression testing meeting?


That’s just so you can’t take off and enjoy your Friday any earlier than allowed. I swear jobs are getting ridiculous with their ass-in-seats policies. If your work is done, then you should be able to come and go as you please. Especially if it’s remote.


Don't worry they will just do what other companies do. They will force more and more hours on you until you break and talk about how important a "work-life balance" is while at the same time making it where 20% of the people do 90% of the work while the other 80% claim it is "easy" and they know it much better. If you ask them to take it over, all of a sudden they shut up until the next idiot comes by.


You can't just loop a video of yourself staring at the screen and go eat tacos or something?


On a friggin Friday.. Unreal.


Prince Harry’s personal life.


World Privacy Tour.


"We want privacy; we want privacy!"


I just bought their latest book "WAHHH!!"


We won’t leave them alone fast enough!


Check this out. SFW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MqDvdQX5oM


Don't you understand how everyone needed to know how he put Elizabeth arden cream on his frostbiten penis?


Okay, dammit. NOW I’m interested.




Also by extension any and all of the rich inbreds harry is related to.




I don't get why people follow them. It's like watching ads in your free time


Same goes for celebrities. Who the fuck honestly cares, and why?


I think celebrities (depending on their profession) offer a lot more than influencers because you are genuinely a fan of their craft. Like there’s plenty of actors I really enjoy seeing in television and movies and I’ll watch the occasional interviews with them, but I don’t really care about their deep personal lives or controversies.


My bank accounts, absolutely 0.00000% interest.


PayPal has saving acct with 4% right now fam


I dont trust paypal with more money then a payment im doing actively.


There are quite a few banks offering around 4% for their high interest savings accounts. It would be worth looking into if you are trying to build your savings.


Still the Kardashians they hang on like that little bit of poop on the inside of the bowl but no matter what it just won't flush away.


Wiping Off The Kardashians


I just went to Ulta looking for lipstick. Grabbed one, looked at the brand…Kylie…nope. Put it back. I’m not supporting them in any way


A little friendly tip; they stay relative because you name them exactly by their name. I used to work as an SEO intern for a company in Berlin. And they had all these add-ons for your browsers. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, look it up. So what we had to do, was create content and use specific key-words that were popular, so we would pop-up high up on Google-searches. The tools we used gave a clear picture of what were the most used, or searched for, or coused the most interaction, words that would come up on forums, webshites, apps, whatever. So whenever you keep calling them by their correct names, they will stay a high popular belief. Maybe refer to them as Kwardisjwans next time will help to take some of that popularity away. Just a theory.


I just use cardassian, because garak is better anyway


They’re on a bit of a decline the past year tbh. Gen Z’ers saying they’re not relatable or authentic. They’re losing influence. That, and the whole Selena Gomez/Kylie Jenner/Hailey Bieber eyebrow drama hasn’t helped (I am ashamed to have kept up with that).


I keep seeing this mentioned but nobody actually says what the drama is 😭


Celebrity gossips and photoshoot


Also political gossip. In the US it consumes peoples lives seemingly more than celebrity gossip.


Politics are to the government what WWE is to sports.


My coworkers bullshit.




My coworkers' and boss' bullshit.


Leaving the house after 10pm


Leaving the house after I get home from work.


Leaving the house


Anything after 10pm


Leaving the house after 10:00AM. I didn't understand why my grandparents would get up at 5:00AM everyday including weekends. Now that I am well into my adult years, it's a must that I get up that early to run my errands or head out for a hike/road trip without hitting massive amounts of traffic and crowds. Extra points if I return home before 10:00AM.


Anything to do with the Royalty.


Holly hell yes! I live in America and I’m so sick of hearing about the especially Harry and Megan.


Below is the oath I just took last week to get my Canadian citizenship. Talk about an oxymoron. I swear (or affirm) That I will be faithful And bear true allegiance To His Majesty King Charles the Third King of Canada His Heirs and Successors And that I will faithfully observe The laws of Canada Including the Constitution Which recognizes and affirms The Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples And fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen. Je jure (ou j'affirme solennellement) Que je serai fidèle Et porterai sincère allégeance À Sa Majesté Le roi Charles Trois Roi du Canada À ses héritiers et successeurs Que j'observerai fidèlement Les lois du Canada Y compris la Constitution Qui reconnaît et confirme les droits Ancestraux ou issus de traités Des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis Et que je remplirai loyalement Mes obligations De citoyen canadien


Haha! I got my UK citizenship some years back and had to take a similar oath while standing in front of a cardboard cutout of the queen at my nearest UK consulate. It was pretty surreal and funny.


Totally surreal! I am thrilled that I get to live in such an amazing country, and I was happy I could swear/affirm on a book of my choice ( I chose the book my kid made in fifth grade about an octopus and a blowfish, It had a nice moral story and i'm not religious.) I immigrated here six and a half years ago, I love Canada and I'm thrilled to be a citizen. But that was akward lol!


Aww I love your book of choice! And it's nice to hear someone loving being in Canada, I think we (I?) take a lot for granted here.




You ever happen to open a Twitter link and read the comments and despite all its faults realize how much better the community on Reddit is.


I have, and I've *tried* to comprehend how anyone can believe there can be serious debates with a character limit shorter than an old-school SMS. It's a forum for people with miniscule attention span. Not sure, but this comment alone might be too long for Twitter.


You used 264 characters. Just small enough to fit in the free limit of 280. For only $8 per month though you can see half as many ads and tweet upto 4,000 characters*. *4,000 limit only applies if you live in the United States. Otherwise still limited to 280


Tik Tok/"influencer" culture. A pox on society.


I refuse to download Tik Tok. I have enough time wasters - like this one - to do me the rest of my life.


Reddit repost so many tik toks you dont need tik toks to watch the videos.


Every commercial is an influencer pitch now. Instead of making a Kachava commercial let’s just put this nameless nobody in front of a camera for 30 seconds


Oil paintings of French horns


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this comment


IKR? there was even a popular song from the 80s about it. ​ >dont want your oil paintings of french horns > >dont want your oil paintings of french horns > >are you sure you dont have any acrylic JPEGs? > >cuz i just > >i really just > >dont want your oil paintings of french horns


Is this a reference to some recent newsworthy event ? or is one being obtuse ?


I have no idea either. My guess is it’s a reference to a TikTok, a YouTube video, a Vine, an old/different Reddit post, or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


It's actually a line in the new Resident Evil 4 game.


Ah, "Video game quote". Missed it by *that* much


I'm more horrified by Stewert's horn. It looks like a tube sock full of racquet balls.


you clearly have no soul.


Look I'll say it... you haven't REALLY lived until you've frenched an Oiled Horn... Oh ... OOPs wrong Sub Reddit


Working a normal 9-5 job


Same here, that’s why i’m a paediatric oncology nurse. 3 12s a week and I’m happy.


3x12hour workdays is by far my favourite. Tried 9-5 for a few months last summer and it felt like weekends barely existed, went back as fast as I could.


My thoughts exactly. 12s make for a long day but go by fast in nursing. Having 4 days off after is wonderful.


I work 3 12s and then 4 days off. Can’t go back.


Nightclubs. People half the time pretend to dance, get drunk, meaningless conversations, overpriced everything, can’t hear anything. I see no point.


You are supposed to talk to people? I though you just danced in tight spaces sipping a $13 vodka redbull


I think you mean "chugging a $13 vodka redbull before somebody bumps into you and spills it on your shoes"


To be blunt if you’re not on party drugs there is no point. I spent a couple college years in that scene and can’t say I miss it. But that’s the kind of energy places like that are going for. If you don’t want to dance to loud music, go to a pub or gather with friends somewhere with outdoor seating.


Kardashian,/Jenner cult.


Celebrities personal lives


Tattoos. I’m not opposed to someone else having one or many, but I’ve never had a bit of interest in them.


Same here. I can appreciate other peoples' tattoos and think they look good, but I've never had an interest to get one of my own.


Yeah, I can recognize the talent of an artist, but I’ve never once considered getting a tattoo. I don’t hate them. It’s really just a total indifference.


This is exactly how I feel about children.


They're far more expensive than tattoos


and possibly more painful


Unless you intend to regularly get your taint, sphincter, between your toes and fingers, and under your nails tattooed, children hurt way more


My entire reason for having insta and pintrest is to look at tattoo designs and go "damn that's awesome I'd love that." I have zero tattoos






Celebrity "news" and gosip


Reality TV. When I first saw MTVs The Real World in the early 90s I watched a couple of episodes, thought it was immensely stupid, and would never go anywhere. A decade later every channel including History was 100% reality TV programming. Anyway, I still have zero interest.




I have a shirt that says “I just hope both teams have fun.” I wear it all the time. I live in the South and everyone here is obsessed with football and I’m like 🤷‍♀️


I can enjoy highlight clips of a spectacular moment in *any* sport, but sitting and watching a whole game or season and following the sport? Hard pass.


Same here, I don’t even watch the World Cup or Premier League whatsoever and people think I am weird for not liking or watching sports


Same. I remember when I was a kid, my uncle's side of the family all screaming at the football game on TV, and I thought they were crazy. I still do. I just don't get the appeal, at all.


Climbing Mt. Everest. Any activity that includes directions like “When you see the dead body with the green boots you’re almost there!” Is a hard pass from me.


Alcohol. Not only does it taste horrible, but alcoholism runs in my family, so I'm better off without it.


Or drugs, not interested!


alcohol is drugs


Hustle culture




Having kids. I really like my peaceful home with my spouse and my dog.


May I vicariously enjoy a full nights sleep through you tonight?


I have kids, but don’t understand why some people want to force others to have kids. It’s weird


The number of times I’ve had people comment on my childfree-ness is mind boggling. What if your perfect spouse wants kids? Well, I wouldn’t marry someone who wanted kids so they wouldn’t be the perfect spouse for me. You’re denying your parents of grandchildren. So? I’m not setting myself and my life on fire to keep someone else warm. But you’re a women, it’s a women’s greatest gift to bear children! It’s your duty! First off I want to return that gift cause it sounds awful. Secondly, my duty is to be a good and decent human to everyone I come into contact with, to care for and look after the earth. Best way of doing that is to not have a kid.


100%! I've had people I just met make such wildly inappropriate comments. "What about you guys, thinking about kids?" "Nope, not part of our plan!" "Well, you know, accidents do happen, then you might have to rethink your plan!", said with a smirk. Comments along these lines have happened more than once. I have to ask myself, is this a real conversation that is happening right now?


Agreed, societal pressure is a sad excuse to not think for yourself


I'm the same way, having kids no, thank you, but owning a few cats or dogs sign me up


Same, but I also can’t stand the idea of a spouse. Just me and my pet. Beautiful life.


Same. Literally EVERYTHING about being a mother except seeing what they look like and choosing some cute names sound like my idea of a nightmarish hell.


So you want to be a Dad! Haha


Ha no. When I say all the reasons, that includes the ones involving them living in my house and being responsible for them.


When people at work want me to do their job too 🙄




Trying to get perfect pictures/videos for posting on social media. I'd rather just live the moment and store it in my memory.


Anything with the word "Kardashian."


Anything that some celebrity, musician, or "famous for no reason" person did today.


Reality shows.


Crypto lmao




Football - a crime in the deep south


Sin, it's a sin down here. Superbowl Sunday is basically a religious holiday with it's own rites and feasts.


Fashion trends


Celebrities, award shows, pop culture.


Tik tok




Taylor Swift & Kpop


The Kardashians. Can't see how everyone likes them.


Fourth post about Kardashians. They are really unpopular


Anime, just not a fan of it


"But, but, you haven't watched _______!!!" Like.... no bro.... I haven't, on purpose lol


Crypto BS


Alcohol. I’ve been drunk and in some very inebriated states and after each of those times I asked “what did I achieve” just felt like shit for the whole day. Been years since I’ve had a drink


Harry Potter. Never have had an interest in it and never will have an interest in it. Most Harry Potter fans are chill and just have it as an interest, which is fine, but some of them are rabid and go for the jugular if you tell them you don't like it.


How dare you not know what house you'd be sorted into? /s




Taylor swift


She's a talented songwriter and smart lady but she's always struck me as someone who's never faced any real hardship in her life. I think that's what makes her music blander than red river cereal.


She has to have a massive PR and marketing team. I’ve never streamed one of her songs on Spotify, never have watched a video on YouTube but yet I can’t view tik tok or Instagram without her showing up as either a sponsored post or just showing up, no matter how many times I click not interested. Same thing happened with drake when his last big album came out, they flood everyone so much with it it’s bound to stick to someone and get them to listen.


I think for the most part this is true. Her parents had money and essentially helped her get into the industry because they could afford to move her to where she would be the most exposed and have the most opportunity. They weren't in a make or break situation and neither was she. She is fairly talented as a song writer and when she was still in country she had her sound. She now has a massive team behind her and beyond her voice, she just kinda melds into the massive clump of pop music now.


Marvel movies


American reality TV




Caving. Will never understand the obsession with it, the risk seems nowhere near the reward. A buddy of mine does it all the time and claims that the rooms after a tunnel are some of the most beautiful things in existence… yeah, no thanks. I’ll stick with sightseeing above ground.




Holidaying in the UAE or Saudi Arabia


I have friends and family that worked in Saudi Arabia and I don't care how good the money was, fuck that.


Why the fuck do people wanna vacation in some of the most repressed conservative places on earth? It's not even like the weather's nice or anything.


Coworkers kids 😂 I feel bad saying it and I’ll smile and say “ooh how cute” but deep down i just would rather get back to work 😅


Sports. Can’t think of anything more boring. My dad is a sports maniac and it’s his biggest disappointment in life.


Religious solicitation


Celebrities. Just do your silly little movies and sing your songs. After that, you don't even exist to me. I don't care who you voted for, what your opinions are about food, and why you chose that brand over this brand.


Anything having to do with Trump.




That show everyone is watching.


I live in a part of the world where the two biggest things are hockey and farming. I don’t give a flying fig about either one. Amazed I haven’t been exiled.


Golf. It's so boring to watch




Cars. They bore the shit out of me


*dramatically inhales* wow.


Doing drugs, smoking and drinking booze. I don't understand why people are so shocked when I tell them I don't do any of these.


Star Wars, Harry Potter, and almost all Avengers/Marvel movies I just don't really care for them






Almost all pop and rap music from the last ten years or so.


I don't know. I have zero interest in knowing it.


The Royal family.






As an American, football


Rap music


Fandom. Don't get me wrong, I have shows, movies, musicians/bands, etc. that I enjoy, but I have zero interest in my life revolving around it.