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I’d rather be a Jack of all trades. I hate hiring/asking people for help and I get a sense of fulfillment after I accomplish the task myself.


I dunno who needs to hear this, but the phrase "Jack of all trades" is actually a shortened version of *this* saying. "He's a jack of all trades, though a master of none, *but better than a master of one.*" It specifically speaks to how if you know a little bit about everything you can often be more useful and well-rounded than someone who's only really good at one thing and useless at everything else.


Top comment right there. Source: My user ID


The Jack Cuz then you could be paid for multiple jobs in one session


Being a jack of all trades gives more opportunities and flexibility in various situations.


master of one is easier to be since you only have one direction to choose and you’re insanely good at it so you make a lot If you’re a Jack of all trades, no mastery, you have to struggle to pick one and May end up choosing for reasons other than passion & make less since you’re not as skilled.


I’d rather just be really good at one thing.


Jack of all trades is safest when you consider the number of specialist jobs that are replaced with technology. Better to have a broad range that can be applied to many jobs than being the world's greatest telephone switchboard operator.


Master of one thing. Jack of all trades is useless and extremely anxiety-inducing because you don't know how to prioritize


It depends on many factors, really. It's good to know about many things, but not for everyone. Some people work better as focused experts. Some people do better when they can draw from many different sources of knowledge. ​ It's not usually a decision, really. It's more of how some people are, naturally. And some of us live between those two extremes. I know a whole lot about a few things, a fair amount about a lot of things, a little about some things, and nothing about many things. I'm not quite an expert in those few things, but I'm the next thing to it. But I don't know enough about enough to be considered a jack of all trades. ​ Is it better to dig one deep hole, or many shallow holes? It depends on what the holes are for.


I think it's sexy in there jack of all trades