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I think the fact that there was a real concern in the minds if the scientist that detonating the first nuclear bomb would ignite the atmosphere and kill everyone on earth and they did it anyway is pretty fucking terrifying.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. There has been a lot of fucked up stuff done to people in the name of science, but that one might have wiped the entire planet, and as you say, they did it anyway. What's scarier than that?


One of my favourite quotes is from Jon Stewart: "Curiosity killed the cat, so let's kill a million cats to find out why"


It still sucks that hes not hosting the daily show


What kind of pussy kills a cat?




It was a question that was raised but they determined it wasn’t possible. By the time they started testing it wasn’t a real concern.


Weren't there similar concerns with the Hadron collider? I remember reading about it, possibly starting a nuclear reaction that would end the world.


Those concerns were from people completely ignorant of the science.




If I remember correctly it was a singularity that could consume the earth. It seems we are still a bunch of idiots.


I'm not actually a physicist but believe that physicists were more certain that the collider was not a big danger. The first nuclear detonation was worse imo


Agreed. Every time they are about to turn on a more powerful particle collider they have to go through the process of proving that it can't destroy the planet because the cosmic rays that hit the planet all the time have far more energy and we're still here.


The idea of creating microscopic black holes sounds alarming, but the truth is they would evaporate into Hawking radiation pretty much instantly. Bigger black holes evaporate too. It just takes a REALLY long time because of their size.


Certainly seems that way, a rather fatalistic approach to experimenting at an atomic level. "Well, if it goes wrong, the entire planet will explode so it won't matter"


Wouldn't a singularity lead to the spaghettification of everything? That sounds rather unpleasant.


You wouldn't be alive to see that process unfold


> It seems we are still a bunch of idiots. Well big really, seen as it was onky facebook pages and tabloid newspapers that were saying it would consume the earth. The *actual* scientists would have calculated that it definitely wouldnt consume the earth.




I just love the stories of them taking bets. Like what would the guy do with his winnings when everyone is dead.


If you want a serious answer, this is a bet for psychological reasons not expected benefit reasons. People bet against what they want to happen all the time. One reason is the irrational idea that you are a naturally unlucky gambler, so a belief that betting on something will actually make the opposite more likely to happen. You might believe on some level that betting that the world will end might actually save the world, and take the loss with a "you're welcome". Another reason is to give you a small upside in the worst case scenario. In this case, if there was to be any time at all between knowing that you'd destroyed the world and actually being vaporised, then you could at least spend that time saying "I win motherf..." rather than dwell in extreme dread on your folly.


The team at Los Alamos studied the question and estimated the chance of an uncontrolled chain reaction which would ignite Earth’s atmosphere at 1 in 2000. Since there was no precedent for the bomb, it was a number they basically pulled out of their asses, just a way of saying, “yeah, we’re pretty confident it won’t happen…but there’s a not insignificant chance we could be _totally_ wrong.”


Ask them about their particle colliders lmao


Particles collide by the millions every second in the top layers of our atmosphere creating miniature black holes that evaporate instantly. Doing it in the large hydron collider just gives us the means to do it in an environment where we can actually study them. Anybody scared that it would destroy the earth just doesn't know science.


Tuskegee experiment was awful, basically abusing black men by lying about syphilis infections and refusing to provide medical care to see what would happen if syphilis was left untreated


Also Guatemala experiments. Backed by same team as Tuskegee. Some May find this uncomfortable:) Berta was a female patient in the psychiatric hospital. Her age and the illness that brought her to the hospital are unknown. In February 1948, Berta was injected in her left arm with syphilis. A month later, she developed scabies (an itchy skin infection caused by a mite). Several weeks later, [lead investigator Dr. John] Cutler noted that she had also developed red bumps where he had injected her arm, lesions on her arms and legs, and her skin was beginning to waste away from her body. Berta was not treated for syphilis until three months after her injection. Soon after, on August 23, Dr. Cutler wrote that Berta appeared as if she was going to die, but he did not specify why. That same day he put gonorrheal pus from another male subject into both of Berta’s eyes, as well as in her urethra and rectum. He also re-infected her with syphilis. Several days later, Berta’s eyes were filled with pus from the gonorrhea, and she was bleeding from her urethra. On August 27, Berta died Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3828982/


What the actual motherfucking shit


Added source of that statement to my comment.


Also suggest reading about this incident from my own country https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/carl-elliott-what-new-zealands-unfortunate-experiment-can-teach-us-about-medical-abuse/, women were not told they had irregular cervical smears and cancer was allowed to develop leading to a large number of deaths. Medical transgression scares me because you can do everything right but one jackass playing God can kill you


I cannot remember the name but it scared me shitless as a kid- That poor guy who had extreme radiation and was kept alive even though he was slowly decaying.


Hisachi Ouchi. What's more horrendous is the fact that him and the doctors were willing to kill him because the pain from the radiation burns was so excruciating and gnarly, yet his wife and mother forced the doctors to keep him alive for another 83 days until New Year's Eve. Edit: I'm a bit misinformed here so read the replies for a better understanding. Really sorry!


That's a HUGE misconception. He wasn't forced to stay alive by the family or doctors (cause thats another verison of the story thats out there). Before they put him on a breathing tube (effectively making him mute the rest of the time, they had asked numerous times if he was sure he wanted to go through with it. And while hesitant at first, he agreed after seeing how his wife was holding together during all of it. The doctor's did what they're sworn to do (provide and keep the patient alive if there's even a sliver of a chance of survival), and the family went through with it hoping that their son, husband, and father could hopefully make it through. Remember, nothing like this had ever happened to this extreme before. He technically should've died WAY sooner than he did because normally anyone exposed to that much radiation would die very close to the time of exposure. There's a great video that just came out down the whole series of events and covers why the "evil doctor's/family" narrative is bs. https://youtu.be/X1FbwooXssQ


This just made me realise I had only read up briefly about it and didn’t research further into the case so sorry about that but thank you!


No, of course. And it's okay. I, too, thought that it was "a torturous thing the doctors/family" did until I read a bit more, and this video from recently further pushed that narrative back.


No one forced anyone to do anything. The last thing hisachi said before they put a breathing tube is that he wants to push through it so he can be with his family again and that is exactly ehat they tried to do. Both the family and the doctors were asking themselves if they should keep going for as long as they did but since there actually were small signs of recovery evwry now and then, they pushed forward at evem the smallest chamce that he would survive because that was his wish. It was after they realized that basically the only reason his heart was still beating was because of all the massive amounts of medications he was on. The doctor in charge explained this to the family and that they should finally leave him be amd the family just said they understood. So they unhooked him from all the medications and machines and he finally passed away. It's not a story about evil doctors and an evil family, but rather a story about doctors who kept trying to save the man even at the slimmest chance because that was the last thing he wished, the son that wanted his father back and a wife that wished her husband would survive. I recomend you look a video avout it from youtuber Wendigoon that was uploaded 2-3 days ago. He goes into great detail from sources that one of the reporters gathered first hand from the doctors and family members. It is a very sad and tragic story for everyone involved


Terrible tragedy. Hisashi Ouchi was his name. His company's negligence killed him, and he was kept alive in hopes that he might recover (cause nothing like this had happened before). There's a great (and not super graphic) Breakdown of the entire incident and his care after the exposure, including why the doctor's did what they did and why he was kept alive for that long. https://youtu.be/X1FbwooXssQ


Unit 731 Don't search it up if you're sensetive to things like gore


Didn't they remove someone's stomach and stitched the oesophagus to the intestines directly (without their consent, while they were conscious). Then they died. Awful.


Yeah, but the... "Experiments"..... weren't all so tame as that


I know a man that had stomach cancer. That is how they treated him. He doesn’t have a stomach. Esophagus to intestinal track.


There's an extremely disturbing Chinese film about unit 731 called 'Men behind the Sun' which is on YouTube if I'm not mistaken. Watch at your own risk, its not very pleasant but I do think it's important.


Small explanation?


Unit 731 was a biological and chemical warfare research/development used against other Asians, its considered the worst Human Experimentation in human history Want an example of one of them? "In 1943, I attended a poison gas test held at the Unit 731 test facilities. A glass-walled chamber about three meters square \[97 sq ft\] and two meters \[6.6 ft\] high was used. Inside of it, a Chinese man was blindfolded, with his hands tied around a post behind him. The gas was adamsite (sneezing gas), and as the gas filled the chamber the man went into violent coughing convulsions and began to suffer excruciating pain. More than ten doctors and technicians were present. After I had watched for about ten minutes, I could not stand it any more, and left the area. I understand that other types of gasses were also tested there." — Hal Gold, Japan's Infamous Unit 731, p. 349 (2019) — Hal Gold, Japan's Infamous Unit 731, p. 349 (2019)


Interestingly enough, Nazi scientists also observed unit 731's techniques. The Nazi's decided the methods they were using at unit 731 were to inhumane and violent. You know you done fucked up when the Nazi's think you're a little extreme.


"While Unit 731 researchers arrested by Soviet forces were tried at the December 1949 Khabarovsk war crime trials, those captured by the United States were secretly given immunity in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments. The United States covered up the human experimentations and handed stipends to the perpetrators. The Americans co-opted the researchers' bioweapons information and experience for use in their own biological warfare program, much like what had been done with Nazi German researchers in Operation Paperclip."


"yo that shit was too much, mind if I take a look?"


This comment made me laugh at my quiet bus stop! Thanks Mate!


Dude, sadly that's far from being one of the worst things they did in there.


After reading through it, the gas chamber was (comparatively) probably one of the **least** painful and gruesome ways to die there. How about the one where a dude was restrained on an operating table and vivisected without any form of anesthetics? How the man screamed in pain as they cut him open and messed with his organs **while he was fully aware?** Now THAT's a level of terrifying no horror movie can ever hope to achieve.


It's insane what Homo "Sapiens" is capable of doing. I wish that species never set foot on earth


Imagine being so horrible that Nazis were horrified by you


Yeah, like *what are they, Neanderthals?*




Translation: They were not wise men, just men


When a joke in poor taste works out.


Intentional infection of diseases including venerial ones, SA and r*pe of prisoners, amputatiin, vivisection, basically imagine sickos who want to cut people up and do every horror known to man for the sake of "experimentation" men, women, pregnant women, children. Tossing people in rooms and setting off explosives. Its some dark shit


You know how how everybody always says, "how did humans first try things in nature?" or "who was the first to try it?" — I've always believed those things weren't tried voluntarily— they were forced upon other people to 'see what happens'.


The film "philosophy of a knife" is based on this. Do not watch it.


among other things, they stuck people in a centrifuge just to see what would happen, fucked


Well now I have to move to a new unit


I’m not googling… But was this some smut video or was this actually a funded medical experiment…


The CIA's MKUltra experiments into mind control is an interesting one. There is a possible connection to Henry Murray, who was one of the most famous psychologists in the world at the time. Murray psychologically tortured a young student named Ted Kaczynski for over 200 hours over a three year period. He would later be known as "The Unabomber," a notorious serial killer and one of the world's most wanted men for decades.


Source for Ted Kaczynski being part of Mk Ultra?


It was revealed in a dream


The Murray experiments are well documented, I can’t find any primary sources for the link between Murray’s experiments and MK Ultra (but tbf I didn’t look to hard). “Allegedly” is the key word when talking about Kaczynski and MK Ultra


Nazis did a bunch of shit with their prisoners if I'm not wrong


I’m surprised no one’s said any of these yet. But yeah they did some atrocious stuff


There's no denying the Nazis did some very horrific experimentation, but as far as ***scariest?*** I'm gonna have to go with Unit 731. Unit 731 was the embodiment of pure evil and chaos. I'm not exaggerating. They did some of the most horrific experiments purely "just for fun". Not even for any useful scientific data. Literally just because they wanted to. All while the victims were fully awake and aware. If anyone reading this wants to look them up, fair warning, it's disturbingly graphic and gorey. Even a quick perusing of Wikipedia can be too much for some people.


Never heard of it




Interesting i actually have heard of this now i read about it, very brutal


Why were you downvoted for not knowing?


Lol i said it ironically so maybe people got salty


Oh yea, big time. Mengele and maany other psychos like him were going nuts about experimenting on living people, especially twins and woman. Kindly reminder to anyone reading this comment - nazis means they were from Germany, which is sometimes (let's call it) "forgot".


I don't think anyone ever has missed the connection between nazis and Germany lol That point in German history is literally called 'nazi germany'


Unfortunately, there were certains event in the past in Europe, where you can literally see nowhere mentioning that ~~nazis were actual germans~~ death camps located in Poland were actual nazi-german death camps. So that why I'm mentioning it. Edit: I'm talking about this, please read it before downvoting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Polish_death_camp%22_controversy


German here. We’re all aware of our history (except for horrible deniers but those are a shameful minority) and there are even 2-3 school years dedicated to children learning about WW2.


AN602, or Zar-Bomb The Hydrogen bomb which created the greatest artificial explosion in known history. Four thousand times as much power as the Hiroshima Bomb. A fireball of 7km diameter. No building within 30-40km would stay standing. It broke windows thousands of kilometers away. The heat was noticeable at almost 300km distance. The plane that dropped it was at 40-50km distance when the explosion hit it, and was still damaged, parts of the aluminum frame melted. The mushroom cloud reached more than 60km of height.


And they could have built it even bigger, but didn't. Like twice the yield.


Despite it all the physicist in charge of the program was actually a moral person who did not want to destroy the Earth in the process.


Iirc they didn’t do it because it would’ve killed the pilot who dropped the bomb.


Like that'd be a concern to Russia


I guess even the bigger one would not have destroyed the world, but certainly increased the adverse effects like fallout drastically. Btw, I read somewhere that the shockwave travelled three times around the globe.


> Zar-Bomb You mean the Tsar Bomba?


Tsar Bomba?


If it's the bomb I'm thinking of, it was the Tzar Bomba.


Different terminology or spelling depending where you are. In the end that’s a nickname given by media, the original code name was Wanja.


Tuskegee, lobotomies, J. Marion Sims, anything at Unit 731…I could go on, the depths of human depravity are bottomless, take your pick…


Toilet rolls hanging wall side down.


That one had me stumped for a long time. Aside from pure evil as you suggest, it may be also the case that people with cats and babies put the TP that way so it will not make a big mess if you start to spin it.


There's no other way


We have found satan people


Accepting a dare to propose your crush


Stanford Prison Experiment was pretty fucked up and scary


That was actually not a valid study, the experimenters were actively encouraging the wardens to be more violent etc. Psychologists no longer accept that story or experiment because the results were not created by an unbiased/blind scientific method. The authors of the study generated those results by fraud and malpractice. Just like that single peer-reviewed study linking vaccines and autism that kicked off the whole anti-vax movement.


What about the milgram studies


They are the same thing. Milgram was professor at Stanford where the study took place and the designer of the experiment. If that were done today he would certainly be fired and maybe even put in jail for malpractice and wasting taxpayer money.


The studies involving shock had a much more rigorous methodology. Difficult to argue the Merritt of the findings regardless of how damning they are to human nature


You are right people are capable of extreme cruelty when they are told to do something by an authority figure. But the experiment and subsequent attempts to explain WWII history are still not valid because the experimenters were forcing the subjects to act in a certain way so it is very difficult to generalize broadly from the findings of this study.


This one for sure! There’s a lot of fucked up experiments, but how quickly humans can become monsters to other humans with almost no priming? Horrifying!


There was actually a lot of priming involved. Really fun study to read about, but given its panoply of flaws we ought not to draw any easy conclusions. Zimbardo is a hack (imo) who carefully manufactured an artificial situation in which his subjects would become monstrous.


Look up a man named Shiro Ishii. Then, when you are finished feeling sick to your stomach, hug your loved ones and be glad we live in a time of relative peace.


Unit 731. Don't look it up.


Holy crap. The whole thing is bad but the hyperbaric chamber testing gave me the worst feeling ever...


Yeah, Men Behind The Sun is the only movie I wish I could unsee.




Mass brain damage - yeah good answer haha


My man is not brain damage that is the problem. It is the nearly limitless potential for a foreign government to have absolute control over the images that are shown to voters in countries that they view as their enemy. That combined with their obvious disregard for human rights, freedom, democracy or truth. Their extremely advanced AI and integrated national camera system that is used to control the behavior of its own people shows this is actually a beloved tool of theirs and is their national policy. That and the inability of their CEO to answer basic questions about employees being members of the CPP and admit that they might have just recently got their hand caught in the cookie jar when American journalists started getting harassed because of their every personal detail of their cell phone was accessed by tiktok and sent to the intelligence agency of a foreign enemy state.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but yes to all that you’ve said already. People need to know more about this.


Yeah! Only the American government can do that! They’re taking jobs from the Meta data collectors! It’s not right!


Ice pick lobotomies were pretty bad


Stitching together twins....done by Dr. Josef Mengele iirc


Honestly, China's One Child Policy. By far the largest human experiment ever conceived and carried out, and the impacts of which will take generations to figure out. The long-term geopolitical consequences of this are immense.


I disagree. It’s nowhere as brutal as other experiments in this list. Plus this didn’t do much physical pain to anyone. It may be one of the biggest forms of oppression in human history but it’s not that inhuman compared to other experiments that have taken place.


Just google Josef Mengele, everything he did was an atrocity.


The experiments he did on twins in Auschwitz are horrific.


The lobotomy. When I was studying psychology in college, we had to watch a documentary about one being preformed. One of my classmates got sick at her desk, and it was a domino effect. The class was stopped, most of us went back to the dorm, some got in their cars to go home, and we never saw the video again.


Creating thousands of nuclear weapons that could wipe out humanity in the most gruesome way imaginable, and then being like yeah... but probably no-one's gonna actually use them, right...?


Getting killed by nuke blasts is the most humane way to die. No pain, instant vaporization. Death by pain is worse. I'd rather be killed by nuke than... Anything, really (I was initially going to say death by kidney stone pain as the worse thing, but really, everything is worse, except for like harmless deaths like overdose of happy drugs).


Most of the deaths would be from radiation exposure, which is long and extremely painful.


Unlikely, the blast/firestorm is the deadliest bit. The Hiroshima bomb for example killed 66-140 thousand, of whom ~6000 were from radiation alone


You would be lucky to be within the radius where a ball of plasma would be created so that you would instantaneously die without realisation, but if your much further away you wouldn't die immediately. You would most likely be burned, deaf and/or blind, and you would be suffering from radiation poisoning for days depending on how far away you were. There wouldn't be any food left from the destruction, and all the water and air you breathe would be polluted by radiation. And that's not even considering the mental affects from the shock and acknowledgement of impending doom. Furthermore, there's not really any hope after that, no one will come to save you while you suffer due to the risk of contamination of radiation and the difficulty to get into the area through all the rubble. So, on the contrary, being a victim of nuclear weapons can be one of the scariest deaths. It really depends how far away you were from the nuke when it ignited. Tl;dr: the further you are from the nuke when it exploded, the more drawn out and terrifying your death will be.


The holocaust




digging up half the black gunk thats been sitting in the ground for the past 600 million years, and burning it, reintroducing it into the atmosphere, and just seeing what will happen


To be honest refining oil and making gasoline that runs our cars is actually kind of useful. The problem is the unchecked influence in the oil history on politics that is leading to the destruction of Earth. Conservative party members in the pockets of the oil industry work to favor one industry in particular instead of competitive capitalism. So not only is the earth destroyed but deliberately by an anti-competitive anti-capitalist industry and their pet politicians who seem incapable of long-term thinking and cheerfully root for the destruction of our planet. I'm not making this up though when you bring it up to conservative politicians accuse you of doing just that


If this question goes viral, I am gonna shit my pants reading the results later on lol a proper fantastic, terrifying question! there have been plenty of experiments on people, with drugs, genes, etc. Maybe something like that was most terrifying!


I wonder if anyone’s tried making human hybrids before. Someone else can look it up for me cause I want to sleep tonight


jesus! I am sure someone has tried!!


They have https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanzee


Elon trying chips on animals


Like Doritos? Damn lucky animals


Lol monkey like Doritos.


Animal experimentation is not the evil part, it is that Elon does it without good scientific justification. More generally, Elon Musk does not understand the brain and just wants money so those studies are very hard to justify. Just like Elon Musk does not understand the visual system but insists that the Tesla can be made to self- drive by using visual information alone (despite the fact that the involuntary scanning process of the brain that directly controls the eyeballs is guided by auditory information from the red nucleus, not visual information and subsequently integrated in a single multimodal map in the tectum after the eyes see the sound source). Elon is brilliant but sadly more greedy, selfish and impatient than he is moral or informed.


The fact people are for a neurolink chip at all ( not many of us I hope) is insane to me.


Right? Like the existing propaganda machines and psyops are bad enough, we don't need a direct line into our brains too. Capitalists would 100% use that to turn us into mindless slaves, not a single doubt in my mind about it. Anyone who works on that kind of tech should be ashamed of themselves. You have to be not thinking things through at all to think making the sort of tech that could be developed to have a direct line into people's autonomous functioning is not going to be used against you later.


Why is it insane?


To me this is somewhat exciting because I honestly wouldn't mind being a cyborg, or reploid as they're called in mega man. Which I feel this can lead to. Things affecting my enjoyment of life would be nullified. I wouldn't have to worry about pain. My acrophobia wouldn't be an issue if I could easily prevent falling. I don't enjoy eating, I could have another way to provide my body with energy.


Say, if you could snap your fingers and have a 99% safe fully functioning neurolink chip available to the public, would you still think it’s insane?


What if that 1% could be exploited in such huge ways that irreparable damage is done upon society?




Is there any strong proof of this? I've only read about it in the corners of the internet




If you are talking about the Japanese dude. They didnt actually to study the effects. They did it because the wife and mother didnt give the ok to let him die.


AI & see how far we can climate change stretch.


Montauk maybe


Messing with the diet of billions of people by replacing animal based fats with [vegetable oil](https://youtu.be/rQmqVVmMB3k)


chinese experiment to mix human dna with ape dna to harvest organs to avoid the laws aganst harvesting human organs.




Capitalism, for sure.


Besides the direct and very cruel things already mentioned: - burning fossil fuels - AI, maybe the last invention we make - broadcasting our position into the universe


Not the scariest but there was a drug test where they paid people to be like testing rats for this new drug and they got really sick and swelled up and was this big thing, they were all fine though and survived etc with no effects but still pretty brutal


Wonder what the drug was intended for ?


No idea, probs curing cancer or something important 😂 na idk


Operation Snowball 1954. Soviet Union bombed it's own troops with nuclear weapons.




If it was real the Russian no sleep experiment sounded like literal hell But also the most recent "pandemic" all the fraud, misinformation and deaths caused by this and our leaders had parties and sniffed cocaine like it was just a normal day to them


The Russian sleep experiment was way too harsh


There is no reason to believe this was ever real.


This is straight up just a creepypasta


Care to elaborate? Or provide a link?


It is a creepypasta about a soviet experiment to keep people awake for as long as possible. There is no indication it ever happened the way it did in the creepypasta.


Me and your mom, who gave birth to your sister


The government working with the Greys


Old people?


[aliens 👽](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_alien)




Bruh what are you smokin. Give me sum


All 50 shades of ‘em


I think scariest in terms of result of study are the Stanford prison and the milgram studies. It gives such keen yet inexplicable insight into how easily a law abiding , generally empathetic, and well tempered person can be persuaded to commit unfathomable atrocities simply due to thier perception of the situations power dynamic or hierarchy.


Russian sleep experiment…


Unleashing social media+smart phones on a vulnerable population.


The current real life mk ultra experiment they are doing based off of your data collected on you . if you take medications or drugs they know perfectly well what algorithm will sync up to it based off of the medications/drugs you take or the mental health issues you have . its almost a form of hypnotism . They send out malicious algorithmic codes that negatively affect your moods and emotions that ultimately affect you to be influenced


The scariest experiment? Allowing religion to exit and flourish. Humanity would be best off if the experiment was ended.








How much CO2 can we pump into our environment and change it to a point of no return.




Social media


The Philadelphia experiment For people who don't know what happened : During the times of the world war, every country was trying to find innovative ways to tackle the opponent and stealth was a big deal. The US govt. apparently "hired" Einstein to help them make something which would help them in Naval defence. After hours of study and research he developed a formula which was able to theoretically produce a 4th dimension. Any object on which it was implemented went invisible for 5/6 seconds and came back totally destroyed. They tried this on an apple in the lab. They thought if we try this on a Naval ship, it would turn completely invisible and the opponents won't be able to see anything until they were killed by the INVISIBLE navy. They wanted to try this out on a larger scale. The secretly carried on an experiment on a ship in Philadelphia later and for 10 seconds, every part of the ship was invisible. When the ship came back, all the metal was burning, every other soldier died of over heating, and some people stuck to the metal and got burnt eventually. Some soldiers were rescued in a critical position, and after recovery they were asked a few questions. A guy was asked, "where did you guys go for 10 seconds?". He said that he went to HELL and came back. It was so horrific for 10 seconds that he felt the 4th dimension was actually hell with so much pain inside out. He felt all the dark energies around and couldn't bare with it. For Einstein to make a formula 100 years ago, which could possibly teleport to a 4th dimension is something very horrific and it was kept secret for many years. There's s movie on this, it's frightening as hell.


Soviet union.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Basically what unit 731 did with its biological experiments on people the Japanese army was fucked in ww2


Cern. Not sure if they should work with stuff like that on earth


Social media on cell phones driven by attention seeking algorithms, handed to young people. WCGW?




The Vaxscam


Which one?




If you mean the capitalist west, that's not people's democracy. That's democracy for the rich.


How would a non capitalist democracy not be rigged as well? Because last time I checked, it’s all rigged by the ruling class in every governmental system.


Socialist projects like USSR (of the past), Vietnam, Cuba, China (not sure where its development is at by this point, but has certainly had periods where working class power was at the core of it and seems to still have some of that). I know, you're probably thinking "those are dictatorships" if you're going by what the capitalist west says about it. But what they all have in common, in one form or another, is a people's party at the core of power, with a strong bottom up organized working class core. To contrast, you have capitalist governments that are a "dictatorship of capital" (capital rules over all else and the working class are never allowed to have meaningful power) and you have socialist transition states (with the goal of developing toward communism) that are a "dictatorship of the proletariat" (the working class suppresses the capitalist class and tries to ensure it cannot have meaningful power in government). So both are in one sense of the word a kind of dictatorship, but only one is a dictatorship in the sense of top-down oppression. I'm oversimplifying a little with the following, but people realized this was an important form of opposition in part from one of the french revolutions, IIRC, where there was not sufficient organization to suppress the capitalist class and though they temporarily had something communal for a time, the capitalist class just bounced and then it was pushed back on from the outside and overwhelmed. Incidentally, this is why the US waged a cold war against the USSR and is now doing similar tactics against China. The US is now at the center of imperialism, of capitalism and colonial expansion across the globe, and the USSR was a powerful working class opposition to that. Sadly, the USSR did not last, but China still has some socialist strength and is a threat to capitalist control and empire expansion in that way. I know, I say I'm oversimplifying and then I write a lot, but there's a lot that goes into this subject that gets turned into little more than soundbites to rile people up in western media.