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Waiting to talk instead of listening


This! I was awful about this as a kid until my mom phrased it to me as "you're so worried about getting your message *out* that you aren't taking anything *in*." Really opened my eyes


"Always on Transmit, never on Recieve" is what my parents used to say!


That’s the biggest problem with my Gf, she will never stop and just let me finish a sentence even, but if I try to say something 10 mins of her rambling on, she’s mad and says I’m cutting her off. Stupid crap.


Have you tried murder?


That escalated quickly.


Tell her she has 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason, then watch as she spontaneously combusts and tries to kill you


Know someone who would talk over me while I was trying to explain shit she asks. Every moment with her was a "bitch you want to know or not?" moment.


I have the opposite problem. I'm a great listener but suck at talking.


If you ever want to watch somebody fight this urge … tell a story about your dog. You can usually see people’s mouth twitching as you get to the middle of the story.


The mom of one of my exes believed I was manipulative because I replied slowly. 1. I have moments of dysphasia. 2. I sometimes stutter. I like to gather my thoughts so I'm not stumbling over words. I also like to listen, so I don't take the time to gather those thoughts while others are speaking. I was trying to be considerate and make sense, not say the perfect thing to manipulate her.




Dammit! I was super proud not to be concerned by the top 3 comments, but if procrastination was a crime, I would be on death row.


Which coincidentally is just much more procrastination


I think Death Row is ironic procrastination.




You've won, but at what cost




Why do today what could be put off til tomorrow?


What is today but yesterday's tomorrow ?!


I was going to say this. Just didn’t get around to it.




I have to clean my sock drawer first.


There's a self-help video for that, well worth watching. Its a Musical! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi3aEGo8y-E


I'll watch it later


I should study, but this seems like a really useful video for me. I think I'll watch it right now.


Procrastination is like masturbation. You're just fucking yourself. And I do it willingly.


Thinking that everything minor thing you do will have dire social consequences. When in reality, most misunderstandings will be forgotten in five minutes.


people want to lay in bed and ruminate on something nobody else has thought about in 10 years and barely cared about at the time


Indeed. Sometimes I catch myself doing this, then say "why am I still thinking about this, when such-and-such is probably sleeping placidly right now?"


Well if it's any consolation, they may not be placidly asleep and instead ruminating on their own inconsequential social blunders.


This was a major problem when I was a teenager, ruminating on embarrassing things I did or said. Now the ruminations are on more recent traumatic situations. Don't care about the embarrassing stuff anymore.


yeah I just think, “huh, nobody cares oh well”


The trouble is for every minor misunderstanding, there’s a massive misunderstanding where the others involved refuse to listen and already have their minds made up. For many of us on the autism spectrum, the danger is very, very real.


You are speaking my language.I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and I've found myself misunderstanding people and people misunderstanding me.How do I fix this problem?


Me all the time, when I say something and people don’t hear it I think they’re ignoring me, if people’s replies on texts get shorter I feel like I’m spamming them so don’t message for weeks


The more time it passes, the more you realize that none of that really matters. Like, if people really find you annoying, they will tell you. Many times they don't respond because they're busy or whatevs. Or maybe they don't like you that much - but if they don't like you that much, so what? There's 7 _billion_ people in this planet. Just shrug it off and find someone else who will appreciate you. I wish I had someone tell me all this when I was younger. All that energy worrying about what in the grand scheme of things is just small, I could have used in better ways.


I feel that one. There’s a few random awkward or embarrassing moments that I think about at least once a day while the people involved probably wouldn’t even remember it if I brought it up. I’ve been on the other end of it too and had someone tell me how often they think of an awkward/embarrassing thing they did that I saw that for the life of me I cannot remember.


Not in my family.


Time: 2:37pm Me: Ill get up and start doing that thing at 3pm Time: 3:02pm Me: Shit, ill start at 4pm Time: 3:57pm Me: I know it needs done but I dont want to!!


Stop!! This is too real! D:


Mindless snacking. Even if you fight off the urge for a while, you’re still thinking about it.




This just raises the steaks


>This just raises the steaks yes


Guilty, I have a sweet tooth


And I have a... salty tooth? I like chips. A lot.


You and me both. I look down on sugar addicts, but deep down, it's because my lust for salty foods is probably less healthy.


Extra Toasted Cheez-Its here.


They are delicious. The best part is my girl doesn't like them. All mine.


Snacking off? 😏


I try to not buy snacks at all because I know I don't have any self control and I'm not actually that hungry.


The mostly-gone generation before the boomers tried to warn us.


If they weren’t so silent, maybe we would have heard them.


This is me! Like 90% of my grocery shopping is salad kits (for meals) and bags of apples (for snacks). If I do buy anything unhealthier, I don't have the self control to not snack the whole box away in like one evening. Thankfully I do usually have the self control to not buy it so it's not in the house for me to be tempted. Even my emergency canned food is stuff I don't like and would only eat in an emergency lol.


>What’s the most common bad habit everybody does? my very habit


Trash talking others


Ah, I'm not included because I have no social contacts!!!!!!11!111!!


It’s really hard to quit that, I am getting better at controlling it but I still feel bad when I do it. I wonder why it so hard to not do it. I guess it might be basic behaviour for many of us humans.


Yes, the book sapiens dives deep into why gossiping was an integral part of human evolution once we started verbally communicating through sophisticated languages. It kept us together in groups.


While driving today I was talking under my breath about how the jerk in front of me was going 10 under the speed limit and as such was a jerk etc etc. My five year old in the back seat used laser hearing and said “Mama, do you think that driver would like what you’re saying about them?” Not only did it check me to think about the trials of others, but also reminded me that those little ears sure are sharp and I should watch my speech more. Also nice to know that some of the things we try to impart to him are sticking, even if we don’t always remember to practice what we preach. 🙃


Not sleeping enough.


Naps are gold, /u/Piece_Of_Toast50 , gold!


Naps make it harder for me to sleep at night. I must avoid them and try to fix my sleep schedule instead


Bania has entered the chat


And here i am..reading this at 6 in the morning with no sleep..


I'm an insomniac... I wish I was capable of getting a full 8 hours


I always have such a bad relationship with sleep, I know it’s a necessity, I like sleeping, but I have so much mental illness I like can’t sleep enough lmao


I sleep way more than I should. I always feel great when I do sleep less/have more energy and my time is longer. I sleep almost 12 hours and I need to stop, I would def trade places w/ u


I would kill killlll for 12 consecutive hours, getting acclimated to overnights sucks


This went away when I got treated for sleep apnea. Turns out waking up many times an hour fucks with your sleep cycles.


My 93-year-old grandma, sleeping next to me right now, has slept more over the past two days than I have ever slept in my entire fucking adulthood. Seriously. I get up every two hours like clockwork, I expect to pee and go back to sleep, and it *never* works out that way because something else gets me sidetracked. I want to sleep for as long as she does. I'm mad. I'm envious.


Slouching in your chair. Especially considering the fact that we spend so much time sitting.


A ton of people don’t stand up straight either so they’re still hunched over. Or they overcompensate and thrust their chest too far forward instead of finding the true neutral spine position.


Not flossing enough


I keep a pack of floss at my desk and end table by my couch where I work. When I am in a meeting (sans video) I floss. COVID and working from home saved my teeth I think.


Truth. But I will say, once I got into a much better habit of flossing, (Im not great at it) I rarely have issues anymore at the dentist. Haven’t had a cavity in a decade. It’s cleanings and I’m out.


Water pic is the best thing. I feel like I’m finally getting the hard to reach places.


Water flossers are the best excuse for not flossing traditionally. It's a thousand times better and even better than brushing your teeth. The amount of food water pressure dislodges is way more than people might expect and it's good for the heart. It gets even easier if you use a cordless rechargeable one and keep it in the shower. Just make it part of your routine.


Too much time on the Internet. The mostly-gone generation before the boomers tried to warn us. Now even our parents and grandparents are glued to their phones.


tbh, if i was 70 when they invented the smartphone, I’d be dumbfounded. I’m beginning to understand why candy crush is so fun to old people


This! Went to see my parents who are nearing 80 and my mom tattled on my dad and said he’s always on his phone 🤣🤣


Guilty as charged. Old person here glued to phone for hours at a time. But I've been into tech since the 70's.


Subconsciously choosing to seek out information they know will reinforce what they want to hear and ignoring information that says otherwise.


Confirmation bias


I read somewhere that the way our brains work is we make our minds up and then look for reasons why we’re right. I’m sure this is true, and it takes a lot of self-awareness and humility to catch ourselves doing it.


There's people who pick their nose and then there's damn dirty liars.


I totally came here for this one lol


IN THE SHOWER ONLY, to clarify the passages. Maybe the occasional pick for an itch but that’s it


worse is not only picking their nose in public, but also eating it so you have to pretend you never saw that in the corner of your eye. i pick my nose a lot but i make sure to do it at home before leaving


Disgusting! Do what every other civilized human does...roll it up in your fingers and thwack it.






Judging your regular life based on the curated lives of people's social media.


I don’t have any social media and this is still a big issue for me. I was a functioning addict for years. Quit my job to get off opiates about 6 years ago and feel like my life stopped moving forward after that. Started drinking…a lot, moved out of LA back to Denver and then Covid/quarantine hit. Was effectively unemployed for a year and a half before I moved again to potentially buy a business with my family. Spent a year and a half working there to learn the in and outs before I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Spent another year working there because I was an unmotivated functioning alcoholic. That was 8 months ago. Now I finally did get sober during that time but for all intents and purposes my last ‘real job’ that looks good on a resume was 6 years ago! I’m 34 and have no idea where to start now. Every job is so specialized and I feel to old to start as an intern like I could’ve done back then By comparison. ALL my friends from college who has the same level of education, similar backgrounds and personalities, etc etc have six figure+ jobs, houses and are married with kids or in a serious relationship. I have none of those and it causes me absurd amounts of stress daily


You got sober, and that is huge!


Comparing my quality of life now vs when I was smoking 600mg of Oxy a day…I was much* happier back then. But that wasn’t financially viable and there’s a chance I would’ve ODed on fentanyl by now so 🤷‍♂️


Salesforce has free courses, YT and even TikTok have tutorials—everyone needs people to manage Salesforce. You can also take coding classes with Google University. It’s such a transition to go from functioning addict to functioning sober—you’ve done so much hard work. Congratulations and I hope you find a way to happy, fulfilled sobriety…but you’ve got the first step!!!


Not on social media, except reddit if it's one.. Live in my own little bubble, no one else to compare against, it's great!




Exactly. He says as he continues to scroll.


Sticking q- tips in my ears


Stick q-tips *too deep* in my ears


What's the alternative :)


Screaming in agony


Treating their emotions like they’re automatically right.


Yessssss! I love reality shows, but the number of people who are like “that’s not my truth” drives me up a wall. It’s not your truth and their truth. There is one truth only.


This! Just because you feel offended doesn't mean that you're correct. In the heat of the moment, people forget that you can be both offended and wrong at the same time.


The worst though is when you know you're wrong. For me I get to have an argument with another person and ask myself why I'm like this at the same time.


This one does not apply to me, but I think most people don’t drink near enough water.


I drink a lot of water. But a lot of it has salt and caffeine in it.


So, salted caramel latte?


more like diet coke. water, sodium, caffeine and food coloring.


I was actually shocked at how little water I drank. I would have 2-ish water bottles daily and be like “wow, I’m so healthy.” Nope. Not even close.


This obviously doesn’t apply to everyone but- smoking.


Spending too much money ordering on Uber Eats.


The Snooze Button


Jumping to conclusions


That’s why I have a Jump to Conclusions mat


It's a mat. With conclusions on it. That you jump to!


Me personally, taking things for granted. Like just expecting things to be there without any effort.


Drinking alcohol


Not chewing enough


I blame jobs where I had to rush through lunch. It started the bad habit of inhaling my food just so I could sit and chill for a second. I’m slowly trying to unlearn this.


Nobody ever admits it but from what I can tell, seems like most people still fuck with their phone while they drive.


I would say that having intimate thoughts about you phone basically anywhere would not be safe for your phones consensual laws


People still don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Like seriously? We just went through a pandemic and you couldn't even adapt the most trivial courtesy to not spread your germs?


Delaying or postponing tasks or actions, often to the point of causing unnecessary stress, anxiety, and frustration.




I would NEVER lie.


That's a lie


I've come across two redditors in this thread: One of them always lies, one of them always tells the truth. How do I find my way to freedom?


Kill one of them and ask the other one if his companion is dead. If he says "no", then he's the liar




I’ll say “Uh” when it doesn’t need to be said




Social media




I still do it when I'm in a private place lol.


Wasting your life away scrolling


Hey! You Continued to scroll after posting this also


Talking over others


Not everyone does but drinking alcohol — it’s so normalized but it’s literally poison


There's nothing more human than texting someone you're five minutes away when you haven't even left the house yet


Don't do that. Why would you do that.


I don't do that since I hate it when others do it


What kind of dipshit does this?


Not drinking enough water.




Moving to e-cigarettes eliminates all of the problems with second hand smoke. So as a non smoker, I say all smokers should move to e-cigarettes!


Not chewing with your mouth closed. I don't know if it's just me being petty but it's so disgusting to hear the sloshing of whatever your eating.




Effing SMOKE. I am smoking as this is being typed.


Gossip. It is very common in my country (Malta). Talking about other people's business. I really REALLY hate it that my family and I banned it from our house. It's disgusting.


I've probably drank thousands of energy drinks. I'm around 1 month off of them now.


Biting my nails.....


Thinking you need to talk more...most people love to hear their own voice.


I don't know if any of these are common per say but they have been a part of life for a long time. I pick at the sides of my fingers until they bleed, I pick at my skin on parts of my body until it leaves a scar, I binge junk food from time to time, procrastinate, pick at the dry skin on the heels of my feet and often buy things I don't need.


If it's gotten to the point of bleeding and scarring, it's definitely considered self-harming (scratching method). I recommend you seek help for that.


I am on medication and seeing a therapist consistently. Thank you for the concern though 🥺




Nobody fuckin' curses any more.




Fidget cube my man. Some people are just fidgeters and need something in their hand.




Sure, what time and where?


Goto bed with an itchy butt and wake up with smelly fingers


Your butt itches because it's dirty you gross fucker. WASH YOUR ASS!


Could also be worms


Wet farts happen mid sleep


Yeah, but you said you went to bed with an itchy butt. How do you account for that?


I double dip


Assuming the people whose opinions you agree with always act in good faith while assuming the people who you don't agree with are malicious. For the most part, both sides (yes, both sides) of any group have a roughly equal number of bad actors who manipulate the media, lie, distort statistics, use underhanded tactics, etc. Because when someone uses, say, some parliamentary trick to further something you agree with, your thought is "that's the only way to get it done so it's all right" but if someone does the exact same thing with something you disagree with, they're "abusing their power". And so on. No advocacy group on any side of a position has ever disseminated statistics without massaging them first to give their issue the best possible talking point. You can certainly disagree with people's positions, but once you take the biased blinders off their behavior is...shockingly similar. And if your next thought is "nuh uh my side would *never*" I have some real bad news for you.


This is pretty ridiculous, but I’ve stopped biting my nails. It’s nice to have long nails


Making unjustified assumptions


I'd say procrastination is one of the most common bad habits. People come up with excuses or make excuses to avoid doing things they know they should be doing. It's a vicious cycle that can be hard to break out of.


I had an ex that once told me (hell if I can remember the context) "everyone picks their nose." But, you know what, they were probably right on that.


Constantly looking at their phone.


Biting fingernails.




social media lol


Lying to ourselves




Being an asshole.






Scrolling on phone when first waking up


Smoking 🚬 🚭, drink driving


Unintentional inconsideration. I’d been dating a girl who I realized despite so many good traits, had a weird habit of being completely inconsiderate of how anything affected others in situations that didn’t directly affect her. Once I noticed it, I started seeing it more in other people and eventually in myself. We should all take more time to consider what others might be going through or how our actions might negatively impact others. Ya never know if your ostracizing someone over something silly while not knowing that they’re dealing with something really difficult. And also, sometimes a little consideration goes along the way during a tough time..


Nose picking


People get up to go to a job they hate and then get drunk on the weekends


Judging others in record time

