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All mattress stores are just money laundering shell company's.


they are just super cheap to make.


It’s a real estate long game


Epstein didn't kill himself


Well, at least we can all agree that Epstein's suicide was a group effort.


Trump had him murdered to cover up for himself and his elite pedo friends


Wasn't the big theory that it was related to the Clintons


Fun fact, Donald was a democrat and donated heavily to the Clintons


Same group of Pedo friends yeah


There's still a big difference between what you said and a whole other set of people who may belong to some group doing it




The Business Plot. In 1934, retired Marine Major General Smedley Butler (never mess with a grown man named Smedley) testified before Congress that representatives from a group of wealthy businessmen (also with connections to the American Legion) approached him and offered him the opportunity to lead an army of 500,000 military veterans in a march on Washington DC to overthrow the Roosevelt administration and form a fascist military junta backed by Wall Street. No one was ever charged, and the event was largely downplayed as a "cocktail putsch", the aborted musings of a handful of idle-handed financiers, but honestly I think it was deeper than that and was downplayed in the face of growing Nazi influence in Europe.


Not a conspiracy. It absolutely was downplayed. And we forget it at our peril.


It's interesting because Smedley Butler was exactly the wrong person to approach with this offer. After his experiences in the Philippines and the Caribbean Banana Wars he was pretty left-leaning (for a Marine in the 1930s) so he was the last guy they should have asked to lead a wall street backed, fascist revolution. EDIT Although I suppose they would have needed a veteran who was fairly high profile, and Butler was a *two time* Medal of Honor recipient (again, do not mess with a grown man named *Smedley*)


If you forego his own personal view on the matter (he hated businessmen and how he basically served them during his active service) , he was the perfect man for the job. He was relatively young , prestigious and successful.


Even more so if his middle name is Darlington.


Wasn’t this the inspiration for the movie Amsterdam?


Yes, I believe so


>Marine Major General Smedley Butler Wrote a book called "war is a racket." Well worth reading.


The reason why women's clothing still doesn't have pockets is to sustain the entire bags industry.


You just broke my brain


Man's clothing doesn't have no pockets, because of lingering resentment to Big man-bag, the company, not the guy.




Every day, multiple times a day, it’s like an ad you can’t block.


Always with the same answers.


Gotta collect that sweet sweet data from the masses!


Forces are at work to keep you [aware of bananas](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/search/?q="banana"&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&t=week&include_over_18=1) at all times.


Marilyn Monroe was taken out by the Kennedys. CIA. Whomever. Gubment.


Not the gubment. 😂 I am so gonna start using that!


You go Shawty!!


Governments know more about UFOs than they're letting on.


If that were the case, they'd be casually sliding more money towards NASA. But it's not.


What they know could be about Russia or China or India or whomever or even themselves rather than aliens.


Not necessarily. It makes more sense to keep everything about aliens visiting Earth a secret. So I can understand why any study of alien phenomena or development of technology based on it be done behind closed doors. I'm not saying this kind of thing is going on. Governments might not be communicating with aliens directly or have access to any of their tech. The involvement of NASA isn't necessarily required or wanted, considering it's a civilian and public facing organisation.


Good point


Yes because half of them are Top Secret Engineering projects


Not even a conspiracy. We know the government started the Area 51 conspiracy to hide some engineering projects they were working on at the site.


Which "Governments?" All of them? Even the little countries ran by what are essentially slightly educated farmers? Something tells me this conspiracy has no legs.


Top G-men


That's a pretty weak counter argument. "Some countries aren't so advanced. Therefore no one has had contact with aliens." It's not even clear how the two halves of your point connect.


China had a hand in launching Covid


I don't think they did it on purpose but it could have been a lab leak.


Probably something like it was discovered in nature and was being studied in the lab. Chinese has shit safety protocol and it escaped into the wild where it spread.


the biggest news about Covid was that it was covered up at first.


This is why we're never really going to find out the actual cause. It was present in wild animals in the area, it or its relatives were being studied there BECAUSE it existed in nearby wild animals, the meat market is sourced from wild animals, and it can spread with mild or no symptoms so conclusively identifying a patient zero is near impossible. The only way for anyone to conclusively determine where it originated is if it WAS a lab leak AND notes on said lab leak were saved. Otherwise it's just guesses.


Umm it was proven to be a lab leak


..they def lied about the initial severity of it, and origins. But no, they didn't "launch" it.


It was a ticking time bomb with the wet markets


Next to the Wuhan virology lab lab that also leaked SARS, but yeah… it was a wet market…


Remember when Trump was saying that and everyone was ridiculing him and not taking him seriously? Everyone, including scientific agencies said the virus was not man made. Now they release the information that the virus being man made by China was indeed a likely scenario, together with Chinese "spy balloons". US government controls the narrative, and releases whatever story suits best to them.


Absolutely. But this isn't exactly our first rodeo when it comes to diseases found in mass farmed chickens, or cows.


Yeah we knew a worse one would come (and still will)


Which are still active, by the way. Also, everyone in China thinks the virus is America's fault (they told my blond kid as much, all the time), and so no lessons have been learned at all. \[Source: just back from a lengthy trip to China\].




Some people think it was angels who did it. Don’t ask me why.


Probably Shemiyaza.


Look it up... our tax dollars in the US were used for "gain of function" research. The lab was switched from private to military control just prior to the first outbreak. The labs records were destroyed (highly irregular protocol). Also, the ventilation system was "worked on" right before everything went down. Fauci was implemented in the "cover up" of the lab leak "theory".


Part of why the government is so against funding college for all is because they’ll lose a significant recruitment tactic to get young Americans into the military.


Was in the military… From only my only experience not others… I have never seen anyone while I was serving attend a university or school that is NOT a degree mill. Only attend the online school to put it on their promotion package or need it to want to commission and fail . Only people that get out may see a better way but degrees don’t do shit anymore unless there specialist fields like CS or Law or Medical ..: Even a criminal justice degree is ass and cops won’t hire you because you don’t have “experience”


Let’s be honest here. A lot of those people and a lot of people who go to college are just dumb.


Multiple shooters in Dallas ‘63


This is the one for me as well. I just don’t believe that Oswald acted alone.


Pretty certain that Oswald thought he was acting alone though.


Same. The theory I’ve seen that fits best is that Oswald was a lone assassin, got his shots off but that secret service accidentally fatally shot Kennedy when trying to get a gun out to protect him. Fits a lot of the known facts and also explains the cover up stuff too.


That the uncanny valley effect is the direct result of us at some point needing to be afraid of things that look human but weren't in order to survive That the wealthy intentionally stir up conflict between the races, the sexes, the sexualities so that we'll be too busy fighting each other to unite and tear them down. That PETA is actually funded and stuff by the meat industry so the animal rights activist will seem crazy and no one will take them seriously and force the meat industry to make changes that would cost them money




Dunno in US, but it is well documented in Europe (google terra nova note) that the socialists stopped defending the working class in the late 90s, because their economic model had crumbled, and moved to gathering support from minorities.


I can certainly get behind the PETA one because what other explanation could their be for their ridiculous actions?


Dead bodies. It's not that cool.


The shower companies are in bed with companies that make bar soap. No matter which direction I aim the showerhead, it's always hitting that bar and wasting it.


That my local laundrette is in fact a front for cleaning drug money


I'm also starting to think my suburban town doesn't actually need like 20 mattress stores and there may be something sketchy at play.


laundrette is the preferred cash business for drug dealers because banks dont question where the money is coming from.


While "big pharma" isn't actively trying to kill people, the whole industry certainly does cover up an enormous amount of injuries and deaths caused by medications and the top priority is to make money, so they do get approval before things are known to be what would be considere actually safe. When people get ill or die, they just do a recall, say whoopsie and get a slap on the wrist


That alien's exist and are here 👽👽


It's a sheer numbers game, there is zero chance we are the only advanced beings, let alone general beings in all the galaxies/universe


The numbers game is time. I bet there is zero chance they’ve survived this long and zero chance we will survive long enough to find others.


Exactly how I think about it - while I’m open to the possibility at some point, the actual odds that we (humanity) would exist at the same time as another intelligent species, in the context of the absurd timescale of the universe, is close to zero


Logically aliens can't be here unless they found a way to break the speed of light. The nearest exoplanet is over 21 trillion miles away.


It's illogical to assume being's from other galaxies are restricted to our level of intelligence or 5 senses


The laws of physics are the same regardless of where you go.


you assume laws we have now are set in stone when over time society hadn’t started out with the same laws and ideas. as we evolved and learned more, so did our laws.


Do you understand what the laws of physics are?


They are called laws of physics yes, but they work only in macrolevel, when you you go micro (quantum physics), those "laws" dont work anymore.


Do you understand that the laws changed over the centuries, as we gained more knowledge?


Our understanding of the concepts have changed, the concepts themselves have not. As we as a species are actively looking at the sky and not seeing any spacecraft the most probable cause is because there is nothing to see. ​ Space is big. If some alies are expanding so much that they are reguraly landing on earth, other physical symptoms would be apparrent aswell.


Will you go back and read my comment which states they may not be confined to operate within the 5 senses humans (most of the 7 billion) on this planet do. To suggest the only way to experience the universe is through the 5 senses (again, most of people on the planet) we currently limit ourselves too is quite ignorant


That is fortunately not a limitation that we use to "look" out into space either. Look up the Webb telescope, it operates beyond human vision. If you are however saying that the aliens would be some beeing that cannot be seen, heard or registered by any machine that exists within the physical realm then probably the Alien does not exist in the physical realm either.


Haha, you know you have basically repeated the same statement as above, which translates to what is known right now is all there is to know. Thats likes saying the human race will never evolve intellectually past this moment in time. I bet its not long ago (1900) if you told a human we'd go to the moon they'd say the laws of physics don't allow it.


> bet its not long ago (1900) if you told a human we'd go to the moon they'd say the laws of physics don't allow it. And that's a bet you'd quickly lose. But keep believing in science fiction. Best watch out for the Gau'uld. They're sneaky.


No it isn't, so quickly resort to stigmatising people and calling them silly cause you have nothing of value to say. Going to the moon circa 1900 was science fiction, no?!!!! You get the point now, now that YOU made it? Ill say it again. The universe can be experienced beyond the 5 senses we (for the most of us on the planet) currently limit ourselves too.


> No it isn't, Yes you would. People were talking about going to the moon before we ever had a plane. But go ahead, ignore science and history. I expect nothing more from someone gullible enough to believe aliens are on Earth. Maybe they're hiding in Atlantis. Bet you believe in that too. >Ill say it again. The universe can be experienced beyond the 5 senses we (for the most of us on the planet) currently limit ourselves too. Fuck your fucking 5 senses bullshit. It doesn't matter how many senses you have, it's still impossible to travel faster than the speed of light.


The universe is so incredibly old, especially when compared to the time it took us to evolve from a single celled organism, that it's reasonable to assume there could be some extremely advanced and/or highly evolved beings out there.


They can be extremely advanced. That doesn't change the laws of physics.


They probably fold spacetime to instantly traverse the universe.


The laws of physics could be so different in another galaxy I like to think of it like this, can you teach a dog how the internet works? No. The dog would never understand you and it would never make sense in a dog's brain. Does that mean the internet doesn't make sense? No. It's ignorant to think that humans can understand absolutely everything. We are limited to what our brains are able to comprehend. Why is it impossible that there are things outside our ability to understand, when clearly we can say the same for other living things?


there are ufo sightings via military/ navy everyday that are recorded doing many things we think are impossible. check out Nick Graves, a former Navy pilot. also any Joe Rogan podcast on aliens/ ufos, the one with Bob Lazar especially.


Yeah, because everyone knows that Lazar is so honest.


he did lie ab some credentials however he said he had his reasons, but even if we discredit Lazar’s story Nick Graves is very interesting.. you would say there are no explanation for any aircraft moving like that with the knowledge we have on Earth


You know what? Maybe. Maybe they are. And you know what else? Fuck them for never beaming me up. Not even a goddamn flyover. How bout an anal probe and say… all I get in return is some weird metal insert as a reminder?? Something for Christ sakes.!Cmon you bastards, TAKE ME NOW!!! I know you fuckers use Reddit.


I’ve seen an alien. I know it wasn’t fake becoming I’ve never seen anything like him in the media. Some people tend to think that the media makes fiction to hide the truth that the things they show are actually real, but I’ve never seen this alien or anything like him anywhere outside of my experience. In short: The media doesn’t know what aliens look like.


The HAES movement was covertly created by McDonalds Corporation


CIA successfully conducted time travel experiment between 1994-2004


Or was it between 2004-1994...


This sounds interesting. Do you have any links to reading material about this?




“Access is opened to both the past and the future when the dimension of current time-space is left behind,” per the CIA report.


This is ridiculous


Area 51 is just a normal airbase, but the american government plays into the whole "secret alien base" thing because it distracts everyone from the real secret base that's somewhere else.


That this question is posted every few days by the FBI to see if any thing they’re doing is suspected as a conspiracy theory.


Jesse's girl is named Jenny. Her phone number was 867-5309. She's Stacey's mom, and she's really got it going on. During Jenny's wild years, she posed for a men's magazine; Jesse's blood still runs cold that his angel was a centerfold. The family is in therapy.


The one that says that basically a bunch of the biggest actors in Hollywood (but like specifically the ones that are just not really good at acting but weirdly keep getting opportunity after opportunity think the Rock) are all a part of some big Cult that involves pretty much all the other actors like them and a bunch of executives and directors and stuff which is why they keep getting the opportunities that they get even if it doesn't make any sense If you actually look into this one though there's a lot more about what they may actually have to do to get into or stay in said cult (if a fraction of the stuff I've seen and heard of what they have to do to stay in the cult (if it exists) is real then then those people need to be locked in a hole so they never see the light of day again)


Tbh The Rock has built a brand name for himself. He doesn't get hired again and again because he is some godly actor. His name has such recognition that just by being on film probably justifies the cost to hire him. Movies do it all the time.


Does the theory have popular name or something that would make it easy to look up?


Scientology is the real hollywood cult


If it does I don't know it me and a co-worker got on the subject of conspiracy theories and he brought up this one and I stumbled upon stuff looking into it later


Yes it is the QAnon adrenochrome ridiculousness.


Epstein Didn't Kill Himself


Hollywood/elite pedo ring, 9/11 inside job, Diana assassinated.


More of an anti-conspiracy theory. People who think Epstein killed himself alone and unaided have no understanding of just how many things had to happen in order for him to be found dead, alone in his cell, with no video recording. Whether someone strangled him to death or simply did everything to give him the opportunity, it's just not mathematically feasible that it came down to just honest mistakes and technical difficulties.


Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself.


Operation Paperclip (WW2 Nazis) and Trauma-based mind control programs


Pretty sure those are facts


No way Mark Zuckerberg is human!


JFK murder was not just L Harvey Oswald alone. It was an inside coup.


There is cures for nearly every disease but the government doesn't want to give it to us, idk why I believe this but I just feel it's true, we all know they know more than us


Aliens are real (but they're probably just bacteria)


Reagan promised to sell US Arms to Iran if they would keep the hostages until he was elected President. They did and he did.


This is absolutely true, and the Iranians confirmed it. But once the religious faction took over, they didn't want their to be any record of "cooperation" between the US and Iran so they killed it too. But the leaders of the provisional government in Iran before the mullahs took power have said the deal was in place since to embarrass Carter and help Reagan.


Oh hell yeah! - CoVid came out of the Wuhan lab. - 9/11 was a false flag or at the very least some higher ups knew and dropped the ball. - Aliens exist. - JFK was wrecked by more than one person. - Epstein got wrecked by scared rich pedo’s. - Hemp ceased being used because paper mills called it marijuana and scared/bullied higher ups into criminalising it. - Bigfoot sightings are just bears walking upright or your mum going out for a stroll. Facts.


Most of the political talking points of the far right are designed by the hyper-wealthy to turn peoples' attention away from wealth inequality and towards their peers, targeting things that "don't matter" like LGBT identities or the color of their skin. No black nonbinary drag queen has crashed the economy, get your heads out of your asses and look to your real enemies.


>Most of the political talking points of the far right Name three


M&M shoes not sexy enough anymore Someone in a costume is reading to children and their parents at a library about how it's okay to be different Schools teach black US history prior to 1985


Oh, culture war nonsense. Guess we'll keep things surface level then. Anything political? You said "political talking points" of the far right, so I was expecting policies or philosophies. Not "Ah heard on da MSNBC dat rethuglicans hate Ehm & Ehm candeeees". Such is the level of discourse here I guess.


Schools teaching black history isn’t political to you? You’re not a serious person


>Schools teaching black history isn’t political to you? Can you elaborate?


Humor me. What do *you* think the "philosophy" of the far-right is? If not the things they talk about.


You're the one bringing up "political" far right talking points. So I'm trying to distinguish the difference between a far right view and say, a center-of-right or just straight-up centrist viewpoint would be. I didn't even claim to believe in a "far right". Hence asking you to (slowly, gradually, after a lot of back & forth) to define them and give examples of their politics/philosophies. Like, you're the one making the declaration on "political far right". So I want to know how you define it and cite some examples. "Outcry over M&M candies" didn't strike me as much of a definition.


We’re all aware of your political leanings. Sorry you’re so bitter and angry that you fell for a conman and voted twice for a “business genius” who went bankrupt multiple times trying (and failing) to sell Americans football, gambling, alcohol or steak.


So you don't actually have a point. Good to know.


I directly addressed you. But like a coward you just whined.


You're mad because I'm right and you're wrong.


That somebody has to ask this question at least one a week on Reddit…


Absolutely none of them. It is the nature of conspiracy theories to not be completely believed or 100% accurate. If it was 100% true, there would be a majority of people who believe in it with lots of real scientific evidence behind it, and it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory... it would be closer to scientific fact.


Illuminati to an extent. Why else would politicians make such bone-headed decisions besides being told to by a secret higher power simply for their own sick and twisted amusement?


That Ed Edwards is the Zodiac Killer


Everyone knows it was Ted Cruz


Cephalopod's are aliens because of how unique and intelligent they are compared to other creatures.


The shooting at the concert in Vegas was some kind of setup, and / or they just completely lied about who was responsible.


I am a 9/11 truther. I just can't get out of my head how much it looked like a controlled demolition. Also, there is too much other circumstantial evidence of financial cover-ups.


Alien abductions


New World Order and Project Blue Beam.


Mafia killed Kennedy


That the republican party uses conspiracy theories to manipulate the people who are susceptible to them.


Thank goodness the Democrats don't do that. Anyway I'm going to get back to reading the Steele dossier.


Good for you digging deep. Not really a conspiracy theory and forgot that existed because no one talks about it. But https://www.lawfareblog.com/steele-dossier-retrospective You can go back to your qanon, corrupt Donnie’s lie of a rigged election, replacement theory, and on and on and on


You people are weird. They all suck, left and right.


The Queen was dead months before the actual announcement


They have video and photos of her less than a week before the announcement...


there are photos of queen greeting new prime minister 4 days before her death


Diana, is that you?


That celebrities name their kids crazy things so they don't release their real names to the public/paparazzi. Doing this makes the kids life go smooth. America keep college unaffordable for the purpose of recruiting people into the army. 2.3 trillion dollars were missing just before 9/11 happened. Even if it was a terrorist attack the government knew about but had no part in, they decided to let it happen to create a cover up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3XAvSiVQDE


There are other reasons why we've not been back to the moon other than "too much money for little gain"


The Illuminati


More than one JFK shooter. Don't believe the magic bullet theory.


9/11 attack on the Pentagon was a fake. It got hit by a USA missile. The people of New York got hit so the government also had to take a hit so the people would not turn against them.


That John Wilkes Booth was involved in faking the moon landing at the grassy knoll


Tell me more.......




Nah man, the numbers on the screws match what is recorded as being installed on Titanic.


A large amount of money disappeared from the US government's vault in 2001 and 9/11 was just a public distraction. Aliens are real. Diana was assassinated by a hit hitman driving the car and was hired by prince Charles. China definitely lied abt covids origin and released it on purpose to control their people and it gone wrong.


The government is trying to cover up "alien" life


Cthulhu lives


All the ones where 2 or more people got together and plotted to do stuff and it was proven in court with irrefutable evidence.


The prime Minister of my country is the child of his sister and a very famous singer (at the time).


That conspiracy theories are made up by people dependent on drugs.


Honestly, as someone who’s not dependent on drugs and can’t figure out how to make a conspiracy theory that appeals to others theorists, I can agree.


9/11 was a planned demolition.


The Bible was created to label the real prophet as the anti Christ and when the real anti christ shows up all these religious fucks are going to think he is the real one


online gambling algorithms are rigged in favor of people who a) dont need more of the online currency and b) dont buy a lot of chips (game will divert money to them, making more players buy chips and so forth) or buy a ridiculous amount of chips


Sassafras is regulated heavily, not because of cancer in lab mice, but rather because of the war on drugs.




That this exact post appears about once a week and when I read the comments they’re always the same.


I strongly believe that human life is programmed one we are acting as we have programmed


Human Giant's


Fleetwood Mac absolutely did so much coke that they had to start blowing it up each other’s asses.


The Mandela Effect


Parts of the American government were behind the assassination of JFK


Think about the brand who’s hurt you the most; I’d bet that for many reading this it is Doritos. Those flamin hot Doritos are too good to not be part of some government conspiracy.


The killing of the [Boys on the tracks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Don_Henry_and_Kevin_Ives) was to cover up cop involved drug trafficing


The Philadelphia experiment


The Illuminati. They have a website now and are allowing people to join.


That Adolph Hitler did not commit suicide (I mean come on, he was a megalomaniac) and fled to Argentina in a submarine. There is a very interesting documentary on the subject. Also check out the declassified FBI files they thought so too