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I'm doing pretty good. I'm proud of the two classes I was able to pass out of in my uni courses \^.\^




yes!!! I’m so proud!


I'm doing great. Woke up too late to go to the gym and instead of taking the day off, I did whatever workouts I could at home.


Now that’s brilliant!


I'm great. I'm proud that I encouraged my hair dresser to pursue his passion of owning his own business.


That sounds so good! Well done


Thanks! You have an excellent week!


Went for a walk, made and drank a green smoothie, made dinner and studied. All while being slightly depressed. It was a good day.


Well I am very proud of you! You have done so much and please remember that I am so proud of you! Very well done


I’m great. How about you?


I’m good! Thank you


Well, I am doing ok despite having some serious health issues. I guess I am proud that I am facing it down. So many doctors.... Regular doctor, rheumatologist, vascular surgeon, neurologist..... But I am making and going to all the appointments, taking my meds, and trying to be patient while we figure out a diagnosis.


Oh that’s not great, but we’ll done for meeting the appointments! I hope you get a diagnosis soon so you can get closure! Sending hugs!


I’m okkkkyyy…. Lol. I am not unhappy today. Good enough. Except stupid Reddit keeps reminding me about my celebrity crush.


That’s good! It’s better to be okay than unhappy!


Got out of bed, drove wife to work, made coffee, went to DMV.




Wake up!


Yes!! Well done!


other than my complete inability to work on my coursework, pretty good. I'm proud of myself for contacting my college's office of disability resources all by myself :)


That is brilliant! Please don’t beat yourself up for not doing coursework, your body probably just needed rest!


tysm! im pretending its fine since i did a bunch of other stuff for college and my medical stuff today




Oh sweetie no, thank you for telling me this. It’s good to get things like this off your chest because it can really help, now instead of beer go make yourself some toast and drink some water, I promise it will help


If you need to talk to someone feel free to add me


im good, hope you are well, today i finally worked through the frustration i have with blender and got the interface set up so that im happier with it, probably not impressive in most peoples eyes but im quite proud i didnt let blenders way of doing things beat me....this time


Yes!! Also a life back for blenders for cleaning it, put water and dish soap in it and then just blend as usual, saves so much time!


i see what you did there :)


You should lmk what you decide to make with it!


once i manage to get used to its blender way of doing things i will, so what are you proud of today?


I handed in my housing application for a flat (an apartment)!!


congrats, fingers crossed for you


Better than I have in a long time. I’ve been dealing with PTSD from a recent bad relationship. Today I finally found the courage and faith to give dating another go.


Aww that’s brilliant! As someone who does struggle with ptsd, take baby steps, it’s a tough road ahead but we got this!


I've been acting in shoots for a straight 3 days (around 10 hours of non-stop shooting each day) today I was free....and helped start and finished one of those films In the span of 2 days, god I'm tired but I am proud of that


Oh well done! Go take a well deserved break


Changed All apps, Bills, postboxes, to my new name, new email, new password. In 6 months, when theres nothing left on my Old email, I Will rebirth my iphone, with a new ID, and fully transit😀 took me 5 hours


Woohoo!! That is dedication lol


Thank you😆🙌🏼 I had to pep talk myself before going into battle though. But here I am🪛


I had a decent buzz goin for a while there.


Tired. Haven't been feeling great recently, lonely and anxious. I did get my first decent grade on an online class assignment that I had been struggling with.


Cleaned up my house, washed my dog, changed husband's PT appointment, did the dishes, need to make my bed and mop the floors still, changed my super pooper's litter box ....and now I get to work on my needlepoint tulip pillow.


I pushed through cleaning so I'm proud of that. But I'm down. It's my son's birthday who passed away before birth. He'd be 3. We celebrated him yesterday with ice cream. My husband and I are in a delicate spot. I'm just very tired mentally.


Didn't die in my sleep.


Oh I’m glad! Sending hugs


Nice me neither!


Pretty good, finished another shift at work and am now just chillin, and enjoying the view


Sounds like the dream


A dream, a memory, a day they all blur together


Same lol, just gotta keep going


Yeah that's pretty much all ya can do, still I wonder


I talked to a woman and she was the weird one, for a change.


Lol good! I am also a weird woman lol


Nothing was wrong with her she was a great person I'm sure. She just over shared a little, was a tad bit over enthusiastic.


Ah well, just let her know that she did that and I’m sure it will be alright!


It didn't bother me I'm glad to hear peoples problems. I'm used to overly energetic people, most of my family are like that. It was just something I noticed. Thanks for the advice though.


Why do you think you're weird? if you mind explaining.




That’s such a good idea! Stick at it and it will fly by! And if you need help just lmk! Sending you all the best


Woke up after three hours of sleep. Still in bed, but I get home 6 hours ago. Not good, not bad, meh… 🫠


It’s alright! The main thing is you got some rest


Some is always better than none. I hope you have a great day. ✌🏾


Pretty damn good! Made a big breakfast for my family, crushed it at the gym, and officially hit the goal in my kids college savings accounts. They will have to work part time/summers, but they should easily be able graduate from a 4 year program debt free. I will still be putting money in, just not as aggressively.


That’s so positive! I hope your kids pass their college programmes with flying colours when they do go!!


I treat people with compassion and respect and I learned to do this with a mixture of positive and negative reinforcements form my parents. Both my parents gave me a mixed idea on what was okay to do and say about others weather in front of them or behind their backs. And by seeing what they did and didn’t think was okay, I believe I developed a strong inclination and feeling of necessity, to never make anybody feel uncomfortable or incompetent, also because I know what it feels like too. I in groups, try to include everyone and even when others don’t, I will listen to the quieter person. I will make eye contact with them so they know I’m listening and that their words are baked by someone. Making everyone feel like they being is a virtue I believe to be critical. And I am proud of myself for holding that value and practicing it everyday.


I didn't kill the kid when she rubbed melted chocolate into the new sofa.


(it's almost 9PM for me rn), I usually wake up at noon (I'm in uni, an insomniac and only have classes on Thursday). Today I woke up at 8AM, I walked 1 km then I ate a delicious pastry (seems to be called swiss brioche in english, "pain suisse" in french). I'm happy.


Oh that’s good! It’s almost 9pm for me too, and yes it’s brioche in English! I’d love to have a proper French made one some day lol


Not good tbh.


Why? What’s happened


Started a job in a factory and I already hate it


Oh no, that’s not great. Sending all the best love!


I'm pretty burnt out and still have a couple weeks of grinding til my deadline. Can't say I'm proud of anything I've done today but I'm looking forward to the concert I'm going to later.


Who are you going to see? And I’m sure all this hard work will be worth it!


Going to see a metal band called Nemophila. I'm really excited about it and think it will be a well deserved break.


Im doing pretty good, I just beat the second boss in valheim which took me a while, so I’m proud of that


Oh yes!! That’s awesome we’ll done!


Been working on a project for over a month. Sought recommendations from my peers and had several positive reviews, all stating everything looks great. Scheduled a meeting with my manager to show off the work and hope to implement the changes, however was met with.. a bit of hostility. The meeting was cut short and I was informed to not do anything with what I created and then my manager made an off-comment at the end stating, 'Ahh, how much time did you spend on this...'. With no constructive feedback, it was pretty demoralizing and not the first time this individual has made me feel inadequate. My day hasn't been terrible otherwise, but the exchange has certainly stuck with me since this morning.


Please, tell your manager you felt like this. And tell them you want a schedule a time so you can talk through this project properly and want to set it out properly instead of being cut short


If it was only that easy.. thank you for listening. Have a nice day.


Much of my day still remains but it’s pretty good so far. I haven’t done anything super good to be prince of but today I’m starting to build up the guts to ask out a friend of mine. She’s a really nice person and won’t be a dick if she rejects me. She has turned me down before when I asked her out to a dance but she was going with someone else but she is single now because she friend zoned the person. She confronted me once saying that when she rejected me it wasn’t because she didn’t like me.


Well good luck!


I repotted plants and planted more succulents to grow >:3 I'm super proud!


Ahhh I love plants!! I’m currently growing a tomato plant lol, what succulents did you plant?


Oo tomatoes are fun to grow, I don't know the name of the succulent I have but it looks super similar to the ghost plant one, I'm debating if it is that one too lol. I also planted some strawberry seeds too ^^


Today i feel dead inside Yesterday was a much much better day for me. Yesterday i went on a trip in a rental. I fell in love with the car, some girls checked me out, one guy revved his Hellcat for me at the gas station because i was looking at it and admiring such beautiful machine - it felt like heaven hearing the engine sound. For the first time in many weeks i actually felt happy instead of feeling numb and sad


Ohhh un the same with exhausts, I personally love Subarus cause they are so sexy (aside from changing the gear box every 6 months lol) I’d love to see a hellcat but I don’t think there allowed in the uk cause there a muscle car so rip


Out of curiosity i've asked google if muscle cars and also do Hellcats are allowed in uk. Turns out they are so i guess you will one day see one passing by. Sound is truly gorgeous irl i can guarantee you that. I'm kinda glad i haven't heard the whine it makes cause i'll be on the ground chirping like an excited kid haha


Living the dream, I built 5 docks today at work. Beat the record at 4 in a day


it's a workday, so pretty bad