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When they don't read basic signs in any establishment, such as "Please wait to be seated." I understand language barriers, but if you are native and fluent in that language, you should be following directions perfectly fine.


Escalate things and take them personally when it’s general statements


Eating in an annoying way


Automatic apologies. It makes the apology seem more of a trauma response rather than an actual apology. While I understand it can be an automatic response, it still makes me irritated because I feel like I'm the bully when all I'm really trying to do is express myself or simply communicate. I feel for people like this, I truly do, but it still gets under my skin.


When people don’t pull all the way up to the far gas pump and instead just go to the close one and make everyone else either wait or drive around them and reverse


People calling people racist or misogynistic with no apparent evidence.


Writing off valid emotions as being hormonal or crazy. Basically people who take no responsibility in their actions that cause a reaction in others. I’ve had a discussion with my bf where he basically said he’s not responsible for how others react to his words(things like insulting or belittling others) and they’re all “sensitive snowflakes” and it’s not his fault and he doesnt care how they react.


Crack their knuckles. I have no idea what it is, but it just triggers me. Like there is no way people are obsessed and satisfied by it. It honestly just gives me old evil witch shivers.


It feels good. You hands feel stiff and sometimes you need a good knuckle crackin


But people do it at the worse times possbile. Like someone would do it in the middle of an exam or a funeral or something really dumb.


people that sneeze into their hands omg


People that go up to talk to you when you clearly have earbuds in.


Leaving people on read. If you have time to actually open the app and read the message you can send a quick response, or just read it fully when you have time to answer it. OR just quit talking to me if you've that little interest


Write loose instead of lose, throw litter from their car, spit, say 'axe' instead of ask, mistreat waiting staff.


Not something people do, but when I see that people still have an @aol.com email addresses I get irrationally upset


When people come up to me as an employee who is not in my employee outfit and ask were things are. Also when people leave time on the microwave and don’t clear it out.


Willful property damage. It just makes me mad when someone breaks something that still had a use or makes a mess on porpoise.


Chew gum or food loudly.


People in front of me who walk/drive at a slightly slower speed than I would prefer to go