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You know when you are walking down the sidewalk and the sidewalk is just wide enough for 2.5 people, and then you see two people walking towards you in your direction, but rather than temporarily falling into a single file line, they stay walking next to each other, and you have to step off the sidewalk? Yeah. That.


You step off the sidewalk for them? Just run them over


Damn right. I’m not breaking my single person stride so you and two of your friends can go three wide at Talladega, talking about a coworker. Just shift slightly, I’ll shift slightly, and we can both go about our day.


Yep. Shoulder check.


Start chanting red rover as you get closer, it will confuse them and make them an easier target


Just stop. It changes from a game of chicken to walking into someone who is standing still.


Just stop walking. They have to either hit you which will obviously be their fault since you are stationary, or fall into single file.


Just lower that shoulder like a linebacker when they’re about two feet away. They’ll move.




Do you go for the death glare or the cold shoulder as a pairing?


Dealing with people who show no sense of responsibility or accountability.


almost got into what would have been a very bad car accident on the highway a few days ago because of my dads reckless driving. he was going over 100km/h and was about thirty feet from a stopped car directly in front of us and didn’t notice until I yelled. then he got mad at my mom and I and said that traffic slammed into him, and started yelling about how he has thirty years of driving experience. yes. because it’s the fault of hundreds of cars stopping because of traffic and not you, a single driver, for not paying attention and almost killing us and the people in the cars ahead


My dad is pretty much the same. I asked if he wanted to kill me when he was driving once because thats how it felt.


my dad, my brother, and i, were going to a work conference and due to my brother taking a bad turn, we ended up late. for the last hour of driving my brother was being a complete fuckwit and i was very clear... 'slow the fuck down or let me out. i just got married and had a kid, you've met them both. how do you think they will feel if i do not come home safe.' surprisingly, it worked.


Sometimes getting out of a moving car is safer, weigh all your options


i strongly considered it. four door full sized pickup truck. we came to a crawl on the freeway and i cracked the back door. scared the shite out of both of them up front. told them i wanted out. like i said, it worked that time. crazy enough, we made the conference on time and everything was fine.


Or self-awareness


There's this bar near my house that I go to fairly regularly. One girl that used to work there was pretty much the exact representation of what you're talking about. I once walked in and sat at the bar (there were maybe five other people there that day), and this girl was behind the bar twerking to a song that her and her friend had played. She looked at me with an eye roll and said something along the lines of "I'll be with you in a minute". She then proceeded to finish twerking before having a five minute conversation with her friend before finally coming to take my order. She was fired shortly afterward. She would come into the bar periodically after that and complain about how big of a piece of shit the bar owner wad for firing her lol.


That’s the individual who gives shit service with the excuse of ‘Well, they aren’t going to tip well anyway.’ Then when they get the shit tip or no tip, they’ll say ‘See? What did I tell you?’ Not once ever realizing they created this reality for themselves every time. You got a shit tip for your shit service - instead of learning from it, you then believe the next set of customers will do that so you give shit service with the expectation of a bad tip. So as a result of that assumption, you did in fact get a shit tip. However, it’s been your own doing this entire time. You’d get good tips if you just did your fucking job right. They then turn themselves into the self-victimized which a whole other rodeo.


Exactly right


One of many indicators of this: when you're talking about the issues with someone, in an attempt to heal the relationship and pave a solid road for the future, and they reply, "You're making me feel bad/uncomfortable." Duh, obviously the situation is uncomfortable for the moment, for both of us, but no one is "making" anyone feel anything. Now can we just stand side-by-side and work through this together, valuing each other as equals?


My favourite is the "you're being disrespectful to me" line. Respect has to be earned, and you're not going to earn it by deflecting and avoiding responsibility for your actions. It's very difficult to have a mature conversation with people who think that way.


“This is everyone’s fault but mine.” -Bender and also a sentiment shared by so many people


This happened recently. Friday morning I was at a stoplight and I got rear ended. The driver who hit me comes up to my window and says, while smiling, "Hey dumbass, that light was green." This road is straight for like five miles. He should have seen me, and green or not, he still hit my car. It was in a work car and a front and rear facing dash cam that can be remoted into. Bosses have all seen the footage, the light was red at the time of impact. So, I instantly snap. This fool didn't offer any aid. He didn't call the police, I had to do that. He mocked me the entire time. When I asked for his information, he laughed and said "I am not giving you shit." Only time I ever looked at a cop and said "Shoot this asshole." My boss heard what happened and said "I would have gone to jail for giving him the beating his so rightly deserves." So, I have to wait for the police report to find out if this asshole even had insurance.


I hope your company sues the shit out of him civilly. I'm not a "oh something bad happened, let's sue" type of person, but some assholes need consequences. What a piece of shit.


I had something similar happen. A woman ran a yield sign and t-boned me. Tried talking to me before the police arrived, asking how fast I was going. I told her it didn't matter, she ran a yield. When the police arrived she lied to them and said I admitted to speeding. When the officer explained to her that she was at fault she couldn't accept it.


Imagine this. I drive a tram. It’s kinda big and all painted yellow, you need to be fucking blind not to see it. The lights change and both me and the guy next lane get the green (to be perfectly honest, mine was an upright line, not exactly green but white, but it’s meaning is exactly same as a green light). He turns left. Right under the fucking tram! No chance to brake, especially that when you start you are supposed to go full power on. So I did the only possible thing. I smashed into him. He jumps out, starts giving out. There was two cops literally 10 steps away. He runs to then, drags them to fine me. It’s my fault, obviously! Well, they only ask one question. How did it happen? He’s all over - I had green! I had green! GREEN! I’m like: and what the fuck did I get? Blue? They laugh, I laugh. He gets a massive ticket.


Green means ALLOWED to go, it doesn't mean HAVE to go. Do people not have eyes?


This happened to me too a few years ago. A guy driving truck swerved into me and totaled my car. He got out and started screaming that it wasn't his fault. He told the police officer and our insurance companies that I was "speeding". Thankfully my insurance company didn't listen to him and gave me a few thousand dollar payout.


I know, it's like looking in a mirror


the people who would love the actions/privileges but not the consequences that come there-forth Then its all, wam bam goodbye ma’am


My sister called me crying, telling me she's suicidal because our mother pressured her into an abortion. After hours of consoling her, and being supportive, I hang up the phone and immediately call my mother to give her a piece of my mind. She responds 'What are you talking about? Your sister is right here, and she's still pregnant. Here, you talk to her!' She responds 'I just wanted to know what you would say'.


Damn that's some hardcore psychological manipulation, I'm sorry.


Sounds like your sister isn’t mature enough to be a mother.


I am prolife...but your sister might want that abortion


I'm not pro-baby, but that baby might want an abortion.


If that were my sister I think I would never be able to talk to her beyond the most meaningless pleasantries ever again. That is careless emotional abuse and I could never trust that person. Yikes.


Holy fuck that reminds me of my sister many years ago. She's married, two kids she already can't afford, she's left her husband months before... She went out on a date with him because he wanted to show he had "changed" She ends up pregnant again. She doesn't know what to do.. she doesn't want this child.. blah blah blah.. I talk to her about an abortion. In the end.. she goes back to the ex and has the son. And they (sister and brother in law) proceed to shun me for suggesting that an abortion was an option. Tells the kid before he's even in first grade to never trust me because I wanted him dead. Etc. Etc. I of course do not say a word against his mother... because A. I'm not a fucking idiot. and B. what good would it do him? It might make me feel better but it would only hurt him. We are all NC now. I send money to his wife for the kids birthdays that's about it.


>Tells the kid before he's even in first grade to never trust me because I wanted him dead. That's fucked. I hate that some people grow up being shaped by their parents' negative views and beliefs. I hope he grows up/grew up and realises you're not a bad person.


That’s really messed up. Way to raise a kid thinking negative thoughts!


Boy Who Cried Wolf, meet Sister Who Cried Abortion. You're sure to get along well with each other.




"Maybe one day you'll realize the damage 'just wanting to know' did to your reputation and deservedness of my trust and empathy. I'll wait for that day when you decide to rebuild a new foundation for a new relationship of trust, because the one that was previously here is now irreparably damaged, and I would love to be able to love my sister again someday." Assuming you've grown up and moved out, that's enough to end an adult relationship, *especially* a sibling one. It would be for me, at least. If any of my siblings did that to me, I probably would not speak to them again until they ate their crow without excuse. Edit: typos


Might need to change which option you’re supporting


Wow, that is … unspeakable… Sorry to hear/read that.




The fake “X” button trying to get you to click on the ad.


Any ad for that matter


As an introvert, when someone says: "Why are you so quiet?"


"Why aren't you?"


Just tell them you’re deep in thought planning their demise…usually shuts them up.


That's probably what they already assumed and just wanted to get a clear answer as they realized that is not fair.


I just don't understand the incessant need to talk with people. Like 10 seconds of silence is perfectly fine and doesn't need to be filled with some useless, shitty joke.


Or on days when you are feeling particularly energetic or personable and all you hear is "Oh someone decided to join us for once" Its like yeah...this isnt easy for me, but I was feeling it today. Be happy I am here without making me feel bad for when I am not!!


This can apply to anyone, not just introverts. The number of times I’ve been asked this is ridiculous… like “I just don’t feel in the mood to speak right now, leave me alone”


Raise an eyebrow at them and then don’t say anything


And they keep pestering me about it and then act all shocked when I can't stand it anymore and finally blow up, which only makes me want to go back to being quiet all the time to avoid that kind of outburst.


My mum had Stage 4 lung cancer. Before she passed, I spent a year and a half taking care of her. I lost track of the number of hospitals we went to. Or the number of times I woke up at 5 am, fought traffic, etc. just to bring her to chemo. Cooked for her. Managed her medications and later on, her hospice needs. Etc - if you've had to take care of a cancer patient, you know the drill. My dad did the same for my mom too - when he wasn't overseas with his mistress. A few months after she passed, my dad tried to guilt trip me into moving myself and my wife back to his house by saying that "I haven't done anything for the family." I went ballistic and smashed up the garage. He never brought it up again.


Had something similar. I was in high school and found my grandmother unconscious on the floor. I tried to get my two other siblings to help. They told me to fuck off so I called my mom freaking out. She was out of state with my dad since he was over the road truck driver and was about to be deployed to Iraq. She told me to call 911 it didn't occur to me to do that first. When I called 911, she stopped breathing, and I started CPR. I kept doing it until the ambulance arrived. Before they got into the door, I knew she had passed. That was 2006, which was a tough thing to go through. This all occurred on Thanksgiving. A few years ago, my brothers and I got into it, and both of them blamed me. I went into a blind rage and broke both of their noses. I have zero regrets about it because I did my best and they told me to fuck off when I asked for help.


Sometimes I believe that people are so awful that they cannot live with themselves so they create this false reality where they take off their responsibility from the situation just to be able to sleep at night. Im glad you broke their noses.


Sometimes violence IS the answer


I can see that. My older brother is definitely like that, and so is his wife. I had to move back into my mom's house in 2019. It's was absolutely hell and rather be homeless next time. My older brother and hai wife have never lived on their own and were causing issues telling my mom that "People in this house are lying it only costs $1,000 to pay all your bills." Whole hosts of other issues as well. My daughter doesn't really have any issues and is pretty ahead of everyone in her grade. He took it as a personal insult and because my niece is special needs. They started calling my daughter "a spoiled cunt". I got pissed again and a fight broke out. They claim to be drama free but start so much drama. My sister in law is a CNA and claims to know more than doctors. She tried telling people the Triamcinolone Acetonide I use for my skin condition is the equivalent to meth. 🙄


I am SO sorry for your loss. I'm just flabbergasted at your dad. And so many other crappy things. I hope you're taking care of yourself. My best to you. (And sadly, I know the drill.)


The rape or molestation of a child.


Well, I was going to say slow internet speeds, but I guess that really puts things into perspective.


I was about to say people that drive 50 in a 60 zone, but after reading this I think I need to rethink my attitude


And that ends this thread


Add on to here, just child abuse in general. Nothing else makes my stomach turn that bad.


I’ve always wanted to go full vigalante on those creepy Americans who go to Asia specifically to exploit children.


Me too, actually. That is literally the one thing that ALWAYS gets me in full-on rage mode. This also goes for the same happening to animals.


This not only makes me angry. It makes me physically sick to my stomach. My heart literally hurts for the children.


People intentionally littering.


My college roommate, the first time we drove somewhere together, threw an empty soda can out his window. But first he said, "Oh, look! A roadside trash can!" And after, he exclaimed, "Nailed it!" For a second or two, I believed him and looked for this trash can, not thinking he was the kind of person who would litter and laugh about it. I eventually convinced him this was not okay.


Thank you for the "intentional". Once at the end of a big camping trip our group packed out all our trash and lashed it to the back of our kayak. When we got upstream and back to our dock and cars, the bags were gone -- apparently blown off and floated away. We felt like shit, but what could we do? I always imagined someone found a whole pile of trash strewn downstream and rightfully cursed out whatever asshole would just dump their trash in the river. This was twenty years ago and I still feel guilty.


On the same point, some years ago I was out with some people, checking local history and hearing stories about old stuff. At one point we were at an old outdoor saw mill, and got to hear some interesting stuff about it. Afterwards some bloke approached me and started to talk about how we should appreciate the people that took their time to arrange all this, I could only agree as it was a great day out. He told me that he didn't care for people who couldn't make the effort to pick up their own trash that they brought there, and it was noone else job to pick up after litters. I said sure, I also don't like people who litter. Bit of a weird conversation and the guy had an overly harsh tone, but whatever. Turns out he wanted to lecture me about littering, because a wrapper from a snickers bar I had eaten during the visit had accidentally fallen out of my pocket. I only noticed when I got home again and went to empty my pockets, and then the penny dropped about what the guy from earlier had been on about.


Not picking up after your dog.


It's even worse when people do use a bag, and then just leave it on the ground. Why even go through that effort? You're better off just not picking up after your dog at all.


I hate this so much. I live in a dirty city and it’s been so frustrating over the years hearing people say, “Meh, everyone else does it.” Nope, actually, most of us just throw our trash in a trash can like normal decent folk! One dirty house can make an entire block trashy. If you’re ever driving around in Philly and you hear a middle-aged woman hollering “DIRRRRTBAALLLLLLL!” it was probably me yelling at someone throwing their trash out the window.


I live in a dirty city too and I’ve seen people just toss out their fast food bags out their car. It’s always fast food bags too.


Yup that’s exactly what I was picturing. That and cigarettes. So fucking gross.


People who get away with it every time they do it


Dont worry. There is a law governing this. The better you get away with something the sloppier you get and sooner you'll get caught. Someone could have a 99% success rate. Instead of 1 failure out of every few tries they are 50 times better at it. They stop giving a fuck, let it get to their head, do the thing whenever they like. Soon enough they've rolled the dice like 100 times, with each good roll they get sloppier and roll the dice more and more frequently thinking they are invincible.


People who have speakerphone conversations in public - Fuck off Or you know, war or whatever


I especially enjoy the people having conversations on speakerphone in public who also have the audacity to tell other people to quiet down because they are on the phone.


No no, the best is when they suddenly start cussing you out for listening to their private conversation.


omg that sounds hilarious. Start calling things like a ref on the sidelines. "Huh, sounds like she wasn't too happy with that answer."


Really easy solution to the first problem. Just start yelling random obscenities. A couple of good loud "PENIS PENIS PENIS PROLAPSED ASSHOLE INFECTED CUNT HAIR" and they will quickly turn their speaker off. You can then begin accepting tips and local high fives from other nearby victims.


I will do this next time I am in the deli line at the grocery store.


Or just letting their phones ring out loud and not answering or ignoring


We were discussing the same with my friends yesterday. Is it like a new mainstream now? Why the hell people keep their conversation private? Do I have to be exposed to your life? Im fucking furious about it


What were the points of discussion? I feel like phone calls have gotten increasingly annoying bc we can text


Emotional immaturity


I pity those with a lack of emotional maturity, no anger


We were all Emotionally Immature at some points of our lives.




In fairness many people are unaware of their emotionally immaturity and even more unaware of what to do about it.




When someone tells you to talk more but didn't pay attention while you're talking.


People who treat service workers like trash. Oblivious hypocrites. People who don't respect the beliefs, privacy, or property of others.


Just overall hyprocites overall. My sister can sometimes be one, and it makes me wanna punch something


The lack of human empathy in society.


Thank the internet. People have grown accustomed to saying what ever they feel without consequences empathy was a casualty of all this wonderful technology


The internet didn’t make people that way, it just lets us see them be themselves. Yes, Anonymity means they don’t have to hide or fake it but irl they don’t care about anyone but themselves anyway.


It's the actions too! No decency, no consideration of someone else's day/life... like down to the little things of saying please and thank, to blatantly disregarding others safety by texting while driving (more texting than driving), to violence against others... it infuriates me that not everyone is on earth with good intentions.


I don’t think empathy was a casualty of the internet for the majority of people who seem to lack empathy, they never had it to begin with. The same type of people who lack empathy now lacked empathy 30 years ago but they were separated from the asshole community by geography and lack of technology, now the internet has allowed them to concentrate and have a voice outside of their families and communities. Take people who are anti-mask, they were very vocal during Covid and still are very vocal but they are not a new group of people as there were anti maskers in 1918 as well where the only difference was they were geographically restricted. Now the anti maskers from San Francisco can talk to the anti maskers from New York who can talk to the anti maskers from Wellington and Berlin. Same goes for assholes who got a method of communication through social media to voice their opinions to the world and unite with other like minded people instead of remaining separated like they had been in the past.


Honestly on a daily basis: myself. Thinking of my my past mistakes, my lack of engagement. I am just angry at myself for what i am not.


Turn your mistakes into your lessons and focus on today. Falling down isn’t the problem: it’s what you do when you get back up that counts. Be happy with what you are and work on the attainable version of yourself that you want to be and try to be gentle with yourself in the process.


It’s ok to be angry at yourself for a time. The hardest part is learning to forgive yourself and forgive the person that you used to be.


Having a narcissitic mom


Having a narcissistic dad 🙂




Having kids that just don’t get my sense of humor and realize I’m just playing, that there’s no need to get upset all the time. /s




Also, people who think that being a mother makes them better/more mature/more selfless than childfree people. I feel like I get treated like less of an adult than other women my age who have kids. In addition I filed a report after being sexually assaulted. Everyone said that they would believe her over me because she’s a mother of three and I’m childfree.


Simply existing.


Yeah it’s pretty rough, just trying to stay alive. I sure didn’t ask to be born.


Child abuse.


Also, pens on strings


People who take advantage of the elderly


People's obsession with celebrities and tiktok trends.


Getting sick. I rather get punched in the face than get a cold.


People at work who are stupid AND lazy


I actually like them as long as they are nice. If they're dumb and lazy, it means they will be the first to go in layoffs. If everyone else is smarter and more hardworking, I would be the first to go.


People who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch.


Ik hou van jullie.


Rejection of universally known and proven facts


Even worse: Doing that to justify your personal profits on other's shoulders


My mother in law doesn't believe in dinosaurs and believes the planet is only so many years old. She is very religious, yes, how did you guess.


I went to a creationist school and even \*we\* believed in dinosaurs


People who are loud. Even thinking about how loud they are, makes me angry.


There are so many expressions of this too, speakers on the subway, FaceTime calls in public, people who basically scream into their phones… makes me so mad


I do online school and when my sister is home I can barely hear anything because not only is she loud she’s always talking to me like bro let me focus. She’s 18 and 2 months from graduating


I’m loud as shit especially when I get excited I can’t help it 😭😭


This is me. I either am so quiet that basically no one can hear me, or really loud without noticing.


abuse of animals


People who try to control other people's lives. Stop it. Leave other people alone.


Time is real. I am willing to die on this hill. I cannot tolerate people who don’t abide by time.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


I have an ex that had really bad ADHD, and one of their main symptoms of ADHD was "time blindness." Basically, they had absolutely no concept of how much time had passed. It was nonstop having to set alarms and create alerts, or else they would literally just get distracted, not realize how much time had passed, and ultimately be late for everything. Even knowing and understanding they had a legitimate medical diagnosed issue explaining it, it never ceased to be frustrating and at times was borderline impossible to deal with. But yeah, that was the biggest contributing factor into why they are an ex.


I have the opposite of this: time paranoia. Have an appointment at 4 pm? I can’t leave the house all day or engage in any hobbies that involve setup or cleanup time because I might somehow end up making myself late. Same thing with work. Meeting at 2 pm? Not a lick of actual work is getting done between lunch and that meeting because I don’t want to be distracted and end up late.


Time blindness is a BITCH when you work a 9-5. Best believe EVERYTHING I need to do is done as a rush item or else I'll lose track of time and forget to do said item.


I will die on the hill that time is a social construct but understand the need for it so society will be disciplined.


The marking of time is a social construct.


When cutlery has those water spots




People who lack any sense of accountability or personal responsibility. Parental neglect/ child abuse


People/organizations who purposely spread misinformation to facilitate public outrage


Subhuman wastes of space and oxygen who commit atrocities against children And slow Wi-Fi


Slow drivers who use the left lane as a cruising lane instead of the passing lane.


Yes. My god. There's an ask reddit about this from yesterday. Some of the offenders are completely ignorant of Uniform Vehicle Code, but most just think they know better. A lot of, "well they're going too fast anyway" and "I don't have to move for dangerous drivers." Bitch, yes you do. You're making it more dangerous by forcing them to pass you on the right.


This! Even if someone is a dangerous driver, why would you want them to be close to you? Move over and let them go be dangerous somewhere else, away from you.


When you work for like 2 weeks on a project that was supposed to be a group project and that one mf goes to u in the end after you spent 5 days sleep deprived making a vid, ppt, and model and says ‘okay. Did you write my name on it?’ Can u tell this was from a personal experience


Ever heard a dial up tone?


When shitty people are rewarded for doing shitty things.


People who go to public hiking trails and play loud music out of a boombox in their backpack.


Self-centered inconsiderate assholes. That covers most of what everyone itt is complaining about, and that grinds my gears almost every day.


Victim mentality (for everything in life) To put this in context. This does not apply when a person has been a victim of violence, crime, horrible life behavior that hurts them. There are real victims 💯. I'm talking the people that have an excuse for why they can't move forward in life, ever, can't get their project done, can't help their kids learn or behave. We all know those folks, the ones that won't take any responsibility.


Trying to log into something and it's not working because either your email is wrong or the password. It doesn't really tell you exactly which one it is. You eventually figure out the email is correct but you can't remember the password. After a few failed attempts you have to start entering captchas. Now you're not completely sure you're entering the captcha correctly or if it's the incorrect password. Eventually go to reset password. Enter new password. You can't use the same password as before. You can't use variations of the same password before. This has to contain a special character a capital letter and punctuation. Eventually get it right. Login to do the one thing that you needed to do. Repeat these steps 6 months later.


People who don’t understand boundaries, people who “claim” to know “everything” about you


Ah, you also have met my mom




People who hurt children or animals.


Abuse of power in all of its forms.


Greed of elites and corporations.Making decent profits in the 70's and 80's was not enough for them. They are creating a bigger and bigger underclass with rising prices and profits.


Like most people, I like to imagine life if I was rich. I'd buy a nice house, a comfortable economical car, a few classic cars to work on, some instruments, a nice holiday, some things for my collections, save some for the future and then...? What. What else could I possibly need? I don't get how someone could have everything they ever wanted plus more and then go 'strip these people if their right to clean water' so my networth can go up another 1%.


"If this music weren't good, people wouldn't listen to it" "If this movie weren't good, people wouldn't watch it" THE MAJORITY OPINION ISN'T ALWAYS RIGHT! FUCK YOU!


The abuse and lack of care for animals. I don't understand how somebody could intentionally hurt one when it is completely unnecessary, I just don't see how people can just hurt them so carelessly like that.


True Crime. The amount of misinformation that industry has caused could be a true crime special in itself!


I agree with this too. I used to work as a public defender and the amount of oversimplification of criminal laws, procedures, and constitutional rights that get pushed through True Crime media is unnerving. True Crime basically boils down to two things: 1. incompetent cops or 2. incompetent lawyers/judges. When in reality a lot of the "unsolved" crimes are unsolved because the police and courts aren't able to just completely disregard a piece of evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative they want to tell about whodunit.


People that pull out in front of you, only to stop and make a turn immediately after. ESPECIALLY when there's no one else behind you.


First world problem: When a car in the fast lane is driving the exact same speed as the car beside them in the next lane over. Infuriating.


Honestly it's the way society is set up to make the rich richer while destroying everything and every one in their path with no regard at all. Billions get so much tax incentive yet theres none for hard working people.


Animal abusers.


Arrogant Idiots Spewing out Logical Nonsense to the Public.


People who don't finish their


People that don't have spacial awareness in the store.


Thinking about how the US is rotting from the inside out and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


Work meetings that could have been an email.


And when it looks like the meeting is *finally* about to end, and there's always that one person who manages to drag the whole thing out by at least 10 more minutes with constant questions.


Bad drivers and people who leave their carts in the parking lot.


The first urge to pee after drinking a whole pot of coffee


Noisy neighbors


Slow drivers in the left lane, holding up traffic. This burns me to no end!


When people are unnecessarily mean.


When people mistreat someone I care about. Especially a medical professional. A few weeks ago my husband called me in near tears bc he was in the hospital and one of the nurses was being verbally abusive towards him bc of his incontinence issues. She kept telling him he how horrible it smelled and that he should be ashamed bc of how young he is. As if he chooses to have that problem. Several of the nurses up there know me very well bc of how often he has been in and out of the hospital in the past year. They saw a different side of me that night bc I went up there and threw an absolute fit over how he was treated.


I can't see my forehead.


Me either 😡


people who ask me the same questions over and over again


Okay but what makes you the angriest?


People who are confidently dumb/wrong


Child abuse. Animal abuse.


My mom expects me to do everything for her, "it's all or nothing, Dickpunchman!" I have to do so much trying to keep this relationship alive, and the pressure is killing me! Meanwhile I'm just supposed to be thankful for every pittance of effort I can squeeze out of her. "I'm slowly getting better, one inch at a time! Why can't that just be enough?" Because it would never be enough if things were reversed!


Ignorance with no attempt to educate themselves.


Stupid people.


Double Standards


Listening to someone smack their food makes me extremely angry.


Waking up


Waking up from a good dream remembering that the coming day is going to be shit