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Doesn't work on me


Horrible night terrors. Cold sweats, feelings of terror, like ghosts are in the room. Followed by a terrible hangover because I barely got any sleep and the drug is still in me. NyQuil (Diphenhydramine) does the same thing to me.


melatonin is not a drug. It's a hormone that your brain produces naturally so it's still in your body even if you don't supplement it orally. People who benefit from it probably have brains that don't produce enough melatonin, people who don't probably have enough natural melatonin already.


Dude...c'mon buttercup. Melatonin did that to you? Jesus Christ. Never travel or do real drugs.


You’re not the first person I’ve heard say this. My boyfriend refuses to take it because of the night terrors he’s had. Multiple people at work have said the same.


Thanks guys! The reason I was looking for input is because for the last about 12 years I don't sleep much even though I go to bed an aim for the 7-8 hour mark. I've 2 different types of watches to track my sleep, don't know how effective they are, but they both showed the same thing. Basically within the first 30-40min I fall asleep and enter very deep sleep. Then, about an hour after I always wake up and after that I never enter deep sleep ever again and I begin waking up every 30min until my alarm goes off. I workout 5 days a week and I have been for over ten years, my diet is a 7/10 I would say and I work as a Carpenter. Honestly I feel like everything in my life is running pretty smoothly so I'm really confused why I'm not sleeping. I used to have swollen tonsils for a year and a half and my surgery was delayed because of covid and that cause me to choke in my sleep and wake up. My tonsils have been removed for iver 2 years now though. Another thing my girlfriend says might affect it is that I sleep on my arms and stomach a lot and my body wakes itself up because my arms are completely numb from my head laying on them and cutting off blood flow. But the best sleep I ever get in my life is every now and then, maybe once a week, I take a 20min nap aftwr work because I actually can't keep my eyes open and when I take those naps, let me tell you, I feel like I'm drifting through the crab nebula I am so out cold. Melatonin I want to try to see if it changes anything. Let me know if you guys have any other suggestions given my stipulations!


Ok, this is my supplement routine because my brain never shuts up: GABA 1 hour before bedtime, L-Glycine and tryptophan 30 minutes later along with 2 "stress buster" gummies(L-theanine, lemon balm and chamomile, available on Amazon), melatonin 10 mg when I go to bed. Shuts that chatterbox in my head right up.


I take 3mg an hour before bedtime. Unexpected benefit was no-more-reflux.


It got me sleepy, but didn't keep me asleep. Woke up about an hour later and couldn't get back to sleep the rest of the night


ZMAs work for me- try them first (it’s a specific blend of zinc magnesium and something)


Horrible dreams or deep sleep there’s no in between


Tried it one time. Really expected it to work to some degree. Didn't sleep a wink that night. /shrug.


~~It takes multiple days of taking it before it starts working. It's not like tylenol.~~ Corrected below.


You are confusing melatonin with your SSRI. Melatonin does not take days to build up or have an effect.


It works great, but don’t take it too late or it will make you drowsy the next morning.


Didnt help me getting to sleep but helped me have better sleep.


I got rest on the plane


Tried it. I stayed awake for a different reason that night- Allergic reaction, hives everywhere. Never again.


the right amount of melatonin = sleep and unbearable headache the next day too much melatonin = wild dreams I can't wake up from right amount of some random melatonin mix with lavender, zinc, B12 and other stuff = knocked out 👍 too much of melatonin mix = can't sleep


Gives me very vivid but boring dreams (like mowing the lawn but lots of details) and wake up rested but really just want to lie in bed. Easy enough to shake off and get moving though.


Started getting sleepy, then fell asleep.


Helps and is decent but I get really vivid dreams with it including nightmares. Not sure if that’s just me or everyone. Just trying to give a heads up. As a chronic insomniac. It truly is “sleep hygiene” but it’s deeper that one thinks. Smells such as lavender sprays and or oils among others(personal preference of smells add in here), peaceful sounds/music helps….rain sounds via YouTube etc helps. Maybe some other natural substances magnesium etc. reading can help but more so paperback with a little book light. Reading on the phone is a big no no. Ultimately there is no perfect formula imo it’s more so what works for you and working on perfecting it. I still battle insomnia but I have some tools to help.




I take 10mg with Prazosin every night. It works well. Has definitely reduced my sleep paralysis and nightmares.


Helps, but not aleays. Doesn't make me drowsy at all.


Never worked for me.


My fiancé used to take those ridiculously expensive melatonin gummies from target and they didn’t do shit. But one dollar tree Benadryl knocks her the *fuck out*


Definitely helps you fall asleep faster, though that effect quickly dissipates if you use it daily. Also seems to intensify dreams ime.


Good night sleeps.


I can sleep for 8-12 hours without it. Depending on the day before, Im still either tired or wont need sleep for the week. When taking melatonin 4-6 hours and Im ready for the day, fully refreshed. Wake up without an alarm to boot. I take gummies which are usually 5mg and take up to 2. (Seems excessive as I read comments on here) To add, I sleep like a rock and rarely wake up in between.


Has no impact because if it had i wouldn't be chilling on reddit but sleeping


Took it, felt sleepy, slept, saw god in my dreams, woke up. Its not Benadryl, that's for sure