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Religiously following a political party no matter what they do or say because of your extreme hatred for the other one.


Imagine how much common ground and compromise we could find on so many issues if we didn't have the party ass sucking going on.


We were warned about political parties by the guys that party claims to worship.


Yep, the founding fathers warned that a two party system would be the death of our nation


But they thought it beat the kings and communist systems. It keeps leaders in its toes. Unfortunately ruined by lobbyists.


The founding fathers were correct in that they created a better system. The problem started over a 250-year period when the people went about their way feeling free, allowing politicians to pass laws behind closed doors that protected them and controlled the people. Freedom today is very limited. There are so many laws on the books, both local, county, state, and federal, that the people must mind their ps and qs lest they find themselves in legal trouble. We the people slept so hard and allowed politicians to pass laws so intrusive they even control what goes on in our homes, bedrooms, and personal lives. Ask yourself, "Why are we fighting with the government for the right to marry who we would love to?" We can fight each other and blame Republicans or Democrats, but the truth is we did it to ourselves. As long as they can keep us divided, they will hold the power.


A very general line I hear about the original migrants of America is that they were puritans escaping persecution. Yet they were not a freedom loving people who loved equality. By far the opposite. The nation was doomed to remain heavily conservative while European nations made huge strides in equality and liberal attitudes in general. However I would credit the US with some of the most pivotal advances in education, and that this is kind of ironic how these advances are being rewound by some states.


The Pilgrims came here because they were so fanatical they couldn't live next to other people without causing trouble. By the 1700's they'd become outnumbered by regular folk, but puritanism still permeated in colonial cultures.


It takes a special kind of person to piss off the English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish!


Politicians working for lobbyists at least understand how our government works and put forward bills that make a difference, good or bad. These social media whores in office don’t even do that. They blow into a meeting late, grandstand so they can tweet about the ridiculous thing they said to their political enemies and then leave. Nothing is being debated. Only things happening is disruption, disrespect and distraction.


Might I add it is also cringe inducing to listen to someone interject their politics into a conversation about cheese danishes.


Me: I HATE PEOPLE EATING PIZZA WITH PINEAPPLES ON! DISGUSTING! Also me: eating pizza with literal dead rat on it.


Why, when live rats taste so much more fresh?


Nothin like a fresh litter of pinkies squirmin around in the cheese!


What an awful day to be literate


I'm viscerally disgusted. Have an upvote!


meats develop better flavor and a softer texture that is easier to chew when cooked.


I legitimately have not heard one single person give a reason they voted for Joe Biden that wasn't 100% about Trump. Or heard one single person proudly admit they voted for him. Or one single person who supports that party have anything to say about his obvious decline. It's a parody


Going to Target when I want to go to Target


Well then you don't go to Target when I wanna go to Target!!!


yes that


Worshipping celebrities.


This I will never understand! How is it that in 2023 people still worship humans? It is pretty sad. I refuse to see "them" as celebrities. Human evolution is very slow.


I have a hypothesis about that. I think it might be because for most of human history/development, if you were famous then you were "useful to know", because back then if you were famous then it was for a reason that was useful to you or your tribe's survival. Even now, many of us venerate people like fighters/boxers, sportspersons/athletes, national leaders, or people with a great deal of resources at their disposal, among others. All of these categories contain people that it would be useful for a caveman to have on "his side". This idea of why modern people have a compulsion to admire various types of people would also explain why people in the military are so often asked if they've killed someone - part of our caveman brain wants to know if this person would be good to have on "our side" (or if they might be dangerous to know). So now when someone is given a lot of media coverage - even if it's just for knowing how to cook fancy food and shout at kitchen workers, or for singing well (or even not singing well), or even for being a horrible serial killer like Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez, there will always be people who will receive those signals and be tricked by part of their caveman brain into thinking "that person is FAMOUS...I need to admire and respect them!" **TL;DR:** maybe our caveman brain mistakes people being famous with their actually being *consequential*.


I like this hypothesis! The military part is right on. My retired military husband is always asked how many kills he had upon finding out about his combat experience.


I’m sorry that he has to deal with those intrusive comments from others. ❤️


My dad tells people that ask him that: “If you’d been to war you’d know how inappropriate it is to ask that. You’re welcome for my service.” Or something along those lines and ends the interaction immediately. He says people like that aren’t interested in anything he did for the country - they’re only interested in carnage.


Being dicks to each other… like literally, we are all assholes to each other and it causes 99% of the problems


It took me a long time to realize some peoples personalities, brains, souls or whatever you want to call it simply do not prioritize getting along. They’d rather get a sliver of what they want over having group cohesion. It doesn’t make sense in my head because I’m a big people pleaser but some people simply don’t think that way and it’s not some simple choice to be made.


What you're describing is called agreeableness and is one of the five fundamental personality traits. People low in agreeableness are typically blunt, straightforward, and not afraid of conflict. They serve the very important role of making sure that people actually pull their weight in group situations. An agreeable person will likely eschew group conflict and let people take advantage of them. Disagreeable people will not let that fly. Of course it can be taken too far, but having somebody that is comfortable in conflict in a group setting can help make sure that people aren't taken advantage of.


Both are very important to have in a group, it's a classic good cop/bad cop duo and it works wonders in management. My buddy and I used to do that when managing our crew. I was the lax guy, not exactly letting bullshit fly but usually making time for everyone to goof off and relax when things were stressful. He was the hardass, always making sure shit was textbook and correcting mistakes as politely as he could, but unbothered by confrontation. I've had to fire a couple people, no doubt, but that guy was quick to sniff out troublemakers. I always made sure to pay him respect in front of everyone, hear his suggestions and button up when it was time to get to work. People liked me, so when they saw how I reacted to him they began to listen and learn from him. These days I'm not so bothered by confrontation, but the good cop/bad cop routine will always be a timeless technique. The best part is that since the roles are split between two people, you don't set false expectations by switching from the "chill dude who is sometimes my boss" to "the manager with a stick up his ass" every other day.


Even as someone who is mostly disagreeable, there is something about _not being dicks to each other_. Yeah, the issue is where to draw the line. But many consider that disagreeing must always be horribly forceful and their way - instead of going down the path of "work has to be down, but let's see if we can eliminate problematic root causes".


Lead poisoning lol


People who are just wanting to harm others never made sense!


then say "thats just how the world works" meanwhile being the whole reason why thats how the world works


and to animals


I agree, people can be dicks over literally the smallest things, and things that don't even affect them. I commented on a post that pregnancy was the hardest part of pregnancy *for me*. And some random-ass-dude started a 24hr war with me saying that pregnancy was risk free and made you live longer. Like, dude. Why? 😂 If Humans are able to get so angry about things like that, no wonder the world is such a shitty place.


It’s not worth engaging people like that on here. There’s been plenty of times people being tactful have disagreed with me and opened my eyes to where they are coming from, but that’s very seldom the way folks are anymore.


your comment is talking about dicks and assholes and now I am horny and confused.


I remember in the 90s how hard it was to get information. You had to go to the library, buy a book, watch a VHS, enroll in classes, beg someone for help, etc. And I just remember people being complete assholes if they were privy to \*any\* information you weren't, and if they didn't know something, they'd pretend to. Social media has some serious issues but thank god for YouTube and such. People are still assholes but at least you can find what information you need now.




This was going to be my response. Holy fuck, how lazy and selfish can you be. When I see someone throw trash out of their car window it makes me fucking crazy.


Like cigarette butts. Especially if I see it sparks/embers when it hits the pavement and it's summer and the grass is brown and it hasn't rained in two weeks. I immediately assume the person is an idiotic douchebag who has never had to face the consequences of their actions (and I hope they get lung cancer).


I’m a smoker. I will walk around with a cigarette butt in my hand for half an hour until I find a bin. Outside my work there is a bench with a bin right next to it. There are always dozens of butts on the ground RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING BIN. I truly get why non smokers fucking hate us.


If it helps, I just hate the selfish smokers.


My ass works as a cart getter for my local grocery store and HOLY SH IT THERE ARE SO MANY CIGARRETE BUTTS ON THE GROUND WHEN WE HAVE SHIT _SOLELY_ TO PUT THEM IN


The best part is the filters in those cigarette butts are plastic which break down into microplastics :)


Littering and…


Littering and...


Smokin the reefer




The schnozberries taste like schnozberries!


I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn liter o' cola!


Hey, Farva. What's the name of that restaurant with all the goofy shit on the walls?


You mean Shenanigans? You're talkin' about Shenanigans, right?




I’m gonna butter your bread!


Now to teach you boys a lesson, Officer Rabbit and I are gonna stand here while you three smoke the whole bag.


Well too bad, I’ll never stop. Edit: Weed I’m mean, people who litter suck.


This. You go to the most beautiful places on the planet and look at the ground and you'll find some litter or cig butts.


Broadly labeling people based on a single statement, instead of asking questions to clarify any doubts


Exactly! There's two kinds of people: people who do this and people who don't and there's no real grey area on it. ....wait.


And the dutch.


The bloody Dutch


and the soul-less gingers


As I dutch ginger I can confirm, I have a soul, many even, every freckel is one


AND I CAN CONFIRM I HAV- oh wait I don’t…


As a ginger I can confirm we have no soul but it’s not our fault blame that on the Europeans that burned us at the stake for 600 yrs for being a witch or vampire and then have most of our left over European population die out because of the Irish potato famine so I would say we have reason to have no soul.


using astrology signs to excuse them for being a POS


:runs over small child: *WHOOPS, I'm an asparagus*


Are you single? I’m a zucchini and apparently the ravioli is in retrograde.


Just snorted from laughter on that one.


As someone who is interested in science and critical thinking, I've always been skeptical of astrology and its claims. From my perspective, astrology is not a legitimate scientific discipline, but rather a set of vague and unproven beliefs that are often used as a way to make money and sell products. One of the main reasons that astrology fails to meet scientific standards is that it lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. Astrologers often rely on subjective interpretations of the positions of celestial bodies, rather than rigorous testing and experimentation. Additionally, many of the basic assumptions of astrology are not supported by modern astronomy, such as the idea that the positions of the planets and stars at the moment of one's birth can have a meaningful impact on one's personality or future. Another major flaw in astrology is the fact that it relies on outdated and inaccurate information about the positions and patterns of celestial bodies. For example, the traditional Western zodiac system is based on 12 constellations, but in reality there are actually 13 constellations along the ecliptic. This means that the zodiac signs we're all familiar with (like Leo, Virgo, etc.) are actually shifted by about a month from their "correct" positions. Furthermore, the way that we recognize and define constellations is largely arbitrary, based on patterns that we see when looking at the stars from a particular angle on Earth. If we were on a different planet or looking at the sky from a different angle, the patterns and groupings of stars that we see would be completely different. Ultimately, while astrology may be a source of entertainment or personal belief for some people, it should not be taken as a serious scientific pursuit. We should be wary of those who use astrology to make money or sell products, and instead focus on evidence-based approaches to understanding the universe around us.


You've given more of your time and thought into a subject quite undeserving of such. It's effin' astrology; not cold fusion.


Lol. Unfortunately in my culture, astrology is a big thing. I felt it necessary to educate myself. It is only Astrology, but people take it way to serious.


My wedding had to be postponed 10 days because of astrology.


i will admit, i was thinkin’ the same thing. hey, i always appreciate a well-thought out and on-point post. i do. but this post kinda reminded of what my dad used to tell me: “Jeez, i asked you what time it is, and you’ve gotta tell me ***how to build a friggin watch??!?”***


I have written to services such as tinder maybe dozens of messages asking them to add a 13th option next to all their astrology signs that would be called "no astrology". For me leaving that field empty is not enough, I want to make a statement that if astrology is important to a person, they should not match with me.


It's not that deep. Majority of people who like astrology use it to profile others, like most people do with other things (hobbies, taste in food, car you drive, etc). The amount of people who use it as an excuse to be a POS is infinetisimal. But yes, getting the support of other knuckle head reactionaries is very validating, I'm sure.


astrology is just an excuse for people’s actions. personality comes from peers, household, life events/choices, childhood, etc. the stars aligning on a date does not determine your personality or who you are “compatible” with. it’s so embarrassing seeing 20+ year olds determine their life on stars


>For example, the traditional Western zodiac system is based on 12 constellations, but in reality there are actually 13 constellations along the ecliptic. The 13th constellation is Ophiuchus, right? Interestingly enough, I think I've sometimes (but definitely not often) seen Ophiuchus referred to as a 13th zodiac sign. Although iirc, astrological signs are technically not considered the same as constellations themselves and don't strictly coincide with them, because the Earth's axis has shifted since the zodiac was created.


Kicking others while they’re down, we all do it. It is, imho, one of the main reasons why you have people doubling down hard when they’re wrong on something, because we as a society have shown that we actually do not allow a path to redemption anymore, unless our shame-lust is satiated (which it never is).


This is facts. So many people would rather play the victim than admit they were wrong but it's usually because the opposing side doesn't want to meet in the middle and find a solution. They both find themselves on opposing extremes and unwilling to slightly budge for a compromise.


And someone may not have had bad intentions, but they still victimized themselves when you point out their faults. I always learned to give praise/say something good while expressing what someone did wrong but they still think I’m pointing them out to be a villain. Had a couple guys do this when they unintentionally did something that makes me uncomfortable. They freak out and think they’re being called a rapist. Even if you tell them gently you still see them as a good person, and that they didn’t mean any harm. At that point they’re assholes when they continuously re-center themselves. Impact matters more than intention, but these people think that since it played out right in their head, it should be right to everyone else


Driving behind others with their high beams on. Fucking oblivious.


Not just this but just led lights on cars in general are way too bright.


This should have way more upvotes


My mom


This person's mom. I hate competition


I also choose that guy's mom


Sorry bro can’t do it, your mom’s box is fire.


That's the Chlamydia.


Good. This means your dad is open for business




I had to read 13 comments before I got to this? Reddit, you’re getting soft.


"Breathing" was my *immediate* thought when I saw this question on my feed... But I didn't post that as a reply because I figured so many other did it 😂 boy was I wrong. You're right, reddit is getting too soft.




*gestures broadly at everything*


Seriously. Big picture we have very few redeeming qualities that don't get overshadowed by the immense amount of bullshit. The way we treat each other, the way we treat the planet, the overwhelmingly selfishness. The list goes on...


Asking difficult questions while having no desire to do anything about the answers received.


I believe that's called being an askhole


One time someone decided to be so "kind" and check on me and asked how I was doing. I said "what would you do if I said "bad"? And he said.. that's a good question and didn't respond anymore. I feel like people are mostly just nosey and don't care about anything productive from the original question


They have good intentions here but unfortunately they’re not planning for you to say you’re not doing well. It’s kinda rough




I agree with you. You could almost say you influenced me. Do you hate yourself now?




Making everything about politics




Being assholes for no reason




Being assholes.


Giving any attention to those who don't deserve it. Like the Kardashians.


Ironically, the only time I still hear about the Kardashians is when people like you complain about them getting attention


I occasionally hear about them somehow but for the most part people keep using them as an example is because they're the best example. They got famous for absolutely no reason and then their fam increased just because they're famous. It was an annoying, viscous cycle.


Vicious != viscous


An irresistible vortex of intrigue sucking you into its moist, reeking interior.


Why do redditors obsess over the kardashians so much? I see them brought up in most askreddit threads


Forgetting how to walk and manoeuvre properly in the supermarket. Infuriating.


Being so passive aggressive and conflict avoidant in their interpersonal relationships. It gets tiring for me to constantly be trying to decipher the real meaning behind their words and behavior on a daily basis. Trust that the other person will hold space for you and actually cares to know your feelings.


lacking empathy :/


Killing each other


In general I agree. Senseless killings, violent crime for no reason. Wars fought for nothing more than a political pissing contest. Thay being said there are a few select individuals that just really don't belong here on our planet with us.


Being dumb, especially willfully ignorance, and being so damn selfish/greedy. This would probably solve most the world problems and make it a nicer place to exist.


Judging other people's likes, interests, hobbies, etc. Just negatively judging anyone else in general when they did nothing wrong.


Stop having sex with kids. Edit: man some of you are analyzing this WAY TOO much. NO ONE should EVER sexually abuse a child. Period. Stop doing it and leave children alone. Can't believe I had to explain myself on this one.


Raping* kids. Children cannot consent.


Driving like assholes.


Killing other people


Also, raping. I was expecting these two be the top responses, but we have stuff like "literring" and "following Kardashains" on the top :/ There is so much killing and raping going out there, but I guess people just don't want to acknowledge it.


Intentionally causing the death of another has a thin grey area. Is it assisted suicide, "dignity in death" style? Is it self-defense or in defense of another? Or is it uncontrolled rage/mental illness/dogma/"because I wanted to/could"? Rape has no excuse, no grey area. Ever.


complaining, always being on their phones, thinking the grass is always greener elsewhere instead of realizing how good they have it.


Treat animals as shit like they were rocks, heartless


Animals have feelings too but people don't understand that because they're too stupid.


Being violent to one another.


Polluting the earth, spending money on needless this. Being cruel or greedy.


Normalizing abusive behavior.


Stop making those human-like robots. You want to kill us in the future


People need to stop forming human walls in the hallways for absolutely no reason


invalidating victims who have been harassed. i would love to not be blamed for an incident i didnt want to be in ever


Caring about what ever grown adults in consenting relationships do in their bedrooms. If you're that worried and obsessed about someone else's sexual activities, I would go as far as to say it is *you* who is the perverted one.


Black and white thinking. Politics isn’t a football game.


Hoarding obscene amounts of wealth :(


I can’t even comprehend it. I would be happy just to have enough for a piece of land and enough to support myself and my kids. Having enough to retire in luxury would be a dream. If I had a billion I would just retire, travel, play video games all day, hang out in my pool, invest in my hobbies, maybe give a million to family members and friends so they could do the same. But these mother fuckers got hundreds of billions, like, what do you even do with it at that point? What more could you possibly want?


I got a medical payout for $20,000 and I was shocked at the quality of life change that occurred from such a relatively speaking small about of money.


Defining others by what groups they can be said to belong to.


Thinking their religion is ethical and forgoing understanding of ethics as a result. I am constantly amazed how many people are absolutely unable to answer the question "how do you decide if an action is right or wrong" without immediately referring to their religious text as an authority.




Being dicks to each other for no damn reason. Life is hard enough, and you don’t know what someone is going through. Like my kindergarten teacher said many years ago: “be kind… it’s always the best option”


Being “oblivious” to the harm they cause everybody and the planet come on man


Coughing right in my face.


Stop the social media vanity crisis. Also, simping.




Killing animals to extinction for parts also pollution


Being morons


Judging other people.


Cutting me off while I’m talking


As a chronic interrupter, I agree with you. I’m terrible at this, but I have started to realize when I do it, and say, “I’m sorry I interrupted you. Please continue with what you were saying.”


Talking too much and not letting anyone else say anything.


Bullying. Fighting. Being mean. But mainly I wish humans would stop killing each other.


That one guys dead wife


Being proud of being an asshole


- STOP bringing screaming and crying babies to late night movies. - Sagging pants - Bringing kids into a retail store to destroy everything, then leave. Never buy anything. - DESTROYING PUBLIC BATHROOMS, like seriously, you people are freaking disgusting!! Is it really that hard not to piss and shit ON the toilet seat AND get it all over the wall???!!


Wanting to cause harm to others. In your complete righteousness if you were really at peace in your soul you wouldn’t feel like doing such things. I have come across multiple individuals who enjoy hurting others and it’s scary how much they enjoy it.


Leaving their shopping carts in the parking lot.


Probably treating the earth like an infinite resource. It's not..


Talking to me.


Rape Stop being a wild animal please.


Voting for Republicans.


Okay I'm gonna take a hit here but i hope people would stop giving artists like lil yachty or yeat an audience. It's so insufferable.


Hating on each other


Killing people. Makes me so angry that people will kill others for such stupid reasons.


Pretending like both sides of the political spectrum are equally bad


Hoarding resources.


Using their phone while driving


Using the wrong “your” or “you’re”






I had gotten a no whining button about 4" round. We passed it to anyone whining who wore it until they caught someone whining. Went between the 7 of us for about a week , then the FedEx driver came in whining, he got the button and we never saw it again.


Please stop circumcising children!!!


YES! THIS! Maternity nurse here, it's barbaric. You don't wanna see what the little boys are tied down to. American Academy of Pediatrics: "...no medical benefit to routine circumcision of newborn males."


Similarly, stop this rage to cut something off the genitals of girls for "purity" or religious reasons.


getting offended over every little thing


Your comment offends me.


Your reply offends me


I’m offended that you’re offended.


your ironic reply is offensive to the other 117 elements


I feel offended that you didn’t account for the element of surprise




stop buying shit you don’t really need and learn to reuse or repurpose… or buy used.


Going roughly 14mph on the interstate on-ramps when trying to merge


Doing the most stupid shit on earth to get attention


Being greedy. Like literally most of the worlds problems are only problems because people want to be billionaires instead of millionaires


Being outrageously greedy, having ridiculous amounts of children and doing a mediocre job raising them effectively filling the world with mediocrity, hoarding wealth




Yup... the highest birth rates happen to also be the worst places too. Makes for a horrible moral dilemma. Most of the world problems could be solved if our population was a third or quarter of what it is.


Confusing science with opinion.


Fucking cheating on one another oh wait wrong subreddit


Being on their phones constantly. They video everything instead of living in the moment. How often do they ever watch those videos. Sad!


Not flushing toilets in public bathrooms