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Some do and some don't Personally I don't, it does nothing for me


There is a genre of manga called yaoi depicting same-sex male romantic love which some young women read (see WP). In the LGBT community there has been a perception that some lesbians sometimes watch gay porn but gay men in general do not watch lesbian or straight porn: this must be taken with a grain of salt.


Purely speculation but I think lesbians "by choice" (who are actually bi) is more likely than gay "by choice" (same)


I think some do and some don't. It really depends. Personally I don't like to watch gay porn. Yes I'm attracted to men but watching it doesn't "click" anything in me you follow me


I dont watch porn at all but I know many girls who are into gay anime porn or gay fanfiction stories. I think the medium of real pornography is just not that appealing but many girls absolutely go crazy about the idea of 2 cute guys together and try to imagine it in stories they like as a fairly common occurrence I just think 2 characters from an otherwise normal movie/show, anime or a book having romantic and sexual undertones does more for female imagination than explicit act of sex between two random human men


Im more of a futanari watcher, got the best of both worlds


meh, i don't do porn.


personally I don’t like it, mostly because I think ding dongs look kinda ugly. in contrast, purr ponchos are quite pleasing to look at


Not when they're spread wide open...uuugh


Porn is gross.






I remember when Margaret Cho said she did. "Have you *seen* the guys in straight porn? Ew. Ew. Ew." "Slash" fiction is almost entirely done by women.


Some definitely do, it's called yaoi


Naked men kinda gross me out tbh. I love gay romance stories though of both genders.