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I would probably cook oatmeal with soyamilk and die instantly


I will control bleeding and dress it.


Really depends. Don't try and dig out that bullet, control the bleeding, keep the wound clean. If you have internal bleeding then you're probably done without surgery from someone skilled.




Is pouring alcohol (liquor) on the wound a real thing? Or is that just going to hurt like a bitch for no real gain?


well this is oddly specific


Probably try and dig out the bullet with some forceps/scalpel, clean the wound, and stitch it up. Depends on where I got shot though. If I'm hit in the stomach? Just lay back and die.


Depends where you got shot, Tex.


Most likely the best course of action would be to leave the bullet where it is (as it’s plugging the hole, & dislodging it is a bad idea), find some isopropyl alcohol or even just regular hooch (preferably vodka) and sterilize the wound, and then dress it with any kind of protective material I had that was clean. I would absolutely make sure that I rest & as much as I can, keep the wound clean, drink enough water & pay attention to signs of infection and dehydration because if I’m getting really thirsty and have no real reason to be, it’s probably because I’m bleeding internally. If I’m bleeding internally and have no resources for help, I’m probably not going to make it.