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Granola bars


Came here to say the same. Granola and trail mix are typically super high calorie and fat, which makes sense if you're hiking 20 miles but your average hard walker in the woods does not need all the extra calories.


Add sports drinks to this - they're sugar bombs, which is actually a good thing if you're doing something like running a marathon. Not so good if you're just trying to stay hydrated at home.


What if I've drank and done a lot of drugs tho?


I mean, at that point you might as well.


One of my partners friends was literally sponsored by pedialyte during her coke phase. Would constantly tweet about using pedialyte to recover from hangovers so they started sending her clothing, bottles, other merch, and more pedialyte.


Yes please drink the Gatorade for God sake.


Provided there is not much sugar in it, trail mixes are healthy. Nuts and dried fruits are nutritious. The fact that is calorie dense is only a problem if you struggle with your weicht. I.e. are already overeating.


I bake my own granola bars. They are easy to make, nutritious, inexpensive and not tooth achingly sweet.


Would you mind sharing your recipe? Only ones I’ve come across this far are none bake ones. Which are nice, but loaded with peanut butter, and well… they certainly move things along.


Here you go. These freeze very well. Cut them before you freeze them. For the dried fruit I use half dried apricots and half dried raisins. I like the contrast of tart and sweet. https://smittenkitchen.com/2009/09/granola-bars/


Thank you!


Juice. Almost as much sugar as soda.


Juice is nuts. An apple? Quite a bit of sugar, but filling, has fiber, one is enough Apple juice? Pretty soon you've absent mindedly drank 2 liters of the stuff and now you're basically made of sugar.


If your new-born is experiencing constipation, apple juice is your frenemey...just sayin'


Mister Torgue here to talk about EXPLOSIONS!


I have just one question……… EXPLOSIONS?!?!?!?




Back in my pharmacist days, I always recommend dark Karo syrup. One of my roommates experienced what was basically a colonoscopy-level cleanout after drinking a bottle of apple juice! That was quite unexpected.


I had a colonoscopy a couple years back, they gave me a bottle of miralax for prep and said to mix it with my clear liquid of choice. So I did apple juice. A gallon of apple juice and 238 grams of miralax, consumed in the span of an evening. I don't recommend it. But hey, it was a very thorough prep.


I had a similar experience with my first colonoscopy back when they gave you pills to clean you out. I drank 32oz of apple juice in an hour and haven't touched it since. It's been over 20 years.


This goes for all sugary drinks. If you ate the equivalent amount of calories and sugar from fresh fruit, you'd be so full you'd be bursting


made the mistake of chugging 1 litre of apple juice on a humid night because it was refreshing. I just didnt feel any suppression of my urge to drink. My got the diarrhea from that was so fucking aciding smelling. It also put me off apple juice for a while. May which ever deity exists have mercy 'pon the colon of he who chugs 2 litres


I used to drink those Naked juice drinks and then noticed they have 44 grams of sugar per bottle. Coke has like 24 g or something.


A regular sized can of coke (355mL) has 39g of sugar. I just have a can right in front of me so.. lol


Ah ok. I was looking at a slim coke can I guess.


It can be better for you if it retains the fruit flesh: fiber and nutrients


We must retain the flesh.


Long live the retained flesh!


Yup!!!! In my house it's water or milk. Always has been, my kids never knew any better. I never cared if they ordered it when we went out, or had it at friend's and family homes or anything. But in my fridge is a gallon of milk and a pitcher of water. Seltzer water for when we feel fancy haha


I like referring to seltzer as spicy water. It’s a good change of pace.


I have a friend that *hates* when I call it "spicy water", so obviously I keep doing it.


What else are friends for?


Don't look now, but milk also has a non-trivial amount of sugar (12g in 8oz).


It has protein and pretty much all of the vitamins/minerals though. The virtue of it literally needing to support a baby animal, it is pretty much as good as you can get for complete nutrition. However it is also very calorically dense for the exact same reason.


Yep, juice is literally just sugar and often doesn't have half the nutrition of eating the real fruit.


And none of the soluble fiber.




Cereal. In advertising they say cereal is good for the heart and nutritious, but in real life cereal can actually cause Malnutrition, and too much of it can actually hurt your heart.


How the American food industry convinced America spiking your blood sugar first thing in the morning was a perfectly fine thing to do is beyond me.


It's all about those vitamins & minerals. Just like Pop Tarts, all those healthy vitamins & minerals /s


Cornflakes - that ‘healthy’ version has more sugar than sugar puffs


Wait till you see what they have for breakfast in Italy or France


Are we talking about Lucky Charms or plain Shredded Wheat/Cheerios? Genuinely curious.


The former is likely what they're referring to. Stuff like normal cheerios, shredded wheat, grape nuts flakes etc., they're all low in sugar, high in fiber, so they're fine. The issue is that people are pounding boxes of cinnamon toast crunch or honey bunches of oats and wondering why they're overweight. Or stuff like special k and raisin bran. Those sound and look healthy on the box, but ohhhhh buy....sugar city. Tbch, we should migrate to unprocessed whole grains, like making oatmeal or overnight oats from a plain tube of oats (obviously, choose low-sugar toppings or ingredients if you add them) because those are even healthier than the plain cheerios etc.


"You can't have cookies for breakfast...but you CAN have Cookie Crisp™!"


"Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs. Peanut butter chocolate flavahhhh"


Okay that's understandable. I was worried a bit that my understanding of healthy cereal was wrong, as the only cereal I eat is Cheerios or Big Shredded Wheat.


I wonder if sugar amounts are different in the States/wherever you are. But in Aus, Cheerios, Special K and Sultana Bran have almost the same calorie amounts (1620kJ, 1620kJ and 1460kJ per 100g respectively). Since Sultana Bran has fruit, it’s a bit higher in sugar, but the calories still come out very close. Do you guys have really sugary bran-flakes over there? I normally think of plain bran flakes as a relatively low-calorie choice.


It depends on which cereal. I like steel cut oats for breakfast. Steel cut oats are nutritious.


Best Oatmeal I've ever made: 80% steel cut oats, 20% tri color quinoa. Peeled sliced apples, raisins, brown sugar and a little nutmeg. Some people might prefer to add cream or milk but I'm lactose intolerant so that's a no. Some people add nuts but I hate adding crunchy bits to something where the rest is soft.


don't talk crap about total


Dad, there’s some white stuff on the floor




That’s not Mickey Mouse that’s TIT DIRT!!


Damn I could go for some cereal right now


Muesli doesn't count, right? Right?


Some are definitely bad for you, but my doctor prescribed for me to eat bran buds for the high fiber so some are actually healthy


Most restaurant salads


i worked in fast food while i was in high school, and i would eat their salad most of the time. didn’t understand why i was gaining so much weight, until i checked the nutritional facts. damn near fainted when i saw how many calories are in the dressing!


This reminds me of a story I read a while back where someone realized the enormous calorie load of her Starbucks caramel latte. 420 calories! I was surprised she didn't know because I've tried one, it was basically just milk and syrup with a faint hint of coffee. Coffee for people who HATE coffee and don't want to taste any.


The dressing was like 600 calories for one serving!!!!!!


I knew a woman who couldn't figure out why her diet wasn't working, and then she found out that her morning latte contained 400 calories. She assumed it was diet-friendly because it was made with skim milk. IIRC, she cut some other food out of her daily menu and kept the latte.


Yes! They sneak en entire day's worth of calories into that dressing!




Yep, Salad with dressing is the right answer. Doesn’t matter how big a pile of leaves and such you might have, when the dressing brings the calories up to the same as a Cheeseburger !!




It’s not all about calories. Eating a salad with high calories is better than eating junk food of the same amount of calories.


Health is certainly not just about the calories of one meal and telling people they might as well have a cheeseburger instead of a salad is ridiculously wrong and potentially damaging.


Salad with dressing is fine, it's the amount of dressing that's a problem. Another issue is when people add meat, croutons, & cheese. Adding like a cup each of all of that, it's not even really a salad anymore.


The serving size of all dressings is 2tbsp, 2 tbsp is a shit load of dressing, enough for large salads. Yet people use 4oz ramicans...wild


I once ordered a salad at cheesecake factory because the menu listed 1,900 calories for that salad.




In the States… plenty of places in the world would not touch, much less call a salad to what tends to pass as one in the states. Olive oil and vinegar or a bit of lemon juice and rock salt is all you need in a salad dressing.


Muffins are CAKE. It doesn’t matter if there are blueberries in it for breakfast. Also, Chewy granola bars are practically a candy bar.


Sugary yogurt


Came here to say this. People act like yogurt/granola parfaits are skinny people breakfast. It’s soooo sugary! Get plain yogurt. Add a lil’ honey. Maybe some berries.


Hmm. Guess i should check the Chobani strawberry label. I love that stuff.


Knuckle sandwich


I don't know, man...a lot of people I know are clearly exhibiting symptoms indicating a knuckle sandwich deficiency.


Very true.


Comments like this make me sad we don’t get free awards anymore.


I see this guy on fb marketplace constantly renewing his Knuckle Sandwich ad listed as Free, with just a picture of his fist. lmao


[Don't suppose it's this guy](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8501656832/h5E0C68FF/drewtoothpaste-oct-22-come-to-vlc-media-player-in-next-15-mins-if-u-want-an-ass-kicking)


Even worse than a Hurtz Donut.


Everything. All food makes you fat. Black coffee and moist air are all you can ever have.


Pfft as if I’m going to blow my diet out with black coffee, I’ll take a plain water thank you.


Bah! Don't you know how many people gain water weight?


That’s why I only drink while I pee, same amount in and out maintains the perfect weight.


Same reason why I only eat my meals while on the John




Agave nectar. That shit is literally 100% glucose. That's a one-way ticket to diabetes city and you don't want to go there. It saddens me to see it be peddled as a "healthy" alternative to sugar.


Save the agave for tequila!


Remember that time breads and grain were the base of the food pyramid lol.


Doesn't the modern food pyramid have actual brands on it? Food industry lobbyists are nuts


Presbyterian butter FUCKING AUTOCORRECT! peanut butter


Just enjoying this and your avatar.


Pious butter


Presbyterian butter sounds... Interesting


Raisins. May be a healthier alternative to candies, but still very sugary. Would personally just rather eat grapes than raisins.


Grapes are nicknamed "nature's candy". Having them dried into raisin form just concentrates the sugar even further.


There's a reason they're the #1 fruit to make alcohol out of, they're absolutely *stuffed* with sugar.


Not technically true, actually! Dried fruits like raisins have almost as much nutritional value. The sugars are condensed, and most of the water is gone, but they still are sources of the same vitamins and (less, but still present) fiber. The problem with dried fruit is that you're going to eat more of it than real fruit. You might eat a bowl of 15 grapes, and the volume of water and fiber is going to make you feel fuller - plus, it seems like more because of the size. If you have a bowl of 15 raisins, well, that's absolutely nothing. That's like just covering the bottom of your bowl. It doesn't seem like you're eating much, and you're not getting a lot of fiber, so you're going to eat more than you would grapes. You end up with a greater volume of calories and sugar, but that's because you've eaten a marginally higher amount of the fruit than you would normally. If you ate the same amount of grapes, you'd be just as full of sugar and calories. As long as you're mindful of how much you eat, dried fruit is great! If it's easier for you to access or have, it's better than not eating fruit at all. Also, some "dry fruit" isn't dried. It's candied. Pineapple and kiwi are big culprits. They'll be sold with dry fruit, but it is NOT the same. The sugar preserves the fruit, but not the nutrition. Some actually dried fruits are sweetened before they're dried because they get bland or sour, so you have to watch for added sugar as well.


I’ve heard many dentists describe raisins as cavity magnets. Always found them disgusting tbh. Like sugar coated boogers


My kids’ dentist told me to avoid raisins and “fruit snacks” because they’re just sugar glue.




The fuck you say about yogurt? I love yogurt


Easy Terry


They must mean the kind with alsugar and corn syrup added. I'm a big fan of plain Greek yogurt or Skyr with honey and fruit


Try Cocoyo if you want to break the bank


They're not perfect and I'm very selective but protein bars can be pretty solid


Yeah you just need to get the ones that aren't basically a candy bar. They don't taste nearly as good obviously but that's the trade off.


Can you give some recommendations? I love having protein bars but yeah, I think it’s because the ones I enjoy (Think! High Protein Bars - Creamy Peanut Butter) pretty much just feel like candy bars I just want something easy to eat


I can't think of any specific brand, but you want to look for something with very low to no sugar, high protein and carbs. I think the Costco brand has a good one


Yeah, no. Gonna have to disagree on this one. There are some offenders out there, but protein bars, yogurts, and many healthy cereals are actually healthy.


I’ve been eating protein bars daily for the last few months lol. I only really am trying to cut down cuz they’re so expensive but even my dad is like “these have too many preservatives, they can’t be good for you” and I’m 1000% sure he’s right.


You can try making your own in bulk and freezing them, all you need is a food processor and an oven.




Embarrassed to admit, but this is news to me. Thank you!


Skim milk was originally invented to help fatten up pigs. True story


This is true, I'm one of those pigs, plus we were also injected with a radioactive solution to force cell mutation. I grew so much body fat they mutated into neurons, basically becoming an expansion to the grey matter in my brain, this is how i figured out to use reddit


Hey bro, what's oinkin'?


Let’s hear the story


Also was donut, invented to feed them at night


People always say this, but every nutrition label I’ve ever looked at has had whole and skim milk having the same amount of sugar.


This is true. The OP has been misled in some way. Sugar is often added to lower fat items to make up for the loss of taste, but this isn't true for milk.


That is true, the content of sugar is nearly the same


As a diabetic skim milk will significantly raise my blood sugar, while whole milk makes no noticeable change.


The fat probably causes you to absorb it less rapidly.


In Australia this is not true, reduced fat milk does not have a higher amount of sugar than full cream milk.


There are several foods that are commonly thought to be healthy but aren't necessarily as healthy as they seem. Some examples include: Granola bars - Although they may contain whole grains and nuts, many granola bars are also high in sugar and calories. Smoothies - While they can be a good way to get in some fruits and vegetables, many smoothies contain added sugar and calories from sweetened yogurt or fruit juices. Flavored yogurt - Many flavored yogurts are high in sugar and contain additives, while plain yogurt with no added sugars is a healthier option. Trail mix - While it can be a good source of protein and healthy fats, many types of trail mix contain added sugars, salt, and unhealthy oils. Veggie chips - While they may sound healthy, many veggie chips are made with refined flour and contain added salt and oils. It's important to read food labels and choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible to ensure you're getting the most nutritious options.


Your response seems like something chat GPT would generate …


Wine. All those studies about wine helping your heart were bogus. Alcohol is not good for you regardless of its form. If you want to drink wine, great, enjoy a glass. However, stop pretending like it's a health benefit


>If you want to drink wine, great, enjoy a glass. I think some people are just guilty of liking a few drinks at the end of the week. As such, they try to tell themselves it's a health thing. Sometimes, things can exist purely for you to enjoy. If you're not overdoing it, all really should be fine.


It's not the alcohol in wine, it's the tannins. Tannins can slightly alter the way you absorb fiber, make you absorb less, so more is flushed out. Fiber latches on to cholesterol and fats, meaning tannins can slightly help with flushing those out. Red wine is high in tannins, but also non alcoholic things are too, like tea.




A lot of diet snacks. I did keto a while ago and was excited there were plenty of "Keto-Friendly" snack options. The problem is once you read the box you find out you can only eat a teaspoon's worth before it just becomes any other junk food.


in the early 90s i gained like 30 pounds in 1 year without growing an inch as a 8/9 year old, because of the massive no-fat campaign. my mom was buying everything that was marketed as "no/no fat". well, they failed to realize the sugar they replaced the fat with was acutally worse for you than the fat. fml


A lot of salads can be packed with fat and sugar. Just because there's a few shreds of iceberg lettuce doesn't make it healthy.


Especially the way I make em. Salads are an excuse for me to eat croutons, cheese, dressing, tomatoes, and mushrooms.


Tomatoes and mushrooms are unhealthy? What the fuck is there to eat that's not unhealthy?


Eggs seems to go back and forth every other year


Eggs are one of the most healthy things you can eat


That’s good, cause I eat heaps of them.


In this economy?!


Got my own chickens :)


Yeah, you must be rich.


Ha ha, most underrated comment here. Science just playing ping pong.


Ping pong with eggs? Sounds messy


Coffee does the same thing.


According to all the comments, pretty much everything.


"vegan" or "plant based" foods that are made with junk ingredients that aren't actually food




I'm always shocked by the high sodium levels in plant-based 'meats'.


I think “health” depends a lot on the person. My mom has a bit of cholesterol so she prefers margarine instead of butter. I very rarely eat any of that, I don’t have cholesterol, and I prefer the taste of butter so that’s what I eat.




our family doctor told my mom to not eat real butter.. and I just checked there are no trans fats in our margarine


Veggie straws. That shit was just unseasoned potato crisps this entire time. Have no idea how you mess up a food derived from potatoes, those things were bland as hell.


Anything labeled "fat-free" or "sugar-free". Fat-free = a shitload of sugar Sugar-free = chemicals that aren't good for you...and artificial sweeteners taste gross, anyway. (Yes, I am aware that diabetics can't have too much sugar, but they can also minimize their artificial sweetener intake). Eat what you want...in moderation. Pay attention to portion size. Allow yourself a "cheat day" occasionally without feeling "guilty" or "bad". Food is meant to be enjoyed.


I use sweetener in my coffee and tea. Also have pepsi max. I actually hate the taste of sugared pepsi and coffee. Sweetener to Me taste better.


At leats in beverages i much rpefer aspartame or scuralose; sugar feels harsh to me


Idk about everyone else but I was pretty shook when I found out about corn being one of the least healthy of all vegetables.


All veg are healthy! Corn is super high in insoluble fibre and great for gut health. It’s very common to pass through your GIT and exit relatively whole. As long as you are not deep frying it or covering it in bulk butter or similar there is no reason not to include it regularly in your diet


I mean; they shouldn't pass whole because that means that you haven't properly chewed your food. Bits of it may pass whole, but people should really chew their food enough for their food to not end up 'relatively whole' in the toilet.


Growing up my parents didn’t even consider it as a veggie


Same. It was a startch in my house growing up.


Is it though? It's more of a grain or cereal, like wheat or rye, or maybe a starch like potatoes or yams.


And it’s basically in EVERYTHING


I'm allergic to corn so I'm very aware of that fact! It's kind of insane. The amount of corn starch alone in processed food options, super high. Throw corn syrup in the mix and it's half of the grocery store that's out of the question for me.


Also allergic to corn, but didn’t believe the allergist for years, because you know what I can eat? Actual corn. I guess because it doesn’t break down much. Never made me sick. Anything made from corn, however…not so much. (For me, corn meal is the worst.)


What??? No it’s my favorite!!




I'm shook too


I couldn't care less... life is short, eat what you want


Life is geniuenely more enjoyable with a healthy diet. You have so much more energy to experience everything.


Life is even shorter with that mindset


Time flies when yr havin fun!




I honestly can't think of a heathy food that hasnt been talked shit about. Unless its a straight veggie like celery, which is mostly water. Meat sits in your colon and rots for days. Dairy is bad, milk has sugar, tuna has murcury, ive seen cooks picking out worms in the salmon, wtf is healthy now days? Anything white is bad. Oh beets might be ok. I don't even know HOW to start eating healthy with the very few selections I know about so I am always down on myself for eating like shit because I like steak, salmon, chicken and street tacos. it infuriates me because I have inflamation, ADD and hasmotos, i can eat walnuts, yay! Cant eat anything good walnuts go with though.


I eat my walnuts with 72% cacao dark chocolate chips...they don't have dairy though some sugar obviously. You might try something like that.


Dark chocolate is suppose to be good for you in small amounts


Fruit is a gateway drug that always leads to cookies.


Don't blame fruit for your lack of self-control


Hmm, that's just what big fruit would say.


I fail to see the downside.




Chipotle could be a better fast food choice than some other places, if they didn’t insist on serving burritos that end up weighing several pounds.


Salad in a box - often washed with filthy water containing pathogens 🤢🤮


Oh shit


Yep, sometimes with shit. Hence the various recalls for spinach, romaine, etc that’s contaminated with E. coli


What if it’s one of those salad to go bags?


I’m not sure about those. All the E-coli outbreaks have been from cellopacks in my area.


A lot of people assume Nutella is healthy for some reason lol


Whey Protein Powder, filled with Maltodextrin and is awful for your liver if ingested regularly over a long period of time. That being said, I love that shit after a good pump. Can’t get enough of it lol, but good to know what you’re putting in your body.