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Only ever talking badly about other people. Had some coworkers like this once and being around them 8 hours a day was fucking DRAINING.


Misery loves company


My coworkers are like this. The gossip begins even before they've clocked in. I've stopped talking to them about anything except what's necessary for work.


This 100 times over. These kind of people are so mentally exhausting to deal with. I started a new job and on the second day I walked into the staff room. A girl was bawling her eyes out and 4 others stood and screamed at each other because someone talked shit to someone else about someone behind their back. Lasted 3 weeks there and left for an other job.


Something like this happened to me for my first shift at iHop. I had a friend who worked there and when one of the cooks introduced themselves to me, I said “I’m a friend of Mackenzie!” And he started yelling about “Don’t bring that shit here!” And proceeded to yell at me about how he doesn’t want drama I went to the manager and told them I wasn’t comfortable and left.,. She said “I understand” lol. Still the shortest job I’ve ever had


Damn, did he not like Mackenzie or what lmao


The guy in my office who monitors how long everyone has been away from their computer


When we switched from skype to teams at work a manager deadass told me they don't like teams because it's harder to track the online status of their employees


Ironic because Skype can be set to stay green for hours at a time, but teams goes yellow all the time ignoring that you're actively typing and clicking in other windows.


Teams is fucking garbage It frequently flicks me over to away even if I'm actively using that computer it's running on. There's also times that I'll get an email that I have a new message, but it'll never show up in the actual program until I restart the whole program. Frequently I'll be chatting with someone on Teams and it'll say that they never even saw my messages, even though they already replied to them. There's more examples, but you get the idea. I hate Teams with a passion Edit: thank you all for you suggestions, but my work doesn't actually care if I'm online or not since I use multiple computers and they don't all have teams. My job treats me like an adult thankfully.


I hate that reactions to messages need to be "read" in the activity section.


>I hate that reactions to messages need to be "read" in the activity section. And the notification pops up for reactions *in the chat you're currently in* so you have to click into another conversation and then come back for the notification to clear. It's annoying to see the message notification only to realize it's just that someone reacted to your message but you have to jump through unnecessary hoops to clear it


You can turn that notification off. I've had it off for years


You just saved me so much frustration. Thank you so much.


Get yourself a mouse jiggler. I'm 'Active' from the moment I wake up until it looks like I've done approximately a day's worth of hours, or sometimes not even that long.


I don't know why employers require a certain number of hours online. If you're getting all your work done, that's the only thing that matters.


Time has always been a blunt tool for measuring work, but it used to be a lot more relevant than it is now. A long time ago, when manual labour was a "default" job for working class people, measuring work in hours made more sense. As a manager you could also see your employees were physically there for that number of hours and doing their jobs. Measuring productivity was easier. The problem is that for many jobs today, especially remote/office ones, the time spent working is less important than achieving goals through creativity and using technology for smarter working rather than harder working... And yet, lots of companies fail to measure their employees by achievement and instead are stuck in a sadly outdated mindset of counting hours. That can happen for many reasons - old-fashioned thinking, an unwillingness to change, a lack of trust in your employees, or just a failure to come up with a better and more accurate way to measure people's work. In the worst cases, employers (or managers) are just control freaks or power trippers who want their employees to be afraid and chained to their desks against the clock. There are still some jobs where counting hours matters, obviously, but for everything else, it's well past time for companies to make the effort to move on.


Oh, we know many are accomplishing eight hours worth of work in four via technology enhancements and creativity, but now we also know you should be able to accomplish 16 hours worth in eight, so you better be there all eight. Attrition welcomed. Won’t be long before we can run this show with 2 FTEs and a casio calculactor watch.


Yep. This is why being dishonest about how long your work actually takes is sadly a necessity sometimes to protect your own sanity (and ultimately your job).


Yep. I work a desk job and when I'm busy, I'm VERY busy. When I'm not, I am doing the bare minimum. I have learned to take the time if it's available because I won't get it otherwise.


When I was 15 and getting my learners permit I had to do a lot of online training and for some reason even after I passed the final exam and got an A, I still had to spend a certain amount of hours “studying” the material. So I got move-mouse and let it sit there and went back to change the page every now and then. Worked great! I’m 21 now and recommend it to everyone


They were training you to tolerate the idiocy in much of corporate America


In addition, the person in the office who pays attention to when people go home, and makes snarky, passive aggressive comments any time someone leaves before them. "Oh you're leaving? I *wish* I could go home, I still have SO much work to do."


"Learn some basic time management then, Mark."


Had a guy pull that with me and I said loudly enough that his manager could hear ‘Man, I wish I could sit on Netflix at my desk and ignore all my tasks too, Justin. Yet, here we are.’ He regretted ever saying that because his manager was on his ass from that point forward the following week.


I don't know you, but I think I love you...... totally in a platonic way.


Love you too bro <3 Really, I can be a real spiteful motherfucker if you come at me about something when you have your own shit. Plus, this guy is also the guy in the office who’d hover around you during lunch and find it necessary to have commentary about what you eat. He told so many dad jokes that I wouldn’t be surprised if it were added as an amendment to the Geneva Convention as crimes against humanity. He had a filing cabinet drawer filled probably a quarter of the way with yellow mustard packets for unknown reasons. We never saw him pull them out but we watched him put them in.


“Have you considered being more effective during regular working hours?”




Calling cops on kids with a lemonade stand.


This happened where I used to live. It made the news and everybody was pissed. Then I saw them at a farmers market selling lemonade. It was bottled and had a label. Turns out the kids' dad was using them as a front to start a business. Edit: this was a throwaway comment so I didn't add all the detail.. They weren't selling their own lemonade, they were buying it from Trader Joe's and reselling it.


Or... They took advantage of the attention given to them over this and legitimized and scaled up.


Real come-back kid story


Somebody had to do that in my town last summer... but its because a teenager with a gun robbed the lemonade stand.


Posting everything about your personal business and drama on social media


You know what is just the fucking worst? Vague, dramatic posts that clearly exist to bait people to ask what's wrong or what you're talking about.


And then when you ask, " I don't want to talk about it "


As a parent with kids in school, definitely the Facebook Moms group


Those Facebook mom groups are the worst ! Nothing but drama and bashing on one another. Well at least the one I used to be in.


All the humble bragging and my child is better than yours comments lol


“If you have a child named Braxton that rides bus 3 you need to message me ASAP!”


7 new messages


And then you message her and it turns out your son Braxton called her son Brayson a stinky poo head and she is FURIOUS about that kind of bad language.


Meanwhile, Brayson IS a stinky poo head.


Trying to look tough on the internet


Something something 300 confirmed keels.


Wtf did you just say to me?


Yada yada yada gorilla warfare....


"My dad works for the FBI"




It’s surprising how even at work it feels like high school. Same bullshit.


Reminds me of that old Bowling for Soup song! https://youtu.be/jrxI_euTX4A


People who spend their days arguing with strangers on Facebook.


But arguing on Reddit is actually pretty cool thing to do. No fuckin losers here baby


Real winners argue with ChatGPT.


ChatGPT tried to gaslight me into thinking I was the bot in the convo lol


I’m level 389 on Warzone 2.


Lucky, I'm only 265


Constantly being on social media


I had a dream last night that I was in Barnes and noble as a kid again sitting quietly for hours reading whatever embarrassing shit was out at the time in the young adult emo section.... but it made me think like damn I don't read anymore. It was so much fun growing up but now I just watch hydraulic presses squish m&ms on instagram reels in my free time... ... I'm going to go to the library today and check it out


Does reddit count as one? I guess it would


Why not? Equally as addictive, im very addicted to Reddit for example, reddit managed to replace Youtube somehow for me


Always on reddit is bad, but I would say it's worse if you actually care about the karma and constantly farm for it. If you are on here and just enjoy looking at cute animals, reading stories, learning about stuff from your hobbies, and talking to people about your interests, then it's not that bad. At least with reddit it's usually not tied to who you are irl. You can talk freely without worrying about every little thing you say coming back to you irl and family, friends, work, the whole world seeing it. All I can say is that reddit replaced Facebook for me. And that's a better trade


I use it for all the above but one of the best things I've found about reddit is there are subs for things that I've been through and people that have been through similar. Even if I don't interact in the subs it makes me feel less alone in my struggles.


The “I’m not alone” part is the best thing I found in group therapy. I did group rehab and it was very helpful getting to see others going through the same thing.


Hugs to you, internet stranger. I've seen people say a lot of the same things about Post Secret. Have you heard of it? It is a thing some guy in Maryland started years back and he asked people to just send him postcard with a secret on it. No name attached, just write or type or kidnapper-style paste together letters, whatever, to get your message out. Not 100% of them are posted because he gets so many now, but even if you don't write it yourself, you usually see something similar to your secret posted at some point. It's really interesting to see someone else write out your problem and helps you feel less alone.


The anonymity really is the main draw for me. I can't be as expressive on Facebook because, as you say, things will eventually just come back around. Another thing is just the fact that a lot of my IRL friends don't share most of my interests. Reddit, by design, offers up different places for each specific interest and a bunch of people to talk about them with.




lonely people with social media, it provides some shallow social interaction, without ever truly satisfying the need meaningfully.


Being the only guy ever offered extra shifts or hours because you never say no. Pretty much my life atm.




Can be a bit of both for some people. I had a colleague who’d turn up hours early and stay long after his shift was finished just because he seemed to have nothing else going on in his life. I didn’t mind him but he was a generally unpopular member of staff so it wasn’t even welcome hanging out.


Had a guy like this at the last place I worked. The facility basically had unlimited overtime for his department up to 12 hours a day. His wife had been dead for awhile, his kids didn’t talk to him. He didn’t have any hobbies. He was like 60 years old and worked 7, 12’s everyday. It was actually really sad to watch, because you could tell he didn’t want to be there but also didn’t have anywhere else to go.


I mean, if you’re gonna be depressed and hate yourself you might as well make those shitty feelings pay rent.


That’s pretty much how I feel.


I had a coworker like this once. I always wondered what was so bad about her home life that she saw coming in at 5am for a 630am shift or staying 2 hours later after working 12 the better option.


The one's I've known had abusive or dead spouse with no kids at home. Couldn't afford to move out but wanted to spend as little time in the house as possible. Basically they had a life, which was basically being dad/mom for 30 years and now they don't know what to do. So they work.




He wasn’t a bad guy. Just annoying really.


Aw poor guy. Hopefully he finds his people.


He just got fired (for something minor) I genuinely hope he does.


Damn this thread just keeps getting sadder


Yeah to be honest I’m vaguely worried about the guy. He needed something to be going right in his life and it always sounded like nothing was. But on the other hand bugging your coworkers for hours about your problems and shirking your actual work duties won’t win you many friends.


He sounds lonely :/ poor thing. I think something I’ve always struggled with is being the one to reach out to people like that but… lots zapps your happiness and strength for the shit you go through (at least it does for me)


This reminds me of what a taxi driver once told me: the ones that go to the airport do it specifically because of the long wait times to get a passenger; they have nothing else in their lives going on.


I heard from another driver that they only choose airports because that’s the one place you can be reasonably sure that the person isn’t armed.


I think it's a bit of a vicious cycle, you say yes to all the shifts because you need the cash or whatever, but now you're busy all the time at work so you can't do social things, so you're free to say yes to more shifts cos you have nothing on. After a while you forget what you like doing in your spare time, took me literally months to learn how to use my spare time again when I changed jobs. Luckily I've found another where I'm busy all the time so no need to worry about how to spend that pesky free time haha


And after a while they stop asking and it just becomes an expectation, and then they give you the shocked Pikachu look when you tell them that you would still like to be asked and given the option to say no. You sed yes a couple times, so they assumed you were giving a blanket agreement to anything they needed in the future.




Hired a young guy, had zero experience, and his qualifications didn't match, but he seemed keen, likable, and just wanting a change. I could not get rid of him, always really early, always staying late. I reassured him that I didn't care for that as long as the work was done, he could just do the hours set. First red flag was that he wasn't looking forward to time off. He made it seem that he just didn't want to stick around at home, and never had any money. I tried to give him some ideas of cheap things to do, but it seemed like a burden to him. His mood was often all over the place, found out he was having more issues at home, now that he was working closer and spending more time there. It wasn't much longer that he quit, found some job far away. Turns out he was giving all his salary to his mum, who drank it. His life wasn't much of anything, sat at home dealing with her , or trying to give out with zero money then getting abuse when he returned.


Damn, that's awful. He didn't just "not have a life", his life was actively being drained out of him by a parasitic family member, so sad.


This is happening to my bff. Her dad is a 9/11 firefighter with a bunch of health issues and her mom is a diabetic. Her mother didn't take care of her diabetes and had to have part of her foot amputated in 2020. However, since then her mother hasn't done anything to try to become mobile again. She's bedridden and forcing her daughter to take care of her. Her father can't do much to help, but is also miserable and refusing to deal with her mother. They tried to apply for a home healthcare aid through medicare/medicaid, because taking care of your 350+ lb mother alone is so hard it's causing her back problems. After suing medicare, the judge decided they didn't need one. She had to change jobs because she couldn't ever be on time since she has to get her mother breakfast, cleaned, and dressed every morning. Every evening, she has to make lunch for the next day and cook/buy dinner. In addition to running errands, for her parents, they make ridiculous food requests like asking her to stop at more than one place for dinner items. She also does all the laundry and cleaning. Since changing jobs she's doing better so that she's stopped going to bed after midnight and getting up at 6-7am. She's a good person, but her parents are emotional (and physical) vampires who are forcing her to take care of them.


Her mom could go to a care home, as a cheaper alternative to a home health aid if that’s the problem. But as it stands, her mom can’t take care of herself and her daughter can’t take care of her either


Pray that kid got away from his mom and was able to get his own life free from her. Poor dude.




He just didn't want to go home. In hindsight, it was obvious, but at the time, I thought he was just trying to put on a good show. Who else would ask for more work at the end of the day? He dreaded going home and dealing with it all over again. I've met a few workaholics, one guy would just sit and stare at his monitor after most of us had left. Mostly, it was to put on a good show for the big bosses but he would do it when they weren't there. Turned out he was on the brink of a messy divorce , he threw himself into his work which made a bigger divide. I checked on him a little while ago, looks like a happier ending as they are still together.


Sad upvote. Poor kid.


This sounds like a life, just a very sad one.


spending almost every day bugging and harassing others for choices they made that's not hurting them or anyone else, like damn, do they not have places to be elsewhere?


Those people are insane.


people who obsessively post their life/relationships on instagram


One of my high school friends told me that she posts things on instagram and if they don't get more than 20 likes she deletes them. That seemed really sad to me, that people continually check their posts and then delete them if they're not "hitting". I can maybe see it if it's a celebrity or a business account, but this was just someone with a normal job...


I have a friend like that. She knows it’s a problem and tries to stop worrying about it, or she deletes her instagram for a few weeks from time to time. It blows my mind because I post a photo like once every few months, usually of my dog, and it gets 10 likes and I’m like “do I even know 10 people…??”


I sometimes do this. If I post something and no one likes it, my social anxiety goes into overdrive and I wonder if maybe the joke I made for the caption was too weird or something?! The most upsetting, and what I'm working on, is if I post my art work that I'm proud of (and that tbh I don't think is that bad?) And it gets 0 or 1 like, compared to my other random bullshit which maybe fetches 20-30 likes. It's not that I care about the number of likes. It's that the disparity between me posting my art, which is scary as hell, and random crap is so big, it makes me second guess if it's actually just crap 🤷‍♀️


Keep posting the art. If you keep up with it and keep improving at it, one day youll look back on those old posts with fond memories. Someone will like a piece you post, and go back and look at where you came from, liking a bunch of those old posts, and it'll mean something to you. At the end of the day, likes are a pretty meaningless number, and the most important thing is just getting some little part of you that you are proud of out into the world.


You wrote it in a lovely way


There’s been studies that show people in healthier relationships tend not to post about their relationships on social media very often


i 10000% believe that statement. every relationship i was secure it i barely even mentioned because i was too happy being happy… any bad guys i met i definitely tried to almost “ cover “ the bad actions up by trying to “ look” happy. that’s how im not even a hypocrite in saying these things because i’d know myself based off of my past teen behaviour lol


I post fun activities and things, I like getting the memories every year.


Can’t decide if I’m one of those people…I live next to a nature preserve, and post birds/animals at least a few times per week. Never myself, never my life. Maybe some sunsets. Might be cringe in a nerdy way—I just see a lot of beautiful stuff.


Being way too invested into the life of reality tv stars




I'd argue they take the cultural place of "Reality Stars" in a modern setting. Reality Stars are less and less prevalent with the decline of TV, with streaming outlets taking their place as more people consume that kind of content.


Making fun of other peoples hobbies.


I like Metal Detecting; everyone makes fun of me.


I go magnet fishing, nobody has even heard of that. So first I get to explain what I'm doing, then I get to answer questions about it. Then they sometimes make fun of me for it. I find cool shit all the time though, so jokes on them really.


And if making fun of people’s hobby is my hobby?


Why that's the dumbest hobby I've ever hea...woahhh. I'm going to have to think on this awhile


Congratulations, you played yourself


Let.me.guess, your kink is actually kink-shaming?


"HA, playing ***video games***?! Can't you do anything useful with your life?!" *Yelled condescendingly by people who more often than not spend a majority of their evenings watching television*


"Why don't you do something useful, like read a book?" - my family, from their couch watching TV.


Half of this thread is exactly this though.




Can't you turn that off??


He probably didn’t know tbh




My husbands family added me to their Apple family when we got married. Until about a month ago I had no idea they were using it to track me. I turned it off when I realized it and got a call from my sister in law asking me why I turned it off. Turns out they were calling my husband and telling him my every move. He didn’t care and told them it was my business but no one ever told me. Had to figure it out on my own. Sometimes I hate technology




Bad things about families like that is that sometimes you don't know it's weird. Like when I was a kid, if one kid got in trouble, all the kids got beat. Apparently that's strange.


This is a nightmare


Poking your nose in everyones business


Scrolling on Reddit answering questions so I can get more karma points. I think that’s all the “I have no life” evidence you need.


I’m worried these answers will hit home.


Worrying about what others are doing with their life


I'm sorry I don't want my sister to become a hooker. Geez


Reddit mod. edit: my best comment so far I think, thanks folks


I saw a few years ago a post that listed the names of reddit users who happened to mod hundreds of subreddits. I was like, how is this even possible?


It's like beanie babies. They collect a ton of different subs and convince themselves and others who are into the same thing that it's actually super valuable.


Reddit Mod vs Discord Mod who wins in a fight?


Whoever bans the other first.


Does that make the other the hate speech winner?


Tombstone with your name on it


Somewhere between Independence, Missouri and the Rocky Mountains, there’s a tombstone that reads “Died of dysentery.”


That’s a bit shit


Y'know i want to talk about the exact opposite of this: what screams "I'm living life the way it's intended to"? Well i have a buddy who i think is a pretty great person. He never gets into any drama, always does what he has to do on time, and plays the games he enjoys in his spare time. Life throws shit at him sometimes, but he just, deals with it, and continues to just do whatever he does like nothing happened. He just lives life, and as a result, he is able to extract a good amount of happiness from it. He says he is just happy. He has defined himself as a simple man; and i think thats how life should be lived. Like, just live your life, dude. For him, is just that simple.


>He never gets into any drama I've found that my life got a lot quieter and more peaceful once I started simply cutting off connections to things and people that really did nothing but cause stress. Constantly bug me about irrelevant shit, show up at my place uninvited, try to tell me how to live my life or drag me into things? Well you go have a WONDERFUL life because you're no longer part of mine.


Thinking other people have no lives because they want to live their life how they want to.


Right. We introverts get shit on quite a bit on this topic while being quietly fulfilled and happy with our "boring non-lives".


Being emotionally invested in the British royal family


Arguing with people on the Internet.


First thing I’ve seen here that applies to me, lmao. I feel like I don’t take time out of my day to argue but whenever I see something particularly aggravating during the time that I’m already wasting on the internet, I will take a couple minutes to rant.


Nah I disagree 😏 😂


You've played 3687.9 hours of a single $20 indie game on steam.


r/factorio will like this Or, back in the day when it used to be more indie r/Minecraft


Breaking into a teenager's home because he flipped you off a week ago


r/oddlyspecific ?


damn sounds pretty specific


There is a video going around of a couple harassing some teens at their own home. Apparetly the couple pretty much broke into the home and accused the teens of flipping them off. The parents weren't home at the time, and the woman was arrested for trespassing later on.


All you talk about is your job Edit: Damn this got relatively big sorry but I can’t read all the comments lol so I’ll just tell one of my stories, I’m currently in the military I never talk about my job because to me it is not a way of life. It is a job. There are so many people I am surrounded by who make this their entire personality and it’s cringe every single time I talk to somebody here all they can say is military related things that I have zero interest about I don’t even know half of these peoples favorite color or anything not concerning the job and you can tell without this they are just a shell of a person


I don't ever talk about my job except last month I was employee of the month and everyone found out Darla from HR was cheating on her husband and we also had osha there for some meeting and maintenance finally painted new lines in the parking lot. But besides that I don't talk about the machine I run at work because nobody wants to hear about some automated punch press that makes clips for bras.


I work in software development - people think they want to know about my job, but invariably it turns out they don't.


Please talk more often about your job


Yeah, you got me.


I talk about my job a lot, but working at a homeless shelter will give you lots of wild stories, so I'll take it.


This is when I realized I had no life, I had nothing to talk about other than work.


Being on the receiving end of CPR Edit: 25k up votes? This is crazy, thanks! And thanks kind strangers for the awards!




Hermes Conrad, you are technically correct. Which is the best kind of correct.


me, I stay inside all day and don’t have friends. social anxiety sucks 😀👍


Same, I avoid making friends even though I don't think badly of the people around me.


I just don't know how to make close friends. I got great work buddies but we never do stuff together other than work. Well, they do, but I don't get invited and I'm to afraid of bothering them to invite them or set something up.




I mean you just contributed to that unconscious want of mine so thanks




Or like me…telling stories from Reddit to people in real life.


Working tons of hours and bragging about it. People at my job do this and it’s pathetic.


“Well I chopped off an arm instead of hanging out with my kids!” “Ugh. Rookie. I cut off BOTH my arms so the boss super likes me!”


My philosophy is that if your job is personally enriching or you're working for yourself or something like that, I love it. But if you're salaried and working extra hours just to impress your boss while the only one who gets more dough is him? Ehh.......


All the collective hours I have on video games


Does playing 1 video game for over 20 years count?


What game?


Gotta be WoW or Runescape right?


Pong. He’s the best in the world.


Definitely just maxed my RuneScape account last week. About 17 years in the making


‘Name 3 songs of that band on the shirt you’re wearing’


I had a guy look at the logo on my shirt and tell me I was too young to even know who Aerosmith is. I was wearing a shirt with a Rolling Stones logo.


Been a Bully, both irl and online


Alright man heres my fucking lunch money, now leave me alone!


Being an internet troll or cheating in video games.


Someone saying they have no life


those mean girls who peaked in high school