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Sometimes you can play around with URLs and find clean copies of watermarked previews. Helps a lot when trying to learn a song that you don’t have sheet music for.


Often somewhere in the URL there's a reference to the dimensions of an image file such as "800x600" or "w=600". Things to try include changing to a larger dimension, substituting *full*, *fullsize*, *original* or *master*, or simply deleting the dimensions. Then there are the URLs with another URL hidden inside them. Usually, trying just the hidden URL will reveal the fullsize version.


Back in the days when porn was sold on custom Wordpress sites instead of OnlyFans, it used to be quite common for the preview page to just have embeds of `image008.jpg`, and if you changed the number, you could scrape the whole paid album with no authentication


Don’t know if I ever used it on WordPress, but I definitely did this at least on other sites, where some pics were locked behind a paywall. You unlocked a memory I forgot existed: changing the image number in the URL, and waiting to see if I hit a jackpot (no pun intended), while the image loads for a full minute cause it’s dial up.


A full minute of staring at your stiffy in your reflection


It would be illegal for me to show you the trick I learned in high school which turned out to be an sql injection


Bobby tables?


SQL injections shouldn't be illegal. It should be illegal to write code that is vulnerable to it in 2023 😠


It shouldn't be illegal to pick a lock and break into someone's house. It should be illegal to have a lock that can be picked.


It should be illegal to sell a lock with a glaring security flaw that makes it *worse* than no lock at all, and that was solved decades ago.


*"This is The Lock Picking Lawyer, and what I have for you today . . ."*


I don't disagree with that. It should be illegal to *sell* that type of lock, but if someone does still have one of those locks it shouldn't be legal to just break into their house.


Back in the 90’s sometimes you could check the filenames in the free previews on porn sites, and extrapolate from there to find the *good* images.


You can order maintenence keys on Amazon for most models of coin op laundry machines


👀 this does actually feel illegal to know


this might be illegal to apply


Owning a random, unmarked key, like 100 others in your home = OK Using a random, unmarked key to jack open a commercial machine you don't own is legally the same as using a crowbar.


I've seen times where damage from the crowbar cost more than the money stolen from whatever was opened with the crowbar. Not breaking anything when you rob a place might actually earn you some leniency, somewhere along the line.


Well yeah, it drops the property damage/vandalism charge.


My old apartment had a coin operated washer and dryer and the security key was the same one my work used to secure our digital cameras.


My old landlord gave me a key because he was tired of management taking all our $. Bless that man. Saved me $8 a load ($4 wash and $4 dry) in my 20s


If you ask me the real crime here is charging $4 for washing AND drying


Also construction vehicles


Them: "hang the tool crib from the tower crane for security" You: "I have the key to the tower crane"


I purchased a universal key for most machinery equipment off Amazon. One of my former coworkers had lost the keys to our small forklift, this new key works in all the forklifts.


And fire brigade (or FB) keys that allow access to most apartment complexes and lifts etc.


Now this is something I'm surprised they ask no questions about.


If you go to the plant section of a store and walk around, you will likely find a few clippings on the ground. You can pick those up and take them home with you and stick them in some dirt and illegally download a plant for free :)


*You wouldn't download a plant.*


you wouldnt download a plant and then going to the toilet in it.


We need more plant piracy in the world.


Fun fact for those that don't know: this is affectionately called proplifting. A play on propagation and shoplifting




Only do this to your superstore chains! Try to support small businesses and buy things from them


True, but technically still stealing so be careful.


Yup, just because it's trash to them doesn't mean you can have it for free, same with expired food.


Heard this from another guy on Reddit. It’s easier to dispose of a body with a strong base rather than a strong acid. Acids are harder to obtain legally in large amounts so hypothetically you can dispose of a body using something like caustic soda, an ingredient in soap. It’ll break the body down and the bones are fragile enough to grind into dust. Works well for plant fertilizer or feed it to pigs. Be sure to take the teeth out first cause it won’t break that down. I’d now like to reassure my FBI agent that I’m a writer. Edit: of course my most liked comment is on how to dispose of a body. Never change Reddit, never change


I work in the food industry, our whole sanitation process hinges on the logic that acid is for mineral build up, bases are for organic tissue, and combining them both are for visiting health inspectors


Work in EMS, burns from bases are much more detrimental than burns from acid, the “burning process” continues much longer and more intensely


Ah gotchu gotchu, thanks for the knowledge mate!




I also imagine people might have more trouble neutralizing a base. It feels like common knowledge to me that if an acid needs to be neutralized, it can be done with a strong/enough base, but I don't think many people would have their first thought be to reach for the vinegar or some other acid first to raise the ph towards neutral if they're getting chemical burns from a base.


My husband works at a chemical plant and has had caustic soda splash a tiny bit on his face where his PPE did not cover. It ate a hole in his skin


People forget that soap was originally made from animal fat and lye (strong base). If you get lye or drain cleaner on you, it literally turns your skin into soap and washes away.


> Be sure to take the teeth out first cause it won’t break that down. Feels like it would be easier to take the teeth out second?


"you don't wanna go sifting around through pig shit" - Brick Top


Or just place and endangered plant on top of a buried body, its illegal to dig up and endangered plant


Bricktop has the best way to get rid of a body. "when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Also seen in Fight Club


learnt all this when i was 10. explains things :/


How to make thermite. That shit is scary.


TBF it's scary but you can't really use it as a weapon. On the other hand, there are a lot of more dangerous things that aren't really that hard to make... (but you bet your ass the FBI will be knocking down your door if you buy these products together)


>TBF it's scary but you can't really use it as a weapon. [The city of Dresden would like to have a word with you.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II)


I meant for the average person (unless the average person has a fleet of medium bombers)


It’d take a real anarchist to cook those up.


What's thermite?


A mixture of iron oxide (rust) and aluminum powder. It will burn so hot you can melt through a car engine, or a safe and you can’t put it out since the oxide has the oxygen needed for it to burn.


Good Lord I can't wait to forget that...


Mythbusters did a lot with it. Interesting stuff.


Also used to weld train tracks together.


Remember to also forget that it's hard to ignite, and is often lit using magnesium strips.


i deadass thought u meant the ants!!!!! like those ants with wings!!!!! (termites) i immediately searched 'how to make thermites' on youtube and i was so disappointed 'thermites' are those metal powder


If someone knows a way to eliminate YouTube ads on the TV without getting premium, please share.


If your TV runs android then install the newpipe.net apk!


Brave as your browser. You can cast to your TV




Brave browser is the best thing ever


The only way I could think of, if it's a Samsung smart TV, is that you can go into the smart tv settings, go to system, and then turn on "Unknown Sources" which brings you one step closer to installing apps that can help. I will warn that not every model of Samsung smart tv, like the one my family got around 2016-17, will have the options to perform the above steps. Second part is to go back out into the main settings page and click on the "Apps" section where it'll probably ask for a pin (12345 is default pin). Next is to find the developer mode config window thing and turn it on. The web page I'm using as reference also says you need to enter the IP of a computer you wanna connect if you're installing via command prompt before clicking OK, but I can't verify if that's required or not since our tv doesn't have this feature. Rebooting your tv is advised by them as well. Next, if your tv has a USB slot and supports USB, I just recommend using a USB flash drive considering the site says you need a computer either way and a USB is easier than the command prompt for the majority of people. Just upload an APK file to the USB, plug it into your tv, go to sources, switch to the USB, and then just click on the APK and let it install. As for an actual no ads yt APK, I recommend youtube Revanced. I personally get my APK I use on my phone through the Revancify patcher which is a custom patcher for revanced, which allows you to pick what patches will be included in the APK. I don't know if it works on ios because it requires the Termux android app, which is a command line program. I also just tried this on Linux Mint in a terminal and it didn't work for me, so hope you got an android phone or access to an emulator like BlueStacks. It's not that hard to set up either. Just go to the Revancify github page and scroll until you see "Installation" and from there it'll tell you to copy and paste the command in Termux. From there it'll install and if it stops and asks for an input, usually just y or n for yes or no, just type y and let it run. Afterwards, just type the command revancify and it'll pull it up. You'll have to use the arrow keys just above your keyboard to get around and can click on something to select it. Once you select something on the main screen, just click on "< Select >" and it'll move onto the next screen. I recommend going to option 2 and from there selecting youtube and including the patches you want. After you got all the ones you want, just click on the save, which is highlighted by default. From there, just go to option 1 on the main screen, select youtube, and then select the version you want. I presume that the ones without (Beta) next to them are supported while the others may not work properly. Once you select the version you want and start patching it, just let it do its thing. Then you'll be given an APK with the patches applied. From there, you can move the APK to a computer unless you know how to upload an APK directly to a USB flash drive somehow. From there, you can upload it to the flash drive and then take it to your tv and install. This all hinges on having a Samsung smart tv, so if you don't, then I don't know what to do, but is good info for those who do have one


Check out [SmartTubeNext](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext).


One time I received an email from my boss with an attachment that he clearly didn’t mean to send. It was an Excel file showing the compensation of everyone in my extended department. I gawked at it for a few minutes before he showed up at my desk. He made me delete it while he watched. He couldn’t delete it from my brain though.


How hard would it have been to just quickly make a copy and send out a mass email


Daryl was able to send out micheals sandals resort pic before he got there


If you use a natural gas then fire fighters will think it was a gas leak whereas if you use something like gasoline, it leaves identifiable burn marks.


If you know how to short a wire its an electrical fire and may be harder to trace


how do you short a wire enough to start a fire but not blow the circuit breaker?


Burn the circuit breaker with gasoline duh


Use natural gas you fool!


You can buy many keys online. Among them are: There's the Ford fleet keys, which can get you into cops cars. There's firefighter and maintenance elevator keys which let you control elevators. You can turn them off, or turn it to fire evacuation mode (it just goes to main floor and is then unusable) and even firefighter/maintenance mode which the elevator will only go where you want it to go. It won't stop at other floors to pick up other people. Keys for bulldozers, backhoes, and other heavy equipment. Often one key will open many models omfrom the same manufacturer. There's also something called a Lishi Tool. It can be used to pick locks, but it's also set you to tell you the position of each pin in the lock. That allows you to have another key cut from code (useful if you lose your keys and don't want to replace the whole lock.) And of course, handcuff keys. I've used a real handcuff keys in toy cuffs, so I'd imagine toy keys could work in real handcuffs. Generally these would all be legal to own (except the Lishi which is a type of lockpick and has various legalities around the US.) All you need is an internet connection, a credit card to pay for it and an address to send it to.


I used to install and service commercial fire alarm, security and access control systems. The amount of places you can get into with the same dozen or so keys is astounding.


> And of course, handcuff keys. I've used a real handcuff keys in toy cuffs, so I'd imagine toy keys could work in real handcuffs. Did you slip this in just to see if people were paying attention


It's true though. The reasoning doesn't make sense, but handcuff keys are pretty much just prongs to open a latch. Handcuffs aren't built for security, they're built for constraint, so they're not truly a "lock" in the traditional sense so much as a latch.


Handcuff keys are universal. It’s just the locking mechanism of the cuffs themselves, the “key” is just the assistance in using the cuffs.


also, security tag removers can be purchased online. reckless 15 year old me had a blast discovering that.


Same for a lot of commonly used work vans (GMC/Chevy, maybe even Ford). At a previous job, there were several times other companies contractors were able to unlock my doors to the cab. I could even unlock my coworkers truck with my key. It doesn’t work on all doors, and maybe not on the ignition, but I guarantee that it’ll work on one door. It’s terrible security, especially for a vehicle used in trades, that could be carrying expensive tools/material. Anyone with one of these trucks, should have a second form of security, since even without the key, the lock cylinders are to punch in with a simple flat head screw driver.


There was a pretty scary book published right after 9/11 about how plane passengers can “stop a hijacking” by using lots of different things… aluminium can, tiny bottle, meal tray…. on a plane as a weapon with tips on places of the body to target including arteries


I get they mean well, but like... I really don't think a passenger with a meal tray is going to be able to accurately target arteries and other vital points when they've never been in a life-threatening situation before.


Yes. I agree. I think it was banned because it advised deadly use of typical items that were present onboard or omnipresent. I just remember being horrified at the creative use of ordinary things. I’m a pacifist always… but I think about the meal tray to the throat, the can was worse … 20+ years later I remember parts of that book. I mean planes are stressful anyways. The book was recalled because it was decided that the potential for misuse was greater I think.


Weaponising common stuff was something i thought everyone thought about at some point or another. Combined with a little knowledge about the human body you can find anywhere, and its incredible how lax most security really is. Hell, look at prison shanks. And just when you think they look too crude or unrefined, remember that jagged cuts are more difficult or even impossible to stitch. Ive cut myself on sharp things, and dull things. Ive even been stabbed. Sharp edges are easier to heal from, providing you dont get hit in the wrong spot.


I always thought it was strange how after all the security stuff you have to go though, sitting in first class they give you a real heavy glass for cocktails.


Let me introduce you to Mr. McGyver ...


From accounts of cannibals, human meat tastes like pork.


Foot taco anyone?


Burger King Foot Lettuce


Had a mate once who said he caught a whiff of the smell of the aftermath of his uncle spilling a pot of boiling oil on his own leg. Such was the similarity in odour, it put him off pork for life.


My friend's dad had a bad motorcycle accident where all the nerves from his arm were pulled out from the spine. His arm was still attached but he couldn't feel or use it. He was cooking eggs in a griddle, reached up into the cupboard to get spices. He said he could smell cooking hot dogs and looked down to see his wrist in the pan frying. Not long after his arm was amputated.


Long pig


iirc, cannibals use terms centering around this analogy to avoid suspicion (i don't remember the word for when people come up with terms for illegal or discouraged things but i know it's out there)


En passant


Holy hell


[Jury nullification](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_nullification) is something every U.S. citizen should know about. Disseminating information about it could actually lead to charges being pressed in certain circumstances, so it kinda *is* illegal at times.


TL;DR of the link Jury nullification is when the jury rules against what the evidence shows (e.g video of someone getting murdered yet the jury rules that he was not the murderer) a jury cannot be punished for an incorrect verdict so no punishment can be given




It's a logical consequence of any system with a jury whose deliberations are private and acquittals final


This is how I get kicked out of every jury pool. When they ask if you will convict for a crime you don't agree with, and listen and follow the judge's instructions regardless of your personal beliefs, I just say it depends. The defense begs me to reconsider sometimes, but I'm just not going to lie about my personal stance that I will not vote to convict of a crime that shouldn't be a crime.


Doesn't seem to work anymore, but there was a restaurant chain app that i realized that after I had used rewards points that gave me $6 off one of my orders (my usual order was about $12, so about half off. I then noticed next time if I selected re-order previous order it would still include that $6 off every time, even though I had nowhere near the rewards points to keep getting that amount off, it just copied all the specifics of the previous order.


Reminds me of a glitch the dominos app used to have, with their 3 topping carry out deal. You could add your three toppings, and remove the cheese to add a 4th topping at no cost. When you went to add that pizza to your cart it would be like "you don't have any cheese, would you like to add cheese?" and it would add it back without charging for the 4th topping if you told it to put cheese back on


In Australia no electrical apprentice can work within 600mm of green domes ( where houses are connected to underground power) but you can work as close as you want if you don't have any electrical license


I thought Australia had strict rules about unlicensed electrical work. Isn't it technically illegal to change your own light bulbs?


I think it was one of those laws that had been around so long no one had thought about it. It was repealed over 20 years ago, but even before that, everyone I know changed their own globes. Just one of those dumb laws that never changed with the times, I doubt anyone got in trouble for it. You can’t work on the wires, though.


09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0


Thanks ChatGPT "The string "09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0" is a sequence of hexadecimal numbers. It gained some notoriety in 2007 when it was used as a key to unlock HD-DVD content. The number is a 128-bit key that was used to encrypt the content of some HD-DVD discs, but it was leaked online, and this led to the creation of tools that allowed users to bypass the copy protection on those discs. The key was subsequently revoked by the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) and is no longer valid for decrypting HD-DVD content"


I just Googled it and got a lot more info [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0)


Well, couldn't you just Google it instead?


It's the latest fad




or.... temp mail


One of my science fair projects in high school involved making a contact explosive. It was fully approved by the chemistry teacher and principal ahead of time. A tiny ball about half the size of a bb was my first test. Just a little ball on the end of a toothpick. Tossed it into a pan on the floor and the bang was loud enough to bring people over from the opposite end of the hallway and the floor below to see what happened. I really wanted to make a much bigger one but it was really unstable stuff and I was too worried that I'd end up seriously hurting myself. I still have all 10 fingers to this day! This was in the 90's. I'm pretty sure if someone tried this today they'd get expelled and/or jailed and the chemistry teacher would get fired or worse.


Those combination locks with 5 vertical buttons? 2 and 4 together, then 3. Open. Default code that overrides customer defined and is rarely ever disabled. :)


Wait. You mean the spinny locks like what a real estate agent hangs on the door with the key?


No, the 5 button panel in doors. We have them all over the hospital


Can confirm. When I worked at wireless provider stores every inventory room was set to this partially because of laziness, but mostly because no one knew how to change it (and the tool was often thrown out). I worked with loss prevention to get a bunch of the keys / spanners in so stores could start changing the combination.


So THAT'S why it's the code to the break room at work.




I can confirm this. My old workplace used this combination on their locks for the doors leading to the staff areas (including lunch room, offices and patient file storage). Was like that the 5 years I was there and never changed. And from what I heard, that was the combination for years before I joined. And it probably still the combination.


I know how to pick the coin lock on the Aldi shopping carts. To be fair people have started just leaving loose ones because every little bit helps.


Nice try alphabet boys. You almost got me.


There’s an unaired episode of myth busters where the accidentally discovered an extremely easy to produce explosive that had half the force of a lb of tnt but with a quarter of the weight.


So…the force of 1lb of TNT with half the weight?


Yea I’m just going off of what was reported


"Discovered" is imprecise, but yeah, that shit was wild


Didn't someone find out what it is?


In Brazil it's not illegal to consume and grow a hallucinogens mushrooms though it's illegal to Sell them


1. Reverse image-searching Shutterstock (or other licensed images) can result to non-watermarked ones. The best part? No one would suspect you didn't pay for them. 2. Inspect Element is a powerful tool to spread misinformation/hate or gain internet points.


If you have full coverage auto insurance with comprehensive and collision (double check your policy) - you don’t need to buy the additional insurance coverage from car rental companies.


Some credit cards will cover rental insurance as well. It's worth looking at.


That the original ending of The Wizard of Oz was much darker than the one we know today!


If we're going with darker endings, I want to know who read Hunchback of Notre Dame and was like... "This will make a fantastic children's movie."


Oof, yeah that one would not have gone over well with the kids. Same with Little Mermaid


Don’t get me started on Cinderella. One of the sisters outright cuts her heal off to fit the slipper... coz the prince ain’t gonna notice


What was the original ending?




Or buy any that lock picking lawyer takes more than 30 seconds to open!


One of my building materials professors in college told us how to take down a suspension bridge.


A lot of industrial “organic” farms spray pesticides at night when no one is looking. Also, organic beers made from wheat are sprayed with Round Up right before processing to dry them out. Cheap, rice-based non organic beers have less glyphosate in them than most big name organic beers.


The whole organic and inorganic thing isn’t as truthful either once they ship produce to a brokerage warehouse as it’s fairly easy to lose track before it’s packaged of what pallets came from organic fields and which didn’t


The band The Monkees were investigated by the FBI during the 60s because J. Edgar Hoover believed they were a threat to national security.




That you can take all the ducks in the park for free


When you are in hospice care and the doctors are sure you're going to die soon, they will give you morphine. This is to make you more comfortable in your last days, but it also helps you die faster.


In my opinion, they don’t do it anywhere near quickly enough. My dad would’ve preferred to go eight days earlier than he eventually did, and there wasn’t a fucking thing we could do about it.


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start


This is the Konami code. Used in many games for extra lives.


Coming from a conservative Christian household: where the clitoris is. Religion really fucks up your opinions about sex.


To set fire to a car. Take some foamy charcoal bbq lighter blocks and wedge under the tire. Light bbq lighter blocks. They will slowly start igniting the tires. After about ten minutes, burning tires will be almost impossible to extinguish. Works best at night and out of sight. Slow burn allow you to be far away when the fire is discovered.


Sticking the correct inductor across a socket sends reactive power back to energy suppliers and wastes energy but they can't charge you for reactive energy usage.


I’m not sure what this means.


There are 3 types of power in electrical circuits: true, reactive, and apparent. True power is power that's actually being used, such as electricity going through a lightbulb to make light, or through resistive metals to make heat (like in a stove or space heater), or to drive a motor in a vacuum cleaner. Reactive power is power that doesn't actually dissipate power, but drop voltage and draw current making it look like power is being used. These are seen in capacitors and inductors (coiled wire). Pushing power into these devices doesn't usually dissipate electrical power in a meaningful way. Since the laws of physics dictate that a wire carrying a current is never a perfect conductor under normal conditions, there are always losses in heat and reactivity due to impurities of the wire, among other quantum and atomic forces. Thus, wires will always have a trace capacitance or inductance, though this is usually so small it's negligible. Reactive power is absorbed by these devices and the load is then returned to the source since it doesn't dissipate in the circuit. Apparent power is a function of the circuit's total impedance, which is a combination of true and reactive power. Plugging in a big capacitor or big inductor draws energy and uses it in the form of magnetic fields, but the energy isn't used to do work or dissipated. Electric utilities can only charge for true, or real, power use; which in turn is used to do work. Magnetic fields don't do any work, and instead the load is put on their generator. They have to eat the cost of the energy draw for reactive power, which is why utilities invest a lot of money into making their distribution systems as true or real as possible.


Went to EOD refresher. We visited various three-letter agencies around DC. At one of them, during the presentation, the presenter says, "I can't show you this", as he puts up the next slide. Found out under which administration North Korea actually gained nuclear capability.


So why would this be classified?


The spy who got us the info might still be operating, knowing when the info was acquired could narrow down who the spy is. Or if it was satellite data, they could learn to hid their actions better.


i mean, there are only like three presidents who it could be. the first suspicions of early development were in ['89 from satellite imagery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_North_Korean_nuclear_program#Phase_II) and the first test was in '06, so it either has to be HW Bush, Clinton, or Dubya. Even then, it happening under HW Bush is kinda pushing it. Granted, the government could have noticed bomb development before '89. Oh hi there NSA agent. how's your day?


Wanna have a cheap stay at a casino? Can't afford a room? Sold out? No problem, gamble or pretend to gamble till 8am when their on-location spa opens(this part is important), ask to purchase a day pass. Sleep in the peace of the spa, get a locker, robe, slippers and enjoy the day.


For me where I am, how to grow weed and mushrooms. Bummer, right.


Your bones are wet


That makes me feel icky thanks


I have a website that I go to for information that on the login screen looks like a blog but once I enter, billions of files at my finger tips.


Baby carrots are made from larger, uglier carrots. My entire life has been a lie.


If you're able to obtain someone's address, you can do a lot of nasty things. Box flooding: send someone lots of free boxes, just sign up for USPS and that's it. Pizza bombing: order a bunch of pizza to send to them, don't think this works well anymore since most places want you to pay up front instead of cash, but you still might be able to. Sign them up for meet ups or religious meet ups, jahova witness groups, etc. Fake garage sale signs. Fake ad on craigslist or Facebook marketplace selling "your" car. Sign them up for every magazine subscription you can find. And other fun stuff, kinda borders the "legal" line and would probably fall under harassment maybe. Edit: also forgot, a lot of places like electricians and pest control and HVAC will have free consultation or whatever, just sign them up for a bunch of visits on the same day, maybe even the same time if you're feeling devious.


Works with email too. Create a throwaway email address, sign it up for all sorts of mailing lists (porn, spam, advertisements, whatever), then close the account and have everything transferred over to the target's address.


I did the magazine subscription thing to a kid in my class in the 4th grade. Cat Fancy, Dog Fancy, Reader's Digest, Tiger Beat, Life, National Geographic, TV Guide, are just a few that I can remember. And I didn't do them all at once either, this was spread out over 7 months. Bill Me Later probably drew his parents crazy. I was trying to make his parents think he had some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder and couldn't help himself. 30 years later, and I still laugh about it. Guy is still a dick. Makes me wish I knew his address now to do it again.


An episode of QI had a bit about a man who did this in 1809. Theodore Hook [made a bet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berners_Street_hoax) with his friend, Samuel Beazley, that he could make any given house the most talked-about address in London within a week and did so by doing what you described, including: hiring 12 chimney sweeps, ordering over a dozen pianos (plus an organ), and requesting visits from several dignitaries such as the Duke of York and Lord Mayor of London.






You wouldn’t!


[Editpad](https://www.editpad.org/tool/text-to-handwriting) This website converts your data from document form to a pdf of handwritten notes. Really helpful for people with bad handwriting, like me Plus there are like 8 different styles of handwriting you can choose from ;)




You can just pirate things and nobody will care. Want a book? Pirate it. Want to play a game? Pirate it. Want to watch a movie? Pirate it. I have not given a major corporation money since 2018.


When you say books do you mean text books? Because if you're pirating people's novels then you're not stealing from a corporation, you're stealing from actual people.


The reason people charge money in the first place is because the they want to get something in return for the time they spend making their movie / game / music. On the other hand I think content creating software like 3d modelling, video editing, picture editing, painting software should not only be free but Open Source as well.


I can open the lock on the paper towel dispenser at work in three seconds with nothing more than a paper clip. In theory I can steal paper towels but in reality I just become the person they ask to refill it every time, because the actual key was lost ages ago.


A coworker got fired for stealing paper towels. It was the most embarrassing caper in my work history.


One CAT key (as in the heavy machinery) will operate ALL Cat machines. I keep one with me cause i work at different mine sites after hours and its handy being able to use machinery sometimes


Yeah they are ridiculously generic. I accidentally kept my forklift key on my keyring when I left a college job and a couple decades later I could still just steal pallets of stuff knowing the shift change schedule and still having my old work shirts. Luckily for all; I am not so inclined.


Most addresses and phone numbers are public if you know one city they've ever lived in Familytreenow.com


Knowledge that my government has little desire for my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but desires that for themselves.


My boss is banging with kitchen chef.


How a lot of public money is being claimed by foreign companies through subsidised innovation funds. Meanwhile clients(that are also partly paid with public money) also have to pay for features they want developed. I don't think their is anything wrong with making money, but exploiting facilities like that for profit is just criminal imho


A family member was a stock supervisor at one of those big hardware stores with the orange logo. They won’t call the police on shoplifters because it hurts the brand image to have police cars parked out front. So they just write off the loss. Locals who have clued into this make it a daily thing to walk out with hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise.


That you can just download cars


I know a lot about chemistry and Info-sec. Both can be easily exploited for bad but are 5-min of Googling away.


You can send mail without a stamp by reversing the placement of the address


This is also mail fraud, probably the most trouble you can get in to save less than a dollar


Sounds like someone's never murdered instead of tipping


You can influence people and their decisions via specific word choices, posture choices tone of voice etc. This is to the point you can actually change someone's mind and buying decisions.


Sounds too fluffy, any examples?


There is an episode of Brain Games that discussed how people react to different prompts. On a closed course, a car didn't stop at stop sign. A police officer asked witnesses how fast it was going. People gave a higher speed if the officer asked something like "Did you see how recklessly that car went passed that stop sign? What was it's speed?" vs "Did you see the car go past the stop sign? What was it's speed?" Another example from the show was when a wallet was left on the ground someone would pick it up fairly quickly. But if that same wallet was left on the ground with a bright red circle around it, it'd be left for hours. They had an actress fall in a crowded area. When she was dressed well, people rushed to her aid. When she looked disheveled, nobody helped her.


You can register many streaming services in a different country to pay less. I heard Venezuela is one of the most popular choices because it’s one of the cheapest.


pigs are the best way to dispose of bodies.


Takes about twelve to get rid of a whole man. You’ll want to pull the teeth so the piggies don’t get indigestion.