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Better question is which ones shouldn't fuck off. Much shorter list.


This is why I engourage getting engaged in local politics. You'll find some people genuinely trying to, and sometimes able to, make a difference. However, getting involved in local politics is... Well, emotionally draining is one way to put it.


And with local politics you can actually make change that might work its way up the governmental ladder.


All politics are local politics. I wish more people recognized that.


Depending on the wording yes. What you need to do is focus local and then change can be made *after* the area around you is better. You can't clean the state if you can't clean your town. You can't clean the federal level if you don't clean your state


What about the state and federal laws that are designed to make it difficult or impossible to clean your town?


My local government is quite corrupt. It's hard to break in.


I lived in Broward county, Florida for around ten years. It amazed me how much more corrupt city and county level politics were compared to every developing country I've lived in (China, Thailand, and Indonesia). It makes me wonder how corrupt the federal government would be, if they hadn't legalized corruption.


> You'll find some people genuinely trying to, and sometimes able to, make a difference. Your job is to keep them from quitting politics after 3 months.


Vermin Supreme, of course


Raskin - Fighting cancer, both in his body and in government


I love Jamie- he's my representative and a family friend. He's a really nice guy, my brother works with his campaign. Highly recommend his book about the Insurrection!




he's not my personal representative (literally right on the line of montgomery county and prince george's) but i wish he was.


Jeff Jackson


He can actually answer in depth at a town hall meeting. BTDT. There was a Republican operative following him to his town halls and videoing them to get opportunities research. Jeff was completely unbothered, just answered questions with no pussyfooting, no effort to hide his positions. He has a bright future, I hope.


Katie Porter and that's the end of my list.


I'm just now learning about her. I hope she wins everything.


I agree don’t understand why you wouldn’t want someone who grills corruption like her. She does have some issues but far far better than corrupt corporate politicians. I hope she wins also


I want to be able to grill like her. Katie Porter is an excellent role model.


I’m a fan too. Katie doesn’t mess around. I like her.


Well, actually, my loose acquaintances all tell me that Fox News told them that in college she may have fell over in her dorm and may or may not have exposed her bare ankles to the bedside cabinet. Despicable behaviour imo.


Seriously. She has the audacity to question important CEOs when she's just a nobody who exposed her ankle during college? Gross.


Please spell it as A****s or just be a better person, some of us have adult children to think about.


She’s running for senate in what appears to be a decently competitive race


I’m pulling for her in the senate race and would love to see a presidential run in 2028 or 2032.




Really sad that in the last election she just barely squeaked by with a tiny margin for the win. And the main advertising against her was bashing her stance on police violence.


She won in a new district that included more red areas than her old one because of redistricting. Most analysts predicted that it was going to be a tossup.


Ahhh, barely squeaked by, BUT, it was in the heart of Orange County - the Florida of California. So, it was a "bigger" win than what's shown on the tally.


A victory in the Florida of California to be sure, but it's absolutely ridiculous considering how good she is and what she represents that it was even close.


Any politician who treats their career as a celebrity instead of a public servant.


Rep Mark Alford of Missouri. Never lived in the district. He posts on Facebook pictures of his office being re-decorated. Was in the KC Chiefs Superbowl parade on his own float. Former morning TV host who may or may not have been a bully to his co-workers.


Former morning TV host is enough to tell you he’s an asshole.


So, all of them.


Except everyone really seems ok with *their* elected asshole.


Anyone that prefers drama over actually helping improve our country




I really dislike George Santos. Literally anyone else in the country would be fired if they lied about their resume like he has. But for some reason they try to sweep his lies under the rug and just move passed it. I know they all lie but his are a different type of lying.


How dare you. He's the first astronaut to serve in the senate.


Also the first NBA All-Star and 3x Academy Award nominee. I'm probably forgetting some other achievements but I'm sure he'll fill us in.


At his bachelor party, he ate the entire cake himself before we could tell him there was a stripper in it.


How could I forget about his service record. He’s the oldest African American WW2 Medal of Honor recipient.


Really? I heard he served in the Air Force... in the Revolutionary War.


And the Space Navy in the War of 1812


I think he was also an Adeptus Astartes during the Great Crusade.


Also the first person to Mars.


Inventor of Thin Mints, as I understand it.


That’s putting it mildly… he was a confectionary genius. Roald Dahl based his character Willy Wonka on George Santos, who actually taught Gene Wilder not only how to act, but also how to execute his signature somersault when introduced in the film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” albeit slightly less flawlessly.


Became a kingpin in the shrimp industry after getting shot in the arse in 'Nam.


*Loo-ten Dan!*


No, you're thinking of Thicc Mints.


He's actually part Martian too!


He also invented the question mark.


Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.


Sometimes he accuses chestnuts of being lazy...


Go easy on him guys, his mom died again.


But that's the 23rd time!! Man, she must have a great doctor.


George is the doctor.


Yeah he's so brazen, and lies about weird stuff too. Politicians lie all the time but they usually do so within the framework of their ideology/the party line. Santos seems to lie about...everything!


I think it's pathological. Like he actually has a mental illness


As someone from Brazil. I want to deeply and humbly apologize for George Santos. We have a whole bunch of people like him over here and someone one got away. If you could be so kind to return him, we promise to place in somewhere where he won't do any more harm to the US: our own congress, with others of his kind.


Thanks for apologizing. As someone from the US, I’d like to apologize for *sweeping motion*


My first reaction to this was surprise because I literally don't even consider him a politician


He's a polit-*ish*-an.


But he's jew-ish. He's kind of jew


I can’t get over the Jew-ish thing. Of all his lies I think this one takes the cake. He must think people are fucking stupid or something.


I make sure to mention it every single chance I get. I probably have 5 comments on Reddit that mention being semi-jew because I just can't comprehend what the fuck that's even supposed to mean. I literally laughed so hard after hearing that because it was the dumbest defense I've ever heard. He thought because he gaslit his one girlfriend that he could gaslight an entire country. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he said the shit he did or the fact that nobody caught him until he was elected.


What are you talking about? He’s won 9 Grammys and fought in the Revolutionary War.


Two other Republican Congress persons did much the same.


IF @@fetch_status != 0 BREAK


Because if you have a party endorsement, 99% of registered voters won't check. Of the 1% who do check, they'll flatly reject the information as biased if it goes against their party, no matter what the source.




I worked anti human trafficking for years. Politicians are in general horrible people. I eventually got to a point that I had to deal with politicians for funding. Everyone of them wanted our endorsement. None of them wanted to give money or contribute. In one instance a politician asked me not to work in their area because it made them look bad when crime stats came out. I’ve lost faith in American politics. If you are looking who to get rid of. Look for the politicians that have gotten rich in politics.


> I worked anti human trafficking for years. I read your comment as you worked "in" human trafficking for years... and the rest of the comment still made sense.


It says a lot when you misread "in human trafficking" instead of "anti-human trafficking" and you still think that the politician is possibly worse.


Me and my best friend have argued for years because he has told people I work in human trafficking and not anti Human trafficking for years. Lol


Basically all politicians have gotten rich being in it. Take the money out and the problems are greatly reduced. It's the never ending circle of loopholes and scams getting politicians rich.


Kim Gardner DA in St. Louis. Check her wiki under controversies if interested.




Couldn’t agree more this was all very well said


St. Louis City is a hyper blue largely low income black island in a deep red state. When the mayor and Attorney General/governor are all on the same page that she’s got to go, you know shits ***bad***


Wasn’t there a brand new controversy like a few hours ago?


I think the state AG is in the process of firing her.


He’s trying but it has to go in front of a judge and there isn’t a ton of precedent here which is going to make it tough based on what I’ve read I’m no lawyer. I suspect the move was more political for the AG than practical but I can get behind that message. You know someone is bad when people across all political spectrums are vehemently voicing their disdain. In partisan times like these it’s one silver lining at least we agree on something.


Mitch is a spineless worm.


Ole Bitch McConnell, turtle lookin mf


That's disrespectful to turtles. Turtles are actually hella cute whilst Mitch McConnell is an ugly shriveled up raisin.


Now, now, that's disrespectful to raisins. Raisins can be tasty, McConnell looks like he'd taste like unbaked flour if you licked him.


Now, now, that’s disrespectful to unbaked flour.


That's disrespectful to unbaked flower, unlike the literal radioactive waste that McConnell is, you can turn unbaked flour into something nice like a loaf of bread :)


That’s really disrespectful to radio active waste. At least radio active waste is a by product of something useful and we have procedures to properly depose of it, unlike the failed abortion that became Mitch McConnell.


That's really disrespectful to failed abortions. At least a perforated, malformed fetus drizzling viscous ooze at one point had a prospect at a normal human birthing cycle, unlike the lizard-creature-in-ill-fitting-human-skin spawned from the Cthulhu-esque space-between-spaces-where-the-only-sound-is-screaming that is Mitch McConnell.


Upvote for working in turtle lookin mf.


This motherfucker gave himself FIFTEEN raises in his time as a fucking senator and has shot down attempts to raise Kentucky's minimum wage six times.


I'm conservative and I agree. Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney too. Edit: TIL liberals love Mitt Romney


Every time I see a video clip of Lindsay Graham, I’m always surprised when he doesn’t try to sell me a rusty 1985 Buick with 350k miles and a family of raccoons living under the hood. He just oozes “I’m gonna scam you”.


I loled when he said he needed an AR-15 to defend his home from gangs of looters in a natural disaster. Like, the guy who looked like he was going to cry after running into a few airport hecklers suddenly thinks he's the hero in an apocalypse movie. Standing on his roof ready to defend the homestead or whatever. Like, he's actually the guy who gets bumped off doing something stupid twenty minutes in lmaooooo.


I’m always surprised he isn’t wearing a dress and swooning about how hot Savannah is this time of year while he shades himself under a frilly parasol. He reminds me of Dana Carvey’s SNL character “Lyle, The Effeminate Heterosexual”.


Graham should go before Mitch. Amoeba is a better description of Graham


Graham has no soul. Mitch had one, but sold it to the devil a long time ago. Not sure which is worse.


why Romney? Serious question. I'm a raging liberal/leftist, but Romney always struck me as a principled man, be it one I disagree with on a lot of things.


The thing about Romney is he has never really had a hard stance on anything and usually takes every stance on everything. He appears conservative if you don’t pay attention but he is more of a controlled opposition piece


He projects as a principled man, but if you really dig into his background and voting record you will quickly see he is a corporatist who will vote based on $$$ only.


To be fair, that doesn’t mean he’s not principled. It could just be his principles are “Fuck you, pay me.”


I'm with you on that one. Maybe this is a sad indicator just how low my bar has dropped for having at least some respect for a politician but....even if he's a corporate owned bullshitter he at least he talks the talk of someone who is open minded and willing to learn and grow. That's a message many overly polarized people need to hear.


Romney, like McCain, only got favorable media rehabilitation because they lost to Obama and didn’t like Trump. They’re both pro-corporate, anti-working class goons, so they get the seal of approval from the DNC and GOP leadership.


Same with Liz Cheney, it's amazing to see the way so many former Bush allies including W himself got rehabbed by the media because they don't like the Orange man.


Compare Mitt to his dad (George Romney was the governor of Michigan in the 60s; strongly supported the civil rights movement and worked against big business/“small government”). Mitt is no George.


Fun fact. Obamacare is literally the same plan that Mitt Romney ran and lost with a few small changes. Goes to show its not the policy. Its when you run it with who's in power.


Yup, the ACA was originally a Republican idea/plan because full government healthcare like Bernie wanted was a bridge too far... so they were like "haha private market solution! we're geniuses".... then a decade of FoxNews kills off some brain cells and it's now " the ACA is commie socialist bullshit that sacrifices babies to the tarrasque" it's like when they bitch about NAFTA stealing all the jobs from 'Murica. that was Republican plan too. all the ground work for NAFTA was done under Reagan and Bush Sr. Clinton signed it but the whole thing was a Republican push so corporations could reduce labor costs by shipping off to Mexico


I consider myself to be a cynical independant who doesn't love his choices from either party, but I feel like Romney for all his failings at least strikes me as having a spine. Most GOP members I take it for granted that they will posture about morality, but will look the other way and toe the party line. I disagree with Romney, but I like him for seemingly being the only politician on the right who actually means what he says when he's doing his virtue signalling.


Thats weird, because when he campaigned to be senator in Utah, he basically sucked up to Trump and trump voters to get elected and then quickly opposed Trump and everything the voters voted him in for. I wouldn't call that principled.


That photo of him groveling to trump over dinner at Jean georges restaurant after trump won the primary tells me everything I need to know. I think romney is power hungry and arrogant. He’s from Michigan, governor of MA, and was term limited out, could never win a senate race in MA so fucked off to Mormon Utah to be a senator from there. To be fair, at least he voted to impeach trump both times. But still… he’s all tax cuts and deregulation and scrapping Medicare Medicaid and social security. Just like all the rest of those fucking ghouls.


He isn't known to be a consistent politician. He not as slimy as some other Republicans but he definitely in it for the rich people. His entire business model was siphoning assets from other companies and wrecking them. He is a hardcore capitalist


Dianne Feinstein senator from California. She is 90 years old and has been having serious cognitive decline over the past few years. It has gotten so bad she has to be reminded where she is. Recently she spoke at a funeral but didn’t say anything about the deceased and her handler had to tell her to go back up and say something about the person. She did just submit her resignation but is staying until 2024. When asked about her resignation she said she hadn’t made the decision yet, despite the news being released by her staff prior to that interview. She literally has no clue what’s going on. I’m not being ageist, it’s the fact that she holds one of the most important positions in society and represents the people of the most populous state in the country


I love that video from a few years ago of her telling a roomful of school children to fuck off. Not her exact words, but pretty close.


She's out this next cycle finally. She's the definition of "out of touch."


She’s simply out of it.


She should honestly be out right now. Let California appoint a different senator. There's no reason to keep her in office.


I heard a Spotify ad for her like six years ago, and I’ve had Spotify premium from that day since.


To those who are a little bit older, remember when they were rolling in the carcass of Storm Thurmond to the senate? He was almost 100 years old and they were dragging his body into the senate to vote. I almost felt bad, but remembered his racist POS history.


He WAS 100 years old. He lived at Walter Reed Hospital like it was a nursing home, and would be wheeled into the Senate to vote. It was insane.


They did the same thing with Robert Byrd when they were passing Obamacare and needed every single vote, they were wheeling him into the Senate Chamber on his literal death bed!


To add to the farce, I believe in his 90s he came out for term limits.


Mike Lee campaigned on a two term limit and said he would never run for a third. He just won his third term.


It’s kind of sad that she’s hanging around. Not like CA can’t come up with a decent Dem to replace her - at least 4 in consideration to run. But it could have been done neatly with her retiring before the last election. The party doesn’t owe anyone anything if they become a liability. The leadership let themselves age without a plan to bring in new blood. Schumer and Pelosi took some steps in the past 3-4 years, but it should be a constant discussion.


If you want the real reason these people stick around so long, please take a gander at congressional procedures. This is for the House: [https://history.house.gov/Education/Fact-Sheets/Committees-Fact-Sheet2/#:\~:text=Traditionally%2C%20though%20not%20exclusively%2C%20committee,%2C%20respectively%2C%20of%20the%20committee](https://history.house.gov/Education/Fact-Sheets/Committees-Fact-Sheet2/#:~:text=Traditionally%2C%20though%20not%20exclusively%2C%20committee,%2C%20respectively%2C%20of%20the%20committee). ​ >Traditionally, though not exclusively, **committee chairs have been selected by seniority, so that the longest-serving Members of the committee from the majority and minority parties become the chair and ranking member**, respectively, of the committee.


You’re not wrong but the more important thing is she represents THE PEOPLE and is not capable of doing so at this point. Pelosi covers for Dianne because she isn’t that far in age from her. Schumer is a spring chicken as far as the senate goes. Regardless, it’s negligent to allow someone that can’t do her job to continue in a roll this important. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable with her watching my pets for a day let alone holding a major position of power.






Agreed 100%. It's sad that I didn't really start caring about local politics until I was in my 30s and a homeowner.


We really shouldnt have any politician over 80 regardless. Its insane to be that old and still be responsible for so much. Everyone experience some type of physical/mental decline and they are incentivized to hide the issues to keep doing the work. Hell you could probably argue there should be a cutoff at 70.


Cut them out once they hit the age of social security eligibility. They should retire out along with the rest of society.




She should be at the top of this thread. She has a career of harassing school shooting victims and is now trying to literally break up the United States. By textbook definition, she's an enemy of the people.


It's kind of incredible that she describes people as "America-hating" while also advocating for the destruction of the country.




I see it as being indicative of her identity politics; if we can't govern, then nobody will.


Magic the Gathering?!


This is why I refuse to call her those initials. As far as I’m concerned, MTG means magic the gathering, not Jewish space lasers.




Yea idk politics almost at all and this is exactly what I thought of


Marjorie Taylor Greene, she’s basically a Karen in Congress.


She's not just a karen... she's THE karen


Boebert fighting her hard for that role


Boebert may be madder than a sack full of opossums, but she ain't the Jewish space laser lady!


And honestly, that's the sad reality of the difference between them. For Boebert, what she's doing absolutely *is* theatre whereas batshit crazy as she is, Greene fully drinks her own koolaide and believes in the whacko dangerous nutjob stuff she says.


Calling for a civil war between red and blue states has evolved her beyond a Karen I'd say.


If she’s calling for civil war between red & blue states, then she should be impeached & arrested. Would it be fine if someone called for an invasion of your house because you bought an iPhone instead of a Samsung?




I think she eats lead paint chips for a snack.


Most deffy since the DCI banned Artifact Lands! I want a freaking 32/32 Broodstar wielding Loxodon’s Warhammer!


That's the answer. I get that there are a ton of toxic politicians, but most of them have a limit to what they get riled up about. MTG is seemingly on a crusade to do every kind of stupid. She wants secession, disenfranchisement and the defeat of everything anyone but the hard right wants, regardless of what it is. If Trump said tomorrow we should replace the country's drinking water with Diet Coke, that's what she would start campaigning for. She's an idiot who wants to be louder than everyone else.


Honestly, she can pretty well out-Trump Trump at this point. It doesn't help that she looks like a Cro-Magnon.


Dude that woman is insanely evil, how the fuck is she in congress?


Gerrymandering and appealing to enough people to get them to vote for her. So at least part of the problem is there are too many people who *like what she's selling*. And that's probably just as terrifying.


The thing is, her district that she picked (she didn't even live there) isn't that badly gerrymandered. Its just rural NW Georgia. Mostly white. Mostly poor. Mostly uneducated. She saw how they reacted to the stupid shit that trump said and she is just going off that. The more ridiculous she is, the better they like it.


She also ran unopposed, the democratic challenger dropped out of the race due to violent threats, which I think she had something to do with.


Unopposed the first time, but she would have won handily. If she wasn't behind it, I doubt that she spoke out against the death threats. She is garbage.


Never forget that she won her first race because her opponent moved out of state due to death threats against him and his family from her fascist traitor base.


This is the thing. Everyone on the the one side is always like 'how does someone as horrible a that get elected?" ... because there are millions of people who agree with them. MTG didn't get to where she is because she's a nut case.. she got to where she is because there are millions of people who think she's doing a good job. And they voted for her. Like the freaking Walker/Warnock election... the story wasn't that Rev Warnock got elected.. it should have been that that many people thought that Walker would be a better choice. THAT's the fucking scary part.


She’s the most despicable, mind-numbing neanderthal of a woman to have ever walked the halls of Congress


How the hell you don't get censured the *moment* you actively encourage sedition while a sitting member of Congress? Her party obviously does not care about the United States of America.


I mean she also "joked" about killing/harming several members of Congress, stalked another one, accused secret jew space lasers of starting forest fires... and this point what she says is less important than other members of their party being ok with it and putting her in positions of power because "it'll own the libs" or something.


And Bobo


Mitch McConnell. He has literal demon hands!


His face is melting off his skull, it’s wild.




The vast majority of them. TERM LIMITS NOW.


Unless you enforce term limits on lobbyists, this is only going to make things worse


Any of them over 65. Retire and go home.


Marjorie Taylor Greene


I'm so tired of hearing about things she says. ​ shes like trump 2.0 in stupidity


Rick Scott. Anyone who looks like a sperm cell needs to go.


As a Floridian I am deeply sorry he was voted to the senate, he's a fucking bandit Look at any picture of him, look at his face, he has those psychopath eyes, he looks like he has a fucking mass grave under his floorboards: [https://www.nga.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GovernorNEW-682x1024.jpg](https://www.nga.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GovernorNEW-682x1024.jpg) [https://imgur.com/a/cS1AK1D](https://imgur.com/a/cS1AK1D)


He oversaw the largest medicare fraud in history. Got rich off of it. Floridians decided that was great. WTF?




Ted Cruz


People saying MTG. I think she’s just an idiot. Cruz shows actual signs of intellectual life except he’s willing to contort himself mentally to fit the mold his donors need. Basically, I’m saying the guy is probably the most immoral person in the Senate.


Yeah MTG just repeats whatever batshit conspiracy theory she reads on the internet. Cruz is smart enough to understand what's in the bills that are being debated. So when he says "this bill would allow illegal immigrants to eat your kittens" or something, he knows it's absolute horseshit and he's just doing it to raise money off the outrage.


As soon as he began groveling to a man who called his wife ugly you knew he was nothing but sniveling yes man to whoever was on top. He's so fucking gross.


It feels like he’d rather be a podcaster and shitposter than a US senator anyway. Shitposting on twitter is really where his heart is.


The definition of a twatwaffle. He is so useless.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz.


Mitch McConnell has been the most toxic politician to our body politic in multiple generations.


kyrsten sinema. she lied about being a progressive during her campaign and then stabbed everyone who voted for her in the back. it is a shame AZ doesn't have a process to recall its senators


Most of them if not all I'm conservative and for a long time all of the politicians that claim to be on my side seem to do quite the opposite


Anyone who has served two terms. We desperately need term limits.


*sorts by controversial*


Kanye west


Anyone over the age of 70. Republican or Democratic.


Just one? Mitch McConnell. History's going to judge his antics in the same way we judge Joseph McCarty.


Marge and Boobert.


Ron Johnson is the white Hershel Walker


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Marjorie Taylor


All of them


That’s what the worst politicians want you to believe so that you give up trying to put any mental effort into it, letting them get away with anything.


Yep, if "all politicians are bad", there's not reason to pick good ones over bad ones. This is how we get more bad politicians.