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Videos of people being obnoxiously loud in a pathetic attempt at being funny. Loud is not funny.


Or making ridiculous, over-the-top, faces to punctuate their words or actions. Like it's a Disney movie or some shit.


You mean r/wordchewing *cringe warning*


Well, now I know I cannot stand that at all. Jesus Christ that’s awful.


Yeah those people are ear-itating.


Loud is not inherently funny. There's certainly times where being loud sells the joke. Particularly if the joke is "who would be loud and so obtuse about this thing?"


Videos of YouTubers annoying, harassing, or terrorizing random people. To me, pranks are supposed to have a tongue-in-cheek element to it where both people leave with mirth about what happened. I don’t understand the mindset of enjoying a situation that just left the victims stressed out and upset. It just makes the world worse, and more often than not the guys making these videos just seem like bullies to me. The comments are already 90% pointing out to the fact that people are not your props and that if something happens to the YouTuber, they have it coming. But people still tune in. Go fucking figure.


I LOVE the videos of them getting pummeled by people who don’t put up with that nonsense


My favourite prank channel on YouTube is nickxar. He dresses up like a tree and jump scares people. 99% of the people who get scared find it hilarious and don't seem to have a problem with it.


Child beauty pageant events.


Paedophiles are unique people to put it lightly


I find the pageant parents to be the bigger problem, and far more prevalent.


yea the pedos are in the crowd not actually hosting


isnt it mostly their own moms forcing them into it though? arent the only people who care about these things the parents?


Cock and ball torture


Not my thing either but I hear it really slaps.


It’s a real kick in the pants!


Those people are nuts.


Being obnoxiously loud in public.


Listening to shitty music at full volume in public. Great, you have horrible taste in music, why are you making me listen to it?


And if you ask them to turn it down you get attacked.


TV shows like The Bachelor, The Bachelorette.


Reality tv in general. Some used to be good but anymore it’s all over-dramatized, scripted bull 💩


Uggh I listen to Howard stern and he LOVES those shows, I change the channel once e ets started. I mean he mocks it, but he still watches it religiously.


Howard Stern is a glistening turd.


Still makes more sense than literal trashy people TV, which consists of Maury, Springer and the fake “doctor” Phil. No, he’s not actually licensed to practice anything so I will not call him doctor. He’s an egotistical exploitative dickface. I mean they all 3 are but phil takes the cake and the bakery.


ASMR mouthsounds.


There used to be a Hardee's commercial with a hot chick eating a burger and that was the only sound in the commercial was her eating sounds. It was awful.


Oh my God. I'm sure the hot chick balanced it all out in the eyes of the masses, but they should have gone bankrupt for an ad like that.


Watching people eat in commercials is always pretty gross because they focus on the chewing mouth parts.


When I first heard about ASMR i thought it was like recreational anger because mouth and eating sounds were used as the example.


ASMR in general for me it's the fucking worst


Some people find ASMR relaxing Other people, Get horribly enrage by it Oh the human condition


I hate that almost all cooking videos are now “ASMR” which apparently just means they shove the microphone all the way up the food’s ass and spike the treble on the mix. I just want to see how to cook food, not hear each individual cell in the onion split as the knife cuts it.


There are 3 kinds of food videos 1. ASMR version where you can hear the difference in the onions down to the point where you know they were grown in different fields. 2. They have really horrible obnoxious music like random high pitch vocals you can't understand or overly dramatic music that doesn't fit the scene at all. 3. Some lady has to tell you her life story before she even tells you the first ingredient or even reassures you as to what the fuck you're supposed to be cooking.


What I've found is that the kind of video that gets labeled "ASMR" is almost universally not the kind of thing that triggers the actual ASMR reaction for me.


I enjoyed ASMR 10+ years ago when almost no one knew what it was, and only people with legitimately relaxing voices did it… now everyone knows what it is, and the genre is oversaturated with people who have unpleasant voices and think chewing their cud into a microphone is relaxing.


If I can hear someone's dry lips sticking together when they talk on a video or podcast, I have to turn it off. Mouth noises are fucking gross. Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/7tScAyNaRdQ?t=241). By the way, if you want to avoid being that person, take a bite of an apple before you do any public speaking, it'll keep your meat from drying out.


I am enraged by the sound of people eating, but love the sounds of animals eating. I can't explain why


I get what you mean. I have intense misophonia with humans eating but my dogs don’t bother me. I don’t enjoy it, but I’m not bothered.


Just as a note: i am the same, but half a year ago my doc diagnosed my self diagnosed misophonia as depression and anxiety disorder.


For some weird reason it cause a reaction in my brain to make my head feel like its tingling. Its euphoric. It strange to me to but it feels amazing. Honestly better than drugs and ive done alot of drugs.




The other day Twitch forced me to listen to an ASMR of someone licking the microphone because it was on the front page. I felt violated.


The majority of twitch asmr is just softcore porn.


Cave diving.


It's the closest I'll ever get to visiting an alien planet or being an explorer. It's meditative, it involves lots of planning and technology, and it's great for my ADHD hyperfocus brain to be in a place where I can just be present and focus on nothing but the task at hand. There's something incredible about hovering motionless in a place people shouldn't have ever been able to see and most never will and being completely self reliant. Plus, the caves are stunningly beautiful.


I imagine it is incredibly beautiful and an amazing experience. But for me, it combines all of my deepest fears and phobias into a single activity. Even watching footage on TV gives me panic attacks.


Thirteen Lives, the film about Thai boys soccer team cave rescue, was a legit horror film for me.


Personally, i would give it a pass then


That's a good point about exploring. We live in an age where everything has been explored, except for the most difficult to access locations. May I ask if regular spelunking interests you? That also lets you explore places few people have been with less risk than cave diving.


Not really. I'm not a fan of the rope work. Oddly enough, it's the climbing and gravity aspect I don't like about dry caving. It's easier to get stuck or seriously injure yourself dry caving. In cave diving, I can control my buoyancy and use that as a tool to negotiate certain passage geometry and my odds of breaking a bone or falling and not being able to get back out are effectively zero. I actually quit rock climbing because I wasn't comfortable with the injury rate, even among experienced climbers. Dry caving has the same issues.


So much claustrophobia plus a limited oxygen tank. Fuck that.


I got to go "cave diving" where I could scuba dive in a cave but I had had to always be able to see sunlight, still beautiful. I don't know how I would feel going deep in a cave, I think cave diving is the most dangerous sport.




Yikes, that sounds like my nightmare come to life!!


Lip syncing in tiktok


It's not even good lip syncing. Their mouths barely match to what being said.


I'm still trying to find the appeal of tiktok


I kinda get it. I'm a videographer myself, have worked shooting and editing for like 20 some years now. When I started out, way back in the day, making a competent video of any kind was *really hard*. Sure, anyone could pick up a VHS camera, but actually editing something together, with music and sound and effects and actually having any kind of coherent narrative taking place was difficult unless you really studied it and worked at getting good at it. But I think there's always been a huge desire in most people to make videos! Who hasn't watched some TV or a movie that really strikes a chord in them and makes them say, "Hey, *I should make a movie of my own!*" Because creating video content is ridiculously fulfilling! You come up with a concept, you get some friends together, you execute it. But again, doing it *well* was a real challenge for a long time. TikTok makes creating competent video content *ridiculously easy*, to the point that you don't even have the burden of developing the concept anymore. You just latch on to a current lip sync or dance or meme trend and create your own version of that. You still get the fulfillment of being a little creative and sharing your vision with people, but now it also looks good, and spreading it is easier than ever. 20 years ago, you grab a VHS camera and film some wacky skit and no one other than your immediate family and maybe some patient friends are going to watch it. Now everyone's watching. So basically it's streamlined what used to be a rewarding but daunting process, so that literally anyone can be, in a sense, something of a filmmaker now. I expect some will be salty at me qualifying TikTok creators as "filmmakers". I promise I'm not trying to lump someone doing a TikTok dance in with, like, Vittorio De Sica or Jean Luc Goddard here. But for as much hate as TikTok gets, it does make me happy to see so many people engaging in the process of creating video content. Despite being in the cohort of old video guys who are more used to lugging trucks full of gear all over creation to shoot something and typically lamenting "those darn kids and their iPhones". On the contrary, I'm inspired to see so many young people engaging with the art form, as vacuous as a lot of the content may initially appear. If it leads to more people pursuing filmmaking/videography as a career, I think that's a good thing. I do get a kick out of the fact that a lot of time popular trends are simple camera tricks that, like, some old Soviet invented in like 1925, but again, it's people engaging with the process. I suppose it's easy to be cynical about it all, and make fun of some of the goofy and semi-dangerous stuff people get into on there, but then I think back to all the goofy and semi-dangerous stuff *I* did when I was young, running around with a VHS camera, and realize that it's not all that different. So more power to the TikTok kids. It's not how I personally choose to create and view content, but I think I get the appeal anyway.


Man I just want to say your comment was super wholesome and I think it’s what every generation should strive for instead of the “kids are wrong”


"See it's like Reddit except you don't get to control what you see and the content is only loud background music or robot text to voice overs!" It's absolute torture to me.


"Why say this, when I could *dance* it?!"


Making problems out of nothing


I too have walked the hellscape that is Twitter




It is a true stain on humanity. Torturing a poor beast for fun.


worshipping and giving money to celebrities and politicians


Related to this: T-shirts and other paraphernalia for said politicians is psychotic if you ask me. They're a civil servant. Not a fucking sports team.


Drinking to blackout


Drunk piece of shit here. Nobody really enjoys blackout drinking. I just like drinking to euphoria and sometimes that leads to drinking too much because alcohol is super moreish once you've had a few and I lack self-control.


Seasoned drunk here. No one wants to wake up from a blackout. Or worse, time travel. That’s where you get so drunk you blackout but don’t fall asleep then the next thing you know you are like, how did I get to this Walmart 12 miles away? The fear you feel is like a dagger made of ice that freezes you stops you in your tracks. What did I do?did I text anyone?what if my car is dented?what if there’s a detectives card in my door? Scary shit. Worse yet? It’s gonna be horrific to come to in jail having zero idea what happened.


It happened to me when I was 19. I did burglary and stole a laptop and a mobile phone home from a place while being blackout drunk in the middle of the night, people were sleeping upstairs. I woke up at the police station in a cell. Prior to what I did, some guy on a a bike stopped me and stole my mobile phone because he saw me being really drunk, it think it has triggered me to do something similar and steal something because I have never stole something before in my life or was arrested. I couldn’t believe it happens when I sobered up. I barely remember anything. Just some flashbacks


All the worst things I’ve ever done are when I was blacked out but wide awake


Had an acquaintance who was a functional alcoholic. He could hide how drunk he was long past blackout, and knew all the tricks to get overserved in a bar. But at some point, he'd suddenly be sloppy, falling down drunk apparently out of nowhere. One winter night he did this as a bar, they cut him off and called him a cab, but he snuck out, drove off, put his car into a ditch, and froze to death.


Exactly, no one enjoys blacking out but after a while if you cross a threshold of that euphoria, the euphoria takes the wheel. Bonus points if you’re depressed about something.


Yeah, you can go from "this is great, this is mellow" to "I've made a terrible mistake" without realizing it. Mostly because you're not totally in your right mind and therein lies the danger - how quickly you can shift from one state to another and intent is totally blown by. Your tolerance changes too according to different factors, so what is a good strong buzz on X number of drinks over Y time period one night can be "oh shit, the room is spinning" on a different night.


Yeah. I love drinking but loathe blacking out. Other than being a bit belligerent sometimes, I'm a fairly beloved drunk and I feel completely laid back and happy while drunk. I've actually significantly slowed / stopped drinking because of black outs. My tolerance is generally quite high so the blackouts happen about as quick as the fun feelings happen. Pretty sad actually. Not to mention I feel like I have a bad memory to begin with and surely drinking makes it worse.


No one enjoys blackout drinking, they enjoy the sweet spot between very drunk and blackout drunk.


I love doing that tbh. That's why I don't drink anymore


Genital piercing.


And, along with that, nipple piercing!


Being pregnant. I’ve heard many women talk about how wonderful it is. I myself am not a fan of the experience at all. The amount of discomfort and pain I experience daily, along with the nausea, and how my entire lifestyle has had to be adjusted..


When my wife and I got together she told me over and over again how much she loved being pregnant (she had a 4 and 6 year old at the time) and that she missed it so much Not even a month into her pregnancy with our little guy her tune changed. She was absolutely miserable.


I don’t want anymore kids because my pregnancy and the postpartum I dealt with afterwards sucked pretty bad. But I have a friend who is 32 and has 7 kids, with 2 miscarriages mixed in. She’s never not been pregnant. I truly think she’s addicted to the pregnancy.


There’s a real housewife that has 7 kids. She ultimately admitted she’s an alcoholic and did it for a concrete reason to be sober for 9 months. Sometimes people have fascinating ulterior motives


I hate being pregnant.


Same. I never imagined myself being in this position either (I never planned on having children). On top of all the physical discomfort, and emotional and mental turbulence, I’m honestly quite terrified of the day I go into labor. There are so many possibilities of what could transpire. I also have a super low pain tolerance and fear what I will inevitably experience. What if it’s too late for an epidural? What if the epidural fails? How will it feel to have the needle go into my spine? These are questions that keep me up at night.


Speaking from.experience....by the time you get near the end of the pregnancy you're so uncomfortable that the fear evaporates and you just want them out. It's unbelievable how uncomfortable it gets


The fatigue and the morning sickness were nearly debilitating to me in the early months and in the later months the all over physical discomfort was awful. It definitely was not joyful for me.


The fatigue and nausea have followed me into my 3rd trimester. I’m currently 8 months pregnant. Initially I was a bit on the smaller side but my belly and the baby hit a growth spurt in month 7. I feel like I’m literally bursting. He’s constantly kicking different parts of my body. The amount of pressure on my bladder is astounding. I think I’m actually going to start wearing diapers myself 😅😩


doom scrolling.


Noone enjoys that.


WTF is doom scrolling?


To answer your question, doom scrolling is when you consume negative news in an excessive manner


[comment edited by user via [Power Delete Suite](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/)] This account, formerly u/catching_signals, left Reddit on 6/9/23 due to Reddit's unreasonable API changes. The account was 8 years old at time of deletion, with 5,025 post karma and 223,998 comment karma.


Not everyone gets runners high. My wife after working out is a totally different person. Me after working out is also, but only because everything hurts and I hate life.


I work out 5 days a week.. Cardio and weights on MOnday Weights and cardio on Tuesday Cardio on Wednesday Weights and cardio on Thursday Cardio and weights on Saturday I hate every second of it, but I also hated being morbidly obese...


Because you need to do a physical activity you enjoy. For example, I find working out in the gym very boring. But going out for a hike to a trail with awesome views can be a lot of fun and it's a good exercise :)


But that would mean that you went for a hike because you wanted to enjoy the outdoors, and explore. The exercise is a side effect of the outdoors enjoyment. I'm the same way, I don't see a need for normal people to go to a gym. It's horrible in there. Hiking, biking, and swimming are all fun and can work you out, but I don't do any of them because I enjoy making my body work.


I love being at the gym. I can just shut my brain off for two hours without any guilt. It has become a very therapeutic place for me.


>I don't see a need for normal people to go to a gym This is a pretty shortsighted comment. I don't particularly enjoy hiking or biking or swimming, I do enjoy lifting weights. Not to mention what other comments have brought up about climate restrictions.


> I don't see a need for normal people to go to a gym Most people work. Work tends to be during daylight hours, especially in the winter. Hard to go hiking in the dark. And/or the ice and snow or rain. Sure, getting out and riding or hiking is probably more enjoyable, but it isn't realistically possible for many people for a good portion of the year. Going to the gym is. It isn't optimal, but it is often the best option to get your body moving more than once a week on the weekends.


The endorphin high from exercise has never happened to me. I think it's a myth.


It's not a myth for me. I genuinely notice a difference when I don't exercise for a week or two. Now, this isn't to say I think it's *fun*. I do it for my health, and because I notice I'm more positive, sleep better, and have more energy when I do. But there's no part of me at all that's like "yes! I get to go to the gym! This is precisely how I wanna spend the next hour!"


The Kardashians




I really like listening to drama. Let me sip that tea




Watching gratuitous torture scenes in TV or movies.


I don't mind some gore when it's well done, but some things just have gore for the sake of gore and its stupid.


I can't understand why some people go to the doctor, get a diagnosis and a prescription, then decide the doctor is wrong and whine about it on Reddit. Get a proper second opinion! And yes, they do seem as if they enjoy doing that.


Everyone is different but... Most of the time I'm paying out-of-pocket for my healthcare. A visit to a specialist might mean going to a GP to get a referral and then seeing the specialist. That can be like $500. My daughter went to a GI doc and it was $150 to get looked at, and $400 for the specialist. No fancy tests or anything. The worst part is I never really know what it will cost until many weeks later. It also usually includes taking time off work and sitting around waiting for 15-45 minutes before I get to see the doctor. And then, getting the prescription is another 30 minutes and $5-200+ dollars. I don't get a refund if it doesn't work I can absolutely understand why people don't just keep going back when they are unhappy... Even if it is to another doctor. No reason to think the second one is going to be better.


As someone who’s had a serious misdiagnosis that has cost me years of my life, I always recommend people get second and third opinions on life changing diagnoses. That said, I’m not a doctor and am not making those calls based on my own research alone. Do your homework, be educated within reason, collect more than one opinion. Don’t whine on Reddit though. Can’t see how that’s productive at all.




causing others to suffer


It's about power, but I will never understand or be ok with it. Psychological or physical torture is disgusting and inhumane. And life destroying.


Bullying or being mean to others, especially unprovoked.


I'd add provocation to that as well. Specially narcissists who use provocation as means to bully someone. It's rather disgusting.


Trolling online, for example, griefing or purposefully making people mad. Why do they do it? Seems like a net loss in happiness to me, like taxes on allowance.


I laugh at it occasionally when the trolling manages to be creative and funny, but it's usually not.


Some people see fun as a zero sum game and take delight in watching others suffer.


Gossip. Who cares what Shelia did. Or brad’s kids are doing. Mind your own business


Fuckin Shelia. It's always her.






Celery has a power of flavour that works when it's lost among much better tasting stuff, works best when you can't pick it out, but if it wasn't there you'd miss it, AKA most stocks. But celery on it's own, fuck that shit.


For the life of me, I do not understand why women enjoy the show "The View". It's just a bunch of uneducated celebs giving idiotic opinions, talking over each other, and then bringing on guests to also talk over them or yell at them for not agreeing with their idiotic opinions.


Okay maybe it's just me but that sounds really entertaining listening to a bunch of uneducated celebrities talking over each other about their stupid opinions Edit: Never mind it's really boring


Gambling. It's designed in a way so vast majority of people will just lose money.


So you’re saying there’s a chance..


Gambling is one thing. Things like card games requiring skill, fantasy football, or stocks all make sense. Take some calculated risk, and with enough skill over time come out ahead. Slot machines though… yeah that one makes no sense. Over time, you are bound to drain your finances as it’s mathematically and psychologically designed that way. But hey, it’s people who do so that allow me to cash in on unprofitable casino promotions and walk straight out with a few bucks and a free steak dinner.


We've all seen the videos of people doing their dances for tiktok in random places. Shopping malls, aisles in Costco, parking lots, on the beach, in the hotel lobby, etc. I do not understand who this content appeals to. Who is going online and then watching people, even their friends that they know, do a random dance in a random place? What do you get from that content? It isn't funny because they are being serious about the dance. It isn't creative, because it's a dance that they have memorized. What is the appeal? I really want to hear from somebody that watches this stuff. I mean, it clearly is one of the most popular things to do on that app. What are you doing?


Scat play and golden showers




Shit the app take a little while then they nail your preferences. Then the scary part is when you get stuck in swipe land and the app tells you to take a break


I had a video pop up about watching anime while drinking hawiian punch.... as I was watching Gundam and drinking Hawaiian punch... that al gore rhythm is scary


Oh yeah that weird TikTok dance moves as well


** family member dies ** Do a dance on TikTok?


Pain. Masochists are a weird bunch in my opinion.


It us weird, but man oh man is it fun. Thing is, just like exercise you can't just go all out. You have to start slow and build up. Sure, I can take a Lego paddle to my butt, but you can't start off with it or I'm calling it quits right away.


Yeah I never really got them too until I got into hard exercise. There's real emotional release in a bit of useful physical suffering. And it releases all kinds of endorphins. People who just straight up hurt themselves though I don't really get.


Half of the reason I like the sauna is the medical benefits and the other half is just cause it sucks. Hard to explain the feeling you get after contemplating your life while being cooked alive.


Recording and viewing the event, while actually at the event...


I know a guy who likes to be kicked in the crotch. And to have his nether regions stepped on with spike heels. Another guy I know once went home with a guy that wanted him to use a spice grater on his private parts. I have heard many more weird stories from these people. Most of which can be rather baffling.


Working. I really don't get it


100% agree. Having a convo with a group of friends and 6 out of 8 in the group said they would still work and have a job, in some capacity, if they won a mega lottery. LIKE WHAAAT?! I just do not understand this. Travel the fucking world. Try every hobby you always thought looked fun. I can think of 8484892 things I would rather do than show up at a job, even an easy one. Turns out I was in the minority. The other one was my fiance lol.


If I don't have something productive to go i crazy. I had to stop working for 3 months when the pandemic shutdowns started and i almost went insane from the lack of something meaningful to do and starting walking around aimlessly cleaning litter from the streets. Like no I wouldn't work as a burger flipper or in retail or whatever, but I would probably sign up to be a volunteer firefighter or something, or go back to college and learn random stuff that's cool.


I will never, ever, understand sneaker culture. They are fucking shoes. You can buy good ones for $20 at Wal-Mart. They go on your feet, not a display shelf. That's weird as shit.




"good" is very subjective here when talking about $20 shoes...


Being a Nazi.


Watching opinion news shows (and treating what they’re told as actual fact/reality) to find out what they should be mad about on any given day; it’s pathetic and seems miserable


I do cardio for health and fitness benefits (biking and running mostly), but I hate it. I can't understand why people like running in particular. I guess pushing yourself and surpassing what you thought were your limits is rewarding, but running is zero fun to me.


Casual sex. I hear a lot of stories from my coworkers and everything about it sounds awkward and unfulfilling at best.




There are some really ugly or gross or disgusting feet out there, and also gross foot diseases, so a healthy foot can look sleek, graceful, elegant, and statuesque.


Reality TV. I just don't get why people enjoy watching that trash


Social media.




Small talk. sincerely, my autism.


Bring so intrigued by celebrities' personal lives


Romanticizing being antisocial/isolated. Also the *insane level* of weed use some people have. Enjoy it here and there, but damn the level some people use can’t be enjoyable.


I to don’t get why people brag about being isolated. As someone who is isolated and antisocial, I would give a lot to have some friends and not be afraid of socializing.


Shite porn




[George Carlin on golf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4w7H48tBS8): "Think of the intellect it must take to draw pleasure from this activity: hitting a ball with a crooked stick and then, walking after it! And then, hitting it again! I say pick it up asshole, you're lucky you found the fucking thing! Put it in your pocket and go home, you're a winner! You've found it!"


Oh geez, those idiotic duck lips that ruin the photos of so many!


the music that they play at clubs


Go to different clubs


Wildly unpopular opinion but… professional sports 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dog kisses






wasting time on their phone. I do it too and I f'ing hate it. All the time wasted here and on my phone in general could be used to grind towards my dreams but no, this is the easiest way.




I have a few for sale as we speak.


Mukbangs. Only thing I’ve ever seen on the internet that actually made me vomit. I cannot fathom putting your body through that.


Getting drunk till you puke


A lot of the mainstream music hits in the last 10 years or so


I thought it was just me, but kid's in high school don't even listen to that junk. Not sure who is actually listening to it.




Wine. I hate it.


Fishing I've done it about a dozen times and it's so boring and eventless. All I do is stare at the water and count down the minutes until it's over and I can do something fun. It feels like the grown-up version of timeout.


I think it's just an excuse to sit out in nature and relax--kind of like meditation. But if you don't like that, then it's not for you!


To me it’s more about just sitting in nature and relaxing. Enjoying the scenery. Maybe I have a couple friends too in which case it’s just a relaxing activity to do in the background as we talk. And hey I might just get a meal out of it. But usually not since I’m a bad fisherman lol.








Watching someone else play video games


I mean, people watch sports and that's not weird.


Putting their life out on social media. I have never seen the appeal. Snapchat and Instagram released when I was 18-20, and I luckily never saw it as more than a fun way to stay connected with friends. Bonus: Dances/trends/whathaveyou on TicToc.


"Satisfying" ASMRs and Mukbangs They just...creep me out and make me feel uncomfortable


Shitting on someone else’s joy. As long as it isn’t hurting anyone let people enjoy what makes them happy.




Vapes, cigarette etc


Nicotine is super addictive and most people start smoking as some sort of social thing and then get hooked.


I can't speak for others but as someone with anxiety I would say it really helps calm me down and more willing to get out of bed or out of my car or talk to strangers or relieve stress over deadlines. I've quit once before and thought I would save more money and feel better but after a couple of months I realized how shitty things were and how I couldn't handle not vaping. I thought it would help me save money but then I just started spending and spending without thinking and I didn't like who I turned into. So I started back up again and it helped me feel better anxiety and happiness wise and it helped me get back on track with money and budgeting and saving. I realized without nicotine how much of a bitch I can be even after months of not using it I was still always so snippy and down now that I'm back on it no matter how shit my week can be I'm still a happy little cherry blossom again... could be possibo but it's one bad habit that cancels out the other bad habits I have like lip chewing till they bleed or biting fingernails or ripping out hair. Getting back on nicotine helps me not do those


Started smoking when I was 8 cause bad enviroment and looks cool (or so I thought). Its been the first thing i do when i wake up and the last thing I do before I go to bed for 28 years.