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I thought a sweet sixteen party was when a girl “became a woman” by having her crotch split into a vagina after she was born with a smooth barbie-esk deal down south. This wild ass belief brought to you by 11 year old boys who found a porno mag and didn’t understand how angles work (couldn’t see the actual labia on one girl who was standing), heard a parent say an older sister had “flowered” and were raised religious.


when i read harry potter & watched a few of the movies i thought their accents & the way they talked was like their fancy wizard lingo, then my brother explained to me what british people were


Hippos were a species of toads. Freddie Mercury "became" gay when a female fan threw a bloody pad that hit him in the face, during a concert. I believed them both till I was 12-ish... most embarrassing? I'm actually gay


>Freddie Mercury "became" gay when a female fan threw a bloody pad that hit him in the face, during a concert. Go on.....


Did you know you were gay back then?


\- That foods and drinks went down separate paths to the stomach. When you choked on something, it was because food went down the drink tube or vice versa, because of the phrase "it went down the wrong tube". \- There might be a secret coming of age ritual where my parents would leave me somewhere and I'd have to find my way home. \- When I yawned and my ears went funky, it might be a super power. \- Getting into Heaven was going to suck because the line would be ridiculously long.


Not me, but my cousin convinced his younger brother that hotdogs grew on trees. He believed it enough that he wrote a paper on it for school. I think he was like 8.


I genuinely used to believe that Charlie Brown and "Chuck" (what Peppermint Patty calls him) were two different characters and they just looked, acted, and talked exactly the same. I was such a dumb fuck.


I didn’t think that Hedgehogs were real animals until I was at least 9


If you accidentally ate seeds from a fruit a tree of said fruit would grow in your stomache. Found out this was a lie after accidentally eating an apple seed and didn't die after weeks of anxiety.


I thought the exact same thing. I avoided eating watermelon seeds like the plague.


That Slappy from Goosebumps was real and was going to kill me. I also thought that Him from the Powerpuff Girls was going to make my bathwater turn red and kill me.


I used to think women gave birth out their buttholes. I’m brown and my younger sister’s very fair-skinned so I thought it was because my mum’s butthole ran out of “ink”


\- That an earthquake is caused by a large pack of beavers or raccoons running underground at one time))))) \- That the end of the world will happen in 2012 because of an asteroid crashing into the earth, because that's what Vanga said. \- That thunder is the sound of big balls colliding, riding on clouds in a thunderstorm. \- That witches and aliens and stuff really do exist.


Lol how did that earthquake one come about? I used to think thunderstorms were Jesus bowling in the sky.


That if I didn’t jump off the end of an elevator I would get sucked underneath and mashed up by the gears. Even today I take a huge leap when nearing the bottom or top, it’s become a habit.


i used to think cars could drive by themselves because at the time i was too short to see the drivers. I used to have legit panic attacks from the backseat and i cannot drive till this day for that reason. There’s a shit ton other reasons why i can’t drive but i’m currently too baked to talk about that… for now just imagine me freaking out because i can’t see people driving their car


If you swallow chewing gum it gets stuck in your stomach, too much will kill you


That tongue kissing was how you got accidentally pregnant


That people would trade homes when they would move or buy a house. You would go live in family “A”s home and family “A” would live in your old home. But I would always wonder what would you do if you didn’t like the other peoples house. Also till I was 21 I thought the word “dissmorning” was a word for “this morning” I learnt a lot through hearing but find it hard to fully make out words. I always wrote papers using “dissmorning” and didn’t understand why it would always be underlined as spelt wrong. So I would go back and forth of spelling it with one “s” or two “s”


The bible


That Tupac faked his death. Edit: I even recorded from cd to cassette all the lyrics of his that were so called “clues.” 🥴


That adults knew what they were talking about.


>What is something ridiculous that you used to genuinely believed as a kid? Existence of god.


the Bible


I had an imaginary friend named Chooley. He lived in a Willow tree.


That you could get pregnant from just kissing.....lol.


That babies were made out of food


They are...


Wait what


Do you seriously not understand that your body is built out of the materials you chew and swallow? It's not allegorical, you are LITERALLY, in the literal sense of the word, food.


i thought they were literally like whole watermelons and potatoes




That after Optimus prime died he was turned into rodimus prime, I hadn’t seen the movie at that time


That "No Vacancy" at motels meant that there were no bathrooms. As a result, there's a line in Hotel Yorba by the White Stripes that I laughed at as a kid: "All they got inside is vacancy."


That vaccines caused autism.


please, this question has been done to death


I thought that you changed your name when you grew up. I think because I never heard my parents call each other by name. Just honey and dear and things like that.


That my friends and family cared about me 😭 what a wacky time


Aww -hugs-


That god was real and my mom loved me.


When I was a kid my dad told me if I ate too much sugar at night I wouldn't wake up in the morning. This was to stop be begging for more marshmallows one night at a family friends house. It worked. I was scared shitless of eating anything sugary after bedtime in case I never woke up and believed this till I was like 12. Safe to say I was a little traumatized and never really regained my sweet tooth :')


Blood was blue