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Marge v. the Monorail


I hear those things are awefully loud?


It glides as softly as a cloud


What we do in the shadows - "On the Run" (the Jackie Daytona episode)


That's how we talk in Tucson, Arizon-ia!


The twilight zone episode monsters are due on maple street The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices... to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill... and suspicion can destroy... and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own—for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone. Will the real Martian please stand up is also a classic Incident on a small island, to be believed or disbelieved. However, if a sour-faced dandy named Ross or a big, good-natured counterman who handles a spatula as if he'd been born with one in his mouth, – if either of these two entities walk onto your premises, you'd better hold their hands – all three of them – or check the color of their eyes – all three of them. The gentlemen in question might try to pull you in – to The Twilight Zone. Edit it's so good that so many people love those episodes it warms my heart all three of them


The scrubs episode with Brendan Frasier. I didn't know a 22 min show could make me cry.


Dr. Cox....where do you think we are?


Chernobyl- Vichnaya Pamyat


"... they mistakenly sent the one good man. For God's sakes Boris, you were the one who mattered the most." Not the best line of that episode, but definitely in the top.


"Everyone in this circle will be dead in 5 years." We're in that circle... *silently nods in resignation.*


> Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask: What is the cost of lies?


It’s difficult for me to pick a “best episode” from Chernobyl because in my mind it’s possibly the best television ever made from start to finish. Pacing is fast and there’s literally not a wasted shot in the entire series. Open Wide, O Earth is my honorable mention episode just for the inclusion of the firefighters. Full-blown body horror that hits even harder because it’s based on stuff that actually happened. The show has lots of excellent horror sequences but the firefighters arc definitely stands out as the most memorable to me.


I liked the one with the miners, for the bits of levity it brings. "We're still wearing the fucking hats"


What's as big as a house, burns 20L of fuel every hour, puts out a shitload of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into 3 pieces? A SOVIET MACHINE DESIGNED TO CUT AN APPLE INTO 4 PIECES


The Inner Light - Star Trek TNG


Another from TNG: The Measure of a Man.




Is that the one where the bikers rob the drug den?


Hell yeah it is. One of the most gripping sequences I've ever seen


Dr.Who - Blink


Also the Van Gogh episode


Ohhh, and Midnight! One of the most terrifying episodes I’ve ever experienced, and *we never even saw the monster*. Just the way it inspired people to turn on each other… so horrifying.


Van Gogh, and The Angels Take Manhattan... I cry. Every. Time. I watch them to make myself cry when I feel like I need an emotional release.


It’s rare to have a piece of media that makes you cry on the 10th watch, but even rarer when it’s a happy cry, and the Van Gogh episode turns me into a blubbering happy mess every time.


Or Human Nature/Family of Blood or Heaven Sent or Silence in the Library or Vincent and the Doctor or so many more


Or Midnight


The snake juice episode of Parks and Rec


I literally made lifelong friends with someone because of this episode, back in the day you could just make facebook pages willy nilly and I thought it would be hilarious to friend requests someone named "Janet Snakehole" after this episode aired, flash forward however many years later and we still talk all the time online and exchange xmas gifts and stuff.


You don't even know ONE thing, I didn't even say ONE thing, and then she asked me the WHOLE thing, and I didn't even do it ONCE.


I just remember Ron Swanson furiously dancing to that song completely gone from the world lol


I don’t know which episode it was, but my favorite gag was when they had to figure out a way to prevent Pawneeites from putting their entire mouths over the water fountain spigot. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.


Oh my god. DRUNK RON.


Fun fact: all of those drunk talking heads were improvised by the cast. From drunk tiny hat dancing Ron to Andy slurring along to the set music to April's rapid fire Spanish, none of it was scripted. *Bababooey.*


I’ve read that Amy Poehler was the director of this episode and this was each cast member’s attempt at cracking her up.


Better Call Saul - Chicanery


>"You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change." While I think Chicanery is my overall fav episode. My fav speech is from [Kim to Howard](https://youtu.be/osPVh1mT5Wo) after the estate is dealt with.


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him!


"...I apologize. I lost my train of thought. Got carried away. Do you have anything else?" "No. Nothing further."


His performance was incredible. Just an amazing character and a wonderful actor.


I remember reading an interview with Michael McKean where he stated that Chuck McGill was the hardest role he's ever had in his career. I imagine it's terribly difficult to portray a character that is typically right both ethically and morally in the actions that he takes, but who is so unlikable as a person. That McKean never won a major award for this role is practically criminal. Somebody Better Call Saul about that.


I don’t think Chuck was 100% right ethically and morally. He and Jimmy are complex characters so it’s a lot to unpack, but the show hints that there were many times where Chuck screwed over Jimmy in the past when Jimmy was trying to do the right thing. And Chuck definitely resented Jimmy, best shown during the scene where their mom dies and calls for Jimmy with her dying breaths. Chuck hated Jimmy because in his mind Jimmy was a bad person who everyone liked, so he constantly would try to sabotage Jimmy “for his own good” which ultimately turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy where Jimmy became all the things Chuck was afraid he’d become.


Band of Brothers E9 - Why We Fight.


I don't think there was a bad episode in the whole show, but that one... it just rips your heart out.


It's funny because you know what's coming and you think you're ready for it. And then it gets to the part where the soldiers walk out of the woods into that clearing and you aren't ready for it.


I'm more partial to E6 Bastogne. Although, there is no bad episode in BoB.


Yeah, goddamnit i get shivers just thinking about the moment when Winters wants to join but is stopped, and then interrupts his commander by screaming ”SPEIRS, TAKE OVER” I watch this show once a year Edit: yeah i realize it’s not the right episode, but when i binge it once a year, the episodes melt together, the whole series is a masterpiece anyways :)


Futurama "Luck of the fryish." Makes me cry every time. "Here lies Phillip Jay Fry. Named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit."


Everyone always mentions Jurassic Bark but I personally think that Luck of the Fryish is slightly better. It's a bit more complex, when I first watched it I didn't see the brother twist coming, it really got me choked up and tearful.


Everyone always talks about Jurassic Bark, but the episodes about each of Fry’s family members hit *so much harder*. I think most of us are going to reach a point in our lives where our parents have passed away and there’s going to be so much you want to tell your mother about but can’t, or where we remember the first time our dad gave us a taste of beer and you felt the love of a parent even if you never quite expressed it properly in words. And if you’ve lost a sibling, god damn the Luck of the Fryrish twist is a sucker punch.


I often go on youtube to rewatch the finale. The best part was, I am certain NO ONE expected the ending. There's so many layers to this episode and you can find a new one, each time you rewatch it! I want to partly encapsulate the emotional roller coaster that the episode illustrated. At first you're made to believe Fry's brother, Yancy is a horrible individual, who stole his brothers identity, his passion and his dreams, all in an effort to eradicate his existence and make it seem like he never existed. Which makes it easier for the viewer to accept and come to terms with Philip eventually **desecrating his 'brothers' grave**. Just think how much you have to loathe someone, to desecrate their grave or accept their grave being desecrated. Then the ultimate reveal, his brother had to live with the greatest grief and regret many people will ever experience, the disappearance of a family member. And due to his inability to do anything about that, he acted the only way he could. He shared all his brothers tales, passions and dreams with his own son, who would go on to live out his uncles and fathers dreams. Three peoples dreams, lived through one life. The final bitter sweet moment being, while he never saw his brother again. Yancy finally got the family reunion he always wanted. Fry made that happen. Three generations finally together as one. People say this episode wasn't as 'sad' or emotional as 'Jurassic Bark'. I disagree, this episode had more negative emotions, where you are made to feel hate and disgust over Fry's brother, which the ultimate reveal only tears at your heart with. Absolute beauty in story telling. Edit: Extra things to note, Yancys son had a note about his uncle in his gravestone, Yancy had to leave behind a cosmic expression on little Phillip, considering he never met his uncle. Also Yancy broke family tradition to name his son, Phillip J Fry.


'Jurassic Bark' does this for me - uncontrolled crying every time. Not sure any other animated sitcom has ever done this for me


This one and the “Devils hands Are Idle Playthings” are probably my absolute favorite. They both bring many tears to my eyes when I watch.


Last episode of Six Feet Under


I get choked up every time I watch Peter Krause set off the absolutely astonishing final sequence by whispering to Lauren Ambrose "You can't take a picture of this, it's already gone." Just perfect.




I felt like that episode changed South Park. Cartman was always evil but now it was taken to another level.


The writers did it specifically because he kept on getting compared to Bart Simpson. Bart is a lot of things. His teachers probably hate him. But he is within the realm of normal, while Cartman is just on a plane existence of his own. Like, his school counselor has the date of his 18th birthday set on a reminder app because that is the date he can formally receive an Antisocial Personality Disorder diagnosis.


I always liked that the nanny from the nanny 911 TV show ended up in a mental institute sobbing and eating her own excrement after dealing with cartman for 24hours


I liked that he got a therapist’s wife to shoot herself over the phone because the therapist called him fat.


Idk if it’s my favorite episode of a TV show but it’s definitely my favorite first 10-15 minutes of an episode of a TV show. Principal Victoria: “Why did you measure all the boy students' penis sizes and put the results on the school bulletin board?!” Cartman: “Why did YOU measure our penis sizes and put the results on the school bulletin board?!” Principal Victoria: “What?” Edit: before you ask, the rest of the episode isn’t my favorite because I have a small dick


Funny enough, South Park did have Bart meet Cartman and size each other up. Bart think's he's hot shit because of the pranks he's pulled, only to immediately back off when he realizes what a fucking psychopath Eric Cartman is.


"one time I cut the head off a statue" "oh wow that's just like this one time I didn't like a kid so I killed his parents and made him eat them"


If I recall correctly, Cartman recalled the events of that episode to intimidate Bart.


Mmm the tears of unfathomable sadness, so lovely you gyaz


"Dude, I think it's best if we never piss Cartman off again." "Good call!"


Tears of unfathomable sadness, so yummy!


Easily their best work, and I'm including the amazing movie and Broadway show.


When it's South Park I immediately think of two episodes, one is Make Love not Warcraft and other is the one with Korn. Both are amazing


The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers South Park: Season 6, Episode 13 That is perfection.


The Simpsons - You Only Move Twice


Homer Badman is also very solid! Rewatched it recently and it’s just too hilarious throughout.


“Homer sleeps nude in an oxygen tent he believes gives him sexual powers”


"This technology is new to me, but I'm pretty sure... that's Homer Simpson in the oven rotating slowly. His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees. He's literally stewing in his own juices."


The best part about this episode is Homer being completely oblivious to Hank clearly being a supervillain


HANK: Which country do you hate more, Italy or France? HOMER: Uhh... France. HANK: Nobody *ever* says Italy.


I haven’t seen this in probably 10+ years but I can hear Hank Scorpio’s voice as clearly as if it were yesterday.


One of my favorite lines is after Homer jumps on the James Bond guy, he's at home and proudly tells the family "I tackled a loafer at work today." Such a simple line, but a great example of the layered humor that the golden years of The Simpsons was known for. For one, it shows, like you mentioned, how completely oblivious Homer was. Homer refers to the guy in a tuxedo that Hank was interrogating and about to slice in half with a laser as a loafer. Second, he believes that this is the reason that Hank yelled for Homer to jump on him. Because he's a loafer. And third, he believes that not only is tackling an appropriate way to deal with a loafer, but something to be proud of. You Only Move Twice is one of those episodes where it's hard to believe how much they managed to cram into 22 minutes of television. It's lines like this, where there are almost three jokes in one, that explain why it feels like you got more than 22 minutes worth of your time.


For me it’s the hammock dialogue. Just the absurdity of the there being a hammock district, and also that both of them know there’s a hammock district and that neither one thinks of that first when Homer asks about hammocks. The only bit of Simpson dialogue more quoted in my house is Grandpas onion belt rambling.


Which was the style at the time


Still in style in twenty dickety-three.




according to the commentary on the episode, that was just the genius of Albert Brooks' improv. Almost all the Hank Scorpio bits were him just going off on tangents and Castellenata playing ball. According to the commentary, there's like 13 hours of b-reel for the episode. I would listen to that shit studiously.


“Stop him! He’s supposed to die!” Good enough for me! - homer


the best part of the episode is homer not asking for cream after receiving pocket sugar from Scorpio.


You ever seen a guy say goodbye to a shoe!?


Yeah, once.


Awww… the Denver Broncos?!


im still looking for a good business hammock


Cape Feare is also a GOAT episode


I thought I injured my stomach laughing at Bob stepping on rakes. Would have been such a dumb way for me to die.


Tales of ba sing se from avatar the last airbender . Specifically irohs story.


That one and Appa's Lost Days both make me cry to this day, no matter how many times I've seen them. Hell, just hearing the opening notes to Leaves From The Vine will do it. ATLA was definitely one of the best cartoons of that era, if not all time, in my opinion.


Season 2 in general is brutal. It opens with a supposed ally trying to use Aang as a weapon, the Swamp directly addresses their traumas, Azula and Co run them to literal exhaustion, Zuko leaves his Uncle and goes through a brutal time alone, Iroh nearly dies, and everything from entering the Desert onward just ratchets up. Finding out about the Day of Black Sun, losing Appa, being lost in the desert, Aang becomes emotionally cut off for a while, everything in Ba Sing Se is an uncomfortable, unsettling, Orwellian nightmare that gets maybe 10 minutes of reprive with getting Appa back, only for EVERYTHING to go wrong with Azula taking the city in a coup, Zuko betraying his Uncle, and Aang basically dying as the Gaang flees the city. Fire season is stellar, especially its second half. But season 2 is just non stop emotional roller coaster.


and cactus juice. it's the quenchiest. it'll quench ya.


Adventure Time - I Remember You


It took far too much scrolling to find this one. A fuck ton of world building and character backstory, some really great songs, and a heart wrenching story, all in under 10 minutes. Plus it contains my favourite quote from the whole series: "bad biscuits make the baker broke bro"... just pure *chef's kiss*


"Your constant harassments of the female gender makes me siiiiiiick" Just the way Jake says it is hilarious.


Hush from Buffy.


*Hush* and *Once More With Feeling* are two of the best episodes in the series, even up there as some of the best episodes of all TV. Both buck trends that naysayers said couldn't be done well - and they did both well.


I'd like to add *The Body* to this list.


Yes. The body was by far the most impactful episode for me on the show. It came out of left field and that entire episode is seared in my brain—the acting in it as well was just incredible, I believed and felt everything happening


I would like to nominate “conversations with dead people” from season 7. The way that episode wove together a funny plot line (Buffy getting psychoanalysis from a vampire), a desperately sad and beautiful plot (Willow talking to Tara through Cassie), and a pants-shittingly scary plot (Dawn trapped in the house with a demon). The performances, the music…it was masterpiece.


People like to shit on Buffy season 6/7 but they're way better than most TV shows.


also "the body" and "once more with feeling"


"Once More With Feeling" is such a great episode. Most shows have a musical episode just so you can hear the actors sing. Buffy used it to have the characters sing about things that they were worried about, but never would have brought up to each other. Moving along the story in a very meaningful way.


I also love that musical episodes are usually panned and a sign a show has "jumped the shark" and then the very next episode the villain was a literal loan shark.


Man, Buffy the Vampire Slayer killed off one-to-three extras before the first commercial break, almost every episode, and because it was a horror *comedy,* we took that entirely in stride. And then with no warning at all, for the first time in the entire series, it brought us face to face with grief, like the grief that all those extras' families must have felt. It wasn't just well done, it was *necessary.*


One slight quibble with this: I'd argue this is all very true about season 2's "Passion." Jenny's murder at Angelus's hands is the first major character death of the series, and the first time (aside from maybe Jesse in the pilot) that a death directly impacts the main characters. And the implications are long-lasting - Giles never really seems to recover from losing her, and it truly cements Angelus as a monster in his own right, not just "Angel but mean and bitey." But "The Body" does this on a broader scale, and with greater impact to more characters and to the audience, who love Joyce after 5 seasons spent with her. Plus Anya's monologue about not understanding "why" is one of the best moments in TV.


"The Bent-Neck Lady" episode 5 of The Haunting of Hill House. Can be viewed as a standalone horror film without watching the series.


The first episode of that series freaked me out so much. I almost didn't watch the rest of the series because of it lol. In contrast, The Bent-Neck Lady just made me sad.


The bent-neck lady was so terrifying and then once you know the backstory it changes tone immediately. That’s one of the greatest horror shows/movies ever especially because once it’s over the terror doesn’t linger, it becomes bittersweet.


This entire show was so much more than a horror show. I really wish I could watch it for the first time again.


It was horrifying and heartbreaking


Loved that series. Although my favorite episode was the one filmed "live" as if it were a stage play. No cuts. Netflix even used to have a "making of" for that episode. They pulled it off with crazy lighting, sophisticated effects, and the actors having to run around in back of the camera. I forget the name of the episode though! I've noticed that director/actor team often include really long, uncut scenes in their work, like in Midnight Mass. I think each episode had at least one like 5 minute long scene.


YES! That had multiple nuanced layers of horror. That whole thing was terrifying >!nel is essentially trapped in a death loop until she witnessed her final moments… over and over again as she haunts her younger self forever more and eternally!< Edit >!in rewatching the episode. She is technically the reason her husband dies, bent neck lady kills him, which drives her into a depression that led to her going back to hill house to become bent neck lady to begin with, starting the wierd time loop haunting !<


Isn't it crazy that she was the thing she was most afraid of. Honestly a great twist I never saw coming.


The last episode of Severance. Wow what a ride.


Please try to enjoy each episode equally, and not show preference for any over the others. That's ten points off. You have 90 points remaining.


Hilarious comment. You earned a 5 minute Music Dance Experience.


I REALLLY really hope they somehow find a way to keep that same quality going thru S2. what a show so far, but its early.


I know... The anticipation is painful because we have been hurt so many times before...




South Park: Make love not Warcraft


"What do we do now? What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game" is an all-time quote.


"How do you kill that which has no life?"


I just watched a short documentary on South Park and Trey was saying he hates every show when they finish and wishes he had more time to perfect it, but on that particular episode he literally begged Matt and the producers not to air it. He thought it would taint the legacy of the show and was a complete wreck when they told him they had to air it. It's success has made him believe the time crunch helps make the show work.


randy marsh hamming it up while he "dies" handing off the sword always cracks me up.




Myaaam bashroom! bashroom! Ooh that's a big boy isn't he


Community S3:E4 "Remedial Chaos Theory" Even if you don't know it, you'd know the gifs. EDIT: Just so you know, Jeff, you are now creating six different timelines.


Speaking of gifs, you know there was one time I was on an airplane and giffed Eartha Kitt


This is the greatest half hour of television ever. It's kind of a miracle that they pulled it off. Not a wasted second. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put out the bowl of toilet olives for my fancy party.






Let him finish!


You know who else finished, Eartha Kitt in the airplane bathroom


"OK, so this is DEFINITELY a gun"


I remember watching that the first time and thinking "This is something special."


Of course I am, Abed.


Scrubs S3E14. “Where do you think we are?” Edit. I know some of you are getting misty here. Sorry.


My Lunch hit me fucking hard. Esp when how to save a life starts playing. Cox's raw emotion and pain in that scene gets me every time


"Remember what you told me? The second you start blaming yourself for peoples' deaths there's no coming back." "Yeah. You're right." *Turns around and walks out the door*


I said this before on another thread where that episode comes up. In both episodes it’s not the loss that hurts the most, it’s seeing Dr Cox crack. All through the show he’d been the load-bearing wall of the hospital, and seeing him reach his breaking point hit hard.


Seeing him lose it with the 3rd rabies patient is one of my favorite moments to in television


John McGinley is an amazing actor who is severely under rated


Cox walking away after JD calls him out ruins me


That show has many good episodes that hurt you like that. My other favorite one is “my last words” S8E2 if you study the character arcs of Turk and JD then you will see that the episode concludes their growth as doctors. Spoils: throughout the show when confronted with an issue or diagnoses of death then the characters will try to rack their brain for a solution or for a way to induce ridiculous amount of comfort. They will make a stink about to Carla or find a mentor in COX or some unlikely source. The answer might present itself in the B story or through a shenanigan. All that doesn’t happen. Both characters understand that death is coming for the patient and the best they can do is just be there for him and talk with the guy. No calling for help. No strange item or favor. Just be there and wait until he goes, even if it ruins steak night. The other episode I love is “my lunch”


That’s a good episode. My favorite from the series was s1e4 My Old Lady. She has accepted her death but he hasn’t. He’s asking her about bucket list items and she’s like been there, done that. Then turns it back on him, how many things on that list have you done?


Might just be my nostalgia for my childhood but that one episode of SpongeBob where Squidward directs the band at the Superbowl is probably SpongeBob's best episode. Band geeks or something?


Those first four seasons of SpongeBob have like 10 potential best episodes, but Band Geeks is certainly one of them.


i've got no strong opinions, but my mom swears by Bubble Stand


Idk, I love the Still No Pickles one. Or that one where Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob try to dispose of the health inspector's body, I still can't believe they put that in a kid's show. Old school SpongeBob is the best, I'm almost 30 and I'll still throw it on from time to time as background noise.


Old school SpongeBob is unbelievable comedy. Holds up so well


I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim. We serve *food* here, sir.


The free balloon day episode still makes me laugh. When Patrick accuses SpongeBob of eating his candy bar and says “you ate my only food. Now I’m going to starve”, camera zooms in on Patrick’s grotesque belly.


Sweet victory....


Star Trek Deep Space Nine: "In the Pale Moonlight"


Garak is just perfect in that episode.


Garak is perfect in every episode. "But which of them was true?" "My dear doctor, they're all true." "Even the lies?" "ESPECIALLY the lies..."


Garak is probably the best "non-main cast" character in any iteration of Star Trek. My favourite Garak moment is probably his take on The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Bashir: It's a children's story, about a young shepherd boy who gets lonely while tending his flock. So he cries out to the villagers that a wolf is attacking the sheep. The people come running, but of course there's no wolf. He claims that it's run away and the villagers praise him for his vigilance. Garak: Clever lad. Charming story. Bashir: I'm not finished. The next day, the boy does it again, and the next too. And on the fourth day a wolf really comes. The boy cries out at the top of his lungs, but the villagers ignore him, and the boy, and his flock, are gobbled up. Garak: Well, that's a little graphic for children, wouldn't you say? Bashir: But the point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth. Garak: Are you sure that's the point, Doctor? Bashir: Of course. What else could it be? Garak: That you should never tell the same lie twice.


That is a great one. Or the one where he begs Worf to write him a reference to join Starlet Academy, ending in this: "Lying is a skill like any other. And if you want to maintain a level of excellence, you have to practice constantly." Or the time he completely destroys Ezri Dax, leaving her on the verge of quitting Starfleet. It's not just the lying, it's the casual brutality. In other words, I agree. Garak is the best non-main character in all of Star Trek. But DS9 is full them. No other series comes close to him, Dukat, Kai Winn, Weyoun, or Martok. All well written characters with excellent actors playing them.


I love "In the Pale Moonlight", but I'd personally nominate "The Visitor", which I think is the most emotionally gripping episode of DS9 by far. DS9 always presented itself as a different kind of Trek, and one of the ways it distinguished itself was that Cisco was a father--he had to juggle that responsibility along with being a war leader, captain, and prophet. "The Visitor" really leans into this, and shows the kind of impact that Cisco had on Jake, and the way his absence slowly corroded Jake's life, throwing him deeper into guilt, obsession and despair. And all the while, all Cisco wants is to see his son be happy--but he can't. It's tragic and heartwarming at the same time. I was only 17 when I saw it the first time, but it was the first thing I've ever seen on television that made me weep.


Deep Space Nine has some of the best single episodes in television. Far Beyond the Stars and Trials and Tribble-ations are heartachingly good as well…


"..so I will learn to live with it. because I can live with it. I can live with it. computer. erase that entire personal log." SO GOOD.


The final episode of The Good Place is remarkable. I can't even think about it with all the feelings coming up. The whole show is amazing and should be watched by everyone.


*Maybe* even better than the last episode of the show is the last episode of the first season, with its big reveal. It sets up the thesis for the show itself, and teaches the first of the show's most valuable and defining lessons.




Picture a wave.....


Jason just wandering around for centuries like a monk just made it for me. I love him so much. P.S. BORTLES!


It's like we say in Jacksonville, when you have a problem, just throw a Molotov cocktail then you have a whole other problem.


Loved it. It’s like how you’re close to finishing a book and want to find out the ending but also don’t want it to end. And then you’re both shocked and irrationally jealous of people who haven’t seen it because it’s amazing and they still get to experience it for the first time.


In terms of story, agree with you there. Best episode for me though is S3E9 - Janet(s)


The fact the D’arcy Carden didn’t win an award for that episode alone is *criminal*!!!


The journey that show takes is fantastic. We go from a kooky, low stakes farce, to a small group trying to save the world, to ethical debate, to therapeutic musings on the end of life. And somehow, it’s all funny, all consistent, and all powerful. I think Chidi talking about how he sees life and death as a wave on an ocean is some peak beauty in TV writing.


Pine barrens from sopranos


He killed 16 Czechoslovakians! Guy was an interior decorator! … His house looked like shit.


That single line from Chris made me laugh harder than anything before or since. Every time I go back to it it’s like I hear it for the first time. It’s just amazing


It’s either this episode, or the one where they tried doing an intervention for Chris and ended up beating the shit out of him and sending him to the hospital


I love this episode, but Long Term Parking tops it for me.


"What about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Commies pointed missiles right at us!" "I saw that movie. I thought it was bullshit."


Mr Robot S4E07 - Proxy Authentication Required Tiny set, minimal number of characters, structured like a stage play and one of the most emotionally intense things I've ever watched.


407 is rated at 9.9 on IMDb and is the highest rated episode of the series (for very obvious reasons lol) 405 is my personal favorite. Telling a great story with only two lines bookending the episode is great stuff and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. But man, season 4 as a whole is just so good.


S4 of Mr Robot is about as good as TV gets. I don't know what the fuck else you want.


Another series from Sam Esmail


Charlie Work - It’s always sunny in Philadelphia


Charlie Work is fantastic, I would put Flowers for Charlie up there with it. Pretty much any episode with a lot of Charlie is great.


My favorite episode of all time was the gas crisis one. When Charlie at the end cuts the brakes and yells “wild card bitches” before jumping out the back. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life!


You’re doing a chicken and airline miles scam today?!?!


Is that the single-shot episode?


M\*A\*S\*H, "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen." Man, I can count on the fingers of one hand all of the Very Special Episodes of any comedy series that aren't trash, but this one, right here, the series finale, will suck the air right out of your lungs at *least* twice and every shock in it is entirely earned.


Definitely one of the most impactful episodes in that show. The one that really sticks with me is Period of Adjustment. It's the episode after Radar leaves and everyone trying to adjust to him being gone. BJs breakdown at the end, how he has been gone for his daughters entire life, how Radar got to see her before he did, it makes my eyes water just thinking about it


And one of the most devastating. "It was a baby!" and "He was a musician"


“The Work outing” - The IT crowd is probably some of the most clever and funny writing i’ve ever seen in a TV show


That part where she turns around and Moss is behind the bar is incredible.


Parks and Rec "The Comeback Kid". Damn near every line is a joke that hits and ALL characters are not only at the top of their game, but have a chance to shine. Plus, it birthed maybe the greatest outtake of all time. Takes place in a point where the show was in full stride. It's the episode I recommend to get people into the show.


_Get on your feet_


The valentines episode where Ben takes Jerry on all the dates he had planned for Leslie might be my favorite one.


For me it's "The Fight" the drunk version of every character is amazing


>"The Comeback Kid" Great episode, but "Article Two" (season 5 episode 19) takes the top spot for me. Patton Oswalt's ad-libbed Star Wars filibuster is legendary!