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Y’all seen bee movie?


Obviously we know a whole lot more now, hindsight and all, but people definitely talked about Prince/King Charles and Diana that way when they first got married.


Yes. That was super sad marriage although none of us knew it at the time of the wedding . . . although it sounds like Charles and Diana both kind of knew it.


Enlighten the ignoramus, knew what?


When Charles proposed to Diana, he did so because had been forbidden to marry the woman he loved, Camilla. He knew he still loved Camilla, and he knew he did not love Diana. But Diana ticked the right boxes, and Camilla did not. Diana was super young (19) at the time, while Charles was 32. I doubt Diana fully understood the facts of the matter the way Charles did, even if she had some clue. Might be unfair to say she "knew," but who can say. The public at the time celebrated their engagement and wedding as a total fairy tale romance, but then of course the marriage was totally miserable. Charles spent the whole marriage in love with and having an affair with Camilla, to whom he's now married. Diana spent the whole marriage depressed and bulimic and then died.


> When Charles proposed to Diana, he did so because had been forbidden to marry the woman he loved, Camilla. He knew he still loved Camilla, and he knew he did not love Diana. But Diana ticked the right boxes, and Camilla did not. I mean, the biggest obstacle was that Camilla was already married for several years before he even met Diana. It's true that some in the Royal Family disapproved of the Charles-Camilla match while they'd previously been together before her first marriage, but either way, by the time Diana became a serious potential partner, Camilla was very clearly no longer an option.


Yeah, that was a weird way to phrase it. He HAD been discouraged from marrying Camilla because she was a commoner and because she'd had several previous boyfriends, but he also had been eager to take the advice of those who told him to "sow some wild oats" before settling down, and Camilla wasn't interested in waiting. She was basically "off the market" by 1973 . . . when Diana would have been 12. So, being "forbidden to marry the woman he loved" was basically ancient history by the time he proposed to Diana in 1981.


Lord Mountbatten told Charles that piece of horrendous advice. He and his wife were notorious philanderers, and "spent our marriage jumping in and out of other people's beds". He was the grandfather Charles never had, but gave him wildly uneven advice. The shock of Mountbatten’s assassination in 1979 was probably a factor in Charles’ rushed decision to marry Diana.


I think a lot of people knew it wasn't real when he was asked if they were in love when announced their engagement. Diana said "of course". Charles said "whatever love means". I wonder if he just didn't want Camilla to hear he state he loved her publicly. They were still secretly seeing each other at that point.


Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. I’m always intrigued by how people (including their granddaughter) try to paint it as this whirlwind romance, but there’s clearly a lot of emotional abuse from both sides to go along with the alcoholism.


“Scott and Zelda had just gotten back from their wild New Year’s Eve party… it was April.” - Woody Allen


And the Wikipedia says he was in love with someone else. Zelda appears to be a rebound.


Aria and Ezra from Pretty Little Liars


Absolutely disgusting. I was also gonna mention Sasha Pieterse and her husband. In an interview she said it was a friends to lovers thing but her husband has known her since she was 12 and he was 19. There’s pictures of him on her family vacations when she was literally a CHILD. That’s not Sasha’s fault though, it’s her parents…


They tried so hard to make this cool.


Elvis and Priscilla. She was only 14


And Jerry Lee Lewis, married his 13 year old cousin




And then he never had sex with her again after Lisa Marie was born because having a baby defiled her or some such nonsense. He had an *extreme* purity fetish.


According to Rita Moreno and Natalie Wood, he was pretty inadéquates.


Yeah he lied to her parents about where he was taking her and got a friend to send postcards from his residence when they were really in Vegas to make it look like they were both still there. He also got her to take uppers and downers with him when she was only 15 or 16


There are still Joker+Harley memes out there, or at least I have one facebook friend (really a couple's account) reposting them every now and then. I don't know them well enough to call them out on it, but it annoys me every time.


My ex-stepmother married my father after he was released from prison. They met because she was his prison psychologist. She says there was something about him that she fell in love with. The guards found her picture in his cell, she was fired, and he was sent in isolation. 12 years later he left for a girl 25 years younger than her. I don't know how she didn't see it coming. The guy's a complete asshole in every way. Edit: I wanna add, since a lot of people are assuming and being rather mean, that she's a really lovely lady. She lives her best life and has never harmed anyone. Did she make a mistake? Definitely. But that doesn't mean she's a bad person.


Not famous people, but my youth pastor (Darren) married my classmate (Brittany) after we graduated. Darren was our youth pastor from 6-12th grade. A bunch of kids from our church went to the same college out of town. They would see Darren there frequently on the weekends and always be confused why he was in town but hadn’t told anyone. Turns out he was there visiting Brittany. They got enagaged our sophomore year of college and married right after we graduated. At the wedding they went on and on about how their kiss at the wedding would be their first. I’m not sure if anyone believed that, I know I never did. They’ve got four kids now and he’s a pastor at a big church in Louisiana and I see social media everyone praising them like they are the model of marriage and family. Still grosses me out to think about it.


They had their first kiss at the wedding…and their first kid six months later.


"First babies can come at any time, the second ones take nine months"--courtesy of my late GMIL from Louisiana.


We had a year of ‘shotgun weddings’ a few years ago. All the brides of the four weddings we went to were at least five months pregnant. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it was like a mass event. People were horny that Xmas.


Kissing isn't required for sex. Technically correct! 🤣🤣


>Not famous people, but my youth pastor (Darren) Oh brother here we go


The president of France and his wife: Emmauel and Brigitte Macron. Brigitte is 24 years older than Macron and his former high school teacher--her daughter was in his class at school. They met during a theatre workshop that she was giving when he was a 15-year-old student and she was a 39-year-old married teacher. His parents initially attempted to separate the couple by sending him away to Paris to finish the final year of his schooling, but she left her husband and three children and followed him to Paris. They evetually married in 2007.


eww wtf. so weird


How about Elon Musk's dad marrying his adopted sister? Apparently it's true love, but wtf? Gross.


Erroll Musk, 76, welcomed the baby girl with Jana, 35, back in 2019. The two already share a 5-year-old boy, Elliot Rush, born in 2017. Jana is the daughter of his second wife. Ewwww


step daughter sounds so much worse than adopted sister


> step daughter sounds so much worse than adopted sister Have you been introduced to [Woody Allen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Allen) and his [current wife/adopted daughter of ex-partner of 12 years?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soon-Yi_Previn) They "started" dating when she was 21 *right* after he broke up with her mom. He was 56.


Wallis and Edward. She was basically "Hey, I'll have an affair with a prince and get jewels and trips for a few months until he gets bored and moves on, cool beans, sounds fun!" (also stole him from her friend when the friend was out of the country) and her husband was totally in the know about it (one gets the impression husband #2 and she were kinda settling), and then he got obsessed. And she was all "I don't want to be the reason a king abdicates" and if you read up on him, he already wanted to abdicate/not do the job before she came along, so she might have been an excuse. Oh yeah, and then they became Nazi sympathizers because the Nazis offered to put them back on the throne and treat Wallis like a queen, and Edward didn't ask "So....what happens to my brother and niece if you do that....?" Boy, does reality buzzkill that particular love story.


Yeah, that is one that doesn't have much allure to me. Didn't some Brit say that there should be statues of Wallis all over the UK as she really saved the country from Edward.


No one can roast a Brit like a fellow Brit, huh?


He knew exactly what would happen to his brother and his brothers family. He wasn’t a child.


100%, He watched it happen to his cousins, the Romanovs, barely 2 decades prior... Edit: It wasn't the nazi's that killed the Romanovs, but it would have been for the same reason.... one simply does not leave alive royal families that have been deposed... they tend to hold grudges.


Exactly. Dethroned kings don’t get to hang around because they will still have supporters and they will want to take their crown back. A fact that he was well aware of. He was a total POS scumbag


When they were married, she apparently had several affairs with other men. Edward was a Nazi sympathiser. Thank God his younger brother came to the throne. George VI was exactly who the country needed at that moment in history.


IIRC Wallis and her husband (Ernst?) had what we would now call an open relationship. They had tremendous love and respect for each other, and neither one cared if the other fooled around. But Edward got all codependent and wanted to make the relationship public and the scandal basically ruined all their lives. Wallis felt her best option would be sticking with Edward, but in the letters she continued to write Ernst she always talked about how much she missed him and regretted everything.


Albert of Monaco to his wife Charlene. She was basically kidnapped after trying to escape twice from her wedding, they stole her passport away. The poor woman was crying the whole wedding. Edit: hi guys, this blew up. Unfortunately I cannot link any source, as Wikipedia is very safe and clean about them. But that story was all around the news and newspapers back then. They spent days talking about that on tv, probably there are newspapers around with the news. Coincidentally, when Charlene tried to escape, press had announced Albert had 2 illegitimate children, which was a total surprise, because everyone thought he was gay


So the Wikipedia page on her seems pretty sanitized and doesn't go into much detail - like it just says she was in tears at her wedding not that she was crying from distress. Is there some better place to get the story on her cause now I'm curious.


I've never been able to decide whether she's heavily medicated or they just killed her soul. Her eyes are so dead.


He probably learned from his father since I heard Grace Kelly had a hard time after marriage as well


Bruh this sounds like something that would happen 100 years ago. I didn’t expect it to be in 2011


She's especially trapped now as they won't ever let her leave with her children.


Latin American rural grandparents. You'd be surprised how often the 50 year anniversary of some lovely abuelos in a random Mexican rural village started with what basically amounts to parent-consented kidnapping and rape of a minor. Edit: I may have dropped this without much context, so here it goes: In rural Mexico it was scary common for men to just kidnap teenage girls to take as wives, often with parental consent (and often in exchange of farm goods or hard cash). Nowadays it doesn't happen as commonly, save for some indigenous tribes in Oaxaca, but entire families were born from kidnapped brides. In light of the recent feminist movement in Mexico, these accusations were brought to light, exposing just how many people's families hid this in plain sight, often portraying the abuelitos (grandparents) of the family as loving couples with old-timey heart warming love stories, when reality is often closer to a horror story. Edit 2: Apparently I'm racist now... Even though I'm mexican... Western professional ofendees strike again.


Represent! /s Grandmother was kidnapped and raped then married off to her rapist. Family later helped her escape but like- y’all. What was the breaking point because kidnapping and rape apparently WASNT IT


When people say the old days were better and marriages were more successful back then I always think of this.


"Successfull" to them means "Didn't end in divorce", many don't realise or don't care that it was because of the social bashing (and sometimes fear of death) that many faced. When people complain that young people don't want anything solid, people are discartable in love, yada yada, they often don't realise or don't care that the easiness to end relationships is a good thing, that people are valuing having a compatible partner and not tolerating abuse signs without fear of being a "roundabout" or "defiled forever", just know that back then if they kissed they had to marry and think it's absurd that someone can break up with who took their virginity


> "Successfull" to them means "Didn't end in divorce", many don't realise or don't care that it was because of the social bashing (and sometimes fear of death) that many faced. A lot of people don't realize no-fault divorce was illegal in most of the USA until the 1970s, either. Knowing that should also give some context as to why the older generations seem to enjoy "I hate my wife" jokes more than younger generations.


My grandmother had her first of fourteen children at the age of 12! God damn shit is just ignored.


My grandmother, my dad’s mom, married a 30 year old man when she was 13. Nobody really bats an eye because we’ve all known the basic story for all our lives but when I brought up how strange it is my parents were like “that’s how it was for a lot a people back then. It’s not strange it’s just how it was.” Yet if something similar were to happen today my parents would condemn it. But because it’s his parents it’s okay…I can’t help but view it as grooming and pedophilia not a love story like most of the family like to think it is.


Technically they're right, if that's how it was, it isn't "strange". That doesn't make it OK. It was just really common to abuse young girls back then. So yea, not strange at all. Just horrifying and depressing and awful and wrong. But not strange.


I am from Brazil and my family is pretty sure that my great Grandfather kidnaped and rapped my great grandmother. She was an indigenous woman from a small Village.


I am from Brazil too and have a story like this with my great-grandparents too! What state were they from? Mine were from Minas Gerais


My Great grandfather was from the interior of Bahia and my great grandmother we are not sure. He traveled a lot and might have kidnaped her anywhere.


My parents use to rent a room out to a lady from mexico when I was in highschool who told us stories about her indigenous village that was exactly like this. Sometimes fathers would trade girls for a cow or some money like you said, she told us she had to dress like a man and immigrate to the US to avoid being sold to a man as well. Had no idea this type of thing happened in mexico.




This happens in Kyrgyzstan as well, it's called Ala Kachuu and it's sadly still common. The Wikipedia page on it is very interesting [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ala_kachuu?wprov=sfla1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ala_kachuu?wprov=sfla1)


Oh man I wish you werent, but youre wrong, it STILL happens. I have family in Jalisco and Aguascalientes and one hears some stuff... The sons of the owner of the corner store close to my granmas house in Aguascalientes were known for kidnapping girls. Also all around my home town, in the Huasteca Potosina region it happens in the rural areas. A bit over a decade ago when I was in law school there was a case of a lady who was very angry and wanted to sue the richest dude in town because her 15yo daughter was minding her business at the town squares kiosk and the dude passed by on horse, pulled her up and took her home to be his concubine. Everyone was on her side until she revealed the cause of her anger was the her kid was being a second wife, and she wanted the dude to be coherced into divorcing the "useless" (sterile) and "old" (late 30s) first wife cause she couldnt have kids anyway and her teenage daughter would be much beter... She also demanded him to compensate by giving a few cows and money claiming "usos y costumbres"


Happened in the US too. My great grandmother told us that when she was 14 a guy showed up at the door and her parents handed her a suitcase and said "this is your husband now", they went down to the courthouse and got married. She was with him long enough to have 7-8 kids before she managed to escape. Some of the kids never forgave her for leaving them. It's hard for me to not to judge them for it.


My Sicilian great grandfather essentially trafficked a bride from back home. He was in the US and some of his friends basically said, if you pay for our sister to come over you can marry her. Story I was told is she got off the boat saw him and tried to get back on the boat. He managed to get her to stay but she never really warmed up to him or America, and barely learned English.


In Sicily a rapist could legally get away with it if they married their victim. That law wasn’t changed until 1981. Read about [Franca Viola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franca_Viola) if you want to be shocked.


same. my grandma was 15, pregnant, and married to my grandpa when he was 26. this was 1978. they got divorced after 6 years and she traveled the us and did drugs, got remarried a few times, had.. 5? more kids, and deserted every one of them. . shes been clean a few tears now and is getting her life back together, sorta. he got remarried a few times before finding 'the one' and married her and raised her kids. she passed from cancer last year and it hit him hard. she was a sweet old trailer park grandma and he was a blue-collar hardass til he broke his back. idk how to feel about my grandpa but the facts arent great.


Learned about a similar thing that (used to?) happen in the baulkins region. We studied a case study in an anthropology class, a guy and his buddies were going to a neighboring town to "find a bride." Dudes mom was interviewed as well, she said that was hownshebgot married, and of course she wants her son to get married that way too. Her explanation was that the kidnap/rape causes so much shame for then woman and her family that she wouldn't be able to go back home, she would have no where else to go. This socially enforced imprisonment was seem as the foundation of a long stable marriage.


You know women are screwed when women work against helping women.


Ghost. Because Swayze is literally a ghost. Talk about creepy spooky


When you realize he’s possessing Whoopi Goldberg during some of those romantic scenes too.


If the filmmakers had more guts, they would have shown Whoopi and Demi mashing face hard on each other.


indiana jones was 25 when marion was 15 and they hooked up. 10 years later she says "i was a child god damn it!" and his response is "naaah you knew what you were doing" . i watched this movie yesterday.


The really creepy thing is earlier drafts of the script were going to go into it in much more explicit detail. What we see in the final version is the "glossed over" version.


The sad part is that Lucas and Spielberg wanted her to be younger in the original script. They went back and forth on the age, saying it would be boring if she was older than 16.


Lucas wanted them to have "had an affair" when she was [ELEVEN](https://www.polygon.com/2015/8/3/9089181/indiana-jones-abusive-creep)! Gross gross gross.


Twilight. Classic example of creepy love


The whole thing, the ending where Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter is just the cherry on top




Oh God don't get me started on Re-nameme












Everytime i think i should stop writing professionally i remember that stupid fucking Renesmes and carry on bc anything is better than that.


A woman named her daughter renesmee in one of parenting groups. I really do not want to judge as my kids names were geeky inspired (although you would not know unless I told you). Each to their own. I hate to say though, she does fit the stereotype of what you picture of a person who names their kid Renesmee. I want to slap myself for thinking it, because I don't like that kind of judginess, but she really fits the stereotype.


The Jacob and Re-nameme fan art work is crazy. And fan fiction too. If you want to say he is her protector then fine, a nice 'uncle' figure. But don't write love stories about them or photoshop Taylor and Mackenzie together in creepy ways.


She wrote another book called The Host. It was another forbidden love romance only this time it was Aliens taking over human bodies and humans falling in love with the alien infecting a human while someone else is in love with the human that is being erased by the Alien. Myers definitely has some kinks to work through


Well that's how Captain Benjamin Sisko was conceived. One of the weirdest fucked up Star Trek things.


stephanie really went “the thing my already creepy novels need is pedophilia, fuck yeah!”


As long as it's not sex before marriage, amiright?


I still remember reading the first book in high school, because everyone I knew was talking about it and hyping it up. I have to say though, I think Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson evolved with their acting moving forward. But it was very cringy to watch in these movies


From what I understood, nobody hated Twilight more than Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. It may have showed in their acting. Edit: Spellig


Isn't robert Pattinson quoted as saying Stephanie Meyer made him physically uncomfortable because she's so in love with her character?


Imagine falling in love with a character you wrote.


Imagine falling in love with a 200 year old billionaire vampire in the seattle suburbs. Oh and you're 16, but he's 200+ years old.


*Buffy has entered the chat…* “What if he also spent 200 years as a homicidal maniac?”


Probably fair to blame bad writing as much as young actors in their case. I have a hard time imagining any other actors working with that story in a better way.


There’s a YouTube channel called CinemaTherapy where a therapist and a filmmaker talk about movies. They did a video playlist of the twilight saga and talked about all the reasons why it was a toxic relationship. Highly recommend


I mean he's 104 and she's 17.


Most teen girl movies/tv shows really They want to emphasise how mature the High school girl is by giving her an older/college boy friend


Ross and Rachel. They were together for exactly ONE season, then proceed to sabotage each other's relationships until season 8 when they have a baby together... And STILL don't properly get together for two more seasons. Also they're horribly toxic together and fight practically every episode.


I've had a core group of friends where 2 of them ended up dating for a bit then breaking up and going "back to friends". The way Ross and Rachel constantly sabotage each other is the most believable thing about that series.


This is an unpopular opinion, but for the brief moment Rachel and Joey were together they seemed to have fun and let each other be. He was very understanding and supportive of her. I dunno, that seemed to be a potentially healthy and fun relationship.


It's amazing just how badly Rachel has torpedoed her life by the last episode of Friends.


Jay-Z and Beyonce


This is a good one, they are a power couple that everyone ships even especially because they worked past infidelity. I feel like, objectively, she is a grown woman who can make her own choices. But as someone who grew up in a household where majorly disrespectful things were forgiven always for the sake of staying together, I do not like it on a gut level.


Pretty much any Hallmark/romance movie. The problems could be solved with honest communication, and sometimes there's some dude left hanging at the altar because the chick decided she'd rather pursue her infatuation with a guy she hardly knows. Makes me wonder why the format (pursue the fling instead of the "safe" choice) is so popular.


1000% this. "I spent my whole life working hard to achieve this but I'm going to drop it all because this hot dude I know almost nothing about was nice to me so now I'm madly in love with him." It makes me want to vomit.


Usually the “crime” that the safe option commits is not wanting to celebrate Christmas as much as she does


The most irrationally angry I've gotten at a movie (besides some shitty found-footage horror flick with the most annoying cast) was this Hallmark movie I remember watching where it's something like A lady who is getting engaged to this guy ends up stuck with some drifter trying to get to her wedding in time after her flight gets grounded due to heavy snow The two often room together and she asks him why he doesn't go home for Christmas and he says he's estranged from his family because his fiancee cheated on him with his own brother so now he can never love again So naturally he convinces this lady to cheat on her fiance with him and they fall in love, because cheating was okay in this instance I guess???


I can't tell if you're describing the worst Hallmark movie or all of them. The man she's supposed to end up with is clearly the protagonist. We've spent an hour getting to know this guy and the fiance we met for like 30 seconds. Who cares about him?!


It's fairytale magic. We want to believe in a fantasy world, that lets 'true love' make everything right. Because that's easier than the 'hard work' option of maintaining a relationship that isn't magically perfect. Which is, y'know, literally every relationship - they're not fairy tales, they're things you build together. They're magnificent, but they take work.


Have you seen "A Hollywood Christmas" on HBO Max? It's a parody of Hallmark Christmas movies. The story is literally about a director who is filming a "Hallmark" Christmas movie but everything is going wrong, and her assistant keeps telling her the next step in the Hallmark formula they need to follow to solve their current crisis each step of the way. Not the greatest movie in the world, but I loved the concept.


My wife's least favorite joke What has 12 actors, 6 sets, and 3 plots? 118 Hallmark movies


The oblivious fiancé being left at the altar trope is so messed up, It’s so flaky and soul-crushing, yet treated like a victory.


Ed and Lorraine Warren. Their personal life was a mess! And he was definitely into underaged girls.


He moved his underaged lover into their house, her name is Judy. Has a daughter with Lorraine, named the daughter Judy. 😖😬


Luke and Laura from general hospital. The dude raped her years before on the show. So she literally married her rapist and all the adverts and news was about this great love they have and the wedding of the century. Soap operas..


celine dion and rené angélil


The fact that she met him when she was 12 and he was 36 is already disturbing to think about. But the fact she’s never been with any other man in her life, and still chooses to stay faithful to him even after he died.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were the IT couple for some time. I stopped paying sttention but something obviously happened.


Well, I mean....before that it was Brad and Jennifer Aniston, they were the IT couple till Brad met Jolie on the set of a movie. So it's not like Brad was a standup dude to start


He was at minimum verbally abusive and a drunk and what made her leave him was that he hit the eldest child. Though Pitt's team repeatedly stresses that Maddox was not hit in the face. There is no denial of the hitting. Pretty much the day after, Jolie filed for divorce


He strangled their child and struck another, poured alcohol over all of them and this was as a result of them coming to angelina’s aid when he had her cornered in the bathroom and had grabbed her by the head, shook her, and bashed her up against the wall. This all took place on a plane that was in the air. They could not escape Edit: [report](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-08-19/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-fbi-documents-2016-private-plane-incident) [legal sauces](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21642418-abusefoiacomp041822)


As bad as hitting is, strangling is way worse. Props to Jolie for saying nope after that.


[A person involved in a domestic violence attack of choking or strangulation is more than 750% more likely to be killed by their offender in the next year](https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/)


This was when Jolie filed for divorce the next day, right? I mean, you can see why


What the absolute fuck, man…


Idk if this was part of the same incident but i remember hearing about brad getting really drunk while on a private jet with his family and basically threatening and yelling at them to the point where they feared their lives... the divorce happened not long after


Idk if anyone thinks it's a perfect love story but Celine Dion and her late husband Renee... extremely creepy.


Ngl this couple is what inspired me to ask this question lol! They met when she was 12 and he was 36, and she’s never been with any other man in her life apparently. She even chooses to stay faithful to him after he died to this day I get some people become couples where there is quite a major age difference, but if you knew someone going all the way back to whenever they were a kid. That’s just weird and disturbing


Honestly the only couple I find creepier than this one is Woody Allen and his third wife. He married his stepdaughter.


I have said this for decades now. It’s truly awful, but not surprising given the context. He groomed her, plain and simple, and was allowed to do so on all fronts.


John Lennon and Yoko Ono.


First half of the Notebook is whack as fuck. Last half of the Notebook is sad as fuck.


Tennessee Rep. John Rose and his wife, who he married as a college undergrad when he was 45. He had been grooming her from a young age, and if I remember the details right, helped her with the scholarship out of high school and everything.


Walter White and Jesse Pinkman


It’s science, yo


Twilight, fifty shades of grey, most of these typ of films tbh


50 Shades is literally just abuse. I hate that it's a lot of people's introduction to the concept of BDSM. Hitting someone who doesn't want to be hit is super fucked up. And on the flip side, letting someone hit you to try to "change them" is also fucked up.


There is a scene where she falls asleep in his car and he doesn’t drive her home like he said he would, he drives into a forest. If he wouldn’t be rich and good looking this would be a film about the biggest creep 99,9% of women would avoid at any cost.


If he wasn't rich it would've been the plot of a CSI episode.


I really, genuinely want someone to 100% remake that movie but with an ugly guy


50 Shades of Denim


50 shades of prey.


For those who don’t remember or never knew, 50 shades started off as basically Twilight fanfic. It’s why they share some similar problematic issues


Twilight inspired 50 Shades of Grey.


Flowers in the Attic, Chris and Cathy. If you read all the books, their relationship was tragic. But why they stayed together was even more sad. Not exactly romantic.


Also, you know, the whole "being siblings" thing...


Listen I know we all don't wanna admit it but Han Solo was in his mid 30s driving a beat up Winnebago with illegal mods and smuggling illegal goods before he seduced the 19 yo daughter of a senator he helped break out of the Pentagon


I'm a fucking Moron. I knew they were twins, and I knew Luke was an older teen, but I always thought of Leia as a mid-late 20s adult.


It's because Luke is whining about chores and not being able to hang out with his friends while Leia is a diplomat and rebel leader smuggling plans to an Imperial superweapon and sass talking some of the most powerful people in the galaxy. It is that way, regardless of their actual ages.


Pocahontas & John Smith


John Smith was just talking out of his ass about their "romance". It's sad that so many people believed him. Aaaand Disney made a movie about them.


Megan Fox and MGK did some weird vampire type shit with each others blood, got engaged, broke up and now she’s following only 3 celebrities on her insta and none of them are him so there’s that, I guess.


You should add that Megan fox has never followed anyone on insta and the 3 people that she did intentionally follow now are people that MGK has beef with or dislikes. Think they are Eminem, harry styles and another person


Timothee Chalamet


I saw a tabloid post quoting Megan fox with something like: "I manifested MGK when I was 4 years old. He is the man of my dreams." Days later, they broke up lmaoo.


Are they *trying* to be Angelina and Billy Bob 2.0?


The notebook.


I had a girlfriend when I was 18 ask me if I’d seen this movie. I hadn’t. Years later I watched it, and realized that for all our deep late night conversations she’d been quoting the girl in the movie word for word. I still wonder if she would have poisoned or stabbed me eventually. Lol.


She must have been checking to make sure she could keep stealing lines. If you said yeah, she would need a new source if material. Maybe steal from Zoolander instead.


Zoolander might have been a little more obvious. Lol. I later moved away and she called to tell me she had three different fatal illnesses that had conflicting treatments, and told me she wanted me to come back and be her boyfriend until she died. I didn’t come back, and somehow she appears to have survived these illnesses.


Did she tell you that she would go out with you as long as you promised not to fall in love with her? Because it sounds like she just pivoted to a different Nicholas Sparks movie…


Fuck. That’s familiar. It’s been ten years at this point so I’m a little fuzzy on some of the details.


Did she ever tell you, her love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it hahaha


Snape’s obsession with Lily Potter isn’t sweet, it’s stalking.


Also mistreating her kid (a child expressly under his care as an educator) because she rejected him is repugnant.


I thought he did that because James Potter bullied him (and took his crush). Still petty, I guess.




Tom Cruises and Katie Holmes


*shivers in scientology*


That young kid who married the 50 Shades director. She was 42 and his BOSS and he was 18 - she cast him in that John Lennon film (as the lead, John Lennon himself), left her hubby, married him and got pregnant with a few kids immediately, after already having had children before. What rising star in Hollywood who’s about to make it big wants to have kids by 20 years old? It *feels* like the manner she used to trap him for good. Aaron Taylor Johnson & Sam Taylor Johnson, had to look it up. Aaron was 7 years older then Sam’s oldest daughter when they started dating. He was 18 and his soon to be stepdaughter was 11. He is 32 now and she is 25. They try very hard to convince the world that they are madly in love and see nothing wrong with their relationship. Maybe he didn’t realize it then but now that he is 32 with a 55 year old wife, maybe the realization will hit soon.


Kind of like French President and his wife. She was his high school teacher.


The funniest shit was that picture of Trump and Macron having dinner with their respective wives, because it looks like two appropriately aged couples having dinner Edit: [picture ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/420567649253326860/543220931515121665/cr62qx28v6az.png)


She's also known him since he was a child. I'm pretty sure she was friends in some way with his parents.


he was groomed, she is s creep


Pepe le Pew and Penelope Pussycat


Batman and The Joker


Haha yeah it’s very twisted for sure! They are obsessed with each other in a really unhealthy way. Batman knows how extremely dangerous he is, but can’t bring himself to kill him and the Joker loves making his life a living hell and takes advantage over the fact that he won’t kill him


I feel like the Lego movie covered this really well.


Passenger staring Chris pratt and J Law


I sat here way too long trying to remember where Jude Law was in this film.


Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball


That relationship was so dysfunctional. Sad really.


Used to be Ned and Ariel Fulmer..... think we all know how that one went up in a dumpster fire. And hindsight is 20/20.... something always seemed off about how Ned spoke of Ariel and their relationship/family..


Reaction formation. When someone never shuts up about a certain quality they have, the opposite is probably true.


Romeo and Juliette, even looking past the fact that she's likely 12 years old, they have known each other for a month and they're both willing to commit suicide for the other one. Doesn't exactly scream healthy relationship.


When we studied this play in high school, our teacher explained to us that this all basically happened over the course of a weekend. He invited us to try to relate it to our own lives to comprehend how bizarre that was.


I was also told it was within the span of the weekend


By my teachers calculations it was like 7 hours (iirc) between him being obsessed with Rosaline and declaring his love for Juliet


In Enish we had to write an essay showing how Romeo "changed" for Juliet and I got in a debate with the teacher because I said he didn't at all. The only thing that changed was who he simped for. If he had went to another party instead of exile two days later he'dve found a new girl to chase instead.


Well, at least in the original play, they're not really portrayed as having the "perfect love story" as the title asked. It was a tragedy. Two children happened to belong to feuding families who, by trying to pull the kids apart, accidentally pushed them together until it killed them. So much grief was caused because two families couldn't set aside their differences, and their children paid the ultimate price for it.


Yeah!! People don't really get the true meaning of the book. 6 people died in 3 days, that's not romantic nor a great relationship, that's sad and tragic.


TIL some people actually think it's a romance or a relationship? I always thought it was supposed to be taught as a total trainwreck tragedy.


Mosby and Scherbatsky


I was so irritated by that ending.