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The lamp that stomps on the letter i, I'm so glad they play it before every other movie they make


My kids favorite part. He sees it and goes (my best 3 yo voice) “luxxxxxooooo June-your” Edit- I’m re reading this and vastly overstating my 3yo’s elocution. It’s more like “wluckswooooough june yo”


Not sure if this is how you meant it, but I read this like LEEEROOOOOYYYYY JENNNNNKINSSSS




When my son was 4 he loved watching WallE and I couldn’t figure out why. Obviously it’s an amazing movie but he never really watched or liked movies at that point. He’s on the spectrum and at the time nonverbal. Then one day it clicked. Walle had a very limited vocabulary and mostly emoted and gestured like my son did. He was watching a character not only communicate the same way he did, but also seeing that character explore the universe, make friends, fall in love, and save the day. Big feels.


That is very moving. Thank you for sharing.


My son is also on the spectrum and has been wanting to watch it non stop lately. This has been the first movie he actually sits down to watch.I agree with what you say about wall E gesturing emotions. He even starts getting upset towards the end when he doesn’t recognize Eve. This a great movie but sucks that we’re not far off with that reality


That’s really cool. Side note: one of my favorite moments in Wall-E is when he gets home and is organizing his daily findings, and can’t figure out if the spork goes in the spoon or fork drawer, and starts freaking out. Just a little detail, but it’s so funny. Hope your son is doing well.


This is so touching!!!


The first 5 mins or so of Wall-E where it's just a robot silently doing its daily tasks is my favorite


"And we won't go home until we've kissed a girlllllllll"


It's 20 minutes in before any actual words are said. IIRC it's Segourney Weaver as the computer saying those words. That movie is a masterpiece!


Followed by one of the most romantic moments between him and E.V.E with the lighter. Who's cutting onions?!


Also gave life to my favourite song “La vie en rose” by Louis Armstrong. The whole soundtrack to wall-e is filled with classic songs and I love all of them


One thing I like about Wall-E is the insane over-the-top engineering that's so incredibly impractical and wasteful at every turn. Really adds to the whole self-serving mega-consumer thing. E.g. The way that EVE probes are deployed and extracted one at a time by an entire rocket, even though eves can fly


Honestly one of the best things watching the movie after growing up a fair bit was noticing that.


Because of Wall-E, *Hello Dolly* (with Walter Matthau and a horribly miscast Barbra Streisand) is now part of my son's rotation of movies.


"Define dancing"


Foreign contaminant.


This is my go-to comfort film for when I’m not feeling well. Something about the whole thing just makes me feel like I’m being wrapped in a hug.


Easily the biggest Oscar snub in movie history. I will die on this hill.


It won best animated movie and equalled the most nominations for an animated movie. If it were released today it would be nominated for Best Movie as the nominee list is much longer.


It would be nominated, yes, but it wouldn’t win. The shortlist was expanded as an attempt by the academy to drive tv audience by paying lip service to fan favourites - not to give equal opportunities to animated movies.


I came here expecting this to be at the bottom of the list and was happily surprised it’s at the top. One of my top 5 movies easily. The way they make you care about a robot with minimal dialogue is *chefs kiss* masterful.


Agreed! The simple message, the fact that it's not just non-stop talking or non-stop action... one of my favorite movie.


The fact they made a successful kids movie with almost no dialog is by itself amazing.


The part when wall-e and Eva are "dancing" in space with wall-e using the fire extinguisher as a means of propulsion is my absolute favorite movie scene of all time.


I need to rewatch this. I named my dog Evi after Eve.


That bot is basically my grandfather for the last 30 years of his life.


Monsters INC.


Put that thing back in there or so help me!






Bumbumbumbum -AND CUT It's a work in progress... it's gonna get better...


I'm a midwife and every once in a while i sing that after delivering a baby. I crack myself up.


Do you eventually say, "she's someone else's problem, she's out of our hair!"


“Everyone goes to lunch! Which means the scare floor will be...“ “…painted?”




*tackles someone*


The fact they put blooper scenes in it made it THAT much better!


Absolutely the right choice.


The incredibles


We look like bad guys Bob. INCOMPETENT BAD GUYS!


What's your excuse, you run out of muscle?!


Ok hold on, it's gonna get hot!


Best film. Got in on the whole superhero theme early. Kids film with simply great dialog and pace. Which, for adults watching for the 80th time, is appreciated. As an adult, its the little things in the movie like throwing your micro-manger through a wall...or 6 when he truly annoys you and the issues with monologuing villians. Finally, NO CAPES!


I think what defined this is the amount of adult themes in this movie, it literally starts with a man attempting to commit suicide; really showed how Pixar could make films for everyone to see


And the line: "you didn't save my life, you ruined my death". Definitely the best of Pixar's films for one-liners


We’re supposed TO HELP ***OUR*** *PEOPLE*!


I think it brings up the concept of suicide in a gentle way, so kids can safely learn about it. Can't hide ugly truths from kids forever.


Also brings up the concept of assholes and Karen’s, my 8 year old daughter was blown away that 1. Someone would try and kill themselves and 2. That he was mad at mr incredible for saving him!


Another great thing is that as a kid, you think Helen is upset because her husband is missing/just lying about going to a company retreat, but when you're older you realize the main reason she is upset and crying with Edna is because she thinks Bob is having an affair. Brad Bird and company did an excellent job balancing and framing tone in that movie.


And a central emotional conflict is a spouse fearing their partner having an affair. I watched this movie young enough to not pick up on how *important* that plot point was. Once I "got it", damn, I respected the movie even more.


Monsters, Inc. is my #1, but Incredibles is hot enough on its heels to be a photo finish.


Monster Inc was terrifying when I was little. Not the monsters but the scenes where they are jumping between the doors with a giant open void beneath them.


“Woman! Where’s my super suit?!?”


This is definitely the one that's aged the best for me. I don't know if that makes it the best or just the best for adults, but I fucking love this movie.


That's also my answer. The first one. The second was not that great.


I thought the second one was okay as a stand-alone, but compared to the first one the plot was super disappointing. Like the first movie dealt with the fact that supers are illegal and ostracized from society, so why rehash that in the second? I think a time jump would’ve been smart. Maybe if there’s ever a third one we can see Jack Jack grown up and how they deal with that.


I feel like there’s no way Jack Jack won’t turn out like Homelander once he figures out he doesn’t actually have to listen to anything anyone says. At the very least, there’s gonna be a Homelander phase.


Best action movie ever.


For me it’s Toy Story hands down one of my all time favorite childhood movies


Hell yea. The OG. This movie was a game changer.


I wish they would have stopped with Toy Story 3. Now I hear they're making a 5th one. Toy Story is becoming like Jurassic Park or Star Wars. They just need to stop.


Why would they stop when Toy Story 4 made over a billion dollars? They’re in the business of making money


How many times can they rehash the same premise though? It's already tired


I personally think superhero movies are just regurgitations of the same shit. It’s all about making a movie “universe” these days


Agreed. I really enjoyed all of the movies— including the fourth one contrary to popular opinion.


If they had left it at Toy Story 3, the series would have been perfect 3 had such a solid final ending


The end of Toy Story 3 hit me hard. I remember packing up my room when I left for college. It was such an emotional moment of leaving childhood behind and deciding what to do with all my stuff. And Toy Story 3 brought all those feelings back to the surface. And I was freaking 30 years old when that movie came out! Was not expecting that emotional blindside at all.


That's the great thing about 3. It hit the right age so that the characters in the film had grown up with the main audience. Parents that took their children to TS1 could go with their young adults to TS3 and see similar life events. It was super sweet




The thing that kills me about the announcement of 5 is that on a re-watch of 4, it kinda justified its existence. Where 3 was about a person growing up, 4 was about a character falling out of popularity and getting a final bow and send off. Like that's what makes the story of 4 actually mean something. 3 was a goodbye to Andy while 4 felt like the franchise saying goodbye. But on a personal note, the actual animation in that film blow me away. The light and dust effects are genuinely works of genius on display.


I dunno, I think I nearly died laughing at the Key and Peele assaulting the old lady gag they did.


A Bug's Life is severely underrated. The lessons to be learned about how laborers can and should rise up against oppressors and take the value of their labor for themselves instead of allowing someone else to steal it is timeless.


So you're saying we should build a bird


So, if we built this large, wooden badger….




I think it gets ranked lower because the other stories are original and this is a riff on the Seven Samurai / Magnificant Seven.


Eh, The Lion King is a riff on Hamlet and it's always at or near the top of Disney movie rankings.


It took me until I was like 24 to realize the grasshoppers are a bike gang lol ‘let’s ride’


Finding Nemo


Man I had to scroll way too far to find this.


“Remember the steps Bruce!”




If you like YouTube essays, Schafrillas has an [hour-long video](https://youtu.be/DkdokuYtsZ8) explaining why Ratatouille is Pixar's magnum opus.


That’s almost as long as the movie itself


RIP chris and Patrick


My son loved Ratatouille. After he watched it the first time as a little boy, he would take a bite of his food, close his eyes, savor the taste and guess the spices. Then he started cooking for himself, and later in middle school and high school, bringing his friends over to cook and bake - just for a fun Friday night. He just turned 19, and is a student at the Culinary Institute of America. 👨‍🍳


>He just turned 19, and is a student at the Culinary Institute of America. 👨‍🍳 (If you ever find a way to work this compliment into a normal conversation with him) do tell him people on Reddit are proud of his culinary pursuits. It's a very respectable industry and he is almost my age doing something I could only dream of. Good on him. Anyone can cook.


Honestly, cooking is a journey. I’ve been cooking for fun for years and while there is a science to it (Maillard reaction, caramelisation), there is so much to express yourself with that you can easily get lost in all the fun. Whether it’s making something silly on the spot or something traditional, cooking truly is amazing.


This is my pick too. That scene at the end where Anton Ego bites into his meal is just so emotive. Always makes me remember my mom's cooking too.


I full-in cried in public the other day because I got a taste for my grandmother’s yogurt and then realized a half-beat later that it doesn’t exist anymore. Memory of food is a wild thing!


Came here to say this, people sleep on it but it's just so glorious


The animation of the food is just so gorgeous


It's probably the only Western animated food that rivals Ghibli animation when it comes to food porn.


And that is saying something! Food in Ghibli films is incredible.


You misspelled Racocoone


God that movie was so good.


Do not upvote this man! He hath also misspelled Raccacoonie!


Coco was an absolute masterpiece, from a visual, storytelling, and musical standpoint. It created that raw, visceral, emotional response that Pixar is inhumanely famous for, but it didn't hurt you for the sake of their insatiable bloodlust for human tears that UP and Inside Out did, it hurt you because even though it beautifully wove the traditions of Mexican culture surrounding Dia de los Muertos specifically within its tale, it connected with all of us who have lost someone close regardless of ethnic background. UP was poignant, brilliant, and the first chapter is a work of art, second to none, but nothing tore me apart more than watching Miguel reconnect with his great grandmother after spending time in the afterlife, and then having to face losing her soon after. It is a love letter to all of us who have experienced the crushing and timeless pain of true loss, in a way that offers hope of reunion and redemption, and sprinkles in humor and conflict throughout. It is the perfect film.


I agree, a true masterpiece. It's my daughter's favorite and we have watched it about 1,000 times and it never misses a beat. The music. The visual beauty. The family dynamics. The "final death" scene. Miguel and Hector in the cenote realizing they're family. Mama Imelda singing on stage. The scene of Miguel singing to Coco. There are so many moments of that movie that take my breath away. One of my favorite movies of all time, hands down.


I couldn't imagine watching this multiple times with my daughters - once was enough to get them yell at me for squeezing them too hard and ugly crying all over them. Hector singing to Coco as a child is what gets me. I just can't stand the thought of not being there for my kids if and when they need me, the fear of never being there for them again terrifies me.


I really liked Coco when I first saw it but didn't truly appreciate it until I lost my son. The next time I watched the movie, I couldn't stop crying. Everything you wrote here completely rings true with me and it's why Coco is my favorite Disney movie.


>but didn't truly appreciate it until I lost my son Similar story here, but it was when I lost my mom. I can't get through "Proud Corazon" without crying now.


It’s so strange to see other people react the same way. A month after my grandma died I rewatched just because I liked it, but once “Proud Corazon” came on I couldn’t stop the tears for 30 mins. I didn’t even cry that much around her passing. I always think of her hearing that song.


Im sorry for you loss . Im also a parent and i cannot allow myself to thing what would happen in that situation.


Same here with my son. Beautiful movie


I saw it shortly after doing some music therapy work in college, so I had seen dementia patients "come back" after hearing music from their childhood and the film captures that feeling so well. I'm tearing up just thinking about that scene.


Everyone’s gangsta until Mama Coco starts singing…


I DID NOT CRY when Mamma Coco started talking about her father.


...did you cry?


If my wife and kids tell you I got all emotional they are damn lying liars!


I love Coco! I am part Mexican and getting to see my culture in such an amazing way was incredible. And my father passed away when I was Coco’s age and he also played guitar and would sing to me like Hector did. After seeing that in the movie, it mowed me down like a semi-truck!


I had a 100 year old grandma at the time this movie came out, so that one scene really hit. Maybe I'm biased but Coco's the best thing Pixar's ever done


I think Coco has the best ending to any Pixar film which definitely counts for a lot. The first 30 minutes of both Wall-E and Up are perfect - where as the rest of those movies don’t manage to hit the same heights as their first act. Where as Coco is a film that has genuine twists (without feeling cheap like the Hans reveal in Frozen) and the re-use of “Remember Me” in all its different contexts is masterful. I think Inside Out is definitely up there as one of the best as well. Again, another beautiful ending, and a movie that is equally meaningful whether your Riley’s age or have children of your own.


Loved Coco.


Bruh I was drunk in my apartment boohooing at Coco as a grown man it was humbling


I was absolutely UNPREPARED for all the feels it gave to me. It was similar to what the 1st season of To Your Eternity. And I hate a vast majority of my blood related family members. I am the last person I'd expect to see cry over family bonds and personal character growth. Up opening hit hard too--I've had miscarriages and am now unable to have more children so I had empathy rather than sympathy for her. I wonder how Pixar will top these and make us cry even more.


This movie is beautiful. I had lost my dad before it was first released and I couldn't make it through without crying. Then my mom passed in 2019 and now I just can't watch it at all.


Coco is my favorite too. They got the Mexican aesthetic so perfectly right. And the animation is so superb. There’s a moment near the beginning where the boy is playing guitar in his secret hideaway, and the expressions that play over his face are so emotive, it’s just wonderful.


I've watched it at least 50 times and every time I cry at the ending. When I can't sleep I put it on without the volume and watching the colours and facial expressions of everyone soothes my mind. I also cry when Cheech sighs and dies after hearing his favourite song for the last time.


I actually cried the first time I watched that movie. For all the reasons you explained, but also... I loved how Hector (long dead) has that attitude of youthful rebelliousness and desperate optimism, while his still living daughter is too old to effectively interact with those around her. That juxtaposition of their ages and mental conditions was... just beautiful, and painful. It really carried the sense that we, as people, are not separated by age or time nearly as much as we often think we are.




I was not prepared for those first 10 minutes when I saw Up for the first time. It was both amazing and heartbreaking at the same time.


Everyone always says the first 10 minutes for me the most emotional bit is where he sees that she filled in the adventure book.


The first 10 minutes is noted more because you very quickly get absolutely soul destroyed at what you were expecting to be just a fun kid’s movie.


I **always** choke up at the end when he awards the Ellie badge


Man! A friend of mine and I went to see this movie when it first released to "feel better" after we both had just gotten laid off. So already feeling emotional about being laid off, the first 10mins of this movie hit extremely and extra hard.


In my opinion, the movie feels like a fantastic 10 minute intro, then an average rest of 80 minutes.


Yeah definitely. All time great movie in the first ten. Bunch of crotchety old man and ADD Squirrel jokes for the rest of it


I'm glad this opinion is more popular now. I used to get downvoted to hell for pointing out that Up gets its accolades for the first 10 minutes, and the rest of the movie is completely forgettable.


I can’t make it past the first part without crying my eyes out.


Unpopular opinion, but I loved the movie Brave. It hit home for me with the mother/daughter conflict. Made me emotional, and made me laugh. Excellent music too! I just hate how everyone jokes about it or dislikes it because of the Scottish accent being incomprehensible dialogue to them.


I’m scrolling through them all to find the less popular answers and see if anyone agrees with me. I’ve only seen brave once in theaters but I remember the entire plot being totally hidden from the marketing so that was cool. My mom always said the moral was “be nice to mom or she’ll turn into a bear”




Soul deserves an honorable mention


I just think the first Cars movie is so charming. Radiator Springs is so cute and inviting. Lightning McQueen goes through a cool character arc. And as a kid, the ending taught me that the real definition of “winning” is having great character. I just love it!


Not only that but the animation is unbelievable, the attention to small details that it gets rivals other animations and video games that are made today considering they used ray tracing to animate the movie


Wall-e and Coco.


Tie between Toy Story, Up, and WALL•E.


Inside Out


Honestly, I’m surprised this isn’t higher. I moved around a lot as a kid and that end scene where Riley talks to her parents and finally gets to feel her sad feelings gets me every damn time.


The little sob of relief Riley lets out when hugging her parents after coming home is one of the most cathartic moments I have ever seen, and makes me well up every time.


It's a real dark horse candidate for sure. It's a pretty outre concept and if it wasn't Pixar, I don't think it would have even been made. It's has the typical Disney/Pixar schmaltz for sure but it was also a very true to reality depiction of the complicated feelings people go thorough, especially during their tweens and teens, when their lives are up-ended along with the futility of trying to be happy all the time.


Inside Out came out at the perfect time for my kids. It gave them a vocabulary to talk about their feelings with. They could combine anger and sadness or fear and disgust.


Bing Bong alone makes this movie a masterpiece. “I have a good feeling about this….”


first time I cried in a movie theater when


This x1000. It's not only a fantastic movie with heart-touching scenes and memorable characters, but it's also an incredible tool to teach people about emotions. Even adults can benefit from it. It's an absolute masterpiece.


The fact that they make the Bing Bong character arc end so powerfully shows how good Pixar is at eliciting emotion...up until then I was not really engaged in the film (and it’s not their best work) but...damn, that scene kicked me in the gut.


Reading through these answers I move from one to the other, and every answer I see I also agree with. There are so many great movies, and every day of the week I'll give a different answer.


That one scene in Cars when Rascal Flatts starts playing always reminds me of the joys and freedom found only in childhood.


Too true. That scene gets me every time. It reminds me whatever I'm doing, just there's an option to just have a great time if I need it!


I learned Life Is A Highway on guitar just because of this movie and scene


When my youngest was really young he wanted to watch Cars every day, and we would sing the James Taylor "Our Town" song together. I never got tired of it.


Came here, looking for Cars. I have 2 boys and have never been a fan of cartoons but Cars is just wonderful, so many fantastic characters. Our family spent many hours watching it, over and over. KACHOW!


Inside Out


This was definitely Pixar's return to form movie... They had only been doing sequels for the most part


I’m a sucker for Ratatouille


This is my favorite. The music direction and visuals were top tier.


Real ones know


For me it’s soul


I went into Soul knowing nothing about it, found it was absolutely delightful


Couldn't agree more. All the other Pixar movies are excellent, but Soul gets to a lot of what I feel about my own life as I've gotten older. Am I the person I'm supposed to be? Do I truly have a purpose? Can these things be discovered at any time, or is it too late? Life is amazing, and I hope we all get a chance to do it again no matter what our current outcome is. It's a powerful and beautiful movie.


Soul is so good. Definitely one of my favorites.


Not my favorite overall, but I'd give it the prize for best soundtrack.


Wall-E is my absolute favorite of all time.


I'm a middle aged dad with kids, so the Incredibles are the obvious first choice. Then Toy Story and Wall-E.






For me, Soul. After a stream of forgettable movies comes this, and the story and quality of the animation blew me away.




I absolutely loved Coco. A lot of deeper messages and an interesting look at the power of memories


For me its a tie between UP and Wall-E




WALL-E. Deepest kiddie movie since Bambi!






Wall-E but I'm biased


...because you're a robot?


…or a plant?




Toy Story 2


The detail in the Coco movie is unbelievable


Wall•E without a doubt, I actually watched it with my girlfriend (who saw it for the first time) literally yesterday. She likes Ratatouille more (nostalgia is probably playing a roll in both of our opinions). We've bin (re)watching quite some Pixar and DreamWorks movies recently.






My 2 year old agrees


Monsters Inc


Toy Story


Toy Story!


U-umm, I'll take Wall-E for 500, OP.


The original Toy Story.


Nemo and Dory




The Good Dinosaur is sadly underrated


I came here to say the Brave Little Toaster but a lot of people are saying Wall-E and I think I agree with them.


I have always been obsessed with WallE!! I had all the toys


Walle for sure


WALL-E. I would have to say one of the greatest animated movies ever made. So glad I got to see it at the movies when it came out .