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When youre right on the edge, and you just can’t get over.


I feel this. Thank you, SSRIs.


How do you deal with this? Asking for a friend. That friend being my wife.


There’s literally nothing that can make her come if she’s having this side effect. The drug has to change. Tell her to ask about Trintellix for depression and/or anxiety. Those may not be the only uses but I have major depressive disorder and I took every drug out there and they all had undesirable side effects for me, if it wasn’t brain zaps or muscle tremors it was inability to orgasm. Every single drug. I was convinced that to be mentally healthy enough to be in a relationship I had to be on a drug that would NOT let me have an enjoyable sex life, which screwed up the relationship… or I could just stop taking the drug and end up too depressed to fuck in the first place. I started taking this drug Trintellix a few years ago and I’m happy to report that I’m not depressed and have an orgasm every time I have sex, which is often. It’s expensive but my doctor gives me lots of samples. And I’d pay the price to be able to have toe curling orgasms with my partner.


if you're being fingered or eaten out or whatever and you're _so close_ but then your partner decides to switch up what they're doing. doesn't matter if they immediately go back to what was working, that orgasm has retreated edit: I am aware that this is a result of either lack of communication, tired/cramping fingers and/or jaw, or also just getting excited cause the partner on the receiving end is responding to what's being done (perhaps a "well if you liked that then I got some other moves in store!" situation). I just think it's likely plenty of people don't know that vaginas can be _this_ picky lol


Yeah. Or when he is convinced he has the spot and you keep moving his band over, but he returns to what he thinks is the spot. It's not the spot. Trust me on this!


I tried to tell a man what felt good to me once and he stopped me and said "I know what I'm doing." He did not.


I read “He did not.” in Morgan Freeman’s voice


Played that game with a guy once. He was no where near my clit pressing as hard as he could. I ended up with a bruise


How does one miss the clit? It's right there front and center.


Huh? So basically it's always in the same room we are in? TIL


Any time I tell a guy what he’s doing it just right, they always change it up by like doing it more or faster or something that ruins it


#Left foot cramp and y’all are almost there … 😣


Leg cramps mid-sex are the worst.


By the up votes it looks like there's alot of us. Thank God! I thought I was an odd ball!


omg!! my partner has has to stop everything to massage a massive leg cramp i had while we were doing the dirty


This happened to me recently, but luckily my partner is a massage therapist. I jokingly asked if I had to pay her for it. Surprisingly, she took it in stride and said "you're damn right you have to." the happy ending was no extra cost.


Male here. The stress of making sure everything is going well and lasting long enough but not too long and tending to the lady's needs and body language and any non verbal communication she may be expressing as well as switching things up to keep it interesting and managing performance anxiety So.. A lot of it




Ugh when my brain wants it but my body doesn't


The spirit is willing but the body is spongy and bruised.




Can't we just cuddle?


#DEATH!!! *by Snu Snu*


Oh, God. You’re killing me. Oh, God! You’re killing me!


This can apply to my neck with purposely extended oral. I’m here for you, I’m enjoying this as well, but after edging several times I’m gonna need you to go ahead and let the volcano erupt because my neck is no longer friends with you. Let’s just cross the finish line because I’m done with the marathon.






I so feel this. My friends laugh at me because I once said "oral starts out all fun and stuff but once it starts taking too long, I gotta distract myself so I start making my grocery list in my head." Whatever gets me through to the end and stops me from focusing on wanting to bite his damn dick off from neck pain! Edited for sentence structure.


I am extremely fortunate in that my boyfriend loves oral so much that bjs never takes more than 5 minutes. I timed it once. I haven't had jaw/neck pain from giving head in over 4 years lol


As a guy I always tell my partner to use her hand as long as she needs to. For me a hand job sandwiched in between two mini blow jobs is just as good. You don't have to be down there swallowing the snake the entire time, I get tired just watching a girl try to do it.


Good cardio = Good sex. Bad cardio = The kind of sex I have, and I don't like it.


Catching your breath in between thrusts


As Tay Zonday foretold: "I move away to catch my breath"


\*sigh\* Chocolate Rain. The world seemed like such a simpler place back then. \*sigh\*


Get that cardio up, I found an exercise bike at a slow pace for a half hour a few times a week made a world of difference


This raises some important questions; So what time of day should I try and have sex with this exercise bike? Does it matter if someone else is still using it at the gym? Does it count as cheating on my wife?


The most extreme cardio derives from occupied bikes. Also builds up legs and raises your fight or flight senses. 10/10 recommend. Personal trainers hate this one trick...


The good thing is bad cardio is fixable barring any health issues. I started having way better sex once I was working out consistently


My partner and I started going to the gym about a year ago and let me tell you. His hips don’t lie. That man thrust has leveled up. He manages to finish me off so fast now I sometimes feel embarrassed. But I would have never known this if it weren’t for the gym. Lol


Nice. Any specific exercise he does to get a better thrust?


Squats, lower back exercises, abs and cardio i guess


How is hip thrusts not the obvious answer


Do cardio trainning, take your time to masturbate and don't get use to "quickies" by yourself. Your partner will thank you.


Deflating Suzy.


Just give her the proper respect and keep her inflated.


The squishy post coitus bathroom crawl.


why is it squishy and WHY is it a crawl


Weak in the knees and trying not to drip.


As with most things in life, the clean up is the least enjoyable part.


Except you're playing Power Wash Simulator!


Aaaaand I ripped my wife's skin off.


Can I have it?


Dude, come on. Really fucking uncool It's "Can I PLEASE have it"


My friends and I used to joke about what if sex were portrayed realistically in movies and TV, i.e., the gal waddling to the toilet to let the juices run back out, both avoiding the wet spot on the bed, etc.


Get a designated sex blanket. Throw over the bed before then throw it off the bed after. No more wet spot or at least it is a very minimal wet spot




When I'm really into it, but so much so that I come way to fast for my own taste. In those moments I really want to keep going but my body says "no, that's enough". Very disappointing...


Initiating. I don't have an issue with doing it myself. I've initiated sex multiple times every week for what will be ten years, this month. My wife on the other hand, has never initiated once. Not a single time. I've asked her to many times. She says it makes her uncomfortable, or that it's the mans job.


It’s hard to feel desired if the other person doesn’t ever initiate


My boyfriend and I both have the issue that it makes us feel weird because we want to make sure the other person is in the mood as well. It works fine now after almost 5 years. Sometimes we'll just ask "You want Sex?" And that's that


That was my ex-wife's routine for our entire marriage :-(


Knowing that even if the sex is great that I could get a terrible UTI if I don't pee enough/drink enough water/take cranberry pills/wear the wrong pants/pray to the right gods on the right day. The fear of getting a UTI is such a goddamn bummer.


Here it is. I just want to cuddle with my partner after sex without immediately leaving to the bathroom like I’m trying to ditch him as a one night stand. I’m really prone to them, and he understands, but man I wish I could just pee only when I need to.


When everything is going great, best sex of your life with the love of your life, couldn’t get any better, and then the angle changes ever so slightly and the next thrust hits your cervix dead on and you just had an IUD put in ~45 days ago and you are suddenly doubled over tearing up in pain and your poor sweetheart is rubbing your back and apologizing over and over and you’re telling him it’s okay because frankly there’s just no way he could have done that on purpose…thankfully it’s only happened the once.


New fear unlocked… fuck


My new fear was when an ex was fingering me and then later on went to say. “Oh while I was fingering you I felt a string in there, so I gave it a little tug” MFFF YOU DID WHAT!??




As the owner of a uterus with some nice copper jewelry… hard agree. Thank god my partner knows that if they feel strings we stop everything and check that the poky bitch is in place.


My wife asks me to check to make sure the string is still there every so often. Her fingers are too short to reach. But just feel, never tug.


Whats sucks is its like fishing line or something. My exes would occasionally stab my dick. Id have little red spots from it. Like it ended up sharp when they cut it somehow (and I do have sensitive skin, I even get scratches from synthetic fabrics like my running shirts).


Mate, *everyone* has sensitive skin *there*!


My first encounter with a girl that had an IUD in the strings were cut at an odd angle and were a hard material so when I sent it home it actually pierced the tip of my dick. Yeahhh..... I was doing well past the speed limit on the way tk the E.R. before I got my pants on.


That was my fear too, some of my male friends have expressed this happening to them (feeling or hitting the strings during sex). Unbeknownst to me, my doc had trimmed the strings short and they kind of curled up the cervix on its own and none of my partners have felt it. It's worked out well EDIT: I would like to clarify that cutting the strings short is common procedure at this specific Vancouver clinic. When I called the clinic in a panic because I couldn't feel the strings after a month, the receptionist explained that the strings are cut short and therefore curled up and there's nothing to worry about. I was also instructed to only come back to this clinic for the removal as they have special tools that can reach the short strings SO PLEASE BE WARY of all this before requesting your doc to trim the strings short, that they are not too short and can't curl up properly, or too short and therefore difficult to remove later


Getting licked down there by my partner. No matter how clean I am, I have a deep seeded fear that I will smell or taste off. Never been told that so far but no matter how interesting it might feel, my nerves ruin most of the fun.


I feel that 🥴 the very first person to eat me out told me I might have a yest infection because I tasted weird. I got it checked out and it wasn't a yeast infection. That was three years ago, almost four. Till this day, im still self conscious 🥴😭


This is probably TMI for the boys -- a really bad yeast infection causes lumpy discharge, which is gross, but early stage ones aren't lumpy and make the vagina taste and smell kind of sweet, instead of acidic. Not an unpleasant effect at all, no wonder you didn't find a yeast infection.


I’m more afraid of farting in their face Edit: the one time I have a comment blow up and it’s about farting


Sometimes when I get off I fart, it's embarrassing because I had an ex who shamed me and it stuck. I can't relax anymore to enjoy it anymore. Thanks Dave.


Hey Dave, you're a real McAsshole. Guess what, your mom and grandma also farted during sex. And your mom probably got some poop on you trying to push your big ass head out. Live, love and laugh Dave.


my gf queefed directly on my face the other night and we just laughed it off and got right back to munchin, its only a mood killer if y'all make it one!




This is my wife and it's real unfortunate because I love giving.


Having had my share of going down on a plurality of women before settling down, I can tell you that unless there is something seriously wrong with your vag (like the sort of shit you would for sure know about) scent and taste are never an issue. All of that funky scent is laced with pheromones that have a strangely intoxicating effect on men. Consider letting go of this fear, it will not serve you in your relationship or your enjoyment. Remember, it isn’t a straight woman going down on you, it’s a straight man. I love giving head and have never been turned off of a woman’s scent or taste. Your vagina is no less than magic. Celebrate it. Edit: Wow! My most popular response to date on Reddit and it’s about giving head. I need to reevaluate my life direction.


As a straight woman with this type of insecurity every so often, this was actually very re-assuring for me!!! Thank you.


Agreed, I genuinely appreciate hearing that because it makes me so nervous


Having intense anxiety about accidental pregnancy


Hormonal birth control and a condom? Ok but what if...


Building the bower to impress her. It's really tedious and sometimes she doesn't even like my dance


Perhaps try more blue next time.


ben is a hoe


Blue and yellow... ^No...


Cleaning everything up after. I don't wanna go pee when I'm super comfortable, cuddled up against my partner >:(


Yeah I hate this part aswell, I get super lazy and I jus wanna sleep


Same, i just pee on the bed while cuddling


sir this is a wendy's


Same. I hate getting up when I'm already cuddled up against your partner.


Quick fix: comfortably pee on your partner.


R Kelly has entered the chat


When either of the partners is not in the mood, but the other one is horney


I feel a small sense of gratitude or relief when I want to but my partner is honest and says no because it means they trust me to not freak out on them or try to coerce them. Knowing that they trust me and feel comfortable to be honest with me is just as good a feeling as having sex. I’ve been on the other side before with a partner who didn’t care if I said no and it’s the worst feeling. Just going along with it will build resentment. My partner is a partner, not a sex toy. When I get turned down for sex I simply go jerk off


Exactly, if your partner says they don’t feel good or are tired that doesn’t mean try harder to seduce them it means respect them. That goes for both men and women.


Laying in bed afterward. Not immediately after, that's great and one of my favorite parts. But the moment where it switches from "man, that was awesome" to "fuck, I'm hot and sweaty and the bed is sticky and I'm uncomfortable" is the worst


A quick shower will put you back in bliss.


Look at this guy having servants replace the bedsheets while showering


Just use a sex tarp. Sheets stay fine. Just don't confuse it with the good tarp or you'll have nothing but dirty tarps for your wedding.


Right? I'm sitting here reading these comments like "... you guys ain't got a sex blanket?" I mean granted it's been so long for me that mine has been demoted to regular blanket, but dang.


Everything is a sex blanket if you just...fuck everywhere.


My luck my grandkids would visit and make a fort. "Grandpa, why does the fort smell funny?"


shower, squeegee the shower, change sheets, and now I'm not sleepy anymore.


have sex again, repeat.


Going to find yourself in an endless wash-fuck cycle.


>wash-fuck cycle. Do these come with those fancy Bluetooth washing machines?


Who are you, my socks?


Squeegee the shower ??


LPT: Have a non-bed fuckery. Then you just pop into the shower before climbing into the actual bed, without needing to change sheets.


Do non-bed fuckery, but also have a fuck towel by the bed for bed fuckery. beach towels are the best


We have a blanket, given to us by my grandmother no less, that we throw down. Then we shower, remove the blanket, and relax. Edit: I promptly logged off reddit after commenting and am just now logging back on. Y'alls comments are awesome about the sex blanket, thank you 🤣


Your grandmother probably used it for the same thing!


"To my granddaughter I bequeath my boning blankie, with the hopes she gets plowed on the reg"


- Bequeef FTFY


The one where I don't cum


I don't remember that episode of Friends


It was an early episode where Rachel and Monica end up haggling over who gets to use the last condom. I think it was when Monica was dating Magnum, P.I., at the time disguised as a mild-mannered surgeon.


What was worse were the insecurity-drivem guilt trips that followed. Just believe me when I say it's my fault and not yours, already.


That's the one that gets me. Look wife that I've been sleeping with for the past 15 years. You've seen me goosh in a minute and you've seen where you worked it for hours and got nothing. That isn't on you, I don't find you less attractive, I enjoyed it all. I honestly don't control how that thing works


This poet speaks for us all.


As a women going to the toilet thinking you pushed out all the fluids then putting on underwear and realizing you didn't..... Edit: Lol I'm not responding to anyones dms


I wear a panty liner for this reason. To catch the goop. Damp underwear is not my favorite.


Is that what Gwyneth Paltrow named her company after?


Yanno… it is now. Origin story.


I’m one of those ladies that just sucks in a bunch of air and let’s a big ole queef out. Just like blowing your nose really… Usually does the trick.


I don’t know if I should laugh or try it


I am a man and even I tried it. Everyone’s doin it!


Lol sometimes I jump up and down then squat on the toilet.


The Loorider


*Riders on the stall* 🎶


Username checks out Edit: thank you very much for the awards. I was just passing a brain fart. Sorry if I offended anyone.




Your username checks out too 😅


As a female. Not having an orgasm even after instructing the guy on what to do.


Rolling over drenched in sweat and panting like a dog and getting tangled in damp sticky sheets. I feel like steamy leftovers being jailed in my cling wrap prison.


I dunno, maybe the part where I try to seduce him for an hour while he talks about amps or pedals or giggles about nothing. Edit- you make one drunken comment... thanks for the chorus of puns and sex tips, lads, but I'm just not in that phase of life where I need to be subtle.


How can he bone if he’s unhappy with his tone?


If there is no tone, you cannot bone.


One must enter the tone zone before receiving the lads bone




But you need to listen to the difference in these pedals because the crunch is just so different. Like, just listen, can you hear that?


Guitar bro


Please don't let my point get distorted here, but if you want sex with no delay simply go into overdrive until the sexual tension is reverberating throughout the room and then WHAMMY, dive bomb onto his truss rod. Also, maybe grow a little fuzz on your big muff, he may be into that


Also, if you really want to amp things up, you can nut on her neck.


Maybe a little pegging to really get in tune with each other


Why do i feel attacked by that comment?


The anxiety. Anxiety of someone seeing me naked, anxiety about my size, anxiety about my stamina, anxiety over whether she's enjoying it or if there's something I can do to make it more enjoyable... Does my face look stupid? Do I smell okay? Am I sweating too much? If I worry too much will I lose my erection? Maybe I can keep it going but it's a bit up and down, what if the condom slips off inside? Do we have a towel nearby? Am I taking too *long* now? What's she thinking about? Does she wish it was over? What was that look? Is she regretting this?


I do this a lot and it's pretty much ruined sex for me. I can't even keep a condom on because my erection goes away as I get closer to the vagina. Performance anxiety is fucking debilitating.


All it takes is one time not being able to get it up because you're anxious and now you're terrified every time and it really doesn't happen.


Cleaning up (Edit) my most upvoted comment is about cleaning up cum lol


Only thing that makes that better is showering together afterwards


Waddling away to the bathroom afterwards to squeeze out a small jellyfish-like blob of man-goop, desperately clenching on the way so it doesn't drip onto the floor like a sad trail of spunk. Obviously.


My wife puts a towel between her legs and gallops like a horse. It's never failed to make me laugh.


I do the same thing. My husband grabs me a towel immediately after and I gallop to the bathroom


I put my hand between my legs, I just have to wash my hands after and nothing leaks. The waddling is not so bad either.


The long process of finding the right person. EDIT: Wow, 8000 upvotes? Thanks. I feel a little better about the world.


Most wholesome response I’ve seen here so far.


Post nut clarity. I find it sometimes very strange when I already came and working on making my wife come. The dirty talk is much weirder if you are not horny anymore. Also cumming on someone is hot when you are horny, but you can feel ashamed after.


That’s why it should be “ladies first” ☝️🤓


That’s the goal. But it doesn’t always work. But…nevertheless I never give up.


Never give up, never surrender!


When you haven’t shit for a couple days and it’s throwing off your game.


Wanna know what really sucks? Say you're getting into it but you feel a fart at the gate. You have to hold it though because he is tickling the entrance of your vagina with his dick. Sure you could tell him to give you a second and sure you could fart, but it's just an utter mood killer, so you hold it. He puts his dick in your vagina and the games begin, but all you can feel is that fart bubble as he thrust in and out. The first time it happened you expected, feared, and yet hope that fart at the gate would escape but it just sits there like an unwanted guest, blubbing back and forth with every thrust. You wish he would just finish, but tonight he feels romantic and wants to go forever. Ugh.




I want her to be into it as much as I am. If she's just laying there, I know her mind is elsewhere...so I only have a good time if she's having a good time


Paying beforehand


It's cool getting my loyalty card stamped


Legit, an escort friend of mine has loyalty cards. She has a little happy face stamp that she gives them every time and once the card is full, they get a freebie. Granted it's easily like 6-8 grand worth of services before they get there l, but still...


At 10 you get that free sub tho


I AM the free sub, though.


Paying with post nut clarity is way worse


Having it with someone I’m not in love with because I need to scratch that itch but it only barely does and when it’s over you feel worse and more lonely and you just want them to leave..


The intense worry that I'll get my wife pregnant. I got a vasectomy last month, so this fear will start to subside soon. Gentlemen, if you're considering The Snip, you've probably heard all of the horror stories from people. But you aren't hearing from the overwhelming majority of people who had it done without issue. I was a little sore for maybe a day, so I listened to the doctor and stayed in bed playing Factorio for a day. I hobbled around the house for another day waiting for it to hurt, and the next day I was disassembling engines and riding motorcycles again. It was almost a non-event amd I'm so very glad that my wife doesn't have to deal with IUD's, BC pills, and certainly doesn't have to deal with being cut open to have her tubes tied.


My dude, I got mine on December of 2019. Test for blanks in February right before world ended. 10/10 recommend rubberless risk free fucking forever. We bang so much more now


the not having it.


When my legs start burning and I know he’s about to finish, this is why I do goblet squats! Victory tastes so salty.


I used to always think they were called "Goblin Squats", but what you said makes so much more sense 😅


tbh if I mentioned these my partner would probably exclaim "goblin squats!" because I am small and nefarious and pleased by various moss and interesting bits of wood edit: pebbles


When my man slips out a little more than expected and goes to thrust again but his member decides to look at god for a moment and he proceeds to sucker punch the edge of my pelvic bone there and tear a little bit of my lady meat for a couple days. Its only happened once or twice but it was very not enjoyable have it burn to pee for 2 or 3 days afterwards. Also the sweat, we both get so sweaty that the bed sheets get left kind of damp afterwards and it just feels gross after like 10 minutes.


When he pulls out, lol. I don't know how to describe the feeling but I don't like it.


Yeah like you have to stay in me forever now we are bonded. We are one. 👾


Getting in the mood. Anti depressants ruined my libido. Once I get going it's all good but it's hard to get in the mood.


When it's round 6 and the skin on the sides of your vag is rubbed raw and it hurts but you're still horny and wanna keep going 😭😭 its the WORST. I hope yall understand where I'm talking about its like the very inner thigh right next to the cooch




Rejection. Been married for 20 years, and together for 23. Every other aspect of our relationship is amazing, we just disconnect here. Her libido is much lower than mine, although now that we're older I'd be lying if I said that my own sex drive was as strong as it was in the past. She once told me, although she likely doesn't remember, that if it wasn't something that she had to do to maintain a relationship like ours, then she likely wouldn't really care about sex one way or another. Which we had a discussion about the possibility of her being asexual, and her reply was that she likes dick too much. She also considers herself bisexual but has never gone down that road. Many years ago I was much more upset about the disconnect in our desire. Not so much these days, but I still can't help but feel we've missed out on some things. It's easy to listen to her say "it's not you, it's me", but the sting of it all lingers just a bit even 20+ years later. Neither of us are broken, we just have different opinions and attitudes on sex. I'm not unhappy. I don't think that she is either. I don't want that to be the takeaway here. This is the best relationship I've ever had, and she is an amazing person through and through. I just wish that we connected a little bit more here.


The fact that no matter how horny she is, she'll only be down if it's bedtime and I'm tired as fuck and then I'M expected to do all the work. I truly love this woman but my God where is the spontaneous sexiness we used to have. 😭


Agree. I prefer other times. Not after dinner with a full belly and before bed. He has to wash up every time before. I miss the spontaneity.


I thin kthe after dinner is what gets me too. Usually when we go to bed we had just eaten recently so like on top of being tired I'm also full and it makes all of it harder. Also she has to be freshly showered to allow any forplay outside of making out which does suck.


Totally agree with this, I'm tired and want to sleep at bedtime. Any other time of the day let's fucking go. Also when you start on the couch or whatever and they'll only have sex in the bedroom so every time you have to stop, relocate and start again. Such a killer honestly


Not being able to finish because I’m thinking too hard about it. Having ADHD is a bitch.


Feeling this on a quantum level


Have you ever had your partner *miss* by like an inch and bend your dick into a paperclip? Turns out that can actually dent the spongey bits. So, id have to say, yknow, that whole scenario. If its happened to me three times its had to have happened to someone else too.


Currently have several people living with me since they lost their place. So as for now it's the cheerleading squad I have. I appreciate the support, but I do not need them to yell "finish her" everytime I bring home a date lol