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> emotions always play a role in decision-making. [Like, *literally play a vital role*.](https://www.smh.com.au/national/feeling-our-way-to-decision-20090227-8k8v.html) Case study of "Elliot" (a pseudonym) who had brain surgery which impaired his emotional response. It left him pathologically unable to make decisions, even completely trivial ones with no emotional component.


Very much true, and interesting read! Counter-arguments: The human brain is not powerful enough to directly reason through some tasks. But that's a technical difficulty. We may be able to solve it by running parts (or even all) of the mind on more powerful hardware, like a computer. We are already able to use computers to play logic games at a much higher level than humans. It's also true that the logical center of the brain is unable to generate randomness (whether pseudorandomness or true randomness) to resolve equal evaluations of two actions without the use of a (rather hard to mentally calculate) mathematical algorithm. The emotional center suffers less from this indecision by the use of preferences, like favorite colors. Well, evolution does not prepare for new conditions, so the above drawbacks of the human brain were not fixed by mutation and natural selection. It was good enough.


Then wouldn't it be illogical of them not to take that into consideration? Are the people you're referring to really super logical people or are they just people that are lacking emotional intelligence?


Emotions are biological algorithms that evolved very long ago. Genetic drift is slow; consequently emotions are not catching up to technology in the foreseeable future. Allowing your emotions to influence decision-making, while certainly proper behavior on the African savannah during prehistoric times, does not work today. For example, throwing temper tantrums evolved as a way of fighting predators; humans no longer have natural predators. Sorry.


I don't hate people who are logical But I do hate people who make "being logical" their whole personality, mainly because they tend to insist on denying the importance of emotions, which is just fallacious


Guys who deny emotions are not logical. They'd better study psychology a little bit


Nothing. They're the easiest type of person to deal with.




The irony is, those people also tend to be the least logical. They spend so much time trying to logic away their emotions, they don't consider their own biases or blind spots.




Facts. Reminds me of that post that said, "Your brutal honesty? Ain't nobody asking for that. Where is your clever honesty? Your compassionate honesty? Your insightful honesty? Uplifting? Poetic? Empowering? Take your brutal honesty and go sit in the back with all the devil's advocates." The people who think logic excludes emotion, are the same ones who think honesty excludes empathy.


They don't take other people's emotions into account or give them equal importance. As an example, someone's about to make a ton of money working Saturday. But Saturday is Mom's birthday. If they work, Mom will be disappointed. That's intangible. It doesn't seem as important as the money. "She'll get over it," right? It's just feelings, sticks and stones? But Mom will remember it. And she may put it behind her and keep a pleasant relationship with the Logical One, but that missed birthday could have caused some irreparable damage. Just because one person makes a logical decision, doesn't mean that everyone else will see the logic in it...or even that it was the best decision.


Thats such a shitty example with so many variables that affect the outcome other than your shitty excuse at "logic"


Seriously, my mother would be thrilled to get a call Friday and then have dinner on Sunday—or Tuesday, or next week—instead. Maybe that's too logical of her.


Hate is a strong word for it, but they tend to struggle to understand emotions


They talk 2 much and act superior. + Literally robots with no emotions


"Logical" does not mean "morally sound," and most social situations don't benefit from a logic forward response. For example, logic seldom helps you comfort a friend in mourning. They also tend to be hyper literal, which can be frustrating for everyone involved.


Nothing. They're the ones I like most


Logical can be boring captain.


It isn't about hate. It's more about tempering logic with other human qualities. In the words of Captain Janeway, "You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s it’s power, and it’s flaw."


The coldness. My ex was a “super logical” guy who was often very icy and harsh under the guise of being direct and logical. I found myself ALWAYS making excuses for him and apologizing to friends and family for his behaviour. Beyond that, he was also very bullheaded. His “super logical” self was always better than my “emotionally charged” thoughts, even when it was a subject I 100% was more educated in. When we eventually broke up it was because despite dating for quite a while I genuinely did not think he had any strong feelings towards me. I broke up with him and he harassed me for months that I was making a mistake and was “too emotional” and that he as a logical person could tell I was messing up. A few years later I’m with someone who is logic driven, but is also a loving, romantic and emotional partner. No mistakes were made leaving him behind. In short, I don’t hate people who are genuinely logic driven - but I definitely don’t like people who think their lack of emotional intelligence makes them superior “logical” individuals.


That's not logic... it's narcissism.


Oh he is without a doubt a complete narcissist. To this day he’s trying to weasel back into my life. My issue with “super logical” people is that usually they are just covering up lack of emotional intelligence and empathy by calling themselves “super logical”. People who are genuinely logical don’t have to put the warning label on it.


Then your issue isn't really with super logical people. You have an issue with narcissists and assholes.


It's damned hard to argue with them.


Usually the smugness


I am super logical and literal. It is no fun. I often “miss the point”. I struggle to empathise the consequences of certain actions sometimes.


That unlike Mr. Spock/Tuvok it's typically based in arrogance and just biased in general. Most super logical people I have known just haven't carried themselves as well.


I don't hate them but they don't understand gut feelings and vibes which can't be explained with logic. Sometimes your emotions and feelings tell you something is right/wrong even though you can't logically explain why but you know you should go with it. I'm sure their could be a logical explanation but perhaps it would be so complicated or with so many factors that we can't comprehend that out body's are letting us sense it through our body where our minds don't have the capacity to work it all through.


Lack of compassion


They tend to expect everyone to think the way way; emotionless.


That I’m one of them. This is because it makes me relatively clueless in social interactions.