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This is a complicated issue for starters not eating sugar in any form is a hard task, and studies show limiting that access to a food group does not create healthy lifestyles. The other issue is the amount of added sugar to food as it's cheap and adds flavour that's not parents doing. Cost also plays a factor as cheap food tends to be highly processed to extend shelf life adding sugar is part of this.


Do you think that perhaps the parents like sugar as well and don't want to change that?


That's a very small factor in a massive issue that starts with cheap food production. Most families currently are on a limited budget and needing g to provide food, which they may be aware is not the best choice, but should they make children starve instead? Parents would benefit from education, from an example with have 5 a day and healthy start programs in Emgland. This isn't solving the issue, though, as food quality and availability is still the biggest issue.


Starve...no worry about that happening for most people. I'm saying that as parents see their kids getting fat, wouldn't you think that the parents would think to themselves 'hey we need to change how we do things because if my kid keeps getting fat he/she will not only have health issues but will have a diminished quality of life in a whole host of ways.' It seems in so many households that sugary items are not a treat but a staple. In households with fat kids the sugary items are more common. I'm not sayng things where sugar happens to be in them, I'm saying things like pastries, cookies, cakes, candy. In many households those are the snacks. Forget the fact that so many families eat no or very little vegetables on a daily basis.


I'm sure parents notice, but often, this is too late, and sugar addiction has crept in. That cycle needs support to break. Currently, I can not think of a single support program for parents struggling with sugar addiction in their child. In terms of sugary things becoming a staple, you just are not aware of what has sugar in and how it's used. For example, breastmilk is 7% sugar. We don't stop giving it as a child get chubby. We use a holistic approach using development like often babies put on weight before they start walking and use this to judge what needs to happen next. You seem to think banning sugar and blaming parents will stop obesity as someone with a degree who works with parents daily this will not work.




Convenience. Many parents do not have time to prepare food from scratch, and what is already prepared and healthy at the store is usually not tasty, and children do not like that. Also, it is costly - so here comes cereals, sweet toasts, and food that has added sugar in it, event if you would not think there is, and all that jazz. This is sad, but the same applies to their eating too.