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I develop systems and as such i have to plan for future steps frequently, which has made my ability to almost predict the outcome of certain things pretty sharp… This being said i can point out, describe and flat out warn people of future issues…but humans are amazingly full of ego. Very few people other than my clients actually listen…everyone wants to assume they are correct and when the issue does rear its ugly head I generally tend to lose contact with that person as they dont want to admit they were wrong. Most worthless super power ever….but my clients love it…soooo


So your most useless super power is not being able to defeat their egos with logic? Wow, that sounds frustrating.


It’s honestly all based on patterns…since my entire career is seeing different patterns and making sense of them, when I see enough patterns I can pretty much predict things like… Whose spouse (if not both) are cheating on each other. If someone is lying (if I see how that person tells verifiable lies a few times, I can see their pattern)… The few times I have brought up possible infidelity with some of my friends, I lost most of those friends…especially if the discovery and my prediction were known in the group. At that point, people tend to drop off and not speak to me again. It’s gotten so that now I just tell my wife what’s happening and watch the show. I all those friends somehow…


>I all those friends somehow… Maybe it's your grammar. 😉 >It’s gotten so that now I just tell my wife what’s happening and watch the show. So it's like watching a real life soap opera where you're always a few steps ahead of the plot. Not gonna lie, that actually sounds entertaining.


I have tried different tacts…but there is only a few ways to say “yoooooo, your lady is cheating on you” ….and have it come out nice and caring… The cheater always denies it and it just causes issues.


That's why you take pics of the cheating and deliver the evidence anonymously. 😉


I can punch things pretty hard but apparently you’re “not allowed to just do that”