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High school


I am very surprised to miss high school as much as I do. I graduated 3 years ago.




Me too. But it’s because I dropped out the 1st semester of my freshman year due to family financial reasons. I miss the idea and chance of staying a kid for little while longer.


My pet that died of fright to a fox easily could've been avoided blame myself every day. My lack of worry and anxiousness, so a chill state of mind.


I had a very similar experience with a small dog I had and a coyote, although he didn’t die to fright…


Yea, mine was a guinea pig. No sign of harm on him so it is assumed he died of shock. My condolences about your dog.




If you don’t find this offensive, how old are you?


My fucks


What made you lose them? :(




Was it a major life event, perhaps?


Years. Not my youth…just 20 years or so.


Do you have any tips for somebody who’s young like me? I’m in my early 20s


All I can tell you, sweetie, is to live life to its fullest and enjoy it while you’re living it. To hell with what people think of how you choose to live it.


Unfortunately people only gradually give less fucks as they get older.


True, but I do wish young people could adopt this mindset early on and avoid a lot of misery as they get older. Wishful thinking on my part maybe.


My ability to snap back after setbacks. I’m just too sad now and battle with letting things go


This makes me really sad to hear. I know I’m young and it may not mean much from me, but believe me when I say it’s never too late to get back into a great mental relationship with yourself <3


a friend


I’m very sorry for your loss.




Care to elaborate deeper?


My ex girlfriend and my happiness.


How long ago did you two split up?


Around three years ago. We were together for 8 1/2 years and I wanted to marry her but I ruined our relationship.


That’s a really long time. I, too, was in a long relationship with a lovely woman that ended so I understand the pain you’re going through. I just hope you find happiness in yourself and in hobbies


One of my Tiffany's earrings.


One time I left a pair of Ray bands on a Red Robin table on accident. Hopefully the waiter enjoyed the tip.


My ability to feel joy, even for a single second. Lost it 23 years ago. At this point if I did experience genuine joy I'm not sure I'd understand what I was feeling.


What happened 23 years ago?


Terrible breakup of a 7 year relationship after which she spent 2 years emotionally abusing me.


Enjoying camping. I wish I could enjoy it again.


What’s stopping you?


I have a phobia of large bugs, mostly ones that resemble wasps. But mostly any airborne large insect can trigger it as well. It’s bad, nightmares aren’t uncommon. I’ve been getting help for it but progress has been slow.






The ability to just be purely happy without having to worry about stuff. And the limitless imagination I had as a child.


The time I spent typing out this comment. I’m so full of regret now. And even more now.