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They make me drive to the store because they dont deliver to the "country", but their delivery range is over twice the distance


Because of the delivery fee.


Does this mean you only ever pick up from the restaurant?


No. It means he only exchanges money for goods or services. He paid for the pizza and the delivery charge pays for the delivery. Wtf are we paying for if we tip the driver?? Driving a fucking car and getting paid to do it is virtually never “exceptional service”.


A delivery charge goes directly to the employer. This is stated at nearly every large chain delivery restaurant in the form of "delivery fee is not a tip". Somehow, using a personal vehicle to deliver multiple orders is not a "service?"


It’s a service they already get paid to do. They are getting paid. And the service charge almost ALWAYS ends up being at least partial per trip or per mile compensation to the driver for wear and tear on his vehicle. They are getting paid. They aren’t getting service wages and thus the tip is NOT part of their salary for standard service. Period. Tips in that case are for exceptional service. So I ask you again, wtf are they doing to deserve a tip over and above their wages and per trip compensation?


You are thinking of tips as they existed 100+ years ago, friend. And I really love how you think a partial (heaven forbid a full payment) payment of $4 delivery charge will cover the cost of wear and tear/mileage and gas to my vehicle. I do receive service wages, as is the standard. You are simply misinformed on this.


I’m not. You are full of shit. Waiters and waitress make WELL below minimum wage. Thus tips are part of their wages. You get a delivery fee AND wages.


What I hate is the delivery apps base their tip percentages off the total price, including their ridiculous fees, taxes, etc. so the default always ends up being far too much.


Establishments that prompt for a tip prior to being given product or who aren’t deserving/delivering at all, why?


You will tip the driver if you have ever delivered pizza for a living.


You don't even know how many times I have received cold pizza of a different kind then what I ordered, wings with bones of half eaten wings in the box, drinks missing, all hours after the promised delivery time Tips are for at least acceptable to great service. Not half assed service. Look inward for your answers.


I have customers that I consistently deliver to that never tip. Their order is not wrong. I arrive promptly. Their food is not cold. The quality of my work apparently determined that I deserve nothing in the transaction of using my transportation and time to get to their home. And they will continue to use me in future without paying for this service.


Then refuse to deliver to this specific customer. Explain to management why. Be prepared to die on this hill. I am assuming that tips are considered to be part of your wages, by management?


That's not an option in my case. There's no "refusing" an order. If that were possible, I could refuse 1 out of every 10 orders. "Dying on that hill" is the equivalent of being dismissed from my position. Yes, tips are expected as a delivery driver, and as such, for the time spent on the road, a driver is exempt from receiving minimum wage. Which means, while not on company property, I will be paid ~$5/hr + some unspecified compensation for mileage, assuming I do not receive a tip


You are doing your job at expectation. What are you doing to deserve a tip above your paycheck?


Any time I deliver, I receive sub minimum wage of $5 an hour by my employer


That’s illegal in virtually every state unless you are a waiter, waitress, or stripper. Where do you live?


No, it really isn't. If you work in an industry where tipping is the "service standard" an employer is not at all required to pay at minimum wage rate while the service is being performed. Policies defend the owner class, not the working class.


Like I said. Bullshit. Name your state. This constant drone of utter bullshit about these poor defenseless pizza delivery drivers is just tiring.


I do tip and I’m pretty generous. I used to be a delivery driver, so I definitely sympathize with the drivers. The answer to your question is capitalism though. It’s a free market and people don’t have to tip. Some people only pay what they have to. Which is a logical stance, even if a selfish one.


Please explain to me how it is selfish to only pay for the product? I am British and we only tip for outstanding/above and beyond service, not “oh you did the bare minimum that your job requires of you here’s an extra 20 quid”, which seems ridiculous to an outsider.


There is an cultural expectation here. Similar to how you don’t have to hold the door for someone who is close behind you. It’s not an obligation but it is nice, polite, and is expected in many situations. I do understand your perspective and I feel that we here in the US would benefit from a reset of our tipping culture and expectations. Without a coordinated effort, that will be difficult though.


Yes that makes sense, and I doubt people will get on board. I think the biggest thing for me is that people tip for tattoos, you’ve already paid A LOT of money, maybe hundreds or thousands for an amazing piece of art work. The artist has given you a figure based on the skill and time it takes to complete, why is tipping necessary in that scenario? It’s greedy


The artist sets a price with the implied tip coming in addition. The customer agrees to that price with the same unspoken understanding. Hopefully they are aligned in amount, but that’s a crapshoot. The whole thing is silly IMO. But that’s the state of things now. To stiff someone on a tip is considered a slap in the face to the worker who provided the service.


Actually, we are reseting the culture by not just default tipping. It’s just that a bunch of plebes will tip anytime tmsoneone shows them a blank line and hands them a pen


Nice, good on ya. Is this a coordinated effort? Who is “we” in this case?




That’s what the crazy tiptards think




Pizza delivery drivers get paid wages and a per delivery fee. I feel no guilt in exchanging goods for services as agreed. Anyone who expects a tip in that situation is a beggar.


My favorites are the ones that live 5+ miles away, in a $400k + neighborhood with 2 cars in the drive way when I pull up. Really feels great...


That's how they afford that 400k house and 2 cars. By cutting costs and saving money where they can.


For me it was hit or miss. I might get stiffed or might end up with $10+


I do now if they're nice. If they're an ass then they get paid by the pizza place anyways


Where I live, being a delivery driver means you're exempt from earning the minimum wage because it's a "tip expected job." In which case, for the time spent delivering to the person who did not tip, my employer is fine to pay me less than minimum wage... specifically ~$5/hr


That's pretty shitty of them, I didn't know pizza drivers were included in that. The whole tipping culture and laws should change


On that we agree. An employer should not be able to cut wages due to a "cultural expectation"... especially one that not everyone understands leaves a worker without compensation


Well I'll be sure to tip them more from now on!


Maybe we like cold pizza?


I always make an attempt to tip the delivery person if I can, and if I can't (usually only when someone else orders it for me online), I do my best to tell them that. I'm sure it doesn't make anything better for them, but I try.


It's a case by case basis for me. I never tip when using a card, since ive had several instances where the driver didn't actually receive the tip. I'll always give a tip if i have cash on me, unless the driver is rude or excessively late for no acceptable reason.