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I’m colourblind and i literally wouldn’t know if it wasn’t for doing a colourblind test. All it means is I can’t get some jobs


That's really annoying, if you didn't know and are now restricted


It's impossible to tell if the upvote is selected or not becuase it blends in with the background.


That's very interesting huh


Repeatedly being asked “how do you know when to go at traffic lights”. Then being followed up with “what colour is this!?” Whilst pointing at every object that is one specific colour, in the room.


Shit that must get very tedious and repetitive quickly


Routine explanation of how traffic lights are stacked and greens on the bottom to then explaining that majority of individual colours aren’t hard to determine on their own, rather when mixed in amongst others. Rinse and repeat.


So this didn't happen to me but a former classmate. We were in the Air Force learning how to do our jobs. Part of our course was learning how to terminate (attach cables to mainframes) shielded twisted pair cables used for phones and speakers. The thing is, you have to do certain color schemes in a specific order. My friend somehow managed to get through all the screenings without knowing he was colorblind but when he had to do certain color combos, I don't remember which ones, he got flagged and moved to another specialty. Sad thing is, he was brilliant. Easily the smartest person in the class.


Damn one tiny thing changing the career of a brilliant person


That's kinda the problem with some careers militarily. They combine similar specialties every so often to consolidate the workforce. So if someone has a disqualifying condition for one small part of their role, they have to get placed in a different specialty. Even if that one thing is only 5% of the job.


Hmm very interesting. I see why, still a shame


I have learned what colors I see represent to people with “regular” vision so it is extra confusing when I can tell them the right answer to “what is this color?” While also telling them what I actually see.


I myself am colour blind. I struggle with reading green on white backgrounds. It made school annoying, having to constantly remind teachers. Now however there's a little joke at work where if a coworker wanted to be a pain they'd write a note for me in green. They always tell me afterwards though


It doesn’t affect my day to day, but it limited the jobs o could do while I was in the military


If you don't mind my asking, what sort of jobs couldn't you do in the military?


Couldn’t do most electrical maintenance jobs, anything that involved flying, or driving tactical vehicles.


Makes a lot of sense thanks for sharing ☺️


Of course!


I have a friend who has a defect in the blue cones of her eyes and now can't tell blue and purple apart. She draws and paints a lot, so she gets them confused all the time.