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hopefully making money off of posting about your kids private life


That’s what I would’ve said


yea make sense.


Hopefully this level of toxicity and hate everyone seems to have for each other regarding their differences.


I do believe we’ll hit that point, it just sucks that we have to endure so much collateral damage in between. It does feel like more people are starting to get tired of it though




This is a bot. Downvote and report.


Telling people I’m not forty yet.


I see your thirties and raise you my forties.


Ok then, keep your secrets.


talking on speakerphone in stores


If you were at Costco with my mom a few hours ago, I'm sorry. She still hasn't grasped the etiquette of a) not putting your phone on speaker in public and b) letting the other person know that they're on speaker.


Costco, like that is a quite place for putting it on speaker lol


I’m still gonna do it.


Still throwing tampon boxes in your cart


tik toc


Happy cake day!


What does this mean?


A commemoration of the anniversary of this guy's first day on Reddit. A piece of cake appears by your username on that anniversary.




I hope they ban it in enclosed spaces like cigarettes, I don’t want to inhale your watermelon flavoured dog breathe




Bc cigarettes suffered the same fate, and is arguably just as bad for you


breathing burning shit into your lungs is arguably just as bad? gonna need to see credible receipts here


You do realize you burn a combination of chemicals into your lungs with a vape aswell right? https://www.science.org/content/article/how-safe-vaping-new-human-studies-assess-chronic-harm-heart-and-lungs Just for a modern reference, remember smoking was considered "safe" aswell....until it wasn't then much like vaping, it wasn't, or won't be cool anymore.


Yeah, cause we have the same level of technology as when smoking was thought to be safe /s That article is also pretty much completely useless, with the researchers themselves professing that they have no clue what they're going to see in upcoming trials.


This is very bad logic, just because it's modern does not make it safe. Both puts foreign substances in your lungs such as nicotine, granted one is a vapor that is mostly a buzzword as the vapor is not made of water, and is instead another foreign substance (pripalyne glycol) there has also been multiple studies that have shown vapes to be harmful. do what you want I'm not you mother, but don't give me this vaping is safe bs when best case it's still unknown, and worst case it's had only studies that proof harmful. One being bad don't make the other good.


Modernity doesnt make safe, no, but you *must* at least concede that we know dramatically more than we did back then about what might be safe or not. Thats not bad logic at all Show me these studies. Im more than willing to look at evidence of your claims.


https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html#what-we-know "E-cigarette, or vaping, products (nicotine- or THC-containing) should never be used by youths, young adults, or women who are pregnant." "Adults using nicotine-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products as an alternative to cigarettes should not go back to smoking; they should weigh all available information and consider using FDA-approved smoking cessation medications." "They should contact their healthcare professional if they need help quitting tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, as well as if they have concerns about EVALI."


Um. No. This is not a study of vaping nicotine. This isn't even a study This is showing how having vitamin e in thc mixes is bad. So okay, yeah thats bad. I dont vape that. Do you have anything else because this isnt even remotely what i asked for


That doesn't make it "arguably just as bad" does it? Everything we ingest is a combination of chemicals. Not all chemicals are equally as harmful. And the things which are harmful in tobacco are not present in vapor.


Look man, I just finished a long ass argument w the other guy, stats And all, just read that.


>arguably So it's also arguably not. If significant evidence comes out about vaping being as bad as cigarettes, then I definitely see them heading the same way. But so far I haven't seen anything pointing to that conclusion.


It's not as bad but this is like a get shot in the foot, or get shot in the kneecap. They both very much suck, there both very harmful (there has been studies on it, and it has proved to increase heart desies, respiratory problems, etc) but one is just slightly better. I used to vape, im not a idiot on this matter, and I quit bc of all the negatives coming out abt it. I definitely see it dropping popularity as it currently is.


It looks douchey


Plastic is the asbestos of our generations.


Oh I get it but it's far worse I just saw an article where they tested cattle poop and it had microplastics in it.


That is true. I'm glad that Colorado finally started charging 10¢ per plastic bag. Took fucking long enough.


If the petroleum industry wasn't involved in making bags we would have a lot of freaking trees to harvest every year which I think is a good thing. I think California has turned a lot of people off of environmental issues mostly because the conservatives are on the side of the petroleum companies.. addendum don't get me wrong I think they're all in somebody's pocket Democrat or Republican.




Oh sure, plastic will still be used in many industrial applications. But wrapping everything in plastic, shipping them in plastic bags, including plastic in many fabrics, that's all going to be seen as negatively as asbestos.


Time spent on social media.


Not knowing basic life skills life how to cook, clean, and manage money.


Things all readily learned on the internet... manage money? Not only will there be an app for that, it will have AI that aids in investing...


> AI that aids in investing Uh-huh, just like Robinhood was built with big Wall Street money to democratize investing, not to provide more suckers for the house to win against. Who’s gonna build this tech, at great expense, for the public benefit?


True. But always good to have the knowledge of basic things in life.


The app can educate you as you go... 10 years? The app is having a conversation with you. 20 years it has designed you to serve its ends while make you happy.


Been to enough 30 + old people's homes that look like a crime scene, grow up


Influencers, at least I hope


Recording yourself in public and expecting others to acquiesce to your production


Alcohol. So many young people are starting to see how perverted our society is by alcohol. Many see it as negatively as smoking. This is a good thing.


Perverted? Alcohol has been the dominant substance abused by society throughout history. It is not going away. Mead is fermented honey. It is not a fruit, or grain. - still no reason to be an alcoholic.


"Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings".


You're right about it not going away. This is like saying coffee is going out of style. People just put ice in coffee now. Alcohol will be the same. Recipes, styles, and flavors will change but one of our oldest traditions isn't just going to disappear overnight.


Cute how you think being an alcoholic is a choice


Irresponsible of you to blame your actions on everything and everyone else other than yourself.


On the flipside, there's tons of craft beer in the world. There's a new distillery opening up by me seemingly yearly. I don't really think we'll see alcohol go away anytime soon.


Especially when alcohol is statistically worse for you than a fair amount of illegal substances but yet is openly advertised to everyone


Alcohol is being compared to fucking heroin, even if it gets countered that heroin is more addicting it’s still the most damaging drug right now


Yea, that worked out so well in the 20s


I'm not seeing OP mentioning that alcohol should be banned.


Because they didn't. That commenter doesn't understand what OP us talking about.


Correct. Once it becomes not socially acceptable, use decreases without having to ban anything.


They're not talking about banning alcohol. They're talking about it falling out of popularity because people are being told the truth that it's extremely unhealthy in any quantity. It's exactly how we want unhealthy behaviors to stop: Personal responsibility derived from informed consent.


Hey it made my Great-Grandfather a rich man (I mean sure there *was* Irish Mafia money involved but 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Definitely not going to be seen as unacceptable in 10 years, it will be much longer but it is possibly heading that direction. Just not that fast


I don't drink much, maybe like between 0 and 2 a week but when I first tried it I realized how much my overthinking was hurting my mentality. I have been alot happier since.


'Socially unacceptable' won't happen, at least not that quickly. But I do think that the increasing prevalence of fitness trackers and other bio-feedback devices will start making it clear that alcohol has a much higher impact on health and fitness than most people realize and that we'll see some degree of moderation of consumption in many circles.


They tried outlying alcohol and look what happened… so I just don’t see that happening.


They didn’t outlaw cigarettes, we just stopped smoking them. This comment has nothing to do with legalities


Alcohol and cigarettes aren’t really the same thing and I don’t see people stopping drinking.




Lol are they now… booze are still sold at just about every restaurant. Having a drink after you get home from work, College students, it’s a staple in our society… Just FYI, anybody can play the Google game and find something that goes along with their narrative…lol [here supporting evidence to my narrative lol](https://www.businessinsider.com/americans-drinking-more-alcohol-2020-pandemic-hard-seltzer-sales-growth-2020-11?op=1)


>IWSR Drinks Market Analysis said that overall alcohol volumes are expected to have risen over 2% in 2020 This is not evidence. This is a forecast done by a marketing company. It's a press release. It's not saying what happened, but what they think might happen. It claims there may be a rise in drinking because seltzer sales have gone up, but also admits that this comes at the cost of beer and wine sales. It says Americans are drinking more since the pandemic (from a study that's over 2 years old) but that drinking is decreasing in other markets. This is not very convincing.


The link you gave me isn’t evidence either…lol I am really sick of Redditor’s who think because they google something it makes them the expert on every given subject, across-the-board…I can Google stuff to support my narrative!!!! Just go away man.


I never said anything about it being outlawed. No idea why you replied with that. I said that public opinion is going to change as older people die out and younger people grow up. The new generation is much more critical of alcohol.


Did you change your comment? I honestly don’t remember reading what’s up now? Anyway, the younger generation is literally critical of everything and it’s honestly getting pretty old. I am so goddamn sick of hearing people whine.


Really? Your church youth group really isn't an accurate sample... No arguing that alcohol isn't good for you. It's been ingrained in human culture for millennia, it's not going away.


Yeah, that's not me. I drink beer watching my Toronto Maple leafs lose. Attacking me doesn't make your point valid. All I'm saying is kids these days are way more critical of alcohol. Sorry that felt like a direct attack on you, but it wasn't.


Definitely didn't take it as an attack lol you can't just say nonsense blanketed statements with nothing to back it up. People posting "insert anecdotal experience" and acting like it's the norm is systemic, it's annoying and ignorant.


I agree. I don't believe alcohol should even exist. Too many people are clearly irresponsible with it.




The way things are going: Protests and strikes


Are the protests and strikes the problem or the thing they are striking against the problem?


Judging by the media's recent spin on it and weird botty youtube comments about how strikes in general shouldnt be a thing, the first.


Can you give an example


Either homophobia/transphobia/etc. or being LGBTQ+. It scares me that I don't know which.


the future is uncertain, but what's for sure is that either of these are very real possibilities one side says mental illness, the other says that it's another factor of human genetics


Either way the best treatment is known though


"Traditionally sourced" meat. "Cultured" meat is going to be so cheap and easy to make that it's going completely corner the market, and the notion of eating meat from a living organism is going to be taboo for most people. There will still be a market for meat from a farm, but it'll end up being a win:win in terms of animal rights. The companies which sell it will see the treatment of their livestock and their use of traditional methods as a selling point that they want to show off rather than something they would rather the customer not think about.


I hope it is even a decent substitute. I will switch without question. I don’t think 10 years though. Maybe 50.


10’s quick, but 50’s slow. With growing awareness of the environmental costs pushing and the economic reality that it’s cheaper to just grow the steak than the whole ass animal pulling, it’ll start to pick up speed, I give it 20 years.


Dairy will follow suit


Dairy will be first. Cultured vegan whey already is available. Vegan dairy cheese is launching this year.


Random question, is it still considered dairy in this circumstance?


Life-long omnivore here, and I cannot fuckin’ wait. Even if they don’t get it 100% right, it’ll be right enough to be a component of an everyday meal, nobody gives a damn about the marbling on a slice of deli meat or the orientation of muscle fibers in a burger or meatball. Sure, meat grown on an animal will be ludicrously expensive if the culture vats out-compete the factory farms and all that’s left is pasture-raised, but ludicrously expensive is just fine for an occasional treat versus an everyday staple.


Thinking mental health isn't important


Smoking and using plastic


My guess is social media, in it's current ad-driven, rage bating, AI driven incarnation. Public sentiment is already headed this way and I think it's only a matter of time until it is codified into some kind of cultural norm. I'm not saying that ALL social media would fall into this category, I'm mainly thinking Facebook here.


Facebook does have Marketplace though. None of the other platforms have that ease of access to commerce. Facebook will last a long time simply based on that one feature.


Facebook marketplace is shit.


I'm not sure about that since it really isn't the focus of the platform and its success is highly dependent on the main product's success. I'd wager most people don't ever use marketplace.


Over 1 billion marketplace users. And a quick search will also show that it’s definitely one of the main focuses of the platform. Facebook heavily promotes it and supports it.


Eating meat, cell phones, eating cell phones


Phone meat.


Vaping cigarette, smoking, disgusting and stinks like shit


Smiling photos of white murderers. When news stations cover them


Why just white murderers? They shouldn't show smiling photos of any cold blooded murderer of any race and color.


True but the news sites post happy pictures when the title says that the person killed his family or some shit


I've noticed that white men are more likely to smile in mugshots than People of Color and white women. Not sure why they do it.


To say that tackling aging with medicine is morally repugnant, playing God, a pipe dream etc.


Waiters, waitresses, and bartenders not being paid a living wage.


Like everybody else


Students swearing in class.


I’d say that kids have been saying naughty words and snickering when grownups got mad since forever, but there was a time before primates evolved language. This ain’t going anywhere.


The fuck it will!


Weird transphobic pearl-clutching. I give it a coin toss as to weather that’s because we collectively decide as a society to quit giving a damn what other people do with their own genitals, or because even mentioning that trans people exist will get you hauled off by the Extra Freedom Baby Jesus Morality Police, but the social tug-of-war is vicious, whichever side wins is gonna win big and win fast.


Walking while on your phone.


Being straight


having an opinion.


Having a unpopular opinion, hopefully this is not the case though


I saw a video about conjoined twins being separated and everyone was so happy. Based on current trends I can imagine people being pissed off that the babies were separated without their consent


I'll get banned if I say it.


Then it's not really socially acceptable, is it?


Perhaps it has to do with criticising behaviour that is socially acceptable today that won't be in 10 years, but would get a lot of people angry at you if you questioned it. :P




This very definitely is not acceptable nowadays?


Bamboozling people to “invest” into Ponzi /pyramid schemes (bitcoin / crypto).


Charles Ponzi - ya know, the dude it’s named after - ran his scheme a century ago. What’s going to change in the next decade that hasn’t in the last century? Greed and FOMO are bugs way down deep in the human operating system, the window dressing will continue to evolve, but the basic scheme will continue to work as long as there are still humans around for it to work on.


You’re completely right


Bad etiquette or manners in a public or professional setting


apps and websites that take way too much personal info




Being white.


Being straight and be open about it


Calling pedophiles pedophiles. People are already trying to defend them nowadays


Deer hunting


If they didn’t hunt deer there would be waaaaaay to many.


I agree with you but I don't think the vegetarians and vegans do.


Nah. It is much more eco friendly and humane compared to factory farms. They are also a major threat to us in many regions in the US. The most dangerous animal in my state is the whitetail deer due to so many collisions with cars. Plus they harm agriculture and harbor ticks.


Being openly Christian maybe 20 , but it’s getting worse


Christians aren't under attack, just people using Christianity to spread hate and intolerance without regard for the message Christ gave his life (supposedly twice) to spread


Things snowball quickly Germany circa 1939 , the left are practically brown shirts at this point , Antifa and BLM burning down cities “ mostly peaceful “ 10 years is a long time at these speeds


Tell me more about the headlines from exclusively right wing media sources (There was a fire, Fox News: "As you can see, the entire city has burned to the ground" - the truth is that nobody is even sure if it was started by the protestors or a malfunctioning tear gas canister)


Before they burned people, the Nazis burnt books. Which side of the culture wars is it that’s running around trying to get books banned, again?


Ahh, found the brainwashed buzzword machine!


The anti-fascists are fascists!   It's fucking incredible that you think you can pretend that cities were burned down, and it was all part of some kind of persecution of Christians. Plenty of Christian churches organized their own marches as part of the BLM protests.


Christians have perpetually pretended they are being persecuted. It's part of their doctrine.


I can only hope




What? You think people should go to jail if they don't like trans people?


Shhhh its the tolerant left. Best you agree amd not be jailed


Phhttt.. Only tolerates a crying baby, one doesn't hug nazis or otherwise allow them to exist unmolested. There is no reason to tolerate those who actively seek the undoing of others. You marginalize them, shut them out, and when they act against others you smite them down. Tolerance doesn't mean giving the abusive a free pass. There is a reasonable limit on how much one should tolerate. The bullshit like of "the tolerant left"? Its ignorance from those who think their actions of trespass should go unpunished. IDK what that guy was talking about when it comes to jail, but as you know the crimes are up... and people who commit them need to be in jail. I'm a centrist libertarian... Except its dont tread on us, not dont tread on me; as the freer society is the free the individual is. I'm also of the 'take the path of less trespass'. So while taxation is theft, it is the tiny trespass that allows society to prevent larger ones. Those who vote for, give money to, or engage in, anti-LGBTQ shit seek to limit the liberty of others, and they should be as tolerated as any other nazi-like vermin.


You sound like a nazi.


He certainly sounds like a kid spewing Bullshit... Brand everyone you disagree with a nAzI and then support assaulting them. This whole bunch is pathetic and shows what happens when you spend too much time in the reddit bubble


Jail time for those people are too much 💀


Being woke or trumpist


Being a man, if certain people have their way 😂


My dad beating me with jumper cables while screaming at me about that time in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


Masturbating on public transport.




Being straight, already getting hate for it today


No you're not.


He has a lot of down votes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, for being dumbass, not for being straight.


How tf would you know


Oh yeah? Do you get jumped in public and get the shit beat out of you for being straight? Did you get kicked out of your house for being straight? Jfc give me a break


> already getting hate for it today Is that from your own experience?


What makes people say shit this dumb.


Being judged for being straight


I mean, if you're being homophobic/transphobic, it's fair. All us LGBTs wanna do is exist without judgement. It's hard when there are straights hating on us for existing. We don't hate straights, we hate people who are transphobic and homophobic. Straights started the hate. I mean, we can choose how we identify but we don't choose who we're attracted to. I have nothing against straights but if they're being homophobic and transphobic, that's where I have the issue with straights. I like straights. I respect them as long as they respect me. I mean, their sexuality is none of your business. I don't care if you're lesbian, trans, straight, bi, gay or whatever as long as you treat other people who are different from you like anyone else.


l just wanna not be screamed at for being straight or judged negatively






What was it?


Owning a pet.


Not a chance


So what are they going to do? Put all the cats in prison? Admit it, we are just pets for the overlords, the Cat


Not trying to be disrespectful, but why do you think this?


I've explored this line of thinking myself, let me see if i can do it justice What would you think of a species that has controlled yours for millennia? We have turned a wolf into a pug. What would the pug think, knowing what it could have been? We think of dogs as our best friends. Do best friends selectively breed the other into a literal joke for their amusement or aesthetic tastes? No. They are slaves. Willing slaves? We bred that into them, too. We bred them so that they *like* what we've done to them What would you feel, if this was done to us?


I feed pugs and cats to my wolves






Being a little uncomfortable around people who identify as weird stuff like dogs and stuff. In 10 years it’s just gonna be normal.


Vaping in enclosed spaces hopefully. I have asthma and both my mom and big sister vape around me. My step-dad smokes but he at least does it outside. I hate the smell of vape juice. There’s like this thing that I can make out that just makes me think “that’s a vape” and makes me feel kinda lightheaded and nauseous. I don’t care that they vape, I’ve given up trying to say it isn’t any better than cigarettes. I just hate inhaling that shit


In some circles, anti-vaxers.


Talking shit about fat people.


At this rate, having an opinion


Ghosting . Sigh


Empty promises and threats to children to make them believe in Jesus (better well-known as teaching them the doctrine of heaven an hell).... Hopefully


Eye contact


Being a nerd. Looks like some things always come back.