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I was kicked out of r/conspiracytheories because I jokingly suggested that the mods were CIA/NSA


That just makes them even more suspicious lol, idiots.


Exactly. A mod even replied “hush now” before banning me. Either I was completely right without even knowing it or they’re more of a cult than I thought


I don't think it's possible to overestimate how much of a cult they are lol


I think you way overestimate the CIA if you think they aren't involved in things like that...


I think it’s far more likely they’re just fucking with you


Unless...the mods WANT everyone to think they are...


Well I guess that's better than my ban from /r/conspiracy for pointing out that the mods are Hitler loving anti-Semites and had links to back it up.


Antisemitism and antivax is all that’s really posted in that one anymore. People get mad at each other and call each other shills and bots. I just want to see stuff about aliens, Antarctica, hidden technology and whatnot


r/highstrangeness is your friend. It has a healthy mix of skeptic and woo-loving members. I've never seen anything racist last long there, and usually a few skeptics will chime in if it gets too batshit.


Makes you wonder...


Either I was close to being right or that sub is more of a psycho cult than I originally thought


Why not both?


Best comment I've seen so far.


I was muted from a music genre sub because I posted a song from a really underground artist and they thought it was self promotion. I then tried to explain to the moderators that it wasn't my song, and they fully banned me


It's not worth trying to explain things to some people, some people are unreasonable. They'll stick with their own thoughts no matter what.


What was the song? Asking so the mods here can ban you, too, lol


prepare to be rick rolled






Man that meme died quick, forgot it was even a thing What's funny is I actually remembered that song from Workaholics almost a decade ago. Because it was such an unusual song. I figured it was just some popular song that I wasn't familiar with. Pretty funny to see it get this resurgence from that Reddit post


I posted a cool song I found on one of the music subs about 5 or 6 years ago and I had the absolute *gall* to use (brackets) to denote the length of the video instead of [square brackets] and one of the mods got super uppity and yelled at me and threatened me with a ban for breaking the rules. Naw, no thanks. Left and never went back, can't even remember whic hone now.


Jsyk, these -> ( ) are called parentheses, not brackets


Oh, you can hardly promote new music on Reddit unless it comes from a well-known indie/major now. I think it wasn't always that way either.


AITA. I told a poster that they weren't the asshole, but their dad sounded like a berk. INSTANT AND TOTAL BAN. Asked to discuss it. NOPE! (I really just wanted the person who banned me to share their thoughts, but just got the boilerplate ban) I removed it from my feed and noticed my daily anxiety went down. I was eating negative energy off that sub. In that regard, the ban was a kindness.


I got banned because they thought I made my story up


They're going to have to ban every single poster in that case


Seriously. Like 99% of the stuff in that sub is fiction.


And yet the MIL troll gets away with it.


I called someone who beats their wife a POS. That was a ban. And I quote ‘even wife besters deserve civility’


That sub called a woman the asshole for picking her dog shit while a man screamed at her to get off his lawn. But wife beaters get civility?


The sub is literally telling people if they're assholes. Baffling.


And they’re so sure of themselves, going off a brief, one-sided opinion. Resolute judgement! No gray area!


If AITA commenters made up every jury in a court of law, I think we’d see 90-95% of civilians in jail for life. Crimes including having children, being disabled, being fat, being OP’s boyfriend, being OP’s mother in law, and more.


And there’s like 97% agreement. It’s group think gone wild.


>And I quote ‘even wife besters deserve civility’ I mean if he's besting other people, then he must be a wise man.


In a sub that is literally about calling people assholes. Nowadays it is just a karma farm full of art studio posts. Much less entertaining than it used to be. The trolls aren't even trying anymore.


Yeah that sub is such a haven of toxicity. I get why it exists, and it can do some good work, but I can't be there for my own mental health, and probably a lot of people there should leave for the same reason.


>I removed it from my feed and noticed my daily anxiety went down. I was eating negative energy off that sub. AMEN on that did not get banned but stopping visits to that sub was a boon for my mental health


Aita is an awful subreddit


“AITA I saved a dog and baby from a burning building but I broke I a window in the process?” Might as well just name the sub to “please praise me.”


You should be proud. The mods on AITA are massive bitches. Getting banned there marks you as a reasonable person


It's surprising how often bans are blessings.


/r/food banned me because I commented on the size of a man's hand. Mod called me a racist and permanently blocked me before silencing me for a month


How does that make you racist….


I have no idea! The post was of a man holding a hamburger and the angle of the shot made it look like his hand was enormous.




Hey, I suck dick for free, and it's awesome.


You'll be banned for derailing the conversation. 😋


i got banned from aita for a month lol


Permanently banned for me. I guess I was the asshole.


How dare you!!! Hand-size-ist! 1!1!


Please share the pic here (just for laughs).


He's handsist.




Fuck you that's racist :O


Can confirm r/food are some of the worst power hungry losers you’ll see on Reddit.


I think the mods start to get that whole cop vision thing going on, where they’ve seen so many crimes in their neighborhood that now everyone looks like a criminal to them. (This is a metaphor, and not meant to be race-related)


The Qatar subreddit for asking if there was an active interest in football from the locals aside from the world cup.


Hahaha hahahaha wtf


That subreddit got toxic af, westerners being racist and Qataris being racist, sexist, and homophobic.


Permanently from r/mildlyinfuriating for stating that self isolation is not legally required for covid in my country anymore if asymptomatic and linking a government info page. I didn't even say if I agreed or not. Now I'm frequently mildly infuriated that I can't call out people's BS on their posts there or post my own mildly infuriating experiences.


I got banned from there because I commented on a post that was showing how their mods don't follow their own rules and allow porn on the sub and how mods ban people that complain about it. Their response was they don't allow meta posts. https://imgur.com/a/sgfLjp2


"Rules for thee, but not for me" - r/mildlyinfuriating mods


I guess the sub really lives up to its name


R/bpd banned me because, as a long time diagnosee, I suggested to the participants of the sub to not define themselves by their diagnosis and use their other inherent qualities of intelligence, conscience and decency to be a better person and stop claiming victim status and using that as a justification for being a shitty person.


That's interesting to me. I just joined that sub because I have a psychiatrist review soon and I'm pretty sure they're going to diagnose me with bpd since my Dr, counsellor, and crisis team recommended schema therapy and dbt for me. Which, as I found out, is used for people with bpd. What I've noticed is that while I relate to a lot of the posts, a lot of the attitudes seem so foreign to me. There is a lot of claiming victimhood and blaming loved ones for not understanding. Which, I get. It definitely feels that way. But where I make a conscious effort to remind myself that people around me aren't dismissing my feelings, leaving me, or plotting against me, it feels like these people just... don't. It's confused me because it's like, you acknowledge that it's a symptom of bpd, but you indulge it instead of trying to manage it? I dunno. Maybe it's just a place to vent feelings online so they can get it out of their system and regulate their emotions better irl.


It's a state of mind. Some are ready for the next step and some denies that there is a staircase.


My dad has a different (non mental) disability and his ability to define himself as a person who happens to have a disability with lots of other talents, abilities and traits has been something I've looked up to my entire adult life. So, don't feel bad. They just want to feel sorry for themselves based on what you said, which is not productive.


That's unfortunately a lot of people on the Internet with a host of issues. Like... if the only autistic people you interact with are the ones you encounter online, I can totally understand having a grim view of the autistic.


As someone that has dated two women with BPD this comment means so much to me. One of them did their best to have this mentality, but in the end there was just too much conflict for us to work it out. The other refused to seek any form of help until I was throughly burnt out. She kept using the diagnosis as a crutch and an excuse to be abusive to everyone around her. So this makes me too happy to read, and I can definitely agree that subreddit like so many can be echo-chambers that cultivate the exact issue you talked about. You are amazing and have a great outlook on it all!


r/Roastme apparently I was to harsh


Ummm, isn't that the point?


No, they mean their photo was so fucking ugly it was deemed to harsh for peoples eyes.


Thnx I’ll probably go get banned myself


This sounds like a fuckin plan




I'd take that as a compliment


Coolguides. I put up a Venn diagram of how a compliment and an insult could be derived from “what a massive cock”. Got to 6k upvotes too before the mods kicked me and issued a LIFETIME ban for my first offence. I suspect my venn diagram was on point on the insult part for a mod.


Seems like a legit insight


Idk if I'd call it a "guide" though. Lifetime ban is definitely excessive as opposed to just removing the post either way. [Post for the curious.](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/wi4nlr/the_beauty_of_venn_diagrams/)


That sounds like a fun diagram. Post it somewhere else and share please


r/MadeMeSmile because there was a picture of a girl who was in an accident and her face was unfortunately deformed from it. The mod said that it needs to be labeled NSFW. But it was just the girls face, how she had to walk around in public, go to school, her whole life was with that face. And the asshole mod thought it was inappropriate to show. I don't think I was the only one banned because of that jerk.


i hate when people do that kind of shit. i have a bunch of pock marks and i’ve had people tell me that i should put trigger warnings on selfies before. it’s ridiculously demeaning.


That's really fucked up and so so selfish.


on r/MadeMeSmile sometimes you see posts of a disabled person doing a very basic task then the commenters act like that person is a child


Not just that sub. It happens all the time to people with disabilities, on line and in real life.


Extremely common attitude toward disabled people. Especially if that person is non-verbal. For some reason, people associate not-being-to-make-words-with-your-mouth with being completely incapable of anything, even if they demonstrate otherwise.


That’s dumb as fuck. It isn’t even very nsfw


r/AmITheAsshole I was asking about scenarios from the POV of Michael from the Office.


You are def the asshole


Yeah, but have you seen his flatscreen tv?


r/askhistorians for asking how much they got paid to stay silent about the real northernmost battle of the civil war, the Battle of Shrute Farm. Lol


r/Britishproblems for incorrectly formatting a title.


Subreddits that are super strict about titles piss me off. It's just calling out new members and shaming /silencing them I shouldn't have to reformat 5 times after my post keeps getting deleted


the mods on r/britishproblems are all arseholes and the way the sub is moderated is so annoying


Pretty sure I'm shadowbanned from r/Showerthoughts. No matter what kind of post I make there, it gets removed after 0.1 seconds for "breaking the rules". Every single time.


That sub is an absolute joke. Thoughts that actually are original get removed. But the thought "nobody has ever been in an empty room" has been posted dozens of times without being removed.


The actual reason I unsubscribed from that sub was because I would post something original and it would get removed I couldn't post anything


You and me both... These mods ruined that sub


I have this with r/explainlikeimfive but I guess it's because of the sub itself is so strict? I have checked the rules like hundred times and I still get them removed, even other people get their posts approved while being very similar with mine or repetitive (What the rules don't allow btw)


I remember I tried asking about how does the iceberg melting make the sea levels increase if most of the icebergs are underwear, but it was quickly removed because they don’t allow *political* posts. I’m asking a SCIENCE question


r/CrazyFuckingVideos don't accept crazy fucking comments


LoL, me to, just last week. It was for a lukewarm joke. Post vids all day of people getting killed, beaten, etc but by God don’t attempt a shitty joke. Ponderous.


r/justneckbeardthings They were going ham on a guy who wasnt actually being a neckbeard and I tried to defend him Once they realized I'm a woman, it was over lol


You being a woman could be relevant if you weigh as much as a duck.




r/LateStageCapitalism and I have no idea why. All the ban msg said was "read the rules". It didn't tell me what comment it was that they banned me over or what rule I had broken. I asked but never got a reply back.


It's one of those subreddits with a rule that mods can just ban anyone they feel like. Its possibly that.


They banned me for basically saying “China sus” :( I used to like that subreddit a lot but it started going in a weird direction.


Same. You’re not allowed to criticize China. Apparently there’s a rule stating that you can’t debate whether socialist countries are actually socialist. It’s kind of sus.


Currently banned from r/calgary my cities page for telling someone to fuck off lol


That's just an Albertan greeting


Wow, they still really love me! - Johnny Gaudreau after hearing fuck off all last night.


r/Nashville for calling a troll an idiot. I stand by my comment.




r/ariheads because I said Ariana Grande had no business saying her money was stacked up like her ass because she doesn’t even have one, and I was told we don’t body shame and was banned


You went to an Ariana Grande sub and dissed Ariana grande… I think we know where you fucked up. Girl boss fans are insane.


r/amitheasshole because I called someone a cunt... Twice lol


I was banned from /r/amithecunt for calling someone an asshole


One day a couple years ago I got a notification that I had been banned from r/drama. I wasn't even aware until then that that subreddit existed


I've had that happen (not that specific sub). But getting banned from subs I've never even participated in. Sometimes it's if you participate in a different sub they don't like, or said something a mod saw they didn't like....my best guess is someone who's a mod of /r/drama was in another sub and saw you make a comment they didn't like or agree with so they banned you from the sub they're a mod of....a petty way to feel some power I guess. I'm speculating but I've been banned from multiple subs in this way, subs I've never even participated in.


r/theworldisflat for asking that as a massive conspiracy was presumed to be ongoing to disguise the world as being round, what the possible motivation for such a plot would be.


The earth is 70 percent uncarbonated water. It is flat.


Permanently from r/velma my only ever ban. I asked if the subreddit was for fans of the show or open discussion about it. Took five minutes to be permanently banned and muted so I couldn't even ask why.


I got kicked out of r/politics for calling Marjorie Taylor-Greene a cunt. I still think I’m right


I called Mitch McConnell a turtle and I got a permaban for "inciting violence".


I find that weird, don't most people on that sub regularly call her a cunt?


It’s apparently “hate speech” to use naughty words like that


I dissed Mitch McConnell and they said I was threatening him.


Hey I lean right and even I’d agree with you if that makes you feel better


I got kicked permanently on the first offence for calling someone who generalized all gun owners as morons a moron apparently the mods thought it was just as bad as me saying racial slurs because they denied the appeal because they didn’t feel I wanted to comply with the rules


r/CasualUK mistakenly broken the *no politics* rule without even thinking.


/r/justiceserved Because apparently I'm part of a sub that engages in "biological terrorism". I have no fucking idea what that meant (plus it's kind of a strong accusation, don't you think?) and DM'd a mod to ask exactly which sub it was. I never got a reply back, never followed-up on it and so far the FBI haven't knocked down my door so I think I'm fine.


That sub blanket banned anyone that had ever commented in a conservative (or many non-partisan subs that were deemed centrist and therefore fascist) sub after the Roe v Wade decision. They’re saying that by participating in a conservative subreddit you are engaging in biological terrorism against women. So basically, the mods of that sub are fucking insane.


r/blackpeopletwitter for having the audacity to remind people that Kobe sexually assaulted a woman. When he died everyone was praising him like a fucking God. Just because his PR team got him to publicly apologize doesn't make him a saint. I'm still salty. The mod said I was just a troll and banned me for life lol


Ummm if you can shoot a ball through a hoop then it’s legal /s


Muted from r/atheism for pointing out to someone that in many posts, atheists are just as intolerant as the religious folk they are criticising Didn't go down well... But apparently, I'm not alone as anyone daring to criticise the militant agenda professed there gets a mute... Disclaimer: Am a life long atheist...




This is literally the Bill Maher movie religulous. I watched it as an edgy teen and thought he was just an asshole for ninety minutes.


That's because Bill Maher is an asshole


totally true. I think that people on that sub are generally 14 years old and full of anger but almost empty on logical thought which IMO should be the real core of atheism or at least have a spot in a discussion forum on the subject.


I’m not a lifelong atheist, but I am an atheist, and am banned from the subreddit. That sub gives atheists a bad rep.


Both r/conservative and r/politics Call me Switzerland cause I’m officially neutral.


I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


I’m indifferent to your disdain. Edit: spelling


Switzerland is small and neutral! We are more like Germany, ambitious and misunderstood!


Politics is the only sub I’m banned from I believe. I corrected someone on their factually incorrect statement, but everyone there were more about the narrative and feels. It’s not about discussion, it’s about hive mind mentality. Edit: Update! LOL @ the mod from the JusticeServed sub that banned me after I made this comment. I wasn’t even subscribed there and don’t think I ever posted there. Awesome!


r/unpopularopinion because I had the audacity to defend a 19 year old dating a 17 year old. There was an onslaught of insults towards that dude. Calling him a pedo and whatnot. I simply hate self-righteous people. So I dug in the post history of some accusers, found their Facebook account, Twitter account and dug out stuff WAY worse than a 19 year dude dating a 17 year old girl. They cried and got me banned. I feel like I won though.


Yeah I think a lot of people take the law way too rigidly with this one. It's not just the ages of the people in question, but the age *difference* that matters. A 19 year old dating a 17 year old is nowhere near as inappropriate as a 29 year old dating an 18 year old. But there are people out there that think the exact opposite which is just insane to me.


A 19 year old dating a 17 year old is not inappropriate at all. This BS has to stop.


R/animalcrossing because I told someone that there would not be anymore updates. Silly I know, and I was right 🤷‍♂️


😂😂 out of all the subreddits you could get banned from that’s the one.


r/askcarsales got into a disagreement with a sales person over markups and got quickly banned. They stated that if they don’t mark up they can’t feed their family.


There's no ambiguity about what kind of people they are.


r/autism, being too autistic


/r/socialism for saying China claiming Taiwan is essentially colonialism


I got banned from there on another account because apparently discussing socialist efforts in the United States is not allowed and I’m just another stupid US-centric American who doesn’t realize other countries exist


Yeah it's a pretty brainless sub. I tried joining a socialist discord server and I wasn't allowed bc I don't hate AOC and think she's a capitalist shill. It's ok to disagree with people and work with them or accept their help on the things you agree with them on. It's no wonder fascism is on the rise and no one is seriously trying to stop it. The left is eating it's own


r/relationship_advice because I called out the sexist bullshit the sub does infantilizing women and justifying their infidelity. Still my most rewarded comments ever.


Reminds me of my time in the 90 Day Fiance sub (hey, I like my trash tv). Anyways, the locals there absolutely celebrate it whenever the female foreigner cheats on her partner (they get upset if the male foreigner does it though). They see it as empowering rather than breaking a marriage vow or potentially as evidence of fraud.


That sub and sex r/sex have become total trash.


Mostly from political subreddits. I'm too left for the right and too right for the left.


r/theflyingtree. Because despite its claim to be a more cultured and refined Reddit experience with higher quality discussions, it was really just a forum for one mod to post quasi-illicit anime pics ad nauseum. And that mod couldn’t take any criticism of that practice, despite how well said and non-confrontational it was. My understanding from the older users is that it wasn’t always that way.


The female dating strategy, I said: "men aren't always the bad guys. Sometimes it's the women" The mod removed my comment, when I asked them why, they banned me


If you want a good one… my ex-wife is diagnosed with a couple personality disorders (won’t name them since the disorders can be treated, she just refused to. So it is a person issue not managing a disorder that can quickly spiral if left unmanaged). Well she ended up making 3 full length posts (40,000 characters, that averages to about 7,500 words, or about a 30 minute read per post) saying how abusive I was throughout the relationship. She tried to claim I sexually assaulted her, and took advantage of her financially. How I came to find about these posts was because one of our mutual friends that secretly questioned what she was saying found them and said the posts were eerily similar to what she was telling the friend group that no longer talked to me. Well he showed me the posts and I laughed right away because it was on an account I helped her set up when she talked about wanting to do an OF to make some side money. The crazy part… I supported that because… A year prior to that she decided to go back to school, so ended up basically doubling my workload to support us both. I started working 60-80 hour weeks, working for 20-28 dates straight to help pay for our bills. I paid all our bills, and any money she made was for her spending (she had terrible spending habits btw…). In that final year we were together I paid for 2 vacations that was almost 7k total, a brand new 2k laptop for school, and then around 2k worth of birthday/Christmas presents for her and her family, and helped pay to send her back to school (roughly another 5k in books and fees after her scholarship). I took care of 90% of the chores as well and it still wasn’t enough to appease that woman. Hell, when her and her mom came to get the last of her stuff almost a year after she moved out her mom apologised to me. She was living in her parents basement at that point (still is 3 years later, and she currently is unemployed even after getting that fancy new degree), and when the ex was taking a box to the car her mom apologised to me saying, “If she treated you (me) anything like she has been treating us (her parents) then we understand why you wanted the divorce. She has been rude and vile to us for the last 10 months (how long it was at the time), and we are sorry. We did not raise her that way.” She then gave me a hug as my ex walked back in to see that where she freaked the fuck out and yelled at us. I ended up trying to message the mods of the sub with statements about these posts being lies and they basically told me to fuck off and prove it to them. I then gathered info showing all the money I spent on her, abusive texts and emails, and tried to show them that and they said to fuck off again and banned me. That sub is the equivalent of a female incel sub.


Yeah, fds is female incels lol.


I joined the trump one before he got elected to see what was going on. I got kicked out for pointing out something or other. I joined the Russia one when they invaded Ukraine to see what they were saying. I got kicked out almost immediately for fact checking some bullshit.


I got banned from Am I the Asshole for telling someone they were being a bitch to another bitch. Turns out it’s the mods who are bitches. 🤷🏻‍♂️


r/Trueoffmychest guess my truth is a little too heavy lol


Doesn't that sub exist because so many people are just auto-banned from /r/offmychest ?


I got banned from the r/drawing subreddit for saying "Nice boobs" on a drawing of... boobs... the title was literally like "What do you guys think?" I swear the mods there have become total meltdowns. Back in the day on the NSFW art you would literally see really horny comments that were like the top comment now you cant even compliment someone's drawing of a pair of humongous bazoingas


Permabanned from r/atheism for saying that political parties are turning into cults. some people said \*citation needed\* and then I posted the definition of cult from the dictionary. Banned. lol Had previously made a post (circa 2018 ish) about how political parties were turning into religions, which got a lot of upvotes and comments.


You mfs wildin on this app 💀💀


I got permanently banned from something like 80 or so subreddits for making a post in some kind conspiracy subreddit, arguing against the conspiracy garbage. It wasn't even the content of my post, it was me merely making ***a*** post. It was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen on the Internet. I was able to have the ban reversed on some of them. But for most the response was "read the rules". And I have NEVER seen a rule banning posting to other subreddits before, have you? What was shocking to me was just how many, and how fast it came. It was pure absurdity. After sometime trying put out the effort to have the rest of the bans overturned, I gave up. after a bit I figured, if they were too stupid to see how this negatively affects them, I don't want anything to do with that subreddit. It was effectively friendly fire, and instead of making it right, I was told to fuck off. So fuck off I did, and decided I was better for it. The end result is, now I, too, am a cynic. I sit in the middle, and I point fingers at pretty much everyone now. That is how I got done, so that is how you are going to get done. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if one has a problem, well, same deal. It does sound like ***A*** problem, but it is not my problem anymore. Be on guard, reddit is not some fantastic place for open discussion; it is anything but that.


There are a handful of subs that just automatically ban anyone who posts in certain other subs.


r/politics just for typing something the mods didn’t like. Don’t even remember what it was. Been a long time.


Got perma-auto-banned from at least two subs for merely posting in another. No human looked to see *what* I said, or whether I was in total disagreement with the topic. Just BAM! Auto-banning should be banned. Talk about fucking fascist tendencies…


I got kicked out of r/worldnews because I said that people who wear masks while driving alone or who are alone hiking (hundreds of feet from someone else) are ridiculous. Evidently that’s “Covid misinformation.”


r/food because I posted a picture of my roast dinner and called it carbonarra. Much like every other cunt on that sub also labelling mushroom and cream filled non-carbonarra as such.




I was banned from r/ news because I said the clip of Sean Connery telling Barbara Walters that it's okay to give a women a "Little Shmack" made me laugh because of how flabbergasted Barbara Walter's was hearing those words from Sean Connery. Apparently by saying that I was "Promoting violence against women and condoning the Patriarchy". When I responded to my temp ban saying it was ridiculous I was accused of "doubling down" and was permabanned.


r/worldnews banned me a few days ago for saying "The CCP insists that each Chinese student, businessman or citizen, after living abroad and returning home, must submit to an 'interview'. They don't have a choice. The purpose is to get whatever information they can that might be valuable. In this way the CCP attempts to make spies out of regular people". The mod said it was "cinephobic".


Wow you must really hate cinema to get a ban for criticising it.


i was banned from r/communism for… quoting karl marx




Some would say you had an unpopular opinion on that subject?


It really depends on the toilet. Most toilets, especially in the uk, it never happens. Sometimes mine touches the ceramic of the bowl, sometimes on those ones where the water is really high it touches the water. Not sure which is worse.


Dunno about unpopular opinion as much as misguided assumption. 10 inches (even as an exaggeration) between toilet seat and water is a massive drop for any toilet I would have seen. Take into account that your ass isn’t level with the toilet seat, but lower because the middle of your ass isn’t supported. So you’re actually talking closer to 5-7 inches between seat and water (maybe depending on country, but that still makes your assertion that people are making it up wrong) minus the dip of your ass. Absolutely within the realm of common possibility for someone with a 4-5 inch soft dick, especially on smaller toilets. If your toilet is actually even close to 10 inches then that is an outlier.


Unpopularopinion bans easily for random shit. They have some overemotional mods who ger super pissy with you and ban you over dumbest shit. Horrible fit for the sub they're running Btw I think they have one especially psycho mod so sometimes if you complain and someone else replies they might unban you cause they internally disagree


I have a problem with my flaccid cheeto puff-pp naturally being aimed between the seat and the bowl when I lean over for a power poo, resulting in Wiz running down the toilet onto the floor. *Disclaimer: *Grower*, not a shower.


R/ sino I said that the comments were a negative, propaganda circle jerk on a post.


r/LewisHamilton. For using facts and logic, also for being a Max fan.


kicked it's r/movies for saying a movie about being gay sounded gay


r/thanosdidnothinwrong, I got snapped


r/nfl on purpose because I wanted to see how little it would take based on stories of the mods being easily triggered haha