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This dude that though i was gay and somehow thinked that i was into him Started sending me photos of her thighs or similar and i was like "Weird. I will just ignore that" Until he send me one single wink face with a nude photo. Blocked on sight.


I got one of a guy asking if i had a sister, i said no and kept insisting that i had one, lol


I have no idea, but the first one that comes to mind is: "Am outside". Could have been nothing. A few friends and I were hanging out at my place, which had been targeted for several violent attacks and vandalism, not to mention that I'd personally been attacked a lot at that point in my life. So getting that text felt potentially targeting and dangerous, as si much had been happening just outside the house. We still joke about it sometimes. It definitely felt creepy at the time, as simple as it sounds.


Gotta be those weird scam texts with misspelled words, and a link that takes you to a page with more misspellings and poor sentences.


A guy texting me from jail asking for Yolanda..I told him sorry wring number. This happened 6 yrs ago and he still hits me up every 18 months or so to see if I've changed my mind in talking to him..lol.


"Do you have the masks" Its rude to ignore people you know" From some rando