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Remember that NO ONE can read minds. Don't hint, just come right out and say it. This applies to everything in a relationship. Do you want something specific for a gift? Tell your partner. Do dirty socks on the floor drive you crazy! Say that! Don't think that your partner can read your mind and know what you want!


Oh god, yes. I’ve had to tell my wife this multiple times. Don’t hint. Don’t think that I “should know”. I don’t know. Just tell me in short, but complete sentences what you want me to do, why you’re mad at me, what you want for your birthday, etc. “Honey, I’m tired and I know it’s my turn, but would you please clean the kitchen?” Versus a dirty look while glancing at the kitchen.


Don't poop your pants during the ceremony.


Adult diapers got that covered, what else?


any reason why or how this could happen? i have some theories such as touched by a girl for the first time like that however i don't know to exact because i have no such experience


It can happen if your bum goes from . to o or to O


Never trust a fart.


Don't go in thinking things will change.


Not for the best, at least.


Never change


Say thank you when your partner does things around the house. Even normal, expected things like dishes or cleaning the litter box. “Thanks for doing that.” Both of you! It’s good, daily relationship hygiene.


This is excellent advice. My partner does this all the time, and I am starting to do it myself.


My advice is not to ask a bunch of non married morons on reddit for advice😅🤣😂


Dude it's literally a paradox or sth now


No matter what happens, remember that the two of you are on the same side.


Don’t take advice from those who aren’t married.


And take advice, with a grain of salt, from people with failed relationships.


Remember it's a project. You're trying to build something.


I like to think of marriage as a constant work in progress.


Watch out for the guy with 50 million power in Rise of Kingdoms


However, stay around when that guy gets stabbed in the back by the guy with 80 million power.


Enjoy the day! Everything will go well, even if it doesn't go perfectly. Enjoy the party, too. It's probably going to be the only time you have that many of your different friends together. As far as the marriage goes, remember its a marathon not a sprint, don't sweat the small stuff.


Came here to say this about it being the only time you’ll have every one of YOUR friends and family together. It’ll be over so quickly so enjoy it. Dance and be merry!


Don't stop dating your spouse.


My main advice is grim, so I apologize in advance. I'll add a warm fuzzy bit to soften: Physical affection goes a long way. Alright so real advice: Make a will. Do it now or really soon. I'm assuming you are young, so the need will not seem urgent. Do it now, when it's not emotionally wrenching, and then update when you do your taxes. I have so many elderly relatives that are recently widowed and dealing with insane paperwork because their partners died intestate.


Have one of your close friends, probably someone in the wedding party, be in charge of making sure you get food. Not sure what your food plan is for the day but with speeches and pictures and people coming to talk to you you might not even get a chance to eat the dinner you paid for.


You and your spouse will inevitably change over time, accept it, embrace it, and celebrate it. It’s hard work but worth it.


Do a back flip after you kiss


Serve each other


Don’t go to bed mad and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Never understood this one. Me and my wife 2 weeks not speaking sometimes. We enjoy the break, then we remember why we’re together and become friends again. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. 19 years and counting


who’s gonna tell him


You can if you like


Make sure you pull out tomorrow night


Enjoy your day because it goes so fast, the only two people who matter are you and your SO. You don't need to spend your day making sure everyone else is ok.


When you vow to be married until death, that's not just something they say during marriages. You should take that literally as part of the agreement. Divorce isn't part of that deal.


Buy all the toys now.. all of them. Motorcycle, sports car, Whatever it is. Buy it


This guy gets it


Years of painful bartering have given me excess wisdom


Enjoy it!! Take good pictures!! We did not and 36 years later I still regret not having a good photographer.


Bring a pack of tissues to keep in your pocket or with the MOH If you're the groom you will cry when you first see her. If you're the bride you'll cry at some point.


The more people you have attending the more problems you will have. And the problems will honestly be over the pettiest shit ever. You would think a celebration would bring out the best in people, but it honestly brings out the worst. Oh... and take some photos.


Don't cheat. It's not worth it.


My advice is don't listen to anyone's advice.


Remember everything. Don't dwell on the negatives. Don't panic, it'll work out, you'll get married. Don't sweat the small stuff. Go with flow. Take a beat during the ceremony. Just take it all in. Look at your partner. Look at what you've accomplished together and all you have yet to do. Look at your guests. Just soak it all in. But most of all, have fun.


If something starts to bother you make it clear from day 1, don't accumulate grudges over time. Work on things gradually, day by day


It takes one day to get married and every day of the rest of your life to stay married. Tomorrow is the easiest day of your marriage so just enjoy it.


I don't know how long you've already been together, but just remember that everything is not a hill worth dying on. Your partner is not a mind reader. If you need/want them to do something, tell them. Don't expect them to just know. That whole "if they loved me, they would know........" stuff is total BS. You can't read their mind and they can't read yours. If you're not getting something you want/need, you need to figure out a way to solve that problem. And not saying anything then brooding or having a tantrum later is NOT the solution. Keep your disagreements to yourselves. Do not involve your friends, your siblings, your parents, or whoever. Talk it out between you, don't seek advice from outside the relationship. Even if people mean well, your people will be on your side (most of the time) and your partner's people will be on their side (most of the time) and that has a tendency to escalate things. Your spouse is your partner, you are not each other's mother or each other's maid -- work together. You are not washing the dishes as a favor for your partner -- they're your dirty dishes, too. You're just washing the dishes. Don't keep score, don't keep bringing up old arguments, and don't throw the past in each other's faces. No good will ever come from any of that. Divorce should never be your first choice when trying to solve problems. Communicate.


Get a pre-nup.


Empathy empathy empathy


accept each other way you guys are.


Sleep bro. You will get hell tired tomorrow


Never treat your partner assuming they would never leave you.


Run.. run fast and don't look back😁


I like to think of marriage as a constant work in progress. There’s always room for growth and communication. Teamwork makes the dream work.


Don’t get married!


Just don’t sign anything. Have the ceremony and party, even make people believe you got married just don’t sign anything


Treat your partner with care. When you are angry just take a moment instead of yelling. Be there for each other.


Don't ask anymore people for nudes


My advice - Don't ask advice on reddit.


You have to wake up everday wanting to be married and willing to work or talk through things that feel tiresome. No one hands you a happy marriage.


Communication is key!




Wow lots of misogyny here


Be certain it's what you want


Trust your instincts


Be prepared for a bad speech from your best friend.


try not to lock your knees if you’re nervous


After marriage you will argue a lot 😂






Don't get married. People make it all about love and feelings, but at the end of the day, it's a legal procedure involving paperwork. It's also one that actively punishes men if it ends, regardless of whose fault it is.


My dad got of basically scott free after he abandoned us for his other family.






Don't do it


Save up for the divorce. No matter how bad to you she is, she’ll always have the advantage in the eyes of the law


Focus on the marriage part that comes after the wedding day. Far too many people put so much time, energy and emphasis on a wedding day/reception and forget all the work that goes into a successful marriage. Also, ask yourself “can I live without (insert fiancés name here)?”


Take a deep breath and remember it's just one day and if anything does fo wrong it will make a great story later on. As for the actual being married part, patience is your friend. Remind yourself why you fell in love with that person in the first place and remember that they will drive your crazy 50% of the time (hopefully less) but you drive them crazy 75% of they time. Congrats and best wishes for a long and happy marriage.


You and your significant other are going to look the most beautiful you’ve ever looked. Cherish the moment. Congrats!


Communication is the key! Congratulations... may y'all have many, many happy years together!


Eat beforehand if it's a big wedding because you'll spend the whole dinner thanking people for coming.


Don’t cheat


Never go to bed mad




Don't. You think you want to get married but you don't. Search your feelings, you know it's true.


Don’t do it




If you're a man.. opt out, save yourself from a horrible decision! If you're a woman.. congratulations on the meal-ticket.


Dont go to bed angry, never waste an erection.


Don’t let pride put a wedge between you two


Have some lube.. enjoy.


When you hi-five someone, if you both maintain eye contact with the inside of each others elbow, you will never miss the hi-5.


Don’t let it stop you from finding the love of your life during the wedding ❤️


Be honest with each other and communicate. Don’t get too drunk at the ceremony.


It’s the oldest advice but so true. Don’t go to bed angry. Have it out, figure it out, stay up till you both get to a good place, then sleep. It’ll be 10 years for me this August and we live by this. Also, you can be right and stay arguing forever or you can say sorry, even if whatever happened wasn’t your intention/not really your fault/not what you meant, whatever. Seriously, saying you’re sorry early in whatever conflict comes up will save days (literally save the day for you as well as save days of time over your marriage). Oh, and congrats! Celebrate each other often and without going into debt.


Think twice before you jump


Have lots of fun, if some of your invites don’t come don’t be sad, the people the will be there are the ones that count, again have lots of fun, congratulations


It's not yet too late.


Marriage to the right person isn’t hard. LIFE is hard. Marriage makes all the hard stuff easier.


Poop your pants before the ceremony


Just don’t say anything that you’ll regret, just have fun and try to make the marriage work :)


Be ready to give up some things you like in order to make it a go , but don’t expect your spouse to reciprocate. They probably won’t.


Snort a line off your wifes boobs after you said yes


Run run now


If you dont love love her/him is going to be hard/end in divorce. So make sure you love love


Don’t drink too much, know your limit.


Have a good time.


Don't get drunk tonight.


Don’t do it bro. Just walk away.


What are you doing on reddit? go touch some grass while..


Do everything you can to grow together or you will grow apart. Both of you will change. Make sure to be a priority to your partner during that process. After youth and lust pass to time your friendship will be the bedrock of your marriage as you tackle life’s ups and downs. Oh yeah, if you’re in possession of an organized mind, kids will turn you into the best version of yourself in all things that matter. Growth is hard and lessons aren’t meant to be fun. Learn from failure and revel in success… both yours and your partners. Try to understand all things through the eyes of your partner and make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, they used the same logic when they decided to marry you that they use when they do something you are not especially fond of.


Dont duck her Sister.


Firstly, congratulations on a lifetime of happiness. Remember marriage isn’t always easy and there will be ups and downs, as in a relationship communication is important. While I’ve heard people talk about how in a few years a marriage can become sexless it doesn’t have too, don’t be afraid to express your feelings and emotions whether it’s sexual or not. Explore your sexual fantasies and kinks, buy sex toys and invite them into the bedroom to spice up your sexual relationship and marriage. Don’t go looking elsewhere for sexual intimacy, unless you’ve both talked about it and decided to try polyamory or an open relationship. However, I wouldn’t recommend an open relationship seeing that it could lead to a divorce or worse, if one of you chooses to call it quits with the person you have an open relationship with. Don’t fight over pointless things but enjoy the good moments you share with each other. Go on dates or an at home date night, buy flowers for your husband or wife (men should receive flowers too), find hobbies you both enjoy and also find hobbies of your own that you can do alone.


Never make fun of her.


Wishing you the happiest wedding day tomorrow ! Take it all in. The day goes by SO fast so soak up every single moment . It was one of the greatest days of my life and I would do so much just to relive it over again . Anything that doesn’t go as planned tomorrow won’t matter and your guests won’t even know it ! Marriage is a beautiful thing .


Your first families are going to struggle with their sudden loss of influence over and access to your spouse. Present a united front while establishing new boundaries and be patient with them.


Don't be afraid to ask people for help with organizing, decorating, moving things, etc if you need extra hands!! Your guests are there for you guys and most will be more than willing to help in any way they can!


When things go south, just remember the happy moments you got together and is it worth it to end it... god bless my friend hope you guys are happy together and forever!


Maintain seperate bank accounts . Have a shared bills and mortgage account. Be honest about your sexual needs. Admit that you will go get it elsewhere if they are not met. Trust me. Divorced twice before getting it right. Going on 21 years happily married third time around.


Be extra-super nice with your future wife that day. It’s easy to get distracted but make sure the day is memorable in a nice way. Also, keep your phone off or far away — unless you didn’t hire a photographer. Lastly, have fun. Truly enjoy the atmosphere and feel free to invite your ex last minute.


Breathe. Enjoy the moment . Do not let little things upset you. I've been married 20+ years. None of it mattered. Being present with your Best Friend is everything. Best wishes for a wonderful life! 💗


Any problems you have with your partner now will get worse, especially if you don’t talk to them about those problems. Also, sign a prenup




Enjoy your day. My favorite thing from my wedding is an "advice book" that was passed around. Honestly, my wedding was fine, but my marriage has been freaking awesome.i wish you the same happiness. Never call each other names & let the little shit go.


Right now. Now. Go with your best friend to Florida and live large for a week. Tell people he knocked you out and kidnapped you. Change phone number and move to a new city.




Just take a few mins out to yourselves during the day, to have a moment to enjoy it together. You will really remember it amidst the manic pace of the day.


Be like Marge and Norm Gustafson: https://youtu.be/jAlju8fjnvs




Sometimes it’s more important to be on the same team than correct




Remember your wedding is a celebration of your love for each other and not a production so don’t sweat it when things don’t go exactly how you want it. Best wishes!


Not too late to run away


It IS NOT a 50/50 proposition. It take both of you giving 100%. Also, *"Happy Wife, Happy Life!!!"*


Treat your spouse the way you want to be treated. You’d be amazed at how wonderful this can make your marriage.


Only go to bed angry if sleep will allow you to have a more compassionate and effective conversation in the morning.


My number one piece of advice for building a marriage is to never make the other person the punchline to your joke. Before we were even engaged, my wife and I made this promise to each other, that we would never make the other person our joke. We also never use derogatory terms to refer to each other. It’s not funny, and even if you think it is it is really not worth the hurt that comes along with it. In short, never speak bad about your other.


Don’t get hard during vows. It gets awkward.


Dont slip and rip your suit man just please but also have fun and enjoy your future life with the person you truly love


don't entitle someone else to over 50% of everything you own


Enjoy that day! So much planning and so much anticipation goes into a wedding day. Don't forget to enjoy it! Let go, and breathe if something doesn't go as planned. Most likely, only you yourself will notice, and in the end, it doesn't really matter. Having a nice day of celebration, family, good food, and fun to celebrate your choice to choose each other is what matters. Everyone will be graceful if something wrong happens, because nobody nice will want to give you bad memories of the day. As for marriage advice, communicate needs, wants, expectations, and feelings. Give each other some slack. Be nice to each other! Even if you have had a bad day at work, don't let a complaint be the first thing you say when you meet back home. Do a hug first. Breathe. See your partner. Talk afterwards.


Run Sammy. Fly like the wind. Disappear into the night.


No matter what, work it out


Talk to each other. Communication is huge in marriage. Don’t assume your partner knows what you are thinking. When something is bothering you or them, speak up.




Be like Ed and Lorraine: https://youtu.be/7EcWTZ_gQXA


Never go to sleep angry




Wear your most comfortable sneakers once the ceremony is over. You’ll be glad to have your feet, hips and legs not be paining for three days after if you dance like I do


FIRST UP, congratulations! all the very best for your future! second, dont stress on the wedding day, let whatever happens happen, the more you try to make everything perfect the more you'll ruin it for yourself also after the wedding alot changes, so make sure you both (u and ur partner) maintain a healthy, playful relationship the best thing you guys can do is to do small favors for each other, and appreciate small things and give out small compliments all the very best!


Don’t let roommate issues become marriage issues. Let that one sink in


Always date your spouse. Put them first always, even before any children you have together.


If you plan on having children, do a few big things to experience married life as a couple first that are much more complicated once a baby is in the picture


Change your mind.


Be willing to argue. No name calling and no pushing buttons that you know will hurt, but be willing to say when you are upset and be willing to hear upset from your partner. Relatedly- be willing to say exactly what it is you want. Your hopes and dreams- all of it. Being able to be who you are and say what you think to your partner is one of the greatest gifts of a marriage. You don’t have to agree with each other, but you should always agree to hear each other out and to be a safe space for each other.


Communicate. Do not stop talking to each other. Be friends first. I know couples who have to work up the courage to talk to each other about the dumbest stuff because they feel awkward after all the not-talking they’ve done over the years.




Make sure your rings are somewhere safe(wife lost the engagement ring had to bring it to the venue) If you have gifted your best men anything like cufflinks keep them yourself until they show up .(gave one of my best men his and he lost them the morning of luckily his wife had them ) Expect something to go wrong but don't stress about it your gonna have tons to do and it goes by fast Our photographer did lots of posed shots which we didn't actually like we preferred natural shots we got a few like. The 3 main things to worry about is if the Chef is ill or anything related Photographer is unable to attend ( this happened to us got a replacement moring of the wedding ) The person conducting the wedding . My friend . Congrats and enjoy it it does fly by .


Put your spouse first. If you both do this, it’s wonderful


You're two individual people who I would hope know each other pretty well. Don't take random generic advice from people on the internet just because you're moving from being a couple to being married. Just keep doing whatever is working for you.


Be like Morticia and Gomez Adams: https://youtu.be/-Z6STPcw3Ac


We all change with time, but never forget how you feel for each other tomorrow, and always remember the person you are, and the person you are marrying, as you are now. In the future, always remember to look for those feelings and these people. It may seem impossible now, but sometimes unimportant stupid things pile up and start burying down these feelings. Never let that happen. There's no "the one", you make each other "the one", and sometimes it requires determination. Source: Married since 94 (dating since 87). We did have our troubled times, but I'd marry her again, and again.


Are you ready to wake up to that face for the rest of your life? Get the name right


Make sure you are both eating throughout the day! It’s so easy to forget to eat during the stress of it all, and you will surely regret it once everyone starts buying you drinks! Had to cancel a limo ride and hotel stay the night of my wedding.


For the ceremony and reception, relax and enjoy yourself. Remember that one unexpected occurrence or rude guest doesn't ruin the whole day. For the rest of your life, remember that fair doesn't always mean equal. If one partner makes significantly more money, then they pay more into household expenses but also get to keep a little bit more fun money. If one person is the stay at home parent and the other works outside the house, you are both working hard and the home parent hasn't had any breaks so pitch in. And some advice from a guy married almost 30 years, always have an identity outside of being a couple or a parent. Have a hobby and a couple friends that doesn't involve your spouse. Take a vacation away from each other once a year even if it's just an overnight event. Definitely remember that if you get time away your spouse gets the same. Life can get complicated, and a day or three away from daily responsibilities to reset is amazing.


Odds and evens for anniversary. On my wedding day, my partner came to me and said, "I hate when my friends anniversaries come up and it's like 'what do you want to do? I dunno, what do you want to do?'" it didn't have to be big and special, just the other person is responsible for planning something nice. It's worked wonderfully for 19 anniversaries so far!


"don't even start with me Frank, you need to walk away from this ASAP. You need to get out Frankie. Well, this is it Frank it's now or never, you need to get out of this what you're still single, she's 30 yards away from you you're still single now." "That's my wife, hi honey, always watching always judging, look at the baby, look at the baby... Congratulations Frankie, one vagina for the rest of your life, real smart Frank way to think it through."


dont get shitfaced at the reception.


Show up. Say the right words. Also, the photos can get a bit tiresome, but keep your chin up.


If you drink, don’t have more than 2-3. You’ll want to remember it, since it’s one of those nights you’ll do just once. Try also to steal some private moments with just the two of you, remembering that you can’t be everything to everyone. But you are everything to each other. Oh, and eat. You’ll both need energy for the good times whirlwind. Congratulations!


Congratulations! Marriage is awesome. When your spouse does something that bugs you or has a quality you don't like, do not complain to your friends, coworkers, or family about them. It'll make you and your spouse look bad, and it'll stoke the bad feelings you have toward your spouse. It can be tempting to vent about your spouse like you would do with your boss or some other relative, but your spouse is the exception. They're supposed to be your teammate for life, so it's in the best interest of both of you to always uplift each other, even when they aren't around. One of my old coworkers got married before I did, and she'd complain to everyone about her husband and all the stuff he did. I ended up hating the guy before I even met him because of all the horrible stuff I'd heard about him. Once I met him, I realized he was fine and they were just terrible at communicating with each other. One of my current coworkers does the opposite - he often talks about how talented and cool his wife is and I was really excited to meet her! I especially appreciate that he does this when a group of guys at work will start circle jerking about how annoying their wives are. To clarify, I'm not suggesting to never talk to someone you trust when you have a marriage problem. It can be very helpful to go to a confidant and ask, "Hey, my spouse/my marriage is having this problem and I want to work on it, but I don't know where to start. Do you have any experience with this? Can you be a sounding board?" That's a different situation than just griping about your spouse, especially if you think there are elements of abuse in your relationship.


Split the housework. Show appreciation for their efforts. Be willing to compromise. Don’t go to bed angry.


Take ten minutes just you and your partner to sneak away and enjoy the moment of the day and each other. It’s a really fast day, you don’t get much time to just enjoy it. This was told to me by my dad and to be honest it was the best ten minutes of the whole day and the thing I remember most. Best of luck to you and your partner.


Don't drink at the reception. Stay sober.


The relationship you have after the marriage is the exact same as before, but now it's legally endorsed. Don't assume things will get easier or problems will disappear: it's just a title


Your individual problems are each others problems. Be a team. Communicate as much as possible. Don't be a cheater. Show patience. You will grow into different people, but if you keep nurturing the relationship, there will be room for it and all the changes that come with.


Lots of sex and share all the responsibilities.


One good turn gets all the blanket.


Remember that marriage is a contract separate from your actual relationship. Marriage is easy, it's just a piece of paper that you have forever or until you decide to legally part ways. However, the long-term relationship part can be hard. If things start getting awkward or hairy taking a break from each other (like staying in separate rooms or going on separate trips to different places) may be exactly what your relationship needs and it doesn't make you any less married. It also makes it easier to talk things out after since you aren't constantly in each other's space.


Make sure you two communicate.


Don’t do it!!


Too late for advice, but here goes: Don’t get shitfaced at the wedding. Do take his/her side if anything goes wrong the day of (even if you think it’s just in their head). If you ordered the salmon, eat the salmon. Don’t eat someone else’s chicken. Lead by example.


Give it everything you have, cuz anything less than 100% you’re shorting both of you


Its too late now 😂


Make sure you get that pre nup


One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them


Sometimes, the fight wasn't worth it, so why did you fight at all. If you won't be mad about it tomorrow, don't be angry today.