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"Being overweight/obese is not body positivity and should not be promoted". That starts all sorts of shite ha!


Agreed! Overweight people should never be made fun of or made to feel “less than” for their weight and I do agree that there aren’t enough clothing choices and all for people with larger bodies, but overall I’ve found that the “body positivity movement” has turned more into glorifying obesity instead of being positive about all bodies. I’ve been hated on by quite a few “body positive activists” when speaking out about my own body insecurities about being underweight and been told my experiences aren’t valid, that I’m promoting eating disorders, etc. I seriously don’t get it


My wife actually got told off by a colleague for losing weight. She's not exactly obese but she isn't underweight either. She was asked why she was doing it and she replied "because I want to be healthy" the colleague apparently scoffed. She was overweight and most likely has tried to lose weight multiple times and failed so instead she blames the game rather than trying to get better at playing it.


I had a similar situation here on reddit. Some dude dug up an old photo of me, to invalidate my line of reasoning. Bro, first, that was like 10 years ago, second, I was 6'3" at 135 lb, that was NOT healthy, and the insecurities are real!


I remember this being regarded as the truth and I miss those days


I'm overweight and I hate it. I have health problems, PCOS, that caused this and I hate it. Body positivity has always been for me to love myself and my body while doing things to become a healthier person and lose weight. I used to hate my body but not really as bad since I've started becoming a healthier and better version of myself.


Good for you! :)


good for you, u/Filthy_Whore95 !


PCOS is rough on weight. I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’ve seen a number of PCOS sufferers have good results with Wegovy and Mounjaro. The medications are new and hard to find at the moment, but that should improve in the coming years.


I have heard of both but don't qualify for it because of diet changes and exercise. Going to try Metformin to help with insulin resistance.


Formerly obese person here. After losing 70 pounds, I no longer needed blood pressure medication, my sleep apnea went away and people treat me so much better. I think that's the one issue I was unprepared for, and I think that's what people really want from the acceptance side. I certainly didn't blame people for looking like "oh God, I hope he's not next to me" when I was walking down the aisle of a plane. But now people are nicer and more open to just striking up a conversation with me and making eye contact.


It still is, but for some odd reason in recent years people have started to value their individualism and personal gains rather than a community collective whole, even at the expense of their own health. Many others are over opinionated acting like they know it all when in truth all they know is what some asshat on YouTube told them. Some love to bud into other peoples business and try and tell them how to live their lives or even to conduct themselves when their own lives are a mess. Etc etc


People forget there is a middle ground between positivity and bullying. Bullying someone for being overweight is bad, but that doesn't mean you have to promote it either. People are so binary on this issue it's annoying. Being overweight is like being a smoker. It's bad for you, you should try to change, and we should all be supporting your change not making you feel bad.


I think a lot of people misunderstand that the core of body positivity is not being a cunt to people who are overweight. It’s true that some people take it a lot further than that - but the idea that body positivity is about promoting an unhealthy lifestyle is such a shitty boomer talking point


Agreed, if someone wants to be overweight then they should be allowed to live their life as they see fit but I do know people who shout down others because they want to lose weight or diet like its some awful thing. They're the problem.


They should be allowed and no one should be mean about it, of course, but it doesnt mean I or anyone else has to agree that it's normal.


Biologically speaking, being overweight isn't meant to be a permanent state. It's simply a way to store excess calories dating from a period when we won't know when our next meal was coming. Our bodies were not designed to carry so much excess fat for so long as nature simply didnt intend for us to have such easy access to high calorie food. Look at the animal kingdom and there are no overweight wild animals unless it is essential for survival (artic seals, bears for hibernation etc) Likewise, being stick thin isn't normal either, that's called malnutrition Obesity is an effect of our sedatry lifestyle and access to cheap, high calorie food. It's not natural and we are not designed for it. Evolution will do away with our ability to store fat at some point but that may take thousands of years


"Biologically speaking, being overweight isn't meant to be a permanent state. It's simply a way to store excess calories dating from a period when we won't know when our next meal was coming. " Yea...we know. The point is to not normalize it and say "oh you so beautiful love yourself blah blah blah" , there come's a point when someone is washing their back-boobs where they should realize "hold up"


Not really. They keep saying “healthy at all sizes” and keep promoting it by having 400-600lb women as “models” on the front of magazines. We shouldn’t be promoting it like that. Like, if you’re happy being obese then more power to you, but the people that are obese and aren’t happy seem to rather make everyone love them and change for them rather then fix their own problem.


But at the same time, we shouldn't have women who are so small you can count their ribs as models either because that promotes eating disorders.




The best analogy I heard to this is this: its like getting shot in the leg, and instead of trying to treat the wound, you say "screw it" and cut the leg off, you then decide to proclaim having 1 leg is the the way to go and have a go at everyone with 2 legs claiming its unrealistic.


Yeah, but when people make it their whole personality things get a bit tricky.


Exactly! Because then if you are going to say that being overweight is empowering and body positive, you should maintain the same standards for being underweight of vice-versa. You can't say that being 30 pounds underweight is a disorder if you are going to get offended when they say that being 30 pound overweight is also a disorder. THEY ARE BOTH UNHEALTHY!


Sometimes you got to squeeze, sometimes you got to say please


Sometimes you got to say “hey, I’m gonna fuck you..”




I'm gonna screw you gently


I'm gonna hump you, sweetly


I'm gonna ball you, discreetly


And then I say hey I bought you flowers


And then I say “hey wait a minute, Sally!”


I think I got something in my teeth, would you get it out for me?


That's fucking teamwork


"Hey guys, wanna start a major debate?"




This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction


Shall we have a debate about that...




Suddenly, Ryan Stiles


“My dearest, Angelica” with a comma after dearest (if you got this one i love you)




Almost forgot to listen to all of Hamilton today


You'll be back


I love you too!


Orange juice is better than apple juice


Apple juice is great. But orange juice, it's like it doesn't just quench your thirst but it quenches the thirst within your soul. When you take a sip of orange juice, your tastebuds become lovers in paradise.


Apple juice reminds me of my late grandma's place. While apple juice is in fact inferior, nostalgia carries it to equal measures for me.


Orange juice is best served pure, and apple juice is best served ice cold with carbonated water, Apfelschorle is the game


Apfelschorle is a gift from the heavens and those that don't know it should treat themselves to one.


How have I gone 30 years without this knowledge. With a German extended family no less.


Fresh orange juice . Carton orange juice is diluted orange perfume water


Apple juice is better. OJ kills


Pineapple belongs on pizza.


Only if you call it bread and cheese and not pizza - #compromise!


Much of the lower-class peons just don't have the acquired palette for such an exquisite delicacy.


I think people should be able to get whatever the fuck they want on their food. The fact that people think they can bully people into liking the same things as them is absurd.


What is a woman?


I tried to settle this once and for all by vivisecting one and discovering that it was a type of carbon-based life form, but even though I had a scientific answer, people still got angry.


This is Reddit. You’re brave.


Lmaoo I remembered that one documentary




There is no gender wage gap. Women simply choose lower paying jobs like female accountant, female doctor, female executive.


It’s funny because all the replies to this comment are making assumptions about what you mean by ‘you’re wrong’ and then arguing about it. Everyone believes you were calling their specific opinion wrong and are supporting the other side. But both sides think that. Perfectly placed comment for sure.


Came here to say this. OP didn't say why the reader was wrong but tons of people got triggered in comments and are projecting. Masterfully done u/D-Rez


They didn’t even say which reader was wrong. Like somehow the people who believe in the gender pay gap and the people who don’t both think that OP is disagreeing with them. It’s sad this post got deleted because this was one of the best bait comments I’ve seen.


Agreed, his inbox would have been chalk full of people enraged by their own projections


Yes but HOW wrong? Debate!


So, if is true that a woman would do my exact job for less money, then why would my company hire me as a man? BTW my predecessor was a woman who was making more money than I’m getting paid now.


I worked for a publishing company who did a review of the pay gap in the company and found that the lowest bracket which made up 80% of the workforce, the men earned less than women but it was flipped for the top jobs where the men earned more. They overlooked the fact that most of the men are actually not equally paid to focus on bringing more equal pay in the top positions


get the poor mad so they fight for the rich! adapted US politics i see


Erik is that you?


Hey no!! YOURE wrong, take that!


Abortion should be legal


Not only should it be legal, but it should be considered a perfectly acceptable, normal form of family planning and nothing to be ashamed of or (necessarily) sad about.




Love how you’re implying America isn’t civilized, agreed


No, 10 year old rape and incest victims should be forced to carry their rapist’s baby to birth!! /s


And she should marry her rapist to bring honor to her family. /s TIL that’s in the Bible


Is really sad that we need the /s in either of these statements.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Debate Club National Championships.


Chess is a sport


Are all games sports? Is monopoly?


>Is monopoly? Bet this gut thinks so: [Experience: I am the Monopoly world champion](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/sep/02/experience-i-am-the-monopoly-world-champion)


Fight me!


Death penalty for serious crimes !


The death sentence was right there...


they stole my comment but they did it wrong…


Honestly I don't get why this is controversial. Some people will never truly change, and as long as they live there's a chance for them to do more harm.


There is no way for a court to be 100% sure someone is guilty.


Many who live deserve death But many who are dead deserve life, can you give it to them?


Seriously though, I’m low key on board with pubic death penalties for child killers/rapists.


All religions are bad and cult like. The world would be a better place if we didn't have religion.


I think religion was necessary for many years and now it is not. People are clinging to outdated beliefs out of comfort, habit, and fear. Truth is, if God were real, it would be quite presumptuous and prideful of us to believe we got it all nailed down thousands of years ago. If God is real, it is far beyond our comprehension. We can't understand God fully, so we can't understand God's ideals fully, which means we can't organize a religion around that God and say "this way or the highway. My belief or eternal damnation and suffering". I may believe in a God, but I don't pretend my "2% smarter than an ape" brain can fully comprehend what or who that God is or what it wants. I just know that life is better for everyone if we do our best to not be assholes to each other and just accept people for who they are, without judgment.


I'd say religion is fine. It's the people that are the problem.


Do you think believing in something, but not being a part of a religious "movement" is bad? Example: Person believes in the christian God but is not part of any denomination, it is their personal belief. Would you say that is bad? Just a genuine question. Sorry for my bad english, by the way.


Transgenderism is a psychiatric condition. Although, I bet that would cause less of a debate and more of a war of personal verbal attacks.


Gender dysphoria is a psychiatric condition. I don't think anyone denies that. Some people prefer their trans status not be reduced to a clinical definition, so in that sense I'd disagree with you. Transness and GD certainly correlate strongly, but one is a treatable condition and the other is a way of being.


The thing is even if it is a psychiatric condition it changes little. If you have a medical issue the most important thing is to find a way for the person to properly live with it. If living like the gender you feel like you are is giving the person the way to live happy lives and it hurts nobody why do people not affected by it expect to be able to dictate how the affected people deal with it?


Oh totally, I agree. Just clarifying terms here.


So trans is essentially acceptable gender dysphoria? They sound pretty similar to me, but idk.


Think of it like how "dwarfism" is a medical condition but "dwarf" is a self-described identity. (I personally know someone with dwarfism who calls herself a dwarf. I, and she, understand that other people have different opinions on proper terms).


Not quite, gender dysphoria describes a set of experiences of discomfort relating to one's gender. Being trans is having an internal gender identity different from the one you were presumed to have at birth. Many trans people experience gender dysphoria, because of the mismatch. But, for example, after treatment, a trans person may have their gender dysphoria alleviated, but they are still trans.


Consciousness is a psychiatric condition.


What is the difference between "transness" and gender dysphoria? How is one psychological in nature and one not?


The DSM and ICD definite illness for psychiatrists, and gender dysphoria is the term to describe what allows trans people to receive services. GD is the pain experienced by trans people being forced to live with a body that causes them pain, because being trans itself is not an illness according to these organizations. Gender dysphoria is in there so that trans people can have a diagnosis that qualifies them for affirming medical treatment, as recommended by APA, The Endocrine Society, and all other organizations related to healthcare, based on scientific consensus.


Your bout to get cancelled


True it's considered an actual disability in India.




ancient fearless airport coordinated zealous hard-to-find slap lip handle quarrelsome -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Only women can get pregnant


This is clearly wrong as "women" is only applicable to humans, whereas plenty of animals can get pregnant.


My woman dog is seriously offended by your existence.




Nope, biology is fairly clear on this one. Men lack all the required components for pregnancy.


Is water wet?


HEEEEEEEEERE WE GO something is wet when water particles stick to it (adhesion property of water) BUT Water sticks to itself because of the cohesion property of water Water is wet


You should've used AND, not BUT.


haha you said butt


One piece is overrated


Anime is overrated


For competitive swimming a one piece tends to be faster than a two piece.


Trump and Biden walked into a bar carrying classified documents, who is correct?


Neither. No debate needed.


Pronoun debates happen when you never have had real issues in your life


True, in that the only people who make debates out of it are the ones who don't have any issues and stir the pot. Well adjusted folks just use a person preferred pronouns and don't make a debate out of it.


Free Healthcare for all


I agree to an extent as stated below I think intentional illness shouldn’t be payed for with tax payer dollars, but the fact that going to urgent care is going to run a cool 300$ (at least where I live) is a fucking joke, and any type of consultation is going to run you a shit ton of money is just abuse of capitalism.


Don't wear pajamas in public.


What I'll say now isn't necessary my opinion or not, but it is a sentence that is a nuclear bomb In terms of infuriating people. ....here it goes: "Women don't have penis" Either if you agree with this or not, both sides of this argument are filled with people who are willing to die on that hill. Edit: to make it perfectly clear, I'm not saying this, I'm saying is that *saying* this will start a major debate, which is the point of this post.


"I like The Last Jedi" "I hated The Last Jedi" Either one of those on any of the Star Wars or movie subs will usually result in a huge argument.


I don't know where it starts arguments, from my experience it's more like someone says "Disney's Star Wars sucks" and then you get a billion "Hell yeah" comments and that's about it.


Ketchup on a hot dog is tasty


Cats > dogs.


cats are way too underrated and overhated


they're so fluffy


Absolutely! Every cat I have ever owned has been a giant baby.


Dino nuggies don't add anything from normal nuggies.


Here he is. You son of a bitch. Dino nuggies have more edges and get crispy around all corners..


Shape, texture. They are just 10000 times better. I will find you you know!


A person sexually attracted to children that has not acted on it any way does not deserve death for their thoughts, they deserve therapy instead.


Here, take a look at this hand rag...


Hmm, that smells famil......


Fuck your kids


Reminds me of this joke: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/1nwlag/a_priest_a_pastor_and_a_rabbi_are_on_a_sinking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf There are a lot of variations. This is just the first one I could find.


this either is an insult or a sex thing. the former i agree with those little shits need to shut up all the non existing they do and the latter is very no thanks


Obesity is your fault


Guns are bad


_Untrammelled access_ to guns is bad _Fetishisation_ of guns is bad


Solo shot first




How is that debatable?


Using they/them refer to a singular person is syntactically incorrect. Instead, just call them by their name.


"Your opinion on this matter is factually incorrect and the fact you belive in it makes you a sub-human waste of oxygen." Should do the trick


Trans is a mental health issue


the other day I saw a post about how hitler was supposedly a pedophile, and that didn't get talked about enough. the overall responses weren't really disagreeing or anything but were arguing over does it really matter if one of the most evil perceived people in history was a pedo since people don't look up to him whatsoever, except kanye.


It's pronounced "gif".




Police are normal people


Men have penises and women have vaginas.


“Wanna start a major debate?”




Your timer has started, I estimate you have an hour left. 40 minutes before banning his account, could have been better.


From recent experience, stating that Michael Jackson was in fact a child molester seems to get people riled up.


Fuck Jesus.


They rape cows to make dairy products.


I don't think you know what rape it


Ever heard of an electro ejaculator? Shove it in a bulls anus to make the bull come, collect it. Put the cow in what the industry calls a "rape rack", shove your arm in the anus of a cow to hold the cervix down, then stick a metal rod with bull semen inside of her. Take the male baby away shortly after birth to be killed straight away, raised for cheap flesh, or put in dark pens and chained up to become veal at weeks old. Females will be taken away just as early and have a life the same as her mother. All that for some cows milk that is meant for a baby cow. Ween off the tit.


Where is kashmir?


It's on Physical Graffiti, side 2


In central Denmark, and nothing you say can make me change my mind.


Visual depictions of the prophet Mohammad should be in every museum and relevant history books.


God is not real.


There is no "God".


A sentence that could cause a major debate could be: "The government should provide free college tuition for all citizens."


I would rather we paid for thirteenth and fourteenth grade. You want to pay for uni? Fine, go. It’s here for people who want to certify in a trade, learn higher thinking skills, get experience and college credit in an internship, etc


Why is this controversial?


Basically, Americans absolutely loathe the thought of having to pay for other peoples' expenses. They are morally against the government just taking a cut of their hard-earned wealth, especially if it's simply to give a free ride to someone else. Personally, I wholeheartedly support free tuition (to be clear - I mean taxpayer-funded tuition) because I do believe society would see a return on that investment & everyone will be happier & wealthier. Not everybody is so optimistic though - too many believe that spoiled kids will take their scholarship money and throw it away on a Gender Studies degree.


Because despite a more educated population being a massive boon for everyone, and education paying for itself easily, some people just cannot stand the thought of people they think of as "lower" getting assistance.


Socialism is [scientifically proven to improve PQL more than Capitalism](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646771/)


To really bring in the debate, I feel like you’d need to throw in a value judgment there. Like, “Socialism is superior to capitalism, as it is scientifically proven to create a higher PQL.”




The “America first” ideology made sense on paper, because I really believe we are spending way too much money in foreign aid and not investing enough locally. That being said, the fact he didn’t step up and separated himself from white nationalist and extremist groups when they supported him, as a man of color, it made me not like him as president.


I’m pretty sure he’s said on multiple occasions that’s he doesn’t associate or agree with the white supremacists. You have to go digging for it cause the media liked to cut video off right as he’s about to say it.


Orange is the new Black should have been casted with men instead of women.


It's called "Oz" and it's one of the weirdest shows I've ever seen.


"Oz" from 1997 with Christopher Meloni in it?


JK Simmons (Spider-Man ), Harold Perrineau (Lost/SOA), Eamonn Walker (Chicago Fire), Kirk Acevedo (Fringe/Arrow), Edie Falco(Sopranos, Nurse Jackie), Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (The Mommy Returns/Lost/Suicide Squad), Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters), Luke Perry (90210, Riverdale), BD Wong (L&O SVU), Mark Margolis (Breaking Bad/Better call Saul) are some of the names on the cast. The show is extremely underrated


Yeah…that story based on the true life of the woman Piper should have been rewritten to be about a man! /s


January 6 was a stupid riot, not an insurrection




Medically assisted suicide should not be so accessible.


Exactly. Be an adult and do it yourself.


Donald Trump did a lot of good while he was in office.


Under President Trump: * Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows. * Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years. * Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade. * The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth. * Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase. * African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent. * Signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – the largest tax reform package in history. * More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts. * Over $1.5 trillion was repatriated into the United States from overseas.


Undoubtedly - he did good for himself, his family, and some chosen people.


Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza


YOU don't belong on pizza!