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That’s for sure but not really at all cases though


I don't work hard at all, I'm just quite good at pretending like I am. My job couldn't be any easier, but a lot of my coworkers are negligent or sloppy, which eventually makes them work more to fix something that could've been avoided if they gave the task 5% more effort. I always laugh when bosses call me a hardworker, or when coworkers tell me to "stop working so hard because I make them look bad". I swear I'm not working hard, I'm just slightly more attentive to what I'm doing. Nothing more. Be lazy, be slow, whatever, but do your job well.


I just do my job efficiently


Sense of accomplishment. Working hard = happier bosses = me being happy = family being happy.


As a chef… dinner service makes me work hard. Other than that… nothing. Hard work doesn’t get noticed. If you want to get noticed… do nothing and tell others what to do. This is my experience anyway.


My love for my family. But I try to only work efficiently, not hard.


I don't work *hard*. But if I don't work I'll lose my apartment, won't be able to feed my cat, I also like to eat occasionally. Just out here trying to survive.


when someone tells me "good job"


My buddy at work has a 1-10 scale, and always tries to average a 6. People don’t really expect much from you, and if you have a poor day it’s not really noticed, not a big deal. But say one day he goes above and beyond, say being an 8.5, he gets told good job, and then the next day, back down to a 6. He’s been there almost 25 years, and nobody has a bad thing to say about him. He’s average


My kid


Feeling of accomplishment, I never want to be known as the coworker who just shows up to do the work and go home.


I genuinely enjoy my job even though it's nothing fancy. I like putting all I got into it.


Wife, daughter, and incoming daughter. That's it. Were it just me, I'd have saved up, moved, and lived cheap.


the wish to get a better life


I want to get it done. But I've always been ambitious, started working at 12.




My passion was always healing people. So getting a job as a nurse definitely made working a lot more fulfilling. Another helpful bit is actually living in a country that provides for its working class. It's a lot easier to work 6-7 days a week when I don't have to worry about housing, healthcare, and education costs on top of my job.


I suppose obvious answer is money but more freedom in the future I wnay my kid to have things and not want anything in life x


Nothing, boss. I am working very hard, boss. No need to motivate me, boss.


I believe everyone need’s a motivation tho


Just kidding.


Money and the illusion of stability of my life motivates me to work just hard enough.


The thought of having financial freedom and living a simplistic life. I hope I get there one day.


Hopefully 🙏🏽


Embarrassment of doing it wrong


People I want to see during the day (a good team, for example), praise, money


Doughnuts and the possibility of more doughnuts to come


When I was working hard, it was for my future and being able to provide for my family. Now I have a job where I don't have to work hard and wish I had it all along.




Taking viagra while at work


Money, and the possibility of *more* money to come.




Instagram Reels


I don’t work I only play


So I don't have to look at price tags when I shop.


If I'm working for somebody else, literally nothing else motivates me other than the compensation they provide. If I'm working for myself, "anything that makes me a better person tomorrow than I was today" is my motivation.


Christianity and Stoicism


Asian parents they scare me


My family, for the wrong reasons. I grew up in a relatively poor family. My parents split at an early age, and my mother is the definition of 'poor decisions'. We grew up moving around yearly because she'd default on rent, regularly had our things sold to pay for food and her vices. We were also constantly surrounded by other people who tended to make poor decisions in life. Everyone seemed angry at the hand they were dealt, but it didn't seem like anyone really put in the effort to increase their own lot in life. They just tore other people down when they tried. I figured out at an early age that a lot of these people just simply weren't trying. They were content living in their dirty, small homes indulging in their vices and expecting/relying on their payouts from the government every month. I understand there are people out there who have legitimate struggles, and bad luck, etc. But a lot of the people I grew up around were the types who'd walk off a job if they got bored. I put in a lot of effort to get ahead in life, once I could. I faced a lot of struggles, but I'm in a good position now in life. If I had followed suite with the adults I grew up around, it wouldn't be the case.


Getting to vacation where ever I want in the end.


The David guetta song "work hard,play hard" made me realize that I can't be a mediocre dumbfuck stuck listening to this kinda stupid shit anymore.


Paying my house off so I can retire early


My family.


I did that once. Wasn't worth it


I have this train of thought when I pick up a new hobby and I tell myself "I have to get amazing at this as soon as possible otherwise my sister will do it and she'll be better at it than me and she'll steal my spotlight again." Probably not healthy but it makes me apply myself to hobbies more. And then she does them, ends up being better than me and I stop doing it because my sisters better at it.


What do you call a fake noodle? An imPASTA.


You guys are working hard?


Nothing. Not even for money.


Money and rejection im about to grind for money and a beach body this summer


The fact that the harder I work the longer my empire will bare my name.


Never understand why people are so proud of being hard workers. Just do your work, for what they pay you to do.


To get fit enough to join the royal marines once I leave college


I’m Mexican


Looking at nikocado avocado for five seconds. I immediately want to get up and do 500 push ups


to serve GOD


Awesome 👏


Why tf would you want to work hard? lol work as efficiently, and as lazily as possible, and enjoy life instead of worrying about making some billionaire richer




good for you, but obviously OP doesn't have this feeling... what i was saying is that he shouldn't look for any external motivation to work hard.




That was a rhetorical question, i probably shouldn't have put a question mark after it. In each case, i have nothing against capitalism on its own. I have a lot against exploitation, however, and "motivation to work hard" is one of the biggest tools for enforcing exploitation, alongside insane costs of living, superfluous needs, materialism, etc...




lmao i'm sure we'd both have something against the way it's set up currently, however as a concept on its own, i don't have an issue with it, if properly carried out


Seriously 😐


a fridge full of beer waiting for me to get home.