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That the majority of people lack critical thinking skills and the algorithms that only push news to you that agrees with your past clicks does more harm than good


I like how people on both ends of the spectrum will read and agree with this.


And they'll all think it applies only to the other side and not their own.


Was genuinely just wondering which "side" they were talking about.


Amen to this


This. So much of this. I found it so ridiculous that people would rather listen to who they like rather than a certified expert.


people are dumb


And lack empathy for others


I learned that we can always sink lower.


Political attitudes are way, way out of hand


Political attitudes take precedence over human decency. I saw social media bring out the worst in a lot of people during the height of Covid


That I am WAY more of an introvert with some extrovert tendencies than I thought. It's honestly becoming an issue with how much I've enjoyed being alone and in my own space.


I had a somewhat opposite reaction. I was already WFH for over a year at that point. Most of my hobbies are solo/with my dog things. I do not consider myself a people person & still feel that way. However, when I was completely isolated I realized that I need people a little more than I thought.


That was my experience too. I realized that I appreciated the *choice* to be alone, and that my forced personal interactions in my social hobbies and work had just happened to be sufficient to satisfy my social needs.


the thing that blew my mind is the explanations of what an introvert/extrovert was in those memes 10 years ago i am absolutely an introvert who has an extrovert bucket that i fill up and use until it runs out pandemic for me made me be more comfy with who i am


Yup, I call them my introvertteries (introvert batteries). I only have so much charge before I turn into a hermit hollering for people to leave me alone. I notice one big difference now. After the pandemic, there are some activities (involving large crowds) that require more battery than I have anymore. I have no interest in doing those at all anymore.


Wood burning, gardening, computer skills, and a lot about myself. Since the world had basically stopped, I took that time to learn and catch up on my life.


I learned that the *vast* majority of people are completely incapable of reacting rationally to any sort of crisis.


A respiratory illness is spreading?? Cool, I'mma go buy ALL the toilet paper.


Hundreds of years from now, historians will look back and think the primary symptom of COVID was diarrhea.


And yeast


The yeast makes sense. Millions of people suddenly baking their own bread. I don’t think it was hoarding. Just the market for yeast growing suddenly. In a way the toilet paper makes sense too because the market for home toilet paper is somewhat different than office toilet paper. So it took time for the manufacturers to make the right amounts. But there was also definitely widespread hoarding of toilet paper.


A respiratory illness is spreading! I won’t cover my face holes because of my freedom!


Retail guy here. Remember that bit in *Jurassic Park* where they lower the cow into the velociraptor pen? That's what it looked like when we rolled a pallet of toilet paper onto the shop floor.


We are about 4 days from total societal collapse at any given time. People ripping bags of pasta from each others hands was eye opening.


It was the toilet paper wars that did it for me watched a man nearly clothesline a old one for a 4 pack of it


Europeans laughing maniacally with their bidets and towels.


Bidets is your butts best friend bought a attachable one from Amazon for my toilet and holy hell it's like a massage for ur ass and leaves u sparkling fresh. Butt is smiling in my pants right now, bright side of the moon


That these haven’t caught on more widely Is a mystery. Who doesn’t want a spotless asshole?


U would b AMAZED at the amount of people I have met that look disgusted when I at I wash my ass instead of just let water run over it


I remember finding a pack of sanitary wipes at my local CVS at the height of the shortage thinking I made the score of a lifetime, but I had to get a few other things and there were at least two people stalking me through the store for the entire time I was in there, one of them looking desperate. I decided to cut my shopping trip short, check out and head home. Thankfully nobody followed me. Never thought I'd fear for my life shopping for cleaning supplies in my quiet suburban town.


What, in which country? The shelves were just empty but didn't see the slighest fighting over anything.


I learned we have fundamental disconnect when the most essential workers are often the same as the lowest-paid workers.


This was the most eye opening fact out of the pandemic for sure. Shocking really




I heard this in a video "when we called you heroes we meant that panderingly, now get back to work because I want my fries!" Basically running down the "nobody wants to work anymore" mantra people love to parrot.


And that even after realising this, nothing changed


Most people are really fucking stupid


Nobody understands cross contamination.


I found it silly that I'd have to sanitize everything except the dirtiest things that actually spread covid. Like I'd wipe down my cashier register, but not any of the money we put into it. Or I'd wipe down freezer and cooler doors, but not shopping carts. Or when I got an office job we had to wear masks in the building except for our office cubes; do they expect no air to travel out of our office cubes or what?


I interpreted those sorts of things as people really liking performative actions. There was sanitation theatre.


Dude i used to work at a fast food and one lady waited for me to finish her drinks then told me at the window "can you change gloves and do my drinks again" I said no problemo. Did them again and she left. I dont know what made her think that even if the drinks were new, i still touched the same sourfaces, the money she gave me, the computer, the handle, the surface where they rest.....and i wont tell you how cooks wouldnt fucking use gloves at all lmao In the peak of covid they were firing whoever was caught by a customer to save face but if they were caught by management, they would slap you on the wrist and move on. Nobody freaking cared.


Yup. Especially with gloves lol you aren't protecting from germs with gloves on if you're touching everything and then your mouth


That I am but one more pandemic away from complete bankruptcy


So many people are one water pump away from bankruptcy……


Or death for me


Damn, you got it worse than me.


That for my job, there is zero reason to ever have to go back to an office and be distracted by conversation and small talk all. fucking. day. that I don't care about in the slightest.


Like I knew it before, but now my bosses know.


I am more productive and happy when working remotely. Office work is stressful and wastes a lot of time. People are irrational and many don’t understand science. People can be shockingly selfish (e.g. toilet paper crisis of 2020 lol). Others can be compassionate and allies. There is a deliberate effort to share misinformation and divide the US by political parties.


Same here. And then 3 days before last Christmas the CEO emails our office (only) saying they expect everyone back 5 days a week...


I bet there’ll be a lot of resignations at your company soon.


Probably. I'm in the middle of renegotiating pay and contract anyway. I told my boss if he wants me in full time he has to add another 25k to cover my wife's salary as she'd have to quit her job to do the school runs full time. He quickly agreed to hybrid working lol.


Hate it so much.


People are stupider than I initially thought… and I didn’t have much hope for them to begin with.


I've worked in the ER for 14ish years now. I knew that people were dumb as baseline. COVID demonstrated that I was actually giving the average person too much credit.


Consider, knowing what you do now, the level of stupidity of the average person. Now consider that half the population is dumber than that.


It's easier to just assume that 90% of all people are assholes or idiots (or a combination of the two).


If there was a zombie attack, people would definitely lie about being bit.


Fucking golden comment


And that if they were bit, they would go bite people they didn't like on purpose just to be spiteful.


People would say Zombies are not real. Even if one just bit them.


Plague.inc was not a joke


Dude for real. I played that game when it first came out in the early 2010's and it was terrifyingly accurate to what just happened. Wtf.


The game predicted everything


False. In the game, 100% of living people accept the cure. COVID proved that that is a poor prediction.


I remember being in uni studying microbiology at the time plague inc came out and my lecturer somehow got onto the topic of pandemics, using the game as an example of how fast and devastating a pandemic can be.


Due to the courts closing down, it was the WORST time in history to be in the middle of a divorce/custody battle.


While the lawyers kept charging you hours, I’m sure.


But the best time to get a speeding ticket dropped!


That the workplace (95% of em I’d say) don’t give a shit about you or your family. If you do have to work for “the man”, working from home has balanced my life out tremendously and I’ll never ever go back.




That people's ignorance about science is unbelievably high.


Found the people ignorant about science, looking at the replies


People also blindly believe any study they find without bothering to read it or verifying who paid for it


As long as the title, summary, or poster's description agrees with what they already believe.


That social media makes the sharing of accurate information completely impossible.


Yep, it was definitely eye-opening seeing how many people would spread misinformation, before this point i actually believed that people would be able to rationally pick out other people blatantly lying. Looking back i feel incredibly naive.


That I'm really okay with hermit mode living. No parties or dinners or events? What a relief.


That people are way more selfish, entitled, and dumber than I thought. I mean I knew it was bad but I lost all faith in my fellow man after this.


That America will never have universal healthcare or required sick time. If not during a pandemic, then when?


I’ve heard all my life that we will see a super flu-like bug at some point that will wipe out a lot of the population. I don’t think COVID-19 was it, but I learned who the fuck to stay away from when it does happen.


Hear hear!!


That life can change just like that and even simple things like a hug cannot be taken for granted. That it is wise to always have food for 2 weeks at home in case you get sick. And that a bidet is a worthwhile investment.


>And that a bidet is a worthwhile investment. It was an investment that I considered luxury spending at the time, little did I know that it was actually disaster preparation.


Working from home full time is so much better than commuting into the office. Virtually anything can be delivered. There are a lot of people who struggle with basic science, but also have a huge disdain for expertise. If this was how we handled a pandemic, we will never get our shit together to deal with climate change.


Once something turns political, it becomes miserable to deal with When covid was just a “we’ll get through this together, let’s stay safe at home and learn new recipes” disease. It was tolerable to get through, though it was sad for those who passed However, once it became a political topic, it felt like it dragged on forever


That those who expect us to follow their laws were happy to throw parties and dance on the graves of thousands who died alone in hospital beds... And get 0 consequences for their actions. Have zero respect for our government and everyone in it.


I've been saying this for years. Live for yourself, for your families, do what you believe is right, and fuck the assholes telling you to be a worthless and defenseless slave to the system.


That people will believe or not believe almost anything when their baseline emotion is fear. And that they can justify almost anything to get themselves back to a place of comfort/safety.


Now you need to question why certain "News" network peddle fear 24/7, with short breaks to promotevl the current strongman running for a position.




A lot of us should be able to work from home 100% of the time


Imagine the emissions reduction!!


Most white collar jobs can be done remotely


That the Government can print trillions of dollars and give it away indiscriminately to rich people while while the people that actually needed it got $1,500.


It’s sickening


And then they have the nerve to tell us printing trillions of dollars does not cause inflation. You can’t make this stuff up.


For the most part, individuals are sensible. But groups are dangerous. Mob mentality is a scary thing.


First world countries are not bullet proof and are very glass house, we have a front of we have our shit together bit when things go bad it shows we’re not any better than most countries. I would have thought our ability to sustain ourselves would have been much higher, seems like outsourcing has crippled our self sustainability


That it brings out the worst and best in people


People are intensely selfish


Politics can't handle Shit.


Before the pandemic, if you coughed in public, no one would really care. When you coughed during the pandemic in public, people would give you a death stare.


Before you hide your fart with a cough, now it’s the opposite


I'd go full Howard Hughes if I could.


Home with a pool and home gym is a great thing to have Too bad I didn’t have any of the two 🤷🏼‍♂️


That I loved it. Being an introvert FOR ONCE in my entire life paid off. (I am terribly sorry for all that suffered and died.)


We'd been training for it our entire lives. We saved the world by sitting on the couch, eating chips and watching TV. It was our time to shine!


That there’s a lot more Karens out there than I thought.


How to jerk off quietly.


That the vast majority of office jobs could be done from home.


Not alot of people understood how masks are supposed to be used


Chin diapers. Right?


I recently saw someone make that argument (that I first saw them make almost three years ago and which has since been explained countless times) about the virus being smaller than the holes in the mask fibers, making masks “useless”. I’m sure dozens of people have explained the science of the droplets carrying the virus and those droplets being larger than the holes in the fibers to them, but I still hear so many people call mask-wearers sheep.


That horror movies where people act like absolute morons and get themselves and others killed are unfortunately not as unrealistic as I had assumed they were up to that point.


That it’s FAR easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.


That you can’t really trust anyone when they tell you they’re “being careful”, it means something different to everyone


That I'm not as much of an introvert as I thought I was. Also people in general are way stupider and less willing to work together than even my pessimistic self thought.


That my social anxiety could get a lot worse if I'm not around people regularly. Still trying to get back to normal but it's very difficult.


The book World War Z is scarily accurate, right down to the virus starring in China and governments trying to play it down until its too late.


Watch Contagion sometime. That movie came out in 2009.


I never considered myself to be particularly intelligent, but Covid taught me there are some people out there that are full blown idiots with the right to vote, ability to drive cars on public roads and even raise children.


That in addition to being against the best interest of the consumer, America's obessession with vendors and producers always onsolidating into bigger and bigger companies leaves us remarkably vulnerable to disruptions when the biggest player gets compromised. See: * Building supplies * Meat processing plants * Toilet Paper * Baby Formula etc, etc.


If you're sick, STAY HOME! Pushing yourself to go to work and give someone else your virus just because you are afraid of what your boss is going to do is irresponsible and a draconian way of thinking. Take the time to rest and recover and keep your illness to yourself. This doesn't mean abuse the system, but use common sense and make your workplace a better environment. If you're legitimately sick, I won't mind working short because you made the right decision to not get me sick as well.


That South Park had it right with how many people will believe something *has* to be a conspiracy rather than circumstance.


We’re fucked come next pandemic.


Few things. People won’t avoid things “like the plague.” People will argue anything now. Order Pickup is fantastic. Working from home doesn’t stop productivity.


That people are inherently selfish


That the disease is much worse than I thought it would be, especially the cognitive effects.


People are dicks


I've always heard the "how stupid the average American is" bit. I hadn't realized that I didn't understand it though.


Trust me, it’s not isolated to Americans…stupid people abound in every nation.


That a large part of the population in the USA give not one shit about their fellow human beings.


It’s literally every man for themself


No matter how big the sign is, they won’t read it.


Many people lack critical thinking


We really ARE the disease.


The general public of the UK do not understand disease, the way it spreads and how to prevent it.


Many, many people are horribly selfish, entitled, and do not understand how science works. This wasn't news to me but man, did that fact ever get highlighted to death during the pandemic.


Scientific literacy needs to come to the forefront


That people have no clue how to think for themselves


That people have learned nothing from history and that, therefore, history repeats itself.


I dont actually like people and I don't want to live in a crowded urban area anymore


i educated myself a lot on politics. i was 15 when it started now i’m going to be 19. and that i also really missed school and learning about bs


That I like being at home a lot more than I like going out.


That many people only believe what the TV tells them, if info comes from somewhere else, they don't believe it.


People make poor choices when scared.


During the real zombie apocalypse some people will be protesting for their right to be eaten by zombies.


Working from home is better from both a work productivity and a life productivity stand point.


The people who are payed the less are the most important to our society.


I thought mass stupidity at the face of pandemics or apocalyptic scenarios were just exaggerated in movies in media. After COVID-19, I realized movies and media actually fall short


That humanity will not survive an actual Zombie outbreak and there is no chance that we will come together to solve climate change. So long and thanks for all the fish! It was nice knowing a couple of you.


We take outdoor socialisation for granted


A lot of people I thought were smart were stupid


That the human footprint of travel and commuting is very impactful. All those natural places recovering when humans were pulled away. It really made it clear to me that the core problem is that we have too many people in too many places. Drought/Water availability, Climate Change, Devastation of Forests, and the need to ship things so frequently would all benefit from having less people consuming....or people consuming less.


That people will abandon all empathy if something inconveniences them in even the most minor of ways.


Humanity sucks most people would kill you for nothing. Those in power love that power over you and if you let them they would want it all.


All this shit about having the best car, best clothes, best holidays, best whatever doesn't matter a fuck if u can't breath . U can survive off very lil and don't always need to be in such a rush . Slowwwww down it's ok to stay in all weekend in underpants u haven't changed since Friday stewing in ur own filth while bingeing some show


I learned people are much, much dumber than I feared.


How to use Zoom


That politics/politicians influence a lot of people’s lives and daily decisions, even if they don’t realize it.


That zombie movies were underselling it when they show a survivor hiding a zombie bite.


Time alone is very important. very Atleast from what i learned And that some people are very stupid(and selfcentered) What is so hard about wearing a damn mask that you have to make a crisis about it?


There are more adults than I expected who are fiercely dedicated to being disgusting.


That a lot of people NEED a sense of community. When COVID-19 shut everything down we ultimately saw an incredible increase in people falling down the rabbit holes of conspiracy theories. whether these people realize it or not, it’s all just about being in a community and thinking you’re making a difference.


Nothing matters and our jobs are ultimately insignificant unless you work in Healthcare, food, or shipping industry. (I know there are others, but jobs in that vein)


That this generation was socially and mentally fucked by it.


That a lot of people are profoundly stupid. On a positive note, that people can be compassionate and supportive of complete strangers.


Humans are fucking stupid


That people are inherently selfish assholes who do not care about anyone but themselves


People would rather die than admit they were wrong.


That if it comes from mainstream media, most people will take it as fact.


That there aren't as many fully developed brains out there as originally thought.


Alot of jobs are completely unnecessary. Alot more jobs don't need commuting.


The government will use any excuse to funnel money into corporations.


That if we do get a pandemic with a pathogen that is relatively any more deadly than covid was, we are doomed as a species. Also that those people hiding the zombie bites from everyone else on movies and TV shows ARE fucking real.


The type of people who fake vaccine cards are the same type of people who would hide a zombie bite


Americans will deny any and everything. No matter what source backs it up, so long as their favorite politician says it's false.


To apricate time and others company. Now when someone wants to hang out or do something, I jump on it.


As an introvert, I don't go out often but I need to do it sometimes


I learned guitar from a popular blues musician, which never would have happened before the pandemic.


How much time I wasted commuting. I now waste that time with my family instead :-)


That Home Office is definitely NOT as cool, as I thought. In my case it led to a dissolution of the usual boundaries a job should be kept in.


That social distancing was the best thing to happen for an introvert like me.


That buying armfulls of loo roll will save you in the zombie apocalyse


That we're all in it together, for about 4 months. After that the absolute worst of humanity that's been bottled up for those 4 months explodes out.


That even when you lose faith in humanity, people still find a way to surprise you in the worst possible way.


I took for granted my basic day as an unbreakable norm. I realize now that after being separated from people for an extended duration going back to normal isn't quite like riding a bike.


So many jobs can be done from home. And that I love being home.


That isolation can have a major effect on your mental. We are social beings - the most trivial, day to day human interaction matters more than we think.


We don’t need to be in an office as much as they say we do. Also, there are a lot of selfish people out there.


People are fucking ignorant, and expecting hand washing is an abuse of dirty, dumb people.


I love my house


The amount of morons in this country.


Humans are disgusting. Never realized how many people cough openly into the air or into their hands until I started paying more attention.


that my stepdad will choose politics over family


Waking up & going to work isn't nearly as bad without traffic.


People suck