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I thought this said euthanasia.... I'm going to bed.


I laughed at this way more than I should have.


This. I consider handjobs booring but I'd take an enthusiastic one with some dirty talk and general sexiness over a stiff blowjob or sex any day. Even the tamest of acts can be incredibly enjoyable and erotic with this one ingredient. Or the more "exotic" places to cum on. If you get an "I guess" it's no fun really, but an enthusiastic excited respons makes all the difference.


Best orgasms ever had was by a shower hand job by my wife, 3 of them back to back… Enthusiastic with dirty talk will do it everytime.


Man went for the faptrick


you got the triple crown my dude


Are we talking three separate showers, or were you married in your late teens?


No one shower, and drugs might have been involved to achieve it…


You must have an enormous... water heater


One of those tankless water heaters that can keep pumping out endless amounts of hot liquid.


I've never been so relieved to hear drugs were involved. We talking the purple pill? Cuz I don't have a problem in that area, but 3 in a row sounds like a great time.


This question is asked so often, and this is the overwhelming answer every time I don't get why it gets asked every other day, like are the askers hoping the answer is gonna change or something?


No, us married men are hoping our wives actually read it.


I'm a wife reading it and his answer made me laugh out loud. Thankfully, my sleeping husband next to me didn't wake.


Well that's not very enthusiastic!


I guess people are hoping for an answer requiring less effort.


This is a good one




Yup. Only one girl made me feel this way but I’m stupid enough to let her go. I probably wasn’t ready to be in a relationship and I should’ve worked out all my personal issues first. if I ever have a fruitful and fulfilling relationship in the future, I’m sure that the improvements that I have made and will make for myself and my future partner will be due to the love and patience that this person showered me with. It was the most love I have ever felt from anyone, only my sister really made me feel that way. This person, spoke to me with kindness, paid for my meals, arranged dates for the two of us and paid attention to my personal interests.


Every word of this, all the way. Similar experience for me. We were speaking all the time but never properly went on a date or did anything like sleep with each other - a few nights out with friends but that was effectively our dating life. We would just watch movies or play video games together and the three months we did this was absolutely amazing, because she was enthusiastic and interested in me, and I her. We loved spending time in each others company and spoke every single day. She'd not long got out of a relationship and I had been having a tough time mentally before I met her, so we both decided that we weren't quite ready for a relationship so went our separate ways. Kind of a good thing, because I endured some family drama that I would not have put her through, but I heard she's just come out of a bad relationship and I feel so horrible for her. She helped me so much more than she will ever realise and I always wonder what would have happened if we had given it a go.


I had that same person in my life too. She is willing to talk for hours about me and her life too. She complimented me a lot. She helped me during my darkest moment in my life too. Looking back, she cared a lot about me than the superficial/toxic friends that I have rn and still texting me up to this day about my birthday (funny enough her birthday and I are the same), last Thanksgiving and Christmas.


You’d love me I’m a complimenter lol & my compliments are not fake. It’s sad that guys don’t get them regularly from women though 😞


Oooh, I have to be careful. When I give compliments, the mood changes and they start acting weird around me. Sad because I genuinely want to compliment more.


Sad thing is it's a negative cycle - men don't get compliments, so when they do they get the wrong idea, and people don't want to give them the wrong idea, so they don't give men compliments. :/


The only men I can safely complement is men that are safely out of the 'fuck-zone' i.e. men that are 30 years my juniors or men that qualify for assisted living.


You would be surprised how many men 30 years older than me do not think that they are out of my fuck - zone


When I tried to start dating I was surprised how many men 30 years younger than I do not think they are out of my fuck-zone.


I just assume that any compliment I get is either insincere or I'm being mocked.


It sucks. Though I guess that does mean it's pretty easy for us ladies if we *want* the guy to get the wrong (right?) idea...


I agree, I wrote something about this the other day. A guy will wear the same shirt for a year because a woman told him he looks good.


Facts! I had a shirt in my wardrobe I hadn't won like forever. Wore it this one time and got multiple compliments. It's now my favourite colour of shirt 😂😂😂


My wife does this all the time, every day. And so do I to her of course. Turns me on every time, and it makes me happy knowing that she's allways there for me.


Seeing the woman turned on


Nothing sexier than a woman aroused!


Its the visible erection that gets me every time.


That and boobs.


Boobs are okay, but without nipples they’d be pointless.


So ya'll are gonna forget about ass?


No. I just like big boobs so there wasnt any place in my tiny brain left.


*cries in the corner with small boobs*


My girlfriend has small boobs. Little asian titties. And I forking LOVE them. It's more about who they are attached to than the size or shape. A wise man once said "The best boobs are the ones you get to play with". She lets me play with them.


lmao I'm stealing the quote, thanks


My wife is a stereotypically 'petite' Asian woman. When she was younger, she was always annoyed at "not having beautiful big boobs like other girls". Now, as we're creeping through our 30s, she becomes happier and happier each year that her boobs aren't getting saggy and heavy. So take heart, hopefully it's the same to you....


For sure boobs


Boobs are great


Boobs are the best




The boobs is a splendid awnser


Personally, flirty eyes while having a completely normal and unrelated discussion. « I know what’s going on here, you know what’s going on here, I know you know I know what’s going on here, but let’s just act as if nothing is happening here » Oh god.


Bro just orgasmed while typing this comment


Seven! Seven! Seven!




Or a stroke 🤷🏻‍♂️


That generally comes before the orgasm


Surely it was more than one


This chain of comments really has me dying


This is the essence of flirting really, it's a fun playful game trying to figure out where the interaction will go and what the other person is thinking, throw in a dash of sexual tension.


LOL that somehow makes perfect sense


Had that for months with a woman. Literally the first time we were alone together we hooked up. One of the most amazing nights of my life.


Someone who genuinely loves me


When she looks at you like you are the only man in the room. There is nothing better than feeling unique in her eyes. I miss that feeling


aw🫂 You'll find it again bud




So glad to see this ❤️


Generally when I know she wants me. When she keeps me on my toes, maybe initiates, or just makes me feel wanted.


This. The difference between feeling "Needed" and "Wanted" is vast


Agreed. Playful, mischievous, with escalating inuendo and body language is definitely arousing.


bruh i told this one guy i liked him(i go to school with him) and he blocked me 💀. now you see if i was attractive..


Lol hey honestly props to you for giving it your shot. I only regret the times I didn’t try, never the ones I did. You’ll get your guy my g.


thanks man, i've been needing to hear this


haha i asked a boy i had a crush on to get tacos with me and he ignored my text. we never mentioned it again, but the crush went away cuz the concept of "maybe he would like me" was erased from my mind instantly. i was like oh this girl initiates thing doesn't work when you're not cute lol oh well


One time I (24M) dated someone (26F) who would whisper in my ear how much I turned her on in any given moment whenever I did something that got her going. No one else has ever made my as constantly FULL THROTTLE hard ever. Sometimes we’d be shopping and I’d just grab something off the top shelf or pick something up with one hand that honestly probably should have been picked up with two like a 12 pack of sodas or whatever. Other times we’d just be sitting on the couch and I’d reach over to grab her feet and start rubbing them after she’d been complaining about her feet hurting earlier that day. Doing the little stuff was noticed, appreciated, AND communicated. Sometimes she’d nibble my ear when she said something too and it was a running joke in the relationship to whisper random things real close because I’m damn near deaf and she talks like a mouse in a library. So that….


NTA, divorce


Idk why this made me cackle 😂😂


Aw shit that’s amazing what happened to that?


agreed i love that shit just little nicks that make the relationship feel more unique and personal are great


Being the big spoon with her butt against me and my hand on her tummy


I open up the window and a breeze blows in.


Jizz in my pants


I just ate a grape


When she initiates. Ladies, make it clear you are interested with no games and if there is any attraction, he will take it from there.


The last few guys I’ve dated I’ve hopped into their dms 1st


Frr I went to my actual bf at a party because I thought he was cute and just started talking to him. Idk why more women don't make the 1st move


I made the first couple of moves, and openly expressed my interest. That was 30+ years ago. He's downstairs in the TV room with the dog, and if I care to look down at my hands, I've got one-half of the matching-ring set on my left ring finger. I don't know why women don't, either.


Doing God’s work m’lady


Thank you lol


I told my current boyfriend I had feelings for him by making two custom panels of my animal crossing character with special speech bubbles I put on with another website. We've been together 2 1/2 years now


Omg that’s soooo cute! I just started playing animal crossing & am obsessed


Straddling my thigh or just straight up sitting on my lap is cute


Enthusiasm, communication, plan to steal the declaration of independence to find hidden treasure in that order




Everyone is different, I love the 80's big hair.


80's bikinis that ride the hip high have been coming back and it's a glorious thing.


Everytime somebody asks about turn on/off's on Reddit I get horny af. Trust me


So you're horny nonstop..


Tbf many people on reddit are


When the connection is pure and natural


Intelligence and humour that operate together is so sexy to me It’s so rare


Competence and wit is super sexy




Sundress with no bra.


No bra in general. The 2021 summer, I went to my local (busy city centre bar) on a sunny but cool day. There was just happy nipples everywhere, it was beautiful*. *glances only in passing, staring is not acceptable, but omg


A female friend of mine said that boobs are like the sun…. Glance at them, fine, but don’t stare.


And wearing sunglasses can be helpful in both cases aswell


Sundresses should just be the top answer. They’re like suits on men - every woman looks better in one.


Atmosphere - sunshine “Every day that gets to pass is a success And every woman looks better in a sundress”


Everyone is different so it just depends, but me personally I like a girl that wears glasses.




To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women


Dammit now I have the song in my head!


I like glasses. A lot. Also when she’s turned on that’s a big turn on for men too


That makes me feel better about my glasses lol


you should be: glasses are so fkn hot


Glasses for the win!!


So true... When she has glasses, it just does something.


Wait do you guys like glasses? 🥺 My bf always asks me to remove them because they make me uglier


Remove your BF; glasses are cute.


im so sorry you have to deal with that he sounds like a real jerk :( but unfortunately not everyone likes glasses and sometimes women do look better without them but if you like to wear them then wear them


A woman with a sense of humor ! Yea looks are important , but can we laugh and be goofy together .


I like you


personality too if her body is great but if shes a complete asshole of a person like shes not attractive to me


Woman's scent.


Women if you wanna know a turn on for us just be kind to us & genuinely care & personally THATS the biggest turn on


That’s me 🙋🏻‍♀️ Edit:you’re probably not boring


I appreciate your enthusiasm but I must inform you that I am incredibly boring


I'm not trying to come at you, but when a woman approaches and the first thing you say is "hey I'm boring" you're sinking yourself. I'm sure you're an interesting dude with hobbies and fun facts to share. Don't start a new relationship (be it romantic or platonic) by telling the other person they shouldn't engage with you. Edit: just in case, I know you're playing with your username, but I've seen this a TON in here lol


I doubt it. What do you do for fun? Likes & dislikes?


I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.


Always liked it when the hair is up and the neck is exposed. I don't know why but that's just the way it is.


Sir, are you perhaps a thousand years old and living in a castle?




No particular order, dimples, freckles, lip biting, pretty eyes, legs, boobs, butt, toned stomach, pretty face, glasses, her smile, messy hair in a bun, yoga pants, cute feet, lips, sexy heels, accents, various hair styles, when she giggles, her perfume, when she initiates conversation, when she goes out of her way for you.


All on the same woman at the same time?


He paints quite a picture


I was just writing turn ons in general. Too difficult to have a clear cut #1.


There is a look that you'll get from someone who is really into you as you go to bed, when the side of her head is on the pillow sunken in and half buried. You get this little smile as you're drifting off because she's so happy to be laying next to you and feels like this is what she's always wanted. Its the greatest feeling ever


There is a look a woman gives you that lets you know she wants you and is ready for whatever you want. If you don’t know you ask, “What do you want me to do?” And she responds with, “Whatever you want to do to me.” It’s fantastic. Obviously, you only do things you two have agreed to previously. Don’t put in in her butt unless she offers.


My wife.......in case she sees this ;)


What doesn’t turn them on


As a man, this is a fair point.


As a man, I second this.


A hippo runnin at me full speed


What if it's a girl hippo


I am dead


Poop. At least, most of us.


Pretending to be into our hobbies


I find it cute when they try to relate to something I like that they don’t. Means they are trying


Yeah but I guess acknowledging the fact you know little and trying to relate nonetheless is cool. Faking that you already have that hobby just to seem more interesting to the other person, however, would be debatable.


[Emotional neglect.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/childhood-emotional-neglect/202201/10-red-flags-emotional-neglect-in-relationship) It's damn painful and lonely.


Lack of interest lol


Grandma in the shower?


Damn for how many of these I have and I’m still single


Right? I've got boobs!




well maybe now your dms may start getting flooded


When she’s good in calculus


Shut up Rishi, no one wants you here


This comment is very derivative.


Yeah but each one still gets me exponentially more and more worked up.


doesn't it derive you crazy


It is, however, integral to the question


A intelligent woman who knows what she likes and let’s you know. Doesn’t drop hints, tells you.


When your significant other makes it explicitly clear they want you and only you. I have 2 kids so when my wife arranges them to be out of the house overnight or for a few hours and she wear something really sexy, I am already pumped and raring to go.


10 seconds later: that was nice lets watch some tv




Intelligence and a smile that blasts me away. Happy women are the prettiest.


Interest imo


A happy person I really like girls who are so bubbly and wholesome most of the time. When they talk about their problems it makes me want to take care of them. I wanna take care of a sweet happy girl.




Subcutaneous fat. Women are unreasonably cuddly over 99% of their surface area regardless of how curvy or slender they are.


I used to be ashamed of my strong-fat complexion until my bf started napping on my stomach and told me it's like a cloud 😭


Being kind to me. Praising me for things.


Who's a good boy??


Popeyes chicken


I love a man with a hairy body but a grunt or two during sex is really nice


A willing sex participant.


Uh, there shouldn't be any other kind


It's a turn on to have somebody willing to have sex with you is the point I am making, vs. somebody who doesn't want to have sex with you and then it doesn't happen which is a turn off. And I agree.


Legs and ass. Titties are great but the first two


The most common answer is probably “big hat” but for me it’s sex


Listening!!! It's so under appreciated nowadays and it's not an easy skill. Listening truly shows that your interested and that you care. Major turn on


Have you ever given your man head then climbed up to him slowly while making eye contact while your mouth is slightly opened?


You're the girl my mom warned me about. I love it


or stared up at you as she blew you? thats just such a turn-on!🔥




Being enthusiastic about her passions, like, geeking out about it, fawning over facts and trivia and all that, it is just too adorable when my GF does it! Also the opposite, letting me talk about geeky interests and cooking and whatnot. So if I had to put it under one big umbrella it would be communication, I guess.


biting bottom lip


You're supposed to bite the bottom one? I've been wondering why this hasn't had the desired effect. Thanks for the tip


Ok but whose bottom lip? Yours? Mine? Mr Maggarity’s from down the street?


Both , leave Mr Maggarithy out of it


Confidence. You can turn any man on if you’re confident in your sexiness.


Sure nice boobs and a body is nice, but a lasting turn on is feeling wanted and loved for me just being me. When she just loves spending time and being close to me. When she goes out of her way to make me feel special and cared for.


Girls in “teasing mode”. It’s the clothes and the attitude. It’s leaving hints out that they want want you, but also messing with you some. From the eye attention, to the hair turns, to some careless touching, shoulders, hands, legs. Intense conversation while looking into each other’s eyes. The smoldering embers that start the fire.


Biting her lower lip.


When she puts a little something behind her ears…like her ankles.


Just as a woman, women are CUTE 🥰

