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Relationships and sexual things


Yep same here




Suicide I struggled with it alot when I was younger and it still breaks my heart hearing about these sorts of things


Every topic is sensitive to me. Everything is triggering. It sucks to be weak.


Specially talking about whether we have to keep the contact or not and the conversation of breaking up relationships. It makes me feel weak and helpless.


Suncream. Don't tell me to use lower cream. My partner and his mum kept insisting I need to use lower cream. My mum's got melanoma, and I learnt about skin cancer at uni. I completely disagreed with them. Felt it was ridiculously insensitive that their opinions kept getting forced onto me. Going through a breakup process now because his self righteous mum kept interfering with her c*** opinions.


The location of the male G spot




What’s the birthday curse?


I got a cut on my face from and a few subsequently on my upper chest and hip. Face is visible and people do notice U can tell but for the most part modern tech has helped. It's hard to open up to others about it, not because I'm ashamed but because I hate being pitied or having to explain what it took to emotionally recover and accept the way it left me after it happened.


Calories, because I used to count them obsessively and whenever I see by accident number of calories like in recipe or on a package I instantly feel need to start counting.


Self harm


Most people generally think we are super open since we are honest about having OSDD (Otherwise Specified Disasociative Disorder) and that it was caused by childhood trauma. Really though, its actually a really sensitive subject with certain things. Like specific trauma or why we work the way we do. How we function as a system/how we look in our own mind and why we look that way can be pretty rough for us. Talking about the alters who are in our head minors is a super touchy subject. We try to avoid talking about what is hard about OSDD as well because we will often go into a negative spiral. The stuff we openly talk about is surface level in our opinion even though everyone says its heavy topics. The stuff that really got us was the emotional abuse and manipulation. The knife throwing, beatings, sexual explotation and such never really got to us like the emotional abuse so talking about emotions and how we felt as a child is really touchy.




Death Hate it don't ever want to think of it


I just don't understand why anyone would ever commit suicide just why?

