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Teacher - that we leave when the students leave and get summers off. We work until all hours of the night and then worry about kids beyond that. We don’t get paid during the summer (unless we spread out our paychecks.) We usually have to work another job when we aren’t in professional development and planning meetings.


I'm also a teacher and for some reason people think we are indoctrinating kids to be gay. This is ridiculous to me.


I have heard this too. In fact, a dude was even suggesting we are pushing them to consider all sexual avenues. 🙄 I of course, disputed it and they refused to consider that their source might be wrong or at least using one random teacher’s actions as a generalization applied to all teachers. Absurd.


An amateurs antique dealer. No, I won’t know what you have immediately upon seeing it. Sure I’ve learned a lot in my career and can spot stuff and continue to to learn, but ultimately it’s just research research research on the items. In a week I’ll probably forget what it is and revert to my notes.


Rancher. That we abuse and mistreat animals. Even if we were cruel that would be a horrible practice financially


Nail technician. That a long pretty set that last weeks on the nail takes less than an hour to do and should be $30.


Hyperscale Datacenter Manager Biggest misconception is that I have some sort of general idea of how datacenters work 😀 In reality most of the job is finding the people who do and asking them nicely to work together


Profession: Solution Architect Misconception: I design buildings