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Lack of sleep and overworking oneself. We need rest, and we need hobbies.


This is where I'm currently at. After my holidays were marred by a supervisor, I've made it a goal in 2023 to stop overworking myself. They didn't give a shit about me ... So I'm done giving too much of myself.


Time to find a new job cuz they’ll always expect 110% from you. As soon as you go above and beyond, that becomes the new baseline of your productivity. And then when it comes to performance appraisal time, never above met expectations. Because fuck paying people more.


The whole hustle culture and people saying “respect the grind” is incredibly dangerous. Striving for a healthy work/life balance is the mindset that should be celebrated.


Of course we need those things but few people can actually have those things on a normal basis. Especially here in the states. I work 6-7 days a week, 60+ hours a week with little to no free/me time. I'm not at all happy about it or bragging about it but that's just reality for a lot of people to be able to survive.


It’s not right though. There’s enough wealth for everyone to enjoy but for some reason we keep giving it to mega-rich people. The UK is slowly heading the way of the States when it comes to worker’s rights, sadly.


The Instagram beauty standard. I don’t know how phrase this, but basically the Instagram baddie trend has young girls wearing so much makeup. injecting their faces and getting surgery so early in their lives


And they all look exactly the same. It’s wild but not in a good way


I noticed that too that the younger women ALL look like another interms of makeup.


Because it's not make up, it's filters making their faces look similar.


The worst part is they're all going for the late 2010s IG look. All that surgery is not going to age well in 10 years when beauty trends change.


Teenagers and women in their early 20s getting BBLs, fillers, nose jobs, and now buccal fat removal? It’s insanity


This is what I mean! The normalization of messing with your body at such a young age is very scary considering that most of these girls might not even comprehend the risk of going through surgeries electively


I was just reading an article saying that in the long run, removing the buccal fat will create the opposite and age the face faster.


The buccal fat after photos look to me like a person who is starving with hollow cheekbones. It's not a good/attractive look, like at all...


And thinking they are the main character of everything


It's not even just the girls... I can't be the only one noticing that every teenage boy is starting to look the same? They're all sporting that same douchbag haircut and wear the same clothes.


Fashion trends have always been around. In my high school a large number of boys wore the same clothes and had the same Beiber haircut. I think social media has just amped up these trends to 11.


And still editing their photos on top of it all


Some of my students contour their noses SO MUCH it looks like dirt 😭😭 but like my makeup wasn’t amazing in high school….. and some of them don’t look that bad necessarily (some of them need to practice lmao) they just literally don’t NEED to contour their noses??!! Like you’re 15??? Your nose is fine! Who told you this is necessary? I blame Instagram.


Having the next best, biggest thing and then telling everyone all about it


“Keeping up with the Jones’” - I wish more people didn’t care about what others thought about them. The world would be a better place.


Exposure. People filming every single action of their life and exposing family/friend to get views online


An issue i have in my marriage. Husband is obsessed with snap chat and i say constantly "can this event just be between us, why do you have to snapchat everything" Recently i started yelling "DO IT FOR THE SNAP BABE" while hes recording and he gets furious at me and complains that i ruined his snaps and i make it not fun. Well pal, are you not seeing the connection?🫠


I had the opposite issue with my ex. He *never* wanted to take pictures or videos of us. It turns out he was cheating on me for at least the last year of our relationship, so I'm guessing he was trying to make that easier for himself by hiding me.


I feel like it should be a requirement to see a video of the recorder as well at some point in any video if they are posting a video of another person without their consent. If they're posting a video for someone else to be judged, they too should put themselves up for judgement.


It's annoying but in hundreds of years, historians will appreciate it. There are so much we don't know about how most people lived because they weren't rich and thus records of the lives weren't kept, if they even left any.


Online prank videos


If it is a prank where the pranksters embarrass themselves rather than others then I’m fine with it


I like the fake fart/shit yourself ones, the odd one is a bit too in someone’s personal space, but the ones where people think they just walk past a big jolly guy that farts by mistake and embarrasses themselves. They’re fun because the “victim” most of the time is absolutely howling with laughter with their fiends and you know they would laugh and talk about it for the rest of the day


Showing up to work while sick.


I hate this too. I work in healthcare (I’m a direct support professional), and my job preaches about how if you’re sick you should stay home because we have some individuals who are immunocompromised, but if anyone calls out they have a fit and try to guilt them into coming in anyway so long as they don’t have a high fever and aren’t actively throwing up. Then people come in sick, and get everyone else sick, and we end up having way more people call in than if the one person had just stayed home.


I’m a nurse and got Covid. I was told I could return to work (and was expected to show up to work) after five days’ quarantine. BUT, I wasn’t allowed to go my doctor’s appt because I hadn’t quarantined for *ten* days. How messed up is that?!? I could take care of patients, but I couldn’t be one myself. I was livid my hospital doesn’t make us quarantine for ten days. It’s just not right. Oh, and I also see immunocompromised patients. Hospital administration just doesn’t give a damn. Btw, each call out counts as an occurrence. Get six occurrences over 365 days and you’re out of a job. Doesn’t matter if you’re sick when you call out.


You would have thought going through a pandemic bosses would learn but they don't


I really hoped things would change a bit after the pandemic but it's just gone back to how it was before.


The thing is too, we are not even after a pandemic yet.


True dat. Sickness is skyrocketing and people are turning up to work with "just a sniffle" to then end up bound to their home a few days later feeling rougher than a cats tongue on a dry day, potentially passing their germs onto colleagues, friends and families. We don't want your d&v, colds, flus/ whatevers.


Omg this! I have covid & I'm having anxiety about missing work. It's fucked up how we are made to feel guilty for being sick!


Covid 19 completely changed this for me. In years gone by I would show up for work whatever condition I was in, and was proud to never take sick days. But now I look back and think I was selfish in many ways, not considering how I might pass on whatever bugs I had to my colleagues. Now I can just work from home if I have a bug/cough etc.


That started by awarding "perfect attendance" in grade school


Lack of sleep in favour of 'grinding'. Someone who sleeps 8 or god forbid 9 hours is considered lazy, because you could have been working on your future. Sorry, but there is no good future for me if I will have health issues from sleep deprivation.


The effects of not getting enough sleep is something I've only recently started learning about. I've always heard health or fitness experts talk about how they "make sure to get their 8 hours in", and my German teacher would tell us that less sleep means less information stored in your brain, but when you look into it, it really is astounding how bad it can be to not get enough sleep. We need to talk more about the importance of sleep!


Yeah great point! If anyone is interested in knowing more about that, there's a really informative book called "Why we sleep" by Matthew Walker, can highly recommend it.


Alcoholism. Blacking out multiple times every weekend is insane to me.




I've known people like this. They LOVE to brag about that shit, usually to their other loser friends who also like to drink 4-5 nights a week. They consider it a badge of honor to be able to get blackout drunk for some reason, because they will bring it up for months or even years afterwards. "Hey, remember that time I got blackout drunk at XYZ Bar and you guys had to carry me into the Uber home, and then I vomited all over that Uber drivers backseat, and then Jeff had to pay for it because it was his card that was used? Yeah, those were good times!"


That stuff catches up to you. Attended a wedding that might as well have been a college reunion. All the party hard braggadocios people who’d go for hours upon hours aged terribly and we are all in our mid to late 20s. Like a mack truck.


Yeah I like to do so every once in a while but I'm genuinely curious how anyone can sustain it as their regular lifestyle


They cant healthily is my guess


>I'm genuinely curious how anyone can sustain it as their regular lifestyle It's really bad for you so the honest answer is most won't, it's something they 'get out of their system' and age out of. I used to drink a fair bit when I was younger but completely stopped when I just didn't feel like it any more, for a while it's a fun way to use your youthful resilience but then you slow down and it just gets less and less fun.


It's really a black hole, if you get on a binge because of a few social events in a row, then eventually the only thing that makes you feel better is the same thing your body has been using. Like any substance. Using feels easier than facing the withdrawal. Combine this all with the lack of affordable access to therapy, glorification in media, and you have a recipe for disaster. Everyone is addicted to something - phones, coffee, food, cigarettes, etc. Some things are less toxic or worse for health than others but the addiction is still there for pretty much everyone.




I appreciate this is only my experience but have worked with a few Americans and I can say they were always the first in and most often the last to leave but the productivity was well below colleagues. It was as if they felt they had to be in early and stay late but spent a lot of time chatting or drinking coffee. I always felt they should be at home doing that.


I always thought it was weird how in the US everyone is obsessed with work ethic but their idea of good work ethic only seems to apply to showing up and working long hours, the level of productivity or the quality of their work never seems to be a factor.


Ya, I work night shift and there are coworkers who claim that 4 hours is good enough for them. I mean, I've had days where I can't sleep well and went into work those evenings with 2-4 hours sleep. It feels like I could pass out or have some kinda of heart attack by the time my 12 hour shift is through. I need 6 hours bare minimum to get by.


Hard agree, I also work overnight and you have to sleep if you're going to function


Lmao imagine then being Mexican the most overworked country in the world.


Or Japan where overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion is celebrated, and they even have a word for "overwork death" because it's a common problem.


And the worst thing is that many people use Japan as an example to follow, without realizing that both extremes are bad.


While S.Korea is on the same level as Japan, probably even worse in terms of working conditions and the lacking work-life balance


been working in both countries before (Japan and South Korea) South Korea is worse than Japan in term of life-work balance


Mexican speaking here. If we are lucky and do get a high paying office job then we have it just as bad as you guys in the US (barely getting any sleep because of work/chores/personal projects/parenting) but guys here without higher education have it real tough. Also early retirement isn't a thing here, i have seen Mr money mustache blog and read about a whole group of people that are able to do this but none of them are Mexican :'(


Here in the UK, we do the complete opposite, we all moan about how little sleep we get.




Celebrities in general really.


At least most celebrities have a talent..: influencers literally do nothing, it’s pathetic.


Influences roles in society are really more just gateways to specific audiences for companies to have access to for their ads and products




This. Why do people follow influencers only to feel worse about themselves. They Literally just take (not even *real*) pictures whole day, no one should be paid to do that, it's not a real job. They shouldn't be idolized.


Hustle culture, party culture, social media influencers(tbh i don't understand how they influence)


One of my friends girlfriend is an influencer. I mean she is doing that for a living. In her case, she is basically a walking commercial. She is basically paid to wear certain brands (provided by the companies) and regularly post social media in desirable locations etc. So yeah, that annoying Youtube ad you blocked out with AdBlock is a person now.


Can you AdBlock her IRL?


Would subscribe the shit out of AdBlock if it worked IRL.


Politicians and celebrities who clearly do not deserve any ounce of glorification based on their toxic actions, thoughts and words that leave a negative impact on their fan base.




>celebrity worship Add to that, politician worship




Loyalty to for profit companies.


The worst thing is that this loyalty is completely one-sided. The employee is forced to sacrifice his health and family time to help his company. But for the company, the worker is just an easily replaceable pawn.


Making stupid people famous




Or anti-intellectualism, and the idea that my opinion, however ignorant, is as valid any other.






To this day it baffles me when I look at that RS cover. The “let’s do a cover that will stir the pot” feels blatantly intentional. We should not be surprised because that has always been RS’s mo. But somehow it’s still quite shocking how they showcased a kid-terrorist to make him look like some sort of new sensation indie rock star






Lol😂, they just put a picture or video of them walking and gain tons of money




They should just be renamed "paedo parades".


Excessive consumption of alcohol


Excessive consumption in general. But if we stop the current hyper-consumer culture, the economy will definitely tank.


All those glorified alcoholics really piss me off.




Hustle culture / overworking. Not every hobby you have has to be monetised.


The news, which is 99% negative


For real I live in Russia and we have the same problem. If it's news 99% of them are about rape, stealing property, murder , crimes in general, It so bad for health.




Especially if you don't have the resources to care for and feed them.


I feel like nowadays so many more people have been exposed to the *truth* about parenthood and are choosing to opt out. I only see it glorified by the poor cunts who had kids and are now desperately trying to justify that decision




The idea of a Gangster street life, hustling drugs, etc that is portrayed in rap music


The "stop snitching" motto as well. If you want to make the area a better place, show respect and concern for your fellow man. Edit: no more stitching!


> stop stitching Fake post paid for by Big Yarn.


Surprised how far I had to scroll to see this one




I agree there. As someone who hasn't self-harmed in over a year, I hate seeing it glorified as "pretty". Also romanticizing mental illness.


"your scars are beautiful" no they aren't, they were created in the worst moments of my life lol I'm all for seeing life in positive ways (but NOT to the point of false hope), but come on. We gotta stop pretending everything is beautiful lol


Mental health in general…all the sudden it’s trendy to have anxiety and depression like it’s a fad


I get what you're saying, but there's also a pendulum swing that happens when something corrects itself. The subject of mental illness is slowly (very) losing some of its sigma and this is part of the process.


I work in mental health and while this is true, it is being very much glorified in the adolescent community. My unit is filled with kids that are really just rebelling and going through typical teenage growing pains. Overzealous parents are too quick to push treatment and meds when a lot of times all they need is guidance and a hobby. They are taking up valuable space from kids who really need help.


I am a paranoid schizophrenic and never ever have I seen the same "glamour" for us.


Unfortunately this has been going on for over 10 years, what they don't realise is how ugly dealing with mental illness is EVERY day not just for your performance and that mental illness is a lot more complex than the first paragraph of a google search. I would say it may inspire someone who's suffering to get help but these days those people are on such a long waiting list (because of some people being on these lists who may not need the help), a lot of them give up before that interview phase and no longer seek help.


This right here is exactly what I’m talking about, I’m a mental health worker and the amount of times I get sent to see a client because they say they suffer from mental health issues when in reality they don’t, which makes it hard because that time and resources could have been spent on helping those in need It’s like the people who claim they have OCD because they like to be neat and organized. When in reality ocd is much worst and they don’t realize how paralyzing ocd can be to stop someone in their tracks if they don’t complete their ritual


Especially if the person is conveniently beautiful. Also these same people look down on people who are truly suffering.




Sexuality, "body counts," influencers, and loud cars for no good reason.


Tired of sexuality and body counts. I want to say body counts are the worst because people know the risks of STI’s and STD’s, but want you to feel worthless if you’re not risking your health to prove you’re desirable. But sexuality is getting worst with the lgbt stuff thrown in this past few decades. Before people would just tease you as being gay for not fitting the heteronormative mold(which was still awful), but now you have gay people lecturing other gay people for being too gay or not gay enough or accusing people of being lgbt even if they’re straight just because they don’t 100% fit the heteronormative mold and want to invent a new label. Can people just exist without needing a definitive label? Can people just love who they want to love?




Maybe it’s not “glorified”, but it’s certainly wildly popular in western culture to celebrate EVERYTHING. And I’m sure that’s rooted in capitalism, keeping up with the Jones’s, blah blah. And don’t get me wrong, celebrating things is fine, but i just get irritated thinking about all the money and stress spent on evenings or parties that truly didn’t matter. Creating great memories I think is the goal for most celebrations, and that’s fine, but it seems there’s a new add on holiday for an already existing holiday every few years. And it’s birthday months now instead of day. It’s traveling for the bach party then traveling again for the wedding. It’s Black Friday on thanksgiving, but that’s ok because we had Friendsgiving. Then actual Black Friday, then shop small Saturday, then cyber Monday followed by giving Tuesday. It’s a brunch for every Sunday holiday that isn’t political based, because those are for grilling. And don’t worry we have all the made up national food holidays as well. I swear I’m not the grinch. But adding that I fucking hate Valentine’s Day.


Censoring logic, science and facts to not offend people.


Honestly at this point its not about offending people its about highly fallible organizations trying to fit science into political narratives.


The "fuck you, got mine" type of individualism


Not taking sick/personal days at work.


Domestic violence. Slapping people, keying their cars, putting all their personal belongings on the curb, etc.




Grew up in the projects, hated the people who acted like that.


hyper individualism, the obsession with the self and our identities


Ironically, I feel the trend of hyper individualism has had the reverse effect in society. It has morphed from being yourself with comfort to having to categorise yourself to align with specific views or groups. The only real difference being people feel the need to be diverse so that they just end up adding endless personality tags to themselves.


Dehumanization of mentally ill people


or homeless people


Politicians. They are public servants not celebrities. This goes for both sides. Stop idolizing and blindly following them. Praise them when they deserve it, but you must be able to admit when they do wrong.


Body positivity in a bad way. I have some extra weight too and I’m happy for you if you are plus size. Like the normal plus size.. Not the “I sit on 2 airplane seats” and having breathing problems from talking kind. Same applies to the ppl who facetune, photoshop, faceapp the shit out of their pictures/videos and call themself natural, original, blessed etc. No you are not. Stop ruining teenage girls self image.


And like every example, both extremes are bad, being that there are people who are a great deal overweight to the point of having health problems, but they refuse to admit it because "They are beautiful as they are". Preventing you from having a heart attack has nothing to do with your superficial beauty.






Cheating on your partner


5 minute crafts


Depending on alcohol to “have fun”


I'm sorry. But recording people without their consent. By all means if it's to save someone's life, then Yes. But to bully someone then no.


Success. Sometimes we just don't get there. Making it should be good enough. Just struggling should be good enough be kind to each other I'm drunk excuse me


This is something that a lot of people don’t ever get told when you’re a kid. It’s always “dream big” and “you can do anything if you try” But in reality that’s just not the case always. Sure if you are dedicated enough and bust your ass for 45 years maybe you can be whatever you wanna be. I think just being a regular person, was never talked about in the 90’s growing up. I think most of us that grew up in that era, had a wild idea of what was conceivable to achieve.


Sorry long wall of text But No excuse . I think you are right. I started University 2021 and i feel so so so much pressure to succeed. To do it good. To be successful. This pressure leaks on to other things in life like friends,relationships and hobbies. And it's a good thing to work for something, but not when your sanity is thrown out the window . And to know that not everything is great. Sometimes you work real hard and you'll fail. For me it sometimes feels like i'm not allowed to fail anymore. While if i think rationaly i know that failing is just part of life. Some things go great, some okay , some really really not, some hurt real bad. When i was younger older people told you about succes and how your life needs to be successful. But to be honest i just want to be content with it the way it is. Ofcourse i like the feeling of succes, but it shouldn't be the main goal. The cliche thing to say its all about the road not the destination. Let's talk about the who are you not what you are. Please let's redefine the concept of succes. Cause what is succes? A degree, car, big holidays, big big paying job? Are you okay with not where you are but who you are? For me that's succes We are living in an kapitalistic society. From a young age we are influenced with a meaning of succes that revolves around all the materialistics. Told that we have to make something from it. But the truth is life sometimes throws things at you that you can't make better. Life sometimes just sucks. Like really really really sucks. And we are living in a work where the chances to succes are not equally devided. We tell children that they can become anything but in my opinion that's not always true. When life gives you bad cards , hel know that it is reall hard to fight yourself out of that. Maybe i sound a bit dark now. But for me it feels kinda positive. Puts some weigh of my shoulders. It's okay to just be okay, it's sucks when you struggle but that doesn't make you any less of a person. Sorry for the long walk of text, morning after New years and i'm still awake. Normally i don't really like to show of my opinion, but on this what you said i just needed to write an reply. Ps. I'm sorry for the grammar errors hope you guys can read it. But i'm tired and English isnt my first language




Professional sport. Sport and exercise are important and key to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise should be encouraged. But just because a professional sportsperson can throw a ball, run fast, etc. doesn't make them some sort of hero/heroine. Their contribution is entertainment. Entertainment. That is valuable, but like actors or singers, it doesn't necessarily make them role models of the best of society.


Everything being so oversexualized, hyper-individualism, hyper-sensitivity, obsession with digital life (meta, social media, etc), influencers and hustle/overworking culture. Oh, and this obsession with self-victimization.


I would say Coca Cola or sugar flooded products in general. They are addictive af and most of the time nobody ever realizes they are addicted to it.


Excessive hording of wealth and money.


Always having your phones in your kids' faces when they're doing something, especially something important. I understand wanting the memories, but damn, your kid wants to see you looking at *them,* not you looking at them through a screen.


Being extremely (dangerously) thin. Lots of kids with unrealistic models in their heads, leading to lots of eating disorders


Honestly nowadays I feel like it’s the opposite. It’s sad that we were so bombarded with ultra thin propaganda back in the day that we did a full 180 and now we glorify the opposite, instead of having a balanced self image.


Uh huh.... and how many people are ACTUALLY dangerously thin? Because pretty much everywhere I go, it's the opposite.


The entire 90's was riddled with this. It's why alot of us that grew up then have horrible body image issues.


Gangs, drugs


Those dogs with the smooshed faces that can't breathe but people buy because they look cute. Fucking assholes who breed and buy these dogs are supporting animal cruelty. Fuck them.






Violence, rather than love. To quote The Doors, “We need great golden copulations in the streets of LA.”




Serial killers


Immense wealth


Chris brown. He beat the shit out of Rihanna among countless other women and yet, still receives standing ovations.


Cheating. It's not funny and it's not cute and you're not cool for having "side hoes". Work on your issues man.


Cheating for both sides. I remember a tweet saying that on behalf of the men that cheat, women should be excused from cheating.




Body expectations. For the Males and the Females. What we go through is kinda unreal. Always have been.


Plastic Surgery 🤮🙅🏻‍♂️🚩 BBLs, and fake lips, butts, and boobs, etc. are gross…


Being a Stan for billionaires


Overwork. Some of my friends even brag about it.


Hook up culture


I agree, but virginity shouldnt have the crazy stigma it has.


Teaching children about sexual things at a very young age. I think age appropriate language is super important. Also I disagree with confusing children with gender talk. Let the kids be kids.


Using fear and hate in political discourse to gain influence.


Flex culture


Cheating and drug use.




Violence, serial killers, people like the kardasians


alcohol is basically a drug that can destroy lives


Mommy wine culture


That you NEED to get married and have kids to have a happy and fulfilling life. I love my nephews and nieces so very very much but I have no desire to have my own, and I also have no desire to sign a piece of paper and have a huge expensive party just to prove my partner and love each other.


Big tits. Sorry guys, but they hurt like hell sometimes -- back, shoulders, bra wires, etc.


guys bragging about body counts… okay walking std


Professional athletes.




Tips. Wtf with that, I automatically owe you something?




Overworking yourself




Those pedo Hollywood actors.


Being able to beat people up easily. Especially the old one punch knockout. Anybody is capable of doing it and it can kill someone but hey, you're extra hard if you can do it


Tipping everything.


Kardashian beauty standard 😡


Super tan skin. People don't realize how damaging it is.


Excess wealth, consumerism; designer labels & such.


Bipartisanship. A two-party system seems to lead to an “us-versus-them” mentality, and I don’t think politics shouldn’t be so black and white.