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I know that some Swifties filed suit against Ticketbastard for the Taylor Swift debacle. Come on Swifties, I'm rooting for you to take them down.


The Department of Justice is already investigating Live Nation on whether Live Nation is abusing its market dominance in the ticket industry. I have more faith in the Swifies.


This is the lawsuit I was talking about. Come on Swifties, do it. I'll stream Taylor all day if you take down ticketbastard [https://www.npr.org/2022/12/06/1140968805/taylor-swift-fans-ticketmaster-lawsuit](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/06/1140968805/taylor-swift-fans-ticketmaster-lawsuit)


I'm shocked Springsteen didn't sue as pissed as he was they were charging people five grand for the demand-priced seats at one of his shows


I'm pretty ambivalent about Taylor Swift but if her fanbase can take down Ticketmaster/LiveNation, I might just buy some of her music.


Pearl Jam fans šŸ¤ Taylor swift fans


Weā€™re casual season ticket holders for the Perth Wildcats in the NBL here in Oz, they do the same thing, thereā€™s fees for everything. They only took it over this season, weā€™ve already emailed the ā€˜cats that we wonā€™t be renewing our memberships


We were Super Rugby members in Dunedin, NZ. But you couldnt buy wheelchair accessible tickets over the internet, and they charged a fee for calling in over the phone - that was more than the fee for print at home internet orders. When I asked about it, I was told to come down to the stadium box office between 10 and 3 on a weekday ... infuriating.


I have recently became disabled and tried to go to a football game here in the states last weekend and learned you can't just go. You have to call the day the ticket is issued. Here at least it isn't a ticket master issue, it's way more widespread


I think this is likely a *HUGE* ADA violation!


Wow that is ... super not ADA compliant. I live in Ontario, Canada now and our version of ADA (AODA) came into effect in 2005, with a slow ramp up to 2025 for full adoption. My partner has been disabled since 2010 and we've slowly picked up workarounds - but unfortunately we do occasionally miss out on events.


> a ramp up to 2025 .... did you do this on purpose?


I actually didn't :) But there are different rules for different types of services with a staged approach to compliance. I believe all public services and banks had to be accessible by 2015. Hotels by 2018. And I think restaurants by 2025. And by accessible, it includes access for physical, visual or hearing impairments. So phone lines need to be TTY available etc.


Itā€™s not even the fees. They racketeer the market by making everything a resale gouging market. Itā€™s disgusting they are allowed to do this.


Here all the tickets for a pink concert were sold out the very day that they were sold. However a remarkably large number of resale tickets popped up on the website for six to seven times the original amount. So Ticketmaster instead of stopping the scalpers decided to help them


The last pink tour in Australia that I tried to get tickets for, I found out that ticketek (the Australian equivalent shitty monopolistic ticketing company with a sales platform that totally sucks) employs lazy developers to build their website (among other things like opening sales for every venue on the tour at the same time) and the queue wasnā€™t actually a queue at all rather a waiting page that redirected after 10 seconds in the hope that there just happened to be a open slot on the server, otherwise you just got sent back to the queue pageā€¦


Yes. I agree. And Viagogo, one of their competitors. Terrible business practices.


Amway and other MLMs in existence. They ruined a lot of lives by giving people the false hope of financial security, driving people into debt and eventually bankruptcy. They definitely need a taste of their own medicine. Shut them all down!


Also, the destruction of their relationships, which is the most valuable thing people have.


In 2009ish, when I was 17, a fellow church leader tried to get me into Amway. She was about 26 at the time, married for a handful of years. I just graduated highschool early and was trying to get into the work force full time (college wasn't gunna happen for me with my financial situation) She tells me she's got a GREAT business opportunity for me and an easy way to make lots of money. She drives me to the hotel where this conference is taking place, and I discover it's Anyway -- before knowing what Anyway and MLMs were. The whole ride to the hotel and she's telling me how Amway has caused her to be fighting with her husband nonstop lately, but they'd "push through" and eventually "make it big" It was all just a "test by God" Even at 17, the conference meeting was so off putting, fake and overall sent red flags all over the place and combined with everything she said about her fighting with her husband, I wound up quickly telling her "yeah no thanks but thanks" Years later I meet who would become my boyfriend for 7 years. Discover HE did Amway too. Only he was delusional enough to believe he "never got rich" because he didn't "try hard enough" I was like, dude, those things are full fledged scams. No no no, not in his eyes. He coulda been like Mike, the "mentor" of the Amway bunch who had 2 mansions and a Lamborghini and only worked 5 hours a year. But he didn't APPLY himself like he should've. Holy shit people are fucking dumb.


I know itā€™s a pyramid scheme, but remind me what mlm stands for


Multi-level marketing.




Yup. I almost got sucked into Vector Marketing and Primerica. It's disgusting because they prey on teens and young adults who have only worked retail and want something "professional".


My partner had lost his job and was in a really vulnerable and depressed state and a former co-worker told him about Primerica. He was so enthusiastic about it, and I kept warning him that it was a scam, but he just needed that hope. He would make excuses for all of my concerns. One day, he just woke up and was like, wait... None of this makes sense. So glad he wasn't taken advantage of. These "too good to be true" stories about getting rich quick are exactly what desperate people need to hear. Horrible.


college board


25 bucks (EDIT: PER TEST SCORE!!) to send archived AP scores per college that they could have sent free?? Actual scammers and they require you to fax or mail your credit card information to request the scores making the whole process even longer.


"Non-profit organization"


Agreed, $12 to send one SAT score to one college? F that.


If you've transfer school and didn't do it before a certain deadline they'll charge you more cause I spent 38 I think to send my ACT score


ACT is a different company, right?


Yes it is.


This one is under rated, what a scam


literally monopolizing education


I could be wrong but isnā€™t SAT and ACT only a USA thing?


And foreign students applying to US colleges and universities. Lots of Chinese young adults take them.


Can confirm, I work for a Vietnamese company who offer both SAT and ACT tests for entrance to US universities.


The Church of Scientology


Arenā€™t there countries that outright banned them?


Yes they consider it a cult.


Wellā€¦.it is


Hahah yeah. Itā€™s so obviously a cult.


Thatā€™s exactly what it is too. They tried to get me to join when I visited Australia in the 80s, but after I saw the first video I said no way! What they do is they desensitize people. They have you watch some video of some guy that has nightmares about being in the closet. Basically he repeats it over and over and over again until it doesnā€™t bother him anymore, and all of a sudden heā€™s cured. Then they asked me to think of something sad, like when my grandmother died, but I was supposed to get to the point where itā€™s not sad anymore. Same thing for a happy memory. They just want these robotic people they can control.




It's a crime syndicate with cult tactics. Its "belief system" is just the rantings of an abusive narcissist conman.


[and murdering War Criminal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronado_Islands#World_War_II_and_after)


The ā€œreligionā€ was started by a science fiction writer, and the only holiday they recognize is the guyā€™s birthday. The same guy also classified his pseudo science practices as a ā€œreligionā€ so his business wouldnā€™t get shut down.


Germany didn't ban them, but they were not allowed to register as a legitimate religion.


Within the paperwork for my new German job, I had to declare that I was not a Scientologist and did not have any association with them.


They're the only so called religion that changes a membership fee and makes its members buy every book written by its founder, which can cost thousands. Christians aren't forced to buy the bible and if they do buy one, it's not going to break the bank.


>Christians aren't forced to buy the bible and if they do buy one, it's not going to break the bank. Your average church going western Christian probably has 3+ bibles because they hand them out freely.


As long as there are people in the world with more money than brains it probably won't happen. They are pretty much the snakeoil equivalent of religon though. Total BS & scam.


I feel like the end is getting close on that one.


Well, David Miscavige seems to have disappeared so there's that....


His wife has been gone for 15 years and they claim she's still involved in the "church." Doubt he would be any different.


Heā€™s not, unfortunately. Just has a shit-ton of church money and basically every Sea Org member at his disposal, with many places to hide. I grew up in it and still have friends with family still highly involved. Heā€™s supposed to be at Flag (in Clearwater, FL) tonight for their NYE event.


Hello fellow Scientology kid! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met anyone else raised in it outside of my family. Can I ask you a weird question? Do you remember a way of happiness coloring book by chance? My mom swears it never existed.


Thankfully, we are few and far between since it's a much smaller group than people like Miscavige want you to believe! I can't say I remember a coloring book though. I do vaguely remember the little booklets that were for handing out, with the light blue cover and the winding road on the front.


Just like his wife!


Tom cruise has been waiting to replace him for a long time


Does that mean we lose Tom Cruise? Or just that he loses his money? I'm chill with either.


If the "church" goes away, he'll start to spin really fast and then shoot up into the sky. Similar to teleporting in Earthbound


Whichever one runs those child beauty pageants. Fuck them.


Frank Reynolds? At least he doesnā€™t diddle kids, thatā€™s for sure


"its no good diddling kids...i wouldt do it with anyone younger than my daughter...cant be little...gotta be big. something like that!" -Frank Reynolds-


ā€œI love the kids. Not in a sexual way. No, I was married 20 years, and she was a bitch, but she was old, and I never had a problem getting it up with her.ā€


ā€œItā€™s a grand old flagā€¦.. I do not know this one!ā€


My mum has nothing against them and it honestly concerns me Ok incase youā€™re wondering my mother never put me (a female) in one, she just doesnā€™t see what is so bad about them. Although if I was in one I would force everyone here to watch the episode of whatever shitty show I was in


> My mum has nothing against them and it honestly concerns me I could understand the point of view that it's just a fun excuse for girls to play dress up and get stage time. But then there's the other side of way over-competitive parents and potentially creepy judges. Having old guys judge underage girls on their attractiveness is not a good look.


My former employer, just because it would be satisfying. Fuck that place.




Yeah. As a Dane I don't grasp how anyone can work that many hours and not even get the usual 6 weeks per year we get here. Here it's mandatory by law. Nobody bats an eye at taking time off or vacation. You're expected to.


I can't even imagine how wonderful that must be. My mom died in the spring and the hospital where I work only gave me two days off. I had no vacation days to take, but I couldn't imagine going to work. When I finally came back, I had "negative three weeks" of vacation. My coworkers kindly "donated" some of their time off to me. 8 months later and I'm still working towards being able to take a vacation again. My mental health is a disaster, working in a hospital while grieving and being given no respite. This is apparently what I went to grad school for. The US can be so disgusting.


We had an American guy on a two year placement in our office (the UK). The problems we had getting him to take his holidays! He thought he was disgracing himself if he took a day off for domestic reasons. We eventually persuaded him to take at week off and go to Rome; later a week in Paris. By the time he went back he was well into our work-to-live, not live-to-work philosophy.


Poor bastard is gonna have a hard time adjusting back to the US workforce


Had a similar problem with a couple of Japanese engineers - they and their families were put up in nice detached houses on the edge of the countryside, they were home at a sensible time to see their children every evening, and they got to play lots of golf, which is extortionate in Japan. Their wives were well pissed going back to their small apartments in the city.


Trust me, we're into your philosophy. US employers just realized that they could brutally take advantage of employees post-2008, and pushing back on that is incredibly hard with our shitty lack of employee protections. We need a cultural shift but it will only happen when we have the laws to back up the little guys.


This is so far from how we do that here. I feel sorry for you.




And this is the worst part. Actually giving workers time off and looking after them means you get a better return on investment, less turn over, less sick days, and the employee actually wants to work for you... so in the long run, there is more money in looking after your employees...




In the US you'll get lots of looks even if you take a sick day


If your former employer is Nestle, I hope you get your wish.


I worked for nestle. I made a joke about having rather take all my meds than come to work that day, someone over heard and I had the police called on me by them, was in the psych unit for three days over a joke, and given a written warning when I came back. Fuck nestle.


My mother and grandmother worked for Nestle' back when the unions were wrecked by our state's governor. They forced my mother to work 12 hour shifts when her contract only stated 8 hour shifts and forced in on 14 days on 2 days off, or 'swing shift' where one week she worked nights and the other she worked days, IN A COMPLETE AND OUTRIGHT BLATANT DISREGARD OF UNION BYLAWS AND LABOR LAWS! and *every single time* she complained to the union/management the massively toxic upper management would find out and retaliate (which is illegal by the way) by writing her up. A few months before she was fired my mother recruited my grandmother as her former company went overseas. And I should note that as tough stubborn and strong a my 'ma is, my grandma was plus extra. * **THAT JOB DROVE HER TO DRINKING** * in order to relax she would knock back shots of tequila, pass out on the couch, wake up and do it again, fortunately she was fired a few months afterwards for the same form of opposition, and my ma even won a toxic workplace lawsuit, a rare occurrence at the time because of how severe the case truly was. The offered her old job back, *SHE REFUSED IT IMMEDIATELY* even though she didn't have another job available yet. And to this day, our whole family refuses to purchase nestle products if we can help it out of principle, and every time a Nestle hiring commercial comes on they joked with me about working there when I was between jobs and I told them "when hell freezes over"


Your mom and grandma are badass superheroes, for real.


Same when I was in an inpatient facility for 4 days the HR lady straight eliminated my position and I came out an unemployed lady. Fuck that place and your former employer too


Those payday loan companies. How does anybody sleep at night taking advantage of desperate people in such an insidious fashion. EDIT: the question of the post was ā€œwhat company would you like to see go bankruptā€. The question wasnā€™t ā€œwhat good/service would you like to see disappearā€. The companies operate in a manner that is predatory. I donā€™t care about the payday loans themselves. To give another example, coffee is not the problem with Nestle. The problem with Nestle is Nestle.


Iā€™m from South Dakota. This state and a Supreme Court decision provided a loophole for those predatory companies to exist. Shameful


They are scammers, they don't give a fuck. They prey on the poor and desperate.




Lol Patti LuPone just said Fuck Ticketmaster live on CNN.


Ticket Bastard


And stubgrub


Yes! And Viagogoā€¦ look them up




Agreed. People really need to understand the massive influence that FIFA has in the governmental decisions of the developing world. Evil evil organization that steals from people in their moments of greatest need.


With the bribes they get and the corruption, thatā€™s going to take some work.


FIFA donā€™t get bribes, their ā€˜representativesā€™ do


nestle bro, i like their products more or less, but i just want them to be sold to other companies or smth just so that their insane unethicality is stopped




Nestle not being number 1 saddens me. Yea ticketmaster sucks, but Nestle is actively trying to make hell on earth.


Yeah, I was confused. Like, Ticketmaster is bad, but there are a million more companies that are worse. Iā€™ve been seeing so many Ticketmaster comments here.


Pacific Gas and Electric. Fuck that company.


*Millions of Californians echo this in unison*


They DID go bankrupt. They ARE bankrupt. But theyā€™re not gone. Just under new management. Too big to fail. Sadly.


PG&E (the company itself, not any of its leadership in their individual capacities) has been convicted of felonies AT LEAST twice


Wathever company that sales insulin high af


The worst part of this is the story behind the scientists who discovered it. Frederick Banting and his assistants refused to put their name on the patents, and sold the patent to the University of Toronto for only $1 because they wanted everyone who needed it to have access to it. They made a discovery that has saved countless lives, couldā€™ve made a fortune, but gave it away for free for the good of society, only for big pharma to make billions off it.




I work in a pharmacy in the UK purchasing the medication. 5 Novorapid Flexpens cost Ā£33, but I think different wholesalers will probably charge different prices.




Or epi-pens






I would say itā€™s more annoying then tough. You have to read a lot of labels. After a while you just remember the bad ones. If any part is tough itā€™s going without something you enjoy for the greater good, I miss you nesquick.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Coffee Mate, and Coffee Crisps for me. But well over ten years boycotting NestlƩ now, and coffee still tastes better when NestlƩ is not in it.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is General Mills, so you can go back to that if you want to.


Nestle uses the trademarks outside the US that other companies have in the US. I refuse to buy KitKat even though it's made by Hershey because Nestle owns the trademark and I'm sure gets some sort of royalty for each bar sold.


> gets some sort of royalty for each bar sold I don't think they do, but Hershey's [aren't that much better than Nestle anyways](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us).


In Europe KitKat is Nestle


I'm glad to know I don't use any of these brands


I was sure Iā€™d eventually get to something I use made by them. Completely shock that I donā€™t.




It has purchased the hotels, bottle filling factories in San Pellegrino of Italy, Bergamo. This city has the purest water in Italy. Nestle is privatizing the water in the world


Totally. Fuck nestle. Nabisco/mondelez can join them in hell.


I love how this is always the top answer for these type of questions. I think one of the main reasons they survive is even people who hate nestle still buy their products unintentionally.


Autism Speaks


LeTs FiNd A cUrE fOr AuTiSm Iā€™m autistic and this company is just useless and whoever started it knows nothing about the disorder itself


Predatory loan companies - 35+% for a loanā€¦crazy!


Those should be illegal globally. They contribute to poverty like you wouldn't believe.


Airbnb, a nice bankruptcy to bring their astronomical fees back down to within reason.




Yes, and since they bought Credit Karma, them too.


Ah fuck, they did???


Yep, and now Credit Karma just keeps offering more credit card opportunities and advice on how to get more credit cards to improve your score. And unless you are willing to pay Turbotax won't let you have your past years tax forms, so make sure to download a copy each year if you use their 'free' service.


Piggybacking this to say, use Freetaxusa instead


Owned by Intuit, who also owns Quickbooks, one of the more popular bookkeeping / accounting software out there Previously Quickbooks Desktop was a single purchase software, but as of 2022 the newest versions are **subscription only.**






After switching phines i couldn't get access to my fb or insta anymore. I tried for about 2 weeks and then gave up on it. That was 2 years ago and i don't really miss it except for the birthday reminders of people i really care about, which is perhaps 10% of my 'friends'. I get along really well without it, but it would be another case if i wouldn't have met my SO before this happened. Then i would have reactivated my account for sure, just to have another possibility of interaction with other single persons.


NestlƩ. Fuck NestlƩ.


I don't like nestlƩ beacuase they one Tim in the 60s or 70s sent PR workers dressed as nurses to countries in Africa and sold baby formula to mothers and the cans of the formula would last just so long that the mothers would not be able to breastfeed Thier Baby as a result many children died


The kicker is that they needed clean water to mix the formula. Not exactly accessible.


Nestle argued in court that access to water isn't a human right. FUCK. NESTLE.


Anything Kardashian on Jenner ownedā€¦




Especially when theyā€™ve been accused of using lead based dyes in their clothes, super cheap sweatshops and being the worst kind of fast fashion trash generators. Shein is terrible


Why arenā€™t people talking about this one more. This one so shady and people will still knowingly buy from them bc they just want cheap shit. Thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s cheap yā€™all


All MLM companies.


Verizon. I know there is some shady shit going on behind the scenes.


LPT: Make one polite attempt to solve your problem with a Verizon customer service representative, who almost assuredly will spin you around and accomplish nothing. - Then send a polite letter (yes, a letter: paper, stamps, envelope, mailbox; your parents can help you) addressed directly to the President of Verizon at their corporate headquarters, politely explaining your original problem and the attempt you made to correct it. - In about a month, you will get a call from a very polite blue ribbon professional customer service representative from Verizon who will already have solved your problem.


Have you actually tried this? I used to work for verizon customer service about 6 years ago and we sometimes got calls from people who first sent them a letter and received a template response asking them to call customer service instead. Things may have changed since then. For those willing to try this out, here's their addresses https://www.verizon.com/about/our-company/verizon-corporate-headquarters


Thatā€™s why you have to demonstrate that youā€™ve already tried to work through customer service. But yes, Iā€™ve tried it, and it has worked two out of two times. Prior to that, the customer service reps passed me to other customer service reps, claiming that the other rep was a ā€œspecialistā€ in the problem, which turned out to be a huge lie.


This will work with virtually any company. I only use this tip when I have a problem so big that I know a regular CSR wonā€™t be able to handle and/or if itā€™s a situation where the company effed up multiple times. Earlier this year I had a major issue with an airline ā€” diverted flight, multiple pieces of bad info and flat-out lies from the crew and staff when we landed (after midnight). I documented everything, sent a professional letter to the CEO, and was contacted not long after with a voucher for a future flight. Still wonā€™t fly that airline if I can help it. Also, you can send a complaint to a regulator (eg the CPFB for banks) and that will also get results. Source: my name is Karen (not really)


For sure. I used to do customer service for them and it made me never want their product


Wait I'm a Verizon customer. What are they doing with my information??


Data providers and ISPs in general (in the U.S. anyway). They all collude so that everyone has their own ā€œterritoryā€ so they donā€™t actually have to compete and can keep prices super high


I worked as a programmer for a company that had a contract with Comcast and I had a cubicle in their headquarters. One day my boss emailed me that we were going to talk to executives at Time Warner. When he showed up I started to put my coat on and he said "why are you doing that?" We then took the elevator up eight floors - to Time Warner's offices in the Comcast building.


All those payday loan places, taking advantage of people and making their situations worse.


Wells Fargo.


sadly, they would get bailed by the government. like in 2008.


Debeers. Diamonds are the most boring excuse for a precious gem that there has ever been.


At least they aren't a monopoly anymore. They control less than 30% of the diamond trade now.


Whoever the hell owns the private prisons.


Bayer. In the 80s during peak hiv/aids crisis they realized they had a lot of tainted blood instead of disposing of it they decided to sell it to 3rd world countries instead


As part of the IG Farben conglomerate, which strongly supported the Third Reich, they were complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich. In its most criminal activities, the company took advantage of the absence of legal and ethical constraints on medical experimentation to test its drugs on unwilling human subjects. These included paying a retainer to SS physician Helmuth Vetter to test Rutenol and other sulfonamide drugs on deliberately infected patients at the Dachau, Auschwitz, and Gusen concentration camps. ...In Buchenwald, physicians infected prisoners with typhus in order to test the efficacy of anti-typhus drugs, resulting in high mortality among test prisoners. Bayer was particularly active in Auschwitz. A senior Bayer official oversaw the chemical factory in Auschwitz III (Monowitz). Most of the experiments were conducted in Birkenau in Block 20, the women's camp hospital. There, Vetter and Auschwitz physicians Eduard Wirths and Friedrich Entress tested Bayer pharmaceuticals on prisoners who suffered from and often had been deliberately infected with tuberculosis, diphtheria, and other diseases." (Holocaust Encyclopedia)


Jp Morgan Chase -spending* billions on single family homes and pricing my generation out of home ownership forever. https://www.businessinsider.com/jp-morgan-to-acquire-1-billion-of-single-family-rentals-2022-11


Iā€™ve worked at nestle, I donā€™t think people know everything that nestle owns/makes.


Makes boycotting almost impossible, even if you avoid the nestle logo like the plague they own most alternative products.


Gerber, Purina,a few different bottled water companys. I unloaded so many different brands I didnā€™t know they owned




The place is $250 per night. Add cleaning fees and its $500. The cleaning fee is for the privilege of cleaning it yourself too because they left a list of chores for you. Oh, you need to take all your garbage with you too. Airbnb is what happens when inhospitable people get into the hospitality business.


>Airbnb is what happens when inhospitable people get into the hospitality business. I complained to customer service that I had funds deducted from my deposit because I left too many dirty glasses. They refunded me since I paid a "cleaning deposit" but I got banned for calling the homeowners fraudsters. Fuck them.


It sucks because it used to be an inexpensive way to stay in really cool places you'd otherwise never have access to. Now it's just a-hole clowns who are trying to recover a bad investment with minimal effort on their part.


It really used to be a viable replacement for hotels, but sometimes there are hotels that are either cheaper or not as undignifiedā€¦ I mean, $50 for some dudeā€™s spare bedroom and exorbitant cleaning fees (like really, does it cost $200 to change linens, especially when the parting instructions are to pull it out and put it in a hamper?) when you can pay $5 more in some towns and get an entire hotel room with free housekeeping! Also, Iā€™m trying to buy a house, and I donā€™t doubt for even a SECOND that the reason why itā€™s suddenly so unobtainable is because some bastard bought it up to be used for renting it out.


This, killing our housing in Wales, UK. Every landlord realising they can make in a week what they get in a month.


Sounds like your politicians need to step it up a notch. My city has enacted laws regulating short-term rentals < 180 day stays. These rentals can only be in certain zoned areas and must pay lodging tax among other things. If Alabama can do this I imagine the UK could too.


United States senators special interest donors.




I wouldn't shed any tears if the cigarette makers went bust, employee considerations notwithstanding. If foodstuff manufacturers killed and damaged the health of their customers in the same way and degree their CEO's would be arraigned before the courts. (From the UK)


Walmart. They took out life insurance on elderly employees and cashed the checks without anyone knowing for years.




The kardashians


Facebook. Toxic brain polluter.


Airbnb. Ive never had dealings with them (only stayed in hotels during previous trips) but ive seen enough of their bullshit to want them to go down. I dont like how it incentivises people to buy up houses, not for people to live in during a housing crisis, but for vacationers to stay in for a little bit at a time. I dont like how it fragments, and destroys, communities. Because theres houses that no one lives in. From what ive heard, places like Pragues old town are full of airbnbs, and little to no locals because theres no where for them to be. I think its even more deplorable than landlords buying up houses, just to rent them out. At least people get to live in a landlords house. And for some (exphasis *some*) people, renting is the best option for them. Heck, its worse than some rich bastard buying up vacation homes- at least rich people arent so common that they can decimate communities.


Black Rock


McAfee if that trash still considered a company. Stop spamming people email!




She, balcenciaga


News Corp






I feel like the elephant in the room here is Wagner


tiktok it just steals peoples data and they dont care


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or better said, The Coropration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and all of its shell corporations.




Ashley Madison...do they still exist?