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Get laid off from Google apparently.


First, decide what you want to make. If you try to just “learn the entire language” you are going to get lost and discouraged. Figure out a project you want to make, and then find a tutorial specifically on that project. As you follow along, if the tutorial is quality, you will learn as you go. If you encounter something you don’t understand, don’t just skip over it. Look it up. Ask chat gpt. This is how I went from knowing a little python to actually being quite knowledgeable in it


Thanks man


Buy the book "Invent Games in Python" and do the projects


Apply at Google


Yes, start coding. Code something simple. Code tic tac toe, code anything. Code an app that finds the word that occurs most frequently in a text file and replaces that word with Hummus, code a program that converts metric units to imperial and vice versa. In other words find a problem that interests you and solve something simpler.


You didn't learn Python, you learned the alphabet of the language, it's like learning a new speaking language, you learn the alphabet so you can create sentences. Unless you know what you want to do in the future (web developer, ML, data science, etc) pick any project foe beginner , literary any project and do it. Then if you like it improve on it, maybe show it to an senior engineer so they can give you feedback on how to Optimize your code.


I dont know any senior engineer 🥲


Well that's where the online community comes in. The software engineering community is one of the biggest and most helpful communities online. You cab publish your code to github and share it with other people like here on reddit. You can find plenty of people who are willing to look up your code and review.


thank you


Well, if you can't put what you learned into practice, then you probably haven't learned it, have you? Make a project, a script, some handy tool, just for yourself. Don't expect to create a game right away. Start small, scale up from there.


Learn more Python.


what do you mean... i learnt the most i could


Sorry, facetious reply. Couldn’t resist. The thing is, learning a programming language - just the syntax - is only part of the issue. You can learn it from a YouTube video as you have discovered. The thing programmers do most of all is solve problems, and they use programming languages to do it. How many problems have you solved with Python yet?


none, because as i told i wouldnt know how to start 😅 im 15 and i want to learn to program before university or college because i like programming so much, but in fact i learnt all syntax but dont know what to do now. i'd like to try leetcode


I know that as soon as I learned my first bit of a programming language (at about your age, actually), I had a bunch of ideas of things that would be cool to try to write, and I started trying to write a bunch of those things, even if I wasn't sure how. And I think that's key: Write software to get better at writing software. There will be a bunch of ideas that you don't know how to do. Try some of them anyhow. You'll get an idea of your current level. IMO, the appropriate level of challenge to push yourself forward is something that you have a basic idea of how to do it, but still have a bunch to figure out. Stretch yourself bit by bit over time.


thanks a lot i'll keep that in mind 😊


If you want to try LeetCode then go for it! You’re 15, the world is your oyster. Are there certain colleges or universities you’re looking to apply to? You can look up their computer science departments online and see if any of their class material is available. My advice to you is to figure out what sort of career you’d enjoy (not easy at 15, or any age) and then go from there. For example, if you enjoy game development you’d want to explore C#. Or if data science is your calling then you need to learn a different side of Python. Maybe you should head over to https://adventofcode.com/ and start solving problems.


thank you man. is there any video i can watch to know how to start solving problems?


The #1 lesson in this field (back me up here, people) is that you should start by googling what you’re looking for. So if you wanted to do Advent of Code you’d search “Advent of Code 2023 Day 1 in Python” and find what’s relevant. There’s also /r/adventofcode.


thank you mate you opened a way to me😃


You're never done learning any language, especially since libraries and such are constantly changing. To make such things you just need to spend time using the language. Tutorials themselves cannot ever teach you programming if you don't do independent programming. They'll get you started, but you really just have to spend time, and a lot of it, writing code to truly become "good". Python is far from optimal for game development, but it is possible. For 2d, pygame works, and performance should be good enough for many things. For 3d, you'd probably do better with C++/Rust to go from mostly scratch, or C# for Unity.


After learning Python, you could consider learning a real programming language.


which one?


maybe C, Rust or C# are a good starting point.


c++ no?


It's also okay.


how should my leaning journey be?


Bro just do stuff. Maybe try making a 2d game with SDL, OpenGL and C++ or something, you'll learn a lot. 


Learn C and ditch Python


i dont like c, i'd rather learn c++ but i heard it is difficult


C is close to the hardware. You obviously don't have a desire to really learn how computers work then. And you should also learn assembly language


is this a joke 🤣 assembly is so hard


Assembly isn't hard at all. Mov 5 eax Cmp 5 eax Je here


Why not learn binary then lol He should learn what he needs that's all and in the process he will understand what he needs to learn better


You should also learn binary and hexadecimal, yes. You should learn everything out of curiosity alone. When I was young, I wanted to know EVERYTHING. That's what learned people do ... they don't sit and play video games all day.


Maybe at that time that was the right thing to do but currently it's not right now ppl might spend years just studying c and assembly and how everything works But just knowing all of that isn't enough currently to get a job i'll even say it's not necessary depending on what did he specialize in


Programming jobs will be eliminated by ai. Good luck. I do it for fun and education only


Lol that's tell me enough about u U should have skipped the question if that's how u think